For weeks Michelle Rempel has been keeping a fairly low profile, and staying out of trouble.
But knowing Rempel, I knew that wouldn't last.
And sure enough there she was yesterday, having a hissy fit in the Commons.
It all began when Rempel, the Con's immigration and refugee critic, asked the immigration minister John McCallum a legitimate question about this unfortunate situation.
But since Rempel couldn't resist adding a snarky comment. And McCallum replied by making a harmless joke.
After that it was all downhill.

And when it was over I couldn't help wondering whether Rempel is slowly losing her mind.
For she's hardly in a position to pose as a champion of the refugees in this country.

Not with a barbaric record like that one.
And not after the way she tried to get us to accept as few refugees as possible...

By trying to make them sound like some deadly threat.
Or the way she tried to please her Big Daddy Stephen Harper...

But then I realized she must be acting that way because she's just frustrated.
For sadly her plans to become the leader of the Harper Party are going absolutely nowhere.
Because if you remember she tried to become interim leader by teaming up with Denis Lebel...

Only to be left standing at the altar when Lebel ran off with Rona Ambrose.
And now that it's slowly sinking in that the Cons might not be able to use a referendum to sabotage electoral reform.
For the simple reason it would be illegal.
She must be starting to realize that the Cons will never get anywhere near power again, so she will NEVER be Prime Minister.
That horrible thought must be driving her CRAAAAAAZY.
And one can only hope she doesn't try to drown her sorrows...

For as you know she's a wine expert, or a sommelier.
But then of course who could blame her? I don't drink, but if I was a Con I'd probably be blotto all the time.
Because they are a ghastly, humourless, and increasingly desperate gang.
And they ARE all heading for oblivion...
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The leadership vessel the SS Misery is filling up fast and there may be no room for Rempel on board.Most are members of the flat earth society so they will not stray too far from the shoreline.Their first mission in anticipation of return to power will be to chart a supertanker route along the BC coast line to honor the secret shipping access deal they made with the Chinese tar sands investors.Unfortunately due to constant infighting for the helm the Misery will hit a rocky shoal and instead of cleaning up oil spills BC will be faced with the daunting task of cleaning up a toxic mess of bio hazard material.Rempel will be forever grateful she was spared.
Objection, that assumes facts not in evidence your honor.
It has yet to be proven that she had any marbles to begin with.
She suffers from the exact same affliction that little stevie harper suffers from. Delusions of Adequacy. Both are below average intellects who think they are the smartest person in the room when the reality is they would have trouble holding their own with the potted fern in the corner.
Neither can understand criticism of their positions because they don't understand their positions could possibly be wrong. This alone qualifies them both as complete idiots. Then you mix in the toxic arrogance and you get some people whose grasp of reality is extremely tenuous to say the least.
Is this the same Rempelstiltskin who, before the election, was OK with the Con plan to bring in only about 10,000 Syrian refugees--over 3 years.
Clearly someone has been sneaking in to the Merlot.....or perhaps something much more potent. Great post, Simon.
Great post, Simon. Its when she gets off her Calgary - Ottawa flight and turns on her internet that her ill advised tweets often show up. They serve unlimited booze in "Executive class" where most MPs sit.
That female is absolutely nutty!!!!!! Not even lipstick can feminize that one. As a woman myself she seems to suffer from the "all about me" syndrome.
Many women suffer this agonizing disease in the CON base. Just like Candice, the nutty barbaric practices Doctor, and the village idiot!!!!!!!
Oh Simon it is so entertaining reading how you can chew them up and spit them out!!!! Great blog!!!!!!! LOL FP
She's got a lot of nerve for acting as if she gives two shits about the refugees. Give it up Michelle, we're not buying your phony compassion for the refugees but we do agree that you clearly didn't get that John was laughing at himself, something we're all doing towards you.
I suggest she chill out with a magnum of a poetic justice vintage, "Eau De Sour Grapes".
Great post Simon. Montreal Con here. I really want to help the Yazidi's man. Is there any way you can do a story on them? Thanks.
Harper below average? He sure kicked the tar out of Iggy? You recall him right? The last liberal leader before Junior?
Macallum pushes her buttons, fun to watch. He must have driven his sibs crazy growing up. Great way to show up Official Opposition.
Hi Simon
I have given up (sort of) on watching either Power and Politics and whatever the CTV program is called. I can stand neither Don nor Rosie. Both are giggling nihilists. There only metric of success is #number of ballot box respondents or (favourable) tweets. I expect the media to a) detail what has happened b) provide an analysis. But no. Canadian MSM has decided they are the official opposition. ie Give me a hypothetical and we will base and entire program on it. Rosie and Don you are no better than FoxNN. I have had it with both programs. Where is quality journalism in Canada. Well not CBC and CTV
You can find quality print journalism in Canada at the National Observer and TheTyee.ca
National Observer is now charging for views, or at least that's what it told me when I tried to "exceed" 2 views per month. They wanted me to register with some gizmo I'd never heard of and allow third-party cookies. It's getting so one needs to save every article of interest in case of getting locked out later. It also seems their content is becoming more lightweight in general, but that's a matter of opinion.
I just subscribed to national observer. And I do subscribe to Tyee. I figure if I pay the same amount I used to pay for the Edmonton Journal (when it was a good newspaper) to news sources I respect it is fair ball. We can't expect quality stuff for free. These outfits have expenses.
hi RT...I think Rempel is looking frustrated. She does want to be taken seriously, but in a party of old white men that will never happen. The problem is she has never strayed far from Alberta. Give her a year in a place like Montreal and we might be able to save her...;)
hi Zombie Jesus....well that's true, although I believe that her main problem is that she has never been exposed to the world outside Alberta. But that province is changing so eventually she will have to change with it. She should also learn some manners, because as you say she is incredibly arrogant and aggressive at times. She interrupts people all the time on TV, and she needs to be told that no she isn't a feminist model, neither is she Joan of Arc, and until she broadens her horizons, and becomes a bit more educated, a little humility might do her a lot of good...
hi David...yes, her behaviour during the refugee crisis was simply appalling. She sided with the most reactionary elements in the Harper Party, and never once did she exhibit the slightest sign of empathy. In fact I believe that to be her worst flaw. If she had more real empathy I could forgive a lot of her other character flaws. But she's a Con and a lack of empathy seems to mark them all....
hi Way Way Up...thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it. I always feel a little guilty attacking Rempel because she isn't the worst member of the Harper Party. But I find her quite rude and aggressive, and she definitely needs to mind her manners. And her Merlot...;)
hi John...unfortunately I can't read her tweets, because she blocked me over a year ago, even though I had never sent even one tweet in her direction. But I must say I do miss reading them, because late at night, and after a glass or two, or three,or four of wine from her sommelier cellar, they were most entertaining... ;)
hi FP...thank you, as I said above I don't think Rempel is the worst Con, but she can be very irritating and annoying. And the spectacle of her lecturing the Speaker for laughing at McCallum's self deprecating joke really was the limit. And I certainly enjoyed what the Speaker said to her. She really needs to relax and mind her manners...
hi JD...yes, as I said in my post, she may have asked a legitimate question, but I have never got the impression that she really cares about refugees, and is only trying to score political points. If you read her scribblings her lack of empathy is quite striking, and it's all and always about herself...
hi MC...I am familiar with the plight of the Yazidis, and their persecution at the hands of ISIS. If I get a chance I will write something about them and other refugees one day. In the meantime I rejoice at the news that the ISIS crazies are finally being hammered and driven out of some Iraqi cities. That is of course the best way to solve the refugee problem...
his TS...yes she does have poor old McCallum in her sights ever since she accused him of laughing at her for some reason I can't remember. But she really put her foot in it the other day. Her question about the photo-op was rude, and her failure to understand that it was a self deprecating joke only made her look like a humourless fool...
hi anon 9:57...yes I must admit I find Power and Politics does have a Con bias, and I am irritated by the way it sometimes resembles an Ottawa tea party. I think the problem is that being part of the Press Gallery makes some reporters feel like they too are part of the government. they need to be taken down a peg or two, and Rosemary Barton can definitely do better...
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