OMG. I don't what we're going to do with the Con clown Rona Ambrose. She doesn't seem to understand that she supposed to be the Minister of Health, not the Minister of Pain and Suffering.
That's Stephen Harper's job.
For barely two months ago she was going after Vancouver's pot shops as if she was the Minister of Justice.
And now she's going after people who take marijuana for medicinal purposes, and is trying to force them to smoke it, instead of consuming it in healthier ways.

An institutional dispute between the Supreme Court of Canada and the Conservative government reached a new plateau on Thursday after the court said medical-marijuana users have the right to consume the drug in ways other than smoking – such as cookies, lip balm or lozenges.
Health Minister Rona Ambrose, speaking to reporters, said she is “outraged” by the ruling, and she accused the Supreme Court of steering young people toward marijuana use in the same fashion as Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, who has proposed decriminalizing the drug.
Once again it's all about Justin Trudeau.
And to make matters worse, she's now attacking the Supreme Court as even her depraved master has not done before...

In no other Supreme Court ruling of the past 18 months – including an end to assisted suicide, the striking down of prostitution laws and an unequivocal no to the government’s plans for Senate reform – has the government responded with the strong and swift criticisms that followed Thursday’s marijuana ruling.
Even though the Supreme Court's position couldn't make more sense.
Citing evidence accepted by the trial judge who first heard the case – evidence from medical experts and medicinal users – the court said that by insisting on only the smokable form of marijuana, the government was subjecting ill people to the risk of cancer and bronchial infections and precluding the possibility of choosing a more effective treatment.
And it's her position that couldn't be more outrageous. Or more fitting of her well deserved reputation as an absolute idiot...

Who would put her filthy Con ideology before the lives of Canadians.
As she has done in the past by trying to close down the Insite Clinic in Vancouver...

Even though it has saved the lives of thousands of heroin addicts.
But then of course she is her depraved master's hapless little stooge.
And doesn't care how many people suffer or die because for her and the other Cons it's all about cheap politics.
And it is all reefer madness...

And really what more can I say?
Except what I have said so many times before.
End that insane war on marijuana.
And defeat those foul inhuman Cons and their depraved leader.
Before they hurt or kill more Canadians....

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Rona has it right, its all a big conspiracy promoted by Justin, Putin et all to destroy the morality of Canadians. Apparently even staunch family oriented Con cabinet minister James Moore has fallen under their spell and allegedly has taken up sexting as a hobby. If the trend continues Rona will be the sole Con defender against those crafty forces of evil.
This idiot blackens the already tarnished Con political woman beyond all hope..she is an embarrassment to me...
village idiot, now Simon please do not speak ill of village idiots. they frequently provided entertainment or fulfilled some role within their society. Rona, not so much. I don't know how to classify this cabinet minister, sort of like the brain stem of a rock, piece of sand, etc.
Now why would any one want a child to smoke. Really Rona and Steve are a tad on the demented side. some children take marijuana to control epilepsy and it does it well. some of these children are very young, say 5 years old and Rona and Steve want them to take up smoking. Not a good thing. You do have to wonder why Rona and Steve want people to smoke, when drinking tea, eating it in cookies, or taking it in pill form is so much easier. Its clear they are out of touch. I can see the banner now: Rona wants children to smoke. O.K., but it really isn't good for them.
Simon -- I tried to responding with a post but, when I tried to send it --" URL has illegal characters" came up -- what the hell does that mean??
hi anon....It would be bad enough if they were waging their insane war against marijuana for purely ideological reasons. But doing for cress political reasons makes it even more disgusting. I do hope that when they are defeated, and put on trial, their sentences will include a mandatory course in harm reduction....
It's beyond bizarre. Even in the U.S. they're giving up the war on marijuana, but here the Cons are stepping it up. It is as you say madness.
hi jolly roger...I'm not quite clear what you're saying. Did you try to post a comment by itself or did you include a link as well? If you did the latter maybe the link was flawed by an extra number or letter. Otherwise I have no idea...
hi mizdarlin...yes she really is appalling as they all are. And remember she was once considered on of the
brightest prospects in the Con party. But now with her war on harm reduction she has to be considered one of the worst. And the only way I can explain that is by suggesting that the Cons really are a cult, and their Great Leader corrupts them all...
For a Conservative government these clowns sure are big on government involvement in people's lives
hi e.a.f... it's funny, but I made that Rona button years ago, for something she did which I now can't remember. But when I used it again tonight I wondered whether it applies anymore. Because when your decisions result in the pain or death of others she's clearly worse than an idiot. I'm afraid I'm going to place that one in the dead file along with all my graphics on Jim Flaherty and John Baird. The Cons Great war on drugs is evolving or degenerating from nonsensical to murderous...
hi anon...yes it's beyond bizarre and truly depressing. Once we had plans that would have put us ahead of the civilized world, now we're lagging behind even some American states. But it is yet one more reason to heave Steve and his crazy Con gang...
hi Way Way Up...good point, where are all the libertarians? You know the late conservative Senator Claude Nolin bravely championed the cause of reforming our absurdly punitive marijuana laws, but sadly he got nowhere. Let's hope that the grip Stephen Harper has on the party is finally broken so we can get a truly Canadian conservative party back...
Simon -- there was no link -- just a straight up comment ??
Rona is outraged, boohoo. She's such a twit living in the dark ages and spewing inane comments on something she is absolutely clueless about. It's people like her I wish would have to go through the suffering I witnessed my father go through when cancer and the ensuing chemo dropped his weight to 80 pounds when he died because he couldn't eat and wouldn't smoke a joint to quell the nausea and give him an appetite. His mindset, like Rona's, was based on the "reefer madness" era. Another man I know had the same cancer, used weed, which enabled him to eat and is still alive today. So tell me Rona, how many lives will you help end because of the people who fall for your bullshit?
hi JD...I'm sorry about your dad. Losing a loved one is always painful, but having them die in pain is just about unbearable. And when ideology is placed before the needs of the suffering it is simply intolerable. as you know I despise this Con regime for many many reasons. But nothing offends and infuriates me more that seeing them violate the sacred principles of harm reduction, or for that matter the principles of basic human decency. And I'm not even talking about the number of people they are throwing in jail for using drugs, which is another way of ruining many young lives. The Cons really are beasts and should be shamed of themselves....
Are we sure she is not a Liberal plant? That outburst should have cost the Cons a few votes. :)
I suspect most Canadians just are not likely to get upset over a hash brownie and will think the Cons are as nutty as they really are.
The law case and Rona's outburst will play well to the Cons' really core base but is very likely to antagonize a lot of other people. Go Rona! Keep whittling down that base.
I was just reading Altemeyers (The Authoriarians--available on the web) and he describes a high Social Dominance Orientation/high Right Wing Athoritarian person --a wierd mixture of a ruthless Machiavellian (appoligies to Machiavelli) who likes inflicting pain (SDO) combined with rigidity, compartmentalized/illigical thinking and high deference to authority (RWA). A very nasty mix IMHO. It fits Stevie to a tee.
So marijuana is wrong (I am pretty sure his religious cult tells him that) and hey, taking drugs away from children or endangering their health-- what a kick and god will love me for it.
Thanks Simon. They truly are beasts who's quest for votes spares no one and as I said, poetic justice would be fitting for her and her master.
Hi Simon I gave you a HT maybe it should be the whole hat!
Another true embarrassment.
The issue is actually quite simple: the Cons think they're above the law.
Nothing showcases this attitude like Ambrose's mock indignation about the issue.
Hopefully Canadians wake up and turf these idiots in October, but ... unfortunately, there are still about a third of Canadians who think this is good governance.
Sad. Really sad.
I think it has to do with being identifiable in public
if some one start making "buttons" which say, "Rona and Steve support children smoking", I'll buy a lot of them and pass them out as gifts.
when it comes to "village idiot" lets not forget the premier of B.C., Christy Clark. she decided it would be good to shut down a major bridge in Vancouver to "celebrate" international yoga day. Celebrate Aboriginal Days, not on her radar--same date. Worst of all we the people elected these ":village idiots", well not me and Simon personally, but you get the idea.
You wonder why Rona says the things she does. There are families who move to Colorado because their children then have access to marijuana in a variety of forms to help them with diseases/conditions modern medicine can't help them with. These new horitculturalists have developed all sorts of strains to deal with various conditions. They have even developed strains and products which don't give you a "buzz" so it can be used for children. If marijuana can help even a few people have better lives, why not let people access it, especially if nothing else is working.
I remember watching the film 'Reefer Madness' they made us watch it in grade school in the 1960's it was hilariously stupid. If you ever get a chance watch it and be prepared to laugh your ass off.
Ambrose has an IQ of about 5 like Steve and the rest of the con crue.
You got to see "Reefer Madness" ? Gee, I wish I went to a school like that. Unfortunately I went to a Catholic school where the teachers didn't let us watch a lot of comedy. :(
Parody in class was another matter. Thanks Sister Elizabeth. It was a lot of fun.
They'll name a strain after her Rona -con- ambrsia
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