When I first heard that somebody had broken into Justin Trudeau's home, while his wife and his children slept, and he was not there, I felt a chill go down my back.
Especially when I heard that the intruder hadn't taken anything.
Something just didn't seem right.
And sure enough it turns out it was no ordinary break-in.
It was almost certainly an act of political terrorism.
Federal Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau said he and his family are “extremely troubled” after their Ottawa home was broken into Saturday morning.
No one was harmed, but Trudeau said a “threatening” note was left on the premises.
Trudeau told the Montreal Gazette that “there was a certain aura of menace around the entire situation.” “Part of the troubling thing was there was no damage,” he said. “The person just came in, did a few things and then left.”
The note, the strange behaviour, it all looks like an attempt to intimidate or destabilize Trudeau. Make him worry about leaving his wife and children alone at home, while he's on the road.
And the only way the message could have been clearer or more menacing was if the intruder had left a horse's head in the baby's bed.
Which made me wonder who could hate Trudeau that much?
Who would be so sinister, so evil, and so desperate?
And then I thought of Stephen Harper...

Not because I have any evidence, or any reason to believe that him and his foul Con gang had anything to do with that break-in. At least not at this moment.
But because I blame him for rousing the beast in this country, with his bestial attacks on Justin Trudeau. For dragging our democracy into the gutter, with his politics of division.
And for raising a small army of young fanatics, brainwashing them with the belief that the end justifies the means, and teaching them to treat their opponents like The Enemy.
Because when you accuse people of trying to selling pot to kiddies or of being terrorist stooges....
What do you expect, and how safe is Justin?
And what also bothers me is that Stephen Harper couldn't bring himself to put out a single solitary tweet yesterday about this creepy attack on Trudeau and his family.
And all we got from the PMO was this:
"This is obviously concerning news," wrote Jason MacDonald, the prime minister's director of communications. "People expect and should feel safe in their homes. We're glad to hear that everyone is safe and that the police are investigating."
Which sounds like the Cons are actually trying to take advantage of that break-in and work it into the narrative of their Great War on Crime.
Now that their ghastly attempt to include doctors in the narrative of their Great War on Marijuana has gone up in smoke.
Because they will do ANYTHING to try to destroy Justin. The one who makes them KRAZY.
The one they hate so much...

And all I can say is that the police better crack this case and quickly. We need to know who that intruder was, why he was there, and whether he was working for himself or others.
Because if it was, as it seems, an act of political terror, we now know that there are shadowy Con fanatics out there who would try to steal an election and terrorize a young family, so they must be considered both crazy and DANGEROUS.
None of the opposition leaders in this country can be considered safe, and must be given additional police protection immediately.
And of course you know how I feel eh?
None of us will be safe.
And the beast will not be tamed.
Until this one is defeated...

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All I can say is this incident better not be the handiwork of some rogue Liberal(s) to somehow make Trudeau appear the victim of the very plausible scenario you portray, Simon. I like to believe that wouldn't be the case, but there are zealot-like morons that work for all political stripes. Fingers crossed.
'How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?'
Sherlock Holmes, The Sign of Four
Justin needs to hire a bodyguard for himself and/or his family. I seem to remember reading somewhere that harpo spends over a million dollars of our money a year protecting himself against us terrist (see harpo's hero "w"'s speeches for the origin of this word) Canadians and, gawd knows, Trudeau is worth a hundred harpos on any given day. Or maybe it's to protect harpo from all the convicted criminals he has working for him. One can only wonder.
try 20 million since harper took over, security has bloated
Canada has become more lawless especially since, Harper's so called majority. Nigel Wright did aid, abet, covered-up and paid the money for, a corrupt Senator that was stealing our tax dollars. So, I can then thieve money from the company. Have a good buddy or, someone I don't really know that well....pay the money back for me? So the company can't fire me nor, can the police arrest me for stealing. Nigel Wright is in England, along with Harper's favorite degenerate henchman, Gordon Campbell.
Harper began attacking Trudeau the minute, he became leader of the Liberals. Trudeau hadn't been in office long enough, to earn Harper's hate, spite and malice. Harper's own Ministers refused to send out, Harper's hate literature on Trudeau.
Harper has a list of degenerates as long as his arm, to do his dirty work for him. Some are in prison and others are on their way. The degenerates that are Harper's favorite, are sent to another country. The degenerates Harper is done with, are thrown under his bus.
This attack of terrorism upon Trudeau, his wife and little children is absolutely evil. The Police are doing a risk assessment for Trudeau and his family. I think Trudeau must have guards to protect his wife and children.
Those who did this to Trudeau's wife and little children are, pure unadulterated monsters. They remind me of, Hitlers henchmen.
I'm thinking it's more likely the work of some whacko leftist nutjob who fears that the Trudeau Liberals will eliminate the Mulcair NDP. Cons are too sophisticated to try to pull off a stunt like this and prefer something like robocalling to deceive.
Yes, it's gotta be a desperate leftist terrorist who is watching Mulcair dive in the polls and Justin skyrocketing upwards... and in a panic did something stupid.
Holy cow., get a grip people. let's let the police find out who broke in and why. All this speculation about who did it makes people look like nut jobs.
Your an idiot!!
I don't think the Cons are too sophisticated to stoop to this at all. I have had numerous bullying attacks by Conservatives to believe otherwise.
The burglars must be Cons; they couldn't be Dippers .. or even Liberal henchmen trying to create a crisis over Justin's family security.
Actually, it makes more sense it was a put up scam job by the Liberals trying to harvest sympathy for Justin through his family, since the burglars didn't steal anything but left a note telling the Trudeau's they should lock their doors... yah, it was a Liberal stunt!!!
Who knows. I have no use for upper-class twit Trudeau and his bourgeois heteronormative family photos (and hell, I'm not even gay) but obviously nobody should have to endure such a home invasion. They are terrifying for anyone. I'm sure there is security detail on now - remember that the Libs are NOT the official opposition, that is the NDP, and the bourgeoisie wants a return to tweedle dum and tweedle dee). We'll probably find out more information soon.
anon 7:00 Pm, If you feel like that, Simon should ban you from his site.Go spread your gossip at your favorite Con site or just maybe the NDP site.
hi Omar...I know we live in a sick world, but I can't imagine a Liberal doing something like that. Not when it can only destabilize Trudeau's campaign and only favour the Harperites. I have no idea who would pull off a creepy break-in like that one, but a Cons or one of their crazed followers must be considered the main suspect, which is why a massive police invesigation is so necessary...
hi anon....yes, I'm with Sherlock on this one. In a country where the truth is concealed or muzzled, to expect the worst is only natural, and to do otherwise would be reckless....
hi anon...as I said in my post, I believe both Trudeau and Mulcair should be provided with additional protection. We clearly are living in a very different Canada, and if Harper can spend TWENTY million on his own protection the others deserve no less. Especially since Harper is constantly whipping up hate against them...
hi anon....I'm thinking you must be some wacko right-wing nutjob, for only one of them would blame one of us, for their lack of decency. Progressives are far better human beings than Cons, and NOBODY fears Justin more than your Great Monkey Leader....
hi anon...I agree that we should let police do their job, but considering the nature of the break-in, why shouldn't people speculate about the kind of person or criminal who might do something like that? And please remember this is Harperland where nutjobs rule and ANYTHING is possible...
hi Greg....I don't know who exactly you're calling an idiot. But YOU'RE is spelled wrong. You're welcome... ;)
hi anon...when solving crimes it's always a good idea to start with motive. And the obvious fact is that the Cons have the most to gain from destabilizing Justin Trudeau. I must admit even I find it hard to believe that the Cons would do something so evil or so reckless. But they are evil, and they are desperate, so anything is possible...
hi anon....as I said above it's absurd to think that a Liberal would do something like that. But as I pointed out, what kind of common criminal would break into a house, and not steal anything. But would leave a note balanced delicately as it turns out on a heap of KITCHEN KNIVES. In the climate of fear Harper is whipping up only someone who is a Con or a madman, or both, would do something as sinister as that. But as I also said, let police do their job because we need to know the person or persons responsible.
And after the robocall scam, the attempt by persons mostly unknown to steal an election, failure is not an option...
hi Lagatta...It shouldn't matter how you feel about Justin. The fact is him and his young family have been terrorized, and threatened by a Con or a maniac, so they deserve our sympathy. I realize some in the NDP, the party I usually support, hate Justin with a passion. But I can't help but feel that they should stop blaming him for their own obvious shortcomings, and focus on improving their campaign performance, and on the real enemy...
hi anon....yes I'm sorry, I'm going to have to increase my sanity filters. Although every now and then I find it convenient to let them be useful idiots, and show us how deeply disturbed they are. The only reason Harper hasn't resigned by now is because he's living in the same fantasy world....
I stand corrected. $20,000,000 it is then, gents.
Always a pleasure, Simon! Thank YOU for all that YOU do!
Hi Simon, like I told Thwap, I don't really believe it to be the work of some zany Liberal stooge, but given today's bizarre-o political climate nothing would surprise me.
Wow, knee-jerk reaction much? How do you know this was a political thing? Maybe it was just some wacko who did it for shits and giggles, and targeted Trudeau so the whole country would hear about his/her stunt. If it was political, how do you know that this wacko isn't some idiot Liberal who wants to generate sympathy toward Trudeau, and contempt for Harper and the Conservative party like you seem to be doing? To think Harper had something to do with this at all is absurd, and just demonstrates your hysteria and lack of logic. How about considering that Trudeau just might have set this up himself to deter media attention away from his ever constant public stupidity? That makes a lot more sense than the PM having anything to do with it, or someone risking jail time and a criminal record just to threaten Trudeau because he/she doesn't agree with his politics.
Your hatred of the Conservatives is preventing you from coming up with rational conclusions. Heck, I'm not even a Conservative, or a member of any political party, but anyone with a brain would be terrified at the thought of a man-child like Justin Trudeau running our country, regardless of what party he represents. Harper and Mulcair are the ONLY two choices if you want Canada to be run by a mature grown-up. Bottom line, Trudeau lovers like you are misguided fools who refuse to acknowledge facts. Do this country a favor and stay at home on election day. And while you're at it, get a life instead of simmering in your hatred and contempt for PM Harper and the Conservative party.
Maybe the police should investigate break-ins where things are taken and people are hurt, in the event it isn't a conservative conspiracy you wouldn't believe the results of the investigation anyway.
So if that's true I would say it's the liberals that seem to be the real sickos contrary to your opinion.
I agree but unfortunatly these Harper haters are also lemmings with no original thought. They read and then accept without investigation and worse they repeat the rehtoric. Very sad indeed but thankfully our system is not set up for any one party or person to really dismantle or significantly change anything. When the liberals win they spend their entire term consulting and talking but doing nothing. When the conservatives win they spend their whole fighting off special interest and doomsayers. There you have it a county polarized with people not that different in their needs.
I am really becoming quite frightened by people like you. You are a biggot with a capital B and your musings boarder on hate toward conservatives. This venomous attack makes the writer seem emotionally unstable. Hopefully the majority will understand that this writing based on no evidence is not justified in anyway.
Read the book "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness," by Lyle H. Rossiter, M.D.
The lefties ("liberals") stop at nothing to seize power and make society in it's degenerate image, including pulling such a stunt. Liberalism is a refuge for diseased minds and souls. It is so destructive and dangerous that Dr. Rossiter feels that it should be eradicated.
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