Well 2008 went out gently for me, as if after taking me on the scariest flight I've ever been on, it just ran out of craziness and glided gently into oblivion.
But what a year it was.... so much hope and so much disappointment.The joy of the Obama victory. The bitterness of the Proposition 8 defeat.
The re-election of Stephen Harper's Cons, and the rise of the Coalition for Change.

That stopped the monster in his tracks.

For now.
And then there were the other smaller stories that said so much about who we are. The Pope stepped up his crazed war on gays and lesbians.The bullies found new targets.....like redheads.
Omar Khadr remained in Guantanamo. Three Canadian soldiers got off lightly for beating an old homeless man to death.The Gay Holocaust Memorial was vandalized again and again.
So many sad stories to make me keep fighting even harder for a kinder, gentler, better world.
And to remind me how lucky I am to live in a country as big and as beautiful as Canada. To have a great family, a super companion, so many wonderful friends, the friendliest dog in the world.
And get to fight on the side of LOVE...

That can't EVER be beaten.
So I'd just like to thank my readers and my blogging friends for their encouragement and support, and announce that whatever 2009 has in store for us I'm READY.
Beat the bullies, bring down the Cons. The Coalition LIVES !!!
2009 here we come ...
The future may be scary, but it BELONGS to us.