Ugh. How revealing. Now we know what this little burqa blogging club liked to chat about. Now we know what these veiled ones really think about Canada. And what they think should be done about gays. They hide their faces. But they can't hide their hate.
The one in the picture is Cheryfa Macaulay, the wife of the alleged spiritual leader of the alleged terrorist wannabes. She spends a lot of time trying to make life hard for gay kids, or children of gay parents in Toronto schools.
But her internet buddy Nada Farooq makes her look like a pork chop. Really puts her to shame. She's such a religious fanatic she wanted her husband to promise she'd get a divorce if he ever turned down a chance for Jihad. And as for gay Canadians? Well she wants them dead.
"Look at these pathetic people. They should all be sent to Saudi, where these sickos are executed or crushed by a wall, in public...."
Ouch. That sounds painful. And in public too. A Gay Execution Show. How nice. I bet they are really popular.
But wait....who's the real sicko here I wonder? Doesn't Nada (pronounced Needa) know that people like her are forbidden to throw stones in glass houses? They're supposed to wait until some poor woman accused of adultery by her piggy husband is buried up to her head in the sand. And then throw their rocks at her.(Warning: deeply disturbing description)
Glory be to Allah. Does Needa need or what? The kids were cruel to call her Needa Shower. But she sure stinks out the joint now.
But don't laugh, the really stinky part is that Nada and her friends are precisely the kind of religious extremists Stephen Harper has been trying to recruit in the new immigrant community.
By playing the anti-gay card among other things. To try to win himself a majority.
He knows that religious zealots in those communities hate gays and lesbians and our beautiful, progressive, tolerant Canadian values. Just like his Reform Cons do. He figures he can steal them away from the Liberals. That they are his natural allies.
That's the scary and shameful part, and the real threat to Canada as we know and love it.
As for Nada I suggest that she take her own advice and move to the terrorist breeding ground of Saudi Arabia. Oh I know the place is run by a bunch of corrupt super rich piggies that are about as Muslim as I am. But their schools turn out legions of young wannabe terrorists. So she should love it there.
Or is she afraid? Afraid she might end up as the opening act at the Gay Execution Show. Warming up the bloodthirsty mob. By losing her foul tongue to an executioner's sword.
Not for trash talking or threatening the gay people of Canada. That's worth about fifty bonus Wahhabi Wannabe Crazy Suicide Bomber Terrorist/Martyr points.
But for daring to suggest that a wife should tell her husband when to divorce her.
Oh my golly dolly deity. That's practically a beheading offence. Chop.Chop.
Hey I figure if Nada wants us all to live in the shadow of the hideous veil. She should be prepared to lead by example.
Or zip up her burqa and shut the fuck up.
Now who's going to save us from Stephen Harper and his religious wingnut base?
Who hate us and our country's values just as much as she does.
Ten thousand bonus I Love Canada As It Is Free, Secular, Tolerant and For Everyone points for anyone who comes up with the answer....