One of the things I hate the most about Stephen Harper is the way he likes to pose as a monstrous chicken hawk.
A Great Warrior Leader leading the fight against ISIS AND the war on Russia.
When in fact he is just the depraved leader of a rogue nation...

And as this former ambassador to Russia points out, just a hawk in pigeon feathers.
Stephen Harper’s gotten me so scared, I feel like hiding in a closet. The prime minister is quite right — the highest purpose of government is to protect its citizens. Why, then, does he try to scare the bejesus out of them every day?
It’s commonly assumed that all this fear will help Mr. Harper win the coming election by posing him — against a lurid background of crime and terror — as a tougher SOB than his rivals, at home and abroad. I’m not so sure. I think folks might well tire of all this fantasy, see through the hypocrisy — the collision of tough talk with tepid action. All hat, no cattle.
A bellicose windbag who blows hot air out of every orifice, but fails to deliver.
If the world is, quite suddenly, such a dangerous place, why is our defence budget so modest? Why is our weapon procurement process such a disaster? If we’re such a good friend of Ukraine, why aren’t we giving that beleaguered state more help — faster and with fewer conditions?
Looking at our record and rhetoric, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that we led Ukrainians to underestimate the risks of picking a fight with the Kremlin — and to overestimate the help they’d get from us if they did.
And isn't just a poseur on the military front...

But is also a walking squawking diplomatic disaster.
Not only are we short-changing the military, we’ve apparently given up on negotiation. We shut our embassy in Tehran down. With Ukraine, we were the only country to withdraw our ambassador from Moscow at the height of the crisis in Crimea. Across the board, our diplomats have been muzzled and marginalized, their operations nickel-and-dimed to death.
The Harper government’s record in the world is nothing to run on. It’s a train wreck.
And a cowardly leader who would scare his own people more than he scares his enemies...

It's a depressing situation, But the good news, as the former ambassador points out, is that Canadians appear to be waking up and recognizing a Con game when they see one.
A recent EKOS poll gives me hope. It suggests that Harper’s message of fear resonates most with the Tory base, but that most Canadians aren’t buying it — and don’t think our civil rights should be trampled because one twisted terrorist stormed Parliament last fall. Bill C-51 may not be nearly so popular as the Tories like to think.
And since all Harper has to run on now is The Great War on Terror, the more we can strip his phony military credentials off him.
The more he will be exposed for what he really is...

A hawk in pigeon feathers, whose only plan to make us safer is to try to turn us into a police state.
Canadians will not be impressed.
He will end up badly.
And we will have the last laugh...

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All that shit coming out of harper's mouth reminds me of the shit which comes out of Putin's mouth. Actually harper really reminds me of Putin, except that Putin is tough. harper, not so much. He hides in a closet and wants a dress code for Canadian women while not wanting to catch the people who murdered 1,200 First Nations women. Go figure?
One of these days one of these countries which harper keeps flapping his gums about is going to take him seriously and declare war on Canada. What happens then? We have no military which can sustain a war. Obama isn't going to rush to our aid. Harper ought to go back to his closet.
You have to show respect to receive respect! Guess I must re-read my copy of OUR CHARTER of RIGHTS and FREEDOMS..........
Heil harper, Heil harper, Heil harper!!! Kind of rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?
First he burns books, then he tells women how to dress, then he sets up secret police (canadian gestapo), then he declares Canada to be in a state of nazi-onal emergency, then he declares martial law, then he declares any further federal elections to be unnecessary.
Any questions?
Great imagery of the pathetic freak-show harper!
Simon Simon you are insulting the Pigeons they are braver and smarter than Steve hide in the closet queen. He wants us all to hide in the closet come next election but it ain't working we will come out in droves and vote him and his crooked con clown show out permanently. He Steve is a waste of my time the great military leader who sends young Canadians into battle and when they come home wounded throws them in the nearest dumpster. What a creep if it was not for so much damage he inflicted on so many I could laugh but I like most Canadians hold him in contempt because he is vile.
Remember homing and carrier pigeons?
This study seems to explain much about conservative aesthetics and morality. Assuming these physiological traits are accurate, the behaviour of right wingers is likely to be more selfish and belligerent. They are more difficult to reason with, debate or discuss issues with, because their survivalist mode needs for them to be correct and always 'win'. Unfortunately because of the difference in conservative versus liberal brain structures, there will likely never be an end to the intense partisan war faring. Liberals tend to explain policy whereas conservatives tend to impose it...
When Bill C-51 is enacted into law, your hatemongering website will be shut down... believe it...!!!
Anon 1:35 PM this website is not "hatemongering' and besides it is two different words hate and mongering so get real. Bill C-51 is already shredded and will not pass the Constitutional challenge in the Supreme Court of Canada which is underway.
So who is the Hate Monger here? Ad hominem attacks won't serve you well on this forum you will be taken as a red neck right wing con who does not know what he talking about.
Simon is not a "hate monger" sorry to have to straighten you out little one.
Cheers Simon,
I think that much of Harper's current rhetoric has been designed to the purpose of saving his worthless party's political skin by provoking another crazy individual, or some small group of them, to make an attack of some sort. Practically anything will do.
When I listened to Bob Paulson speaking to the committee the other day, I got another idea: Should security services happen to have had their eyes on someone or some group that turns out to be less serious than desired, and should citizenship status provide, once a determination of absence of intent to proceed has been made we might still be able to derive some use from the plotting we have observed and perhaps encouraged by simply deporting the presumed miscreants with questions neither asked nor answered. We just have ensure that everybody gets the term right: "terrorist(s)".
What we have here is...... a poster boy for why c-51 is a bad idea.
hi Kathleen...something made our history more peaceful than the bloody history of our neighbours. I think it was tolerance, compromise, and the respect for diversity. Whoever destroys those pillars will bring the roof down upon us...
hi anon...surely you know that it's not fascism if THEY do it. ;) But here's the thing...fascists and tin pot dictators can cause great damage and pain. But democracy is always stronger than them, and in the end it will destroy them...
hi thwap...hey thanks a lot. I was just going to do one bird graphic to go with the headline. But then I got carried away And I must say I like the middle one a lot, and I'm going to have to refine it and use it again.
I'm lucky I like playing around with pictures,, because so great is the horror of Harperland that sometimes I can express myself better with those humble photo-shops than I can with words...
hi Mogs...yes you're right I do owe the pigeons an apology. They are much smarter and nicer. But as for Harper, what more can I say? I've never seen any politician in a western democracy stoop that low, and it couldn't be more disgusting. And of course, if we can't get it together to defeat him, shame on us all...
hi Liberta...yes, I am familiar with those medical studies, and I also have developed a theory of my own based on the principles of Charles Darwin. It is my firm belief that the enlarged fear gland was once a useful evolutionary tool. It held us back from doing anything too hasty, it restrained our wild optimism. But now that primitive fear is leading us to fascism and an obstacle to human survival. I will of course be suggesting that the Progressive Revolutionary Coalition set up treatment centres all over the country. So the Cons can have their amygdala glands trimmed, and they too can live happily ever after...
hi anon....Oh no. Not the Mad Prophet of Ingersoll. Again. You know, you really should stand before a mirror, and read what you just wrote. Because if you did, and you could stare at yourself in the eye, you might realize that you are making a case why Bill C-51 should be scrapped. You dummy. Because if they could come after me they could come after YOU. And since we'll be in power in a few months, that's a real possibility, considering your extreme right-wing views. Because for us that's terrorism eh?
So if I were you I'd start getting my papers in order, and burying your guns. Because before we scrap the bill we are coming for you AND your Bibles... ;)
hi anon...I'm sorry but I had to delete your comment. I appreciate your support but I don't want any violent images in the comments. Poor anon has simply been brainwashed by Great Leader, and is his or her worst punishment...
hi Mogs...thanks for that. I hope you will agree to serve as a witness at the Mad Prophet's trial for Crimes Against Canada (and Simon). I want to make sure that sentence fits the crime. And you know what I believe? Life means LIFE... ;)
hi John...I couldn't agree with you more. It's not a charge I ever thought I would level at a Canadian Prime Minister. But this one is as Canadian as a three dollar bill, has no moral compass, and because of that is in my opinion capable of anything...
Shut down by who? Steve's secret service? We'll call it the SSS. It looks and sounds just like Steve.
Simon I am already working on an agreement to sue the dictator for his crimes may take some time and I would help you out in anyway I can should they decide to silence this very important website!!!!
Extra special cheers,
Ya Simon he would murder your mom to keep you silent he has zero morals. Anyone in bed with Benjamin Netanyahu is ugly real deep down criminal. Benji slaughters how many every year? And Harper kisses his feet and arse and worships him as if he was god.
Mogs Moglio
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