Well we all know Ezra Levant, the so called Rebel Commander, and one of the worst hate mongers this country has ever known.
And we all know Jason Kenney, the monstrous religious fanatic and ghastly bigot who is believed to be the leader-in-waiting of the Con Party.
So you know that if you bring them together it's not going to be a pretty sight.
And it is going to sound CRAAAAAZY.
Speaking with Rebel Media's Ezra Levant at the Conservative's bizarre National Convention last weekend, the potential Conservative leadership candidate had an interesting explanation as to why Canadians under 30 do not identify with conservative values.
According to Kenney, that's because millennials are "the first generation to come through a schooling system where many of them have been hard-wired with collectivist ideas," a process he suggests begins in primary school:
A lament for the fact that millennials are the most progressive generation in human history.
The ones that favour socialism over individual greed. The ones that believe in women's rights and gay rights, despise racists, and are trying to save the planet for themselves and future generations, from the clutches of oil pimps like Kenney and Levant.
The ones who are overwhelmingly supporting Bernie Sanders' political revolution.

And the ones who helped defeat Stephen Harper and his foul Con regime.
And hand this leader his majority...

Which is no doubt why Kenney and Levant hate them so much.
Because they must surely know that they are the future, and that without their support the Cons really are doomed.
The party of Rona Ambrose who would call Justin Trudeau a woman on tape, and then deny she did.

The party that would even consider making a right-wing nut like Kenney their leader.
Jason Kenney is mulling over whether or not he'll put his own name forward as a Conservative leadership candidate, but he says if he does, he thinks he he'll see "very broad and deep support" from the party.
Still the scum of the earth.
And still heading for oblivion...
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Yes,the conservatives are done, and finished. Canadians coast to coast have seen what those idiots , the cons have done in the past ten years.they are history for the next twenty years if not more. The so called Cons are the western Alliance party and nothing more.They tried hard in BC a few years ago and were shunned by the majority and sent packing their bags. Harper was not heard of back then.
Anon Irene
Simon, did you find the video of elbow,gate at Parliament hill from a few days ago.If so I would love to see that fiasco.
Thanks in advance.
Irene Lussier
Irene Lussier
What a crock of shit. Blaming the school system for not producing enough hateful, divisive, greedy Reformacons is so ludicrous. Jason Kenney proves that the status quo of Harperland remains firmly intact and further proves that their "nouveau" acceptance of gay marriages is also a sham to try and lure new voters. Can you imagine how many of them had to hold their nose when voting for that one?
ReformaCons 2.0, all bullshit, all the time.
I can't claim to know what they teach in Alberta, but I'm sure its not "a schooling system where many of them have been hard-wired with collectivist ideas".
I wonder how Kenney's claim holds up in the west where most con seats were won?
Did the youth vote go con, or did the old fuddy duddy wingnuts turn out in enough numbers to overwhelm the welps?
I would say its because schools have ingrained critical thinking
Thank you for all your good works Simon.
The con base is in disarray right now with the socons battling the fiscals. They're already talking about the need to turf the current con regime because they're not "true" conservatives or maybe start a new party. What they don't seem to understand is that they just did that less than 15 years ago at the federal level and Wildrose came about just a few years ago. It was fine at first and the federal Cons won the next 3 federal elections, but that had more to do with the Liberals missteps and infighting followed by their inability to find the right leader. But even Harper knew he couldn't push his agenda too hard because Canadians wouldn't stand for it. So he needed to be quiet and sneaky, but the base eventually turned on him too. The "true" conservative party that they so desire is simply unelectable, look at the Wildrose in Alberta. Just as they were gaining steam and looked to be the government in waiting, they blew it with their extremist views. Now they're trying to be more mainstream and the socons hate it. Of course, it's all being fed by right wing blowhards like Levant, who let's fact it, is just a paid shill; first for tobacco and now oil. Once that battle is lost, he'll move along to the next cause du jour that pays for mouthpieces to create dissent among the masses. A true scum.
What a hypocrit. Kenney would have no problem pushing his screwed up Christian ideology to try and brain wash children, teaching them the twisted morals and dogma from a book written by bronze aged, illiterate goat herders. I believe Kenney wants to run our Country as a theocracy with all the bells and whistles, including Sharia law, christian style. I just hope that there is no take over by the so-called Red Tories, because as long as these Harperite ass clowns are holding the Conservative party hostage, they will never be elected again in our life time. And for all the young people out there, keep up the good work, you are the true carriers of the torch, and I couldn't be more proud to align myself with your vision of our country. Now, can we please find a 'Bernie' to bring back some integrity to the NDP, adjust their mission statement to be the real choice for progressives, and help hold the Liberals accountable to their election promises. I'm happy with Justin Trudeau, but if he signs on to the TPP, does nothing about Harpers spying legislation or the dismantling of our environmental protections agencies, then all bets are off.
Well Kenny has a point. It is not all that easy to teach bigotry, intolerance and mad greed to little kids. I am sure it can be done but it's not going to be easy and until the Cons manage to do so they look to be doomed. Pity.
I suppose the Reformacons should take solace in the fact that at least they have one school that does preach right-wing hatred for society and contempt for democracy in the parliamentary system of Canada.
That school is referred to as the Calgary School, and it is used to describe the University of Calgary.
Moreover, they should look forward to the UNBC also being a hateful indoctrination centre now that James Moore is Chancelor.
It is doubtful Kenny will run. His ego could not take defeat.
Levant and Kenny, a match made in heaven for those of us who want to see a real weird duo.
hi Irene...yes I think they are finished too. They are not attracting any outside candidates so far, and nobody who was part of the Harper crew is going to either renew the party or win the next election...
hi Irene... I posted the link in the reply to your first question....
hi JD....yes it is absurd isn't it? But at least it tells us more about where Jason Kenney's head is these days. And it's not a pretty place. They simply cannot understand that the millennial generation regards the Cons as dinosaurs from another era, and there is nothing they can do about that. Our schools are indeed doing their best to make them decent which amounts to making them progressive. But social media also helps reinforce the same message, so the Cons are hooped on that one. Unless of course they seize control of the country and force everybody to send their kids to Jason Kenney's Bible Schools....
hi anon...actually the school system in Alberta is pretty progressive, and in some cases more progressive than other parts of the country. So there is hope here, except perhaps in the so-called Bible Belt in the rural parts of the province. But the big problem is that the Cons have managed to portray themselves as Alberta's Party, or the Bloc Alberta. And that tradition fuelled by western alienation is what makes them still such a powerful force in that province...
hi anon...well thank you for that sweet comment. And thanks for the link. I'm not familiar with Brian Eno's music, but I must say it was very nice to listen to. Thank you...
hi aka Joe...that's a really good analysis. I've ben reading a lot of threats on the Con Facebook site about people threatening to join the Christian Heritage Party. Two elections ago I printed up some of their material and scattered it around my neighbourhood to encourage the Cons to join the real Jesus Party. It didn't work that time, but there is always a next time... ;)
hi GreazedLitenen...yes Kenney has been showing his true colours a lot since the Cons were defeated. He is in a state of high excitation and engages people on his prolific Twitter feed in an extremely aggressive manner. I think that losing power has affected his mental balance, and I look forward to future performances. And your point about the Red Tories is a good one. I often find myself cheering for them, but of course they would be a far greater threat to the progressive parties than the present gang of Reformers. So if Kenney does run for leader I'll be supporting him all the way in the knowledge that if he does become leader the Cons will be wandering around in the political wilderness for at least a generation...
hi jrkrideau...yes it really was a pathetic interview wasn't it? They might as well have been poking around in the bowels of a goat. Or since they are Kenney and Levant in the bowels of an enormous porker...
hi e.a.f...I think at this point there is about a 90% chance that Kenney will run. He has the best organization in the party and the most money. And his hospitality suite at the Con convention was the biggest and the most attended. The only thing that could dissuade him is if the Cons set up a provincial wing in Alberta to unite the right, for he has already expressed some interest in being its leader....
thanks for the article. I shake my head at the ridiculousness of it all. :(
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