For some reason I remember that cartoon well, even though it was published in January 2017, when Chrystia Freeland had just replaced Stephane Dion as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
And Canadians wondered how she would do when pitted against the King Kong in the White House.
And the answer came in yesterday.

Pretty. Damn. Good.
For although Trump did behave like an ape, and did everything he could to try to intimidate Freeland and Justin Trudeau.
But they could not be bullied, they demonstrated dignity and decency. And in the age of Trump, this counts as a hard-fought win for Team Canada.
The preliminary agreement late Sunday evening capped a dramatic 13-month negotiation that saw Mr. Trump impose tariffs on Canada, verbally assail Mr. Trudeau and threaten to tear up the free-trade zone entirely.
Or at least a very good rescue operation.
For in return for some very minor concessions the deal is still there, even in some areas slightly improved, hundreds of thousands of jobs have been saved.
And hopefully, at least temporarily, the beast has been tamed...

“The only problem with Justin is that he loves his people and he’s fighting hard for his people,” Mr. Trump said. “It got a little bit testy in the last couple of months ... but I think Justin’s a good person who’s doing a good job.”
But while even old Cons like Brian Mulroney managed to put his country before his party, and pay tribute to Team Canada.
I said at the beginning that there is no Conservative or Liberal way to negotiate a free trade agreement--there is only a Canadian way.
That was more, far more, than Andrew Scheer and his ghastly Cons could manage.
For them it had to be just another example of Trudeau's Summer of Failure...

Only to look and sound like even more like losers and clowns, if that's possible.
With none weirder than Michelle Rempel...

Or more pathetic...
Except perhaps for her fellow stooge Pierre Poilievre who had to be put in his place by Chrystia Freeland...
.@PierrePoilievre questions @cafreeland over the USMCA #NAFTA #cdnpoli #USMCA pic.twitter.com/rQNbg7h6nU— Power & Politics (@PnPCBC) October 1, 2018
Who reminded him that the Cons were the ones who kept urging Team Canada to capitulate.
And then of course there's the Con media, that must be absolutely devastated that Trudeau and the free trade agreement didn't go down in flames together.
For this may be satire but it rings true.

“Sure, the fact that Trudeau and Freeland managed to actually get the poop throwing monkey that currently runs America to agree to a deal without making major concessions is impressive I guess,” said Financial Post columnist Kevin Carmichael.
“But think of the innocent people hurt: the dairy farmers, the auto manufacturers, the columnists used to getting paid to regurgitate the same column about how Trudeau is failing Canada over and over again.”
“Will somebody please think of the columnists!” he added.
The Con media will say ANYTHING to try to keep their jobs by pleasuring their Con bosses.
You know, in a recent tweet the pollster Bruce Anderson wondered why Andrew Scheer and his Cons seem so addicted to the word "failing."

And my answer would be because they're losers, and because they're traitors...

Who did everything they could to undermine the NAFTA negotiations, and nothing to help Team Canada.
And had they been in charge, would have sold us out to Trump for the price of a Make America Great Again cap.
Yup, know them for who they are.
And make sure for the sake of this country, that they never govern it again...
I can't be the only one who takes exception to the tongue-twister name in which petty, jingoistic Trump literally put "America First" in an acronym that nobody can pronounce.
Except, maybe, to say that Skippy, Andy, and their Con media enablers like MacDougall and Coyne, should put on some colorful costumes and be made to entertain the public with a disco dance celebrating the Yuuuuge Mexico Canada Agreement. Otherwise known as the...
Andy, there's no need to feel down
You troll Facebook, and you stomp all around
Quit your whining, try to find "Common Ground"
Ask what you can do for your country
Skippy, I can't call you Pierre
You're all sneezy with your nose in the air
Why so grumpy? Growling just like a bear,
Little dwarf, perhaps you're hungry
Can't you be proud of the
Go tell the crowd about the
Canada won
Played the Art of the Deal
So please put aside, son
The hate towards Justin you feel...
Stephen! Oh, you think you're the boss?
Twenty-fifteen, was when you already lost
You wanted Justin, to sell out at any cost
So that you could claim he's failing
Donald, picks a fight with the world
He hates Chrystia, 'cause she fights like a girl
But for Canada, the victory banner's unfurled
And now it should be smooth sailing...
Can't you be proud of the
Go tell the crowd about the
Canada won
Played the Art of the Deal
So please put aside, son
The hate towards Justin you feel...
I shudder to think what would have happened had weak andy been on Trumps knee.
Congrats to Trudeau for his trial by fire. I say its the biggest victory since the war of 1812. Historical and a harbinger of things to come.
While we made some small concessions, the reworked part of auto trade for Mexico should be a huge boon for Canada.
Weak Andy is going to have a rough week. The announcement of the largest LNG investment ever will surely cheer him up:)
Get ready for some more true crime stories and energy east outrage in QP.
Most Canadians will recognize what Team Canada was up against, and give it credit for fighting so hard to defend our interests. The Cons were clamouring for capitulation, so we were lucky that they weren't the government, or they would have sold us out for peanuts.
I'm very happy about NAFTA and the reports of Trudeau's other economic successes, but disgusted by what just happened in Québec. Obviously the economy is booming, so I don't ever want to hear anyone say again that right-wing voters cast their ballots the way they do because of "economic insecurity." They could have gone for any other party that wasn't white as the driven snow, hostile toward anyone not like them, and supported by werewolf Nazi biker gangs with ties to the Cons. Instead they voted for Canada's version of the National Front. Sacre bleu.
“The only problem with Justin is that he loves his people and he’s fighting hard for his people,” Mr. Trump said. “It got a little bit testy in the last couple of months ... but I think Justin’s a good person who’s doing a good job.”
I can picture Andy and his Cons heads exploding after that ringing endorsement from Trump. "Pop goes the weasels..."
How can you explain the percentage of concession of dairy to americans. I mean, it's just less than 5% but the medias are freaking out like it's the end of canadian dairy. And don't get me wrong when I said that I enjoy it as for contributing more than american products. But is this still standing straight?
The rural areas of my province of Nova Scotia are dying; one of the remaining economic mainstays has been dairy farming and egg production. The same plight of opening our markets to steroid and antiobiotic-laced US dairy crap will affect farmers negatively clear across the country. The average dolt will think- great! Cheaper milk, guzzle, glug, impervious to any knowledge of what they just lost.
We still have ridiculous US tariffs on our steel and aluminum. And now customs duties on US online order have been relaxed too, attacking our businesses.
Perhaps someone here with an actual brain can explain how this USMCA deal is a win for Canada in reality. Having the Dauphin proclaim victory means diddly squat - that's just political BS.
He'll be wishing at the next election that he went for proportional representation instead of thinking he was selfie prince for life and dumping it along with 380 other promises.
Now all we have left to "celebrate" in this country is the takeover by mendacious xenophobes in Quebec, Dougie and his racist fascism in Ontario cheered along by undereducated people who voted Con, and the likely reversion of Alberta to Cons heaving themselves out of the primordial ooze to bleat and privatize.
In other words, this country is fooked, and the prancing rah rah praise of the incompetent Trudeau shows how shallow the thinking here has been. Reality is not a concept understood on this website as we stand on the brink of Conservative takeover from which we may well not recover. Promise less and deliver more - Trudeau has done the opposite and we all get to live the consequence. I'm so thankful ...
The new trade deal is a victory for Trump. The US made clear gains over the NAFTA status quo at the expense of Mexico and Canada. In hockey terms, Canada lost by a couple of goals to a stronger team. Of course, Canada would have lost by a lot more if the practice team under captain Scheer had taken the ice.
the rural areas of the world are dying, its not Justins fault. I totally agree with food security. We can still have it. There will be a pay out, invest the money in Dutch style automated agriculture.
Totally agree with your sentiments. We faced the bully and got away with a tit twister instead of a swirly.
Remember, half the Reformatories supported a leadership candidate determined to end supply management completely. Sheer-idiocy was ambivalent until someone pointed out votes he could get.
Milk quota is sold all the time. All the feds have to do is buy 3.6% on the open market and problem solved. No arguments over compensation amounts. Farmers would keep their existing quota and income.
After Harper and Scheer told the Liberal government to roll over and play dead, this from Brian Mulroney must have driven the Scheer, Bergen, Raitt, Pollievre hate group over the edge.
"This agreement is a highly significant achievement for Canada, while benefiting all three countries as it should.
"I have not yet had the opportunity to study the full text — and frequently the devil is in the details — but Canada appears to have achieved most, if not all, of its important objectives in this lengthy and challenging set of negotiations.
"I said at the beginning that there is no Conservative or Liberal way to negotiate a free trade agreement — there is only a Canadian way.
"This has been the government's approach as well and I commend all — from the prime minister down — who contributed to writing this vital new chapter in the ongoing drive for greater Canadian strength and prosperity."
The US/Can balance of trade has been running about 30 billion a year in favor of Canada. This has just reset it, no big deal. Instead of whining about it Canada needs to develop and implement strategies to counter its trade imbalances with other exporters such as China and to a lesser extent Mexico and the European union. We only need to look at real estate prices to know that countries with surpluses simply come and buy up real estate and businesses to keep the one way trade flowing. There is no free lunch or magic bullet as Howdy Doody would have us believe. Although somewhat boring and it doesn't sell much media what is required is a plan with consistent investment in our people, business environment, technology and infrastructure. Certainly don't find any of that detail on a Con website... just magic bullets and attack ads. Although imperfect the Liberals at least try.
The give to the US on dairy is 3.59%. They just basically gave back to the US what the gave up when the withdrew from the TPP (which Harper gave them). In return, we got the dispute resolution claues.
Hi Jackie... Thanks for that one. And yes, the Con enabling media in this country should be ashamed of themselves. I understand that the Cons hate this country with a passion, but why do the Con stooges feel the same way. The day Postmedia goes down with a sickening thud, should be declared a national holiday...
Hi Steve...I too shudder to imagine what might have happened if the Con traitors had to deal with Trump. Their enlarged fear glands would have been in overdrive and they would have been on all fours, barking like chihuahuas, NDP humping Trump's legs frantically...
Hi Jackie...I'm going to have to write something about the Quebec election, to try to explain what I believe happened. Legault is not Le Pen, but xenophobia did play an important role in determining the result. I'm happy to report though that the island of Montreal remained a progressive bastion, and was not part of the CACA landslide...
Hi anon...Not only were the Scheer Cons and their media stooges clamouring for capitulation, so was their Big Brother Stephen Harper. He was screaming hysterically that we should drop all our "unrealistic" demands and surrender to Trump. There are no traitors like Con traitors...
Hi JD... Yes, when Scheer read that quote from Trump he must have screamed or shat himself. And we will make sure he is regularly reminded of that quote all the way to the next election. For nobody will ever accuse the traitor Scheer of fighting hard for his people...
hi anon...when you negotiate anything you have to make compromises, or it wouldn't be a negotiation. It would just be a dialogue of the deaf. Trump wanted the whole supply management system scrapped,. Allowing the Americans access to three percent of our multi billion dairy market to save hundreds of thousands of jobs in Canada is a small sacrifice indeed...
Hi BM....Somebody who calls Justin Trudeau the "Dauphin" is usually a stinking Con who doesn't deserve an answer. But if you can calm down for just a moment, and stop screaming hysterically like the male version of Michelle Rempel, I will give you one anyway. Allowing the U.S. Access to about 3% of our billion dollar dairy market is a small price to pay for saving hundreds of thousands of jobs all over Canada. Even with supply management, family farms have been dying for years for all kinds of reasons. Besides,being forced to compete even on a minuscule sale with American and European products might actually make those producers more competitive, and lower their jacked up prices that cause so much suffering to low income Canadians trying to feed themselves and their children. As for the tariffs on steel and aluminum, they are as unpopular in the U.S. as they are here, and will not last long. Not with people like the CEO of Ford claiming the tariffs are costing his company hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. And if you want to understand why the so-called USMCA deal is a win or a major rescue it's because when dealing with a maniac like Trump it could have been so much worse. Is that so hard to understand? You seem to hate Trudeau with a passion that verges on the homicidal, when he is the only one who can defeat the Cons in the next election. Does that make sense? I don't think so...
Hi anon@6:32 AM ...Maybe the deal is a political victory for Trump, but he didn't get all he wanted so it's also a victory for Team Canada. By forcing Mexico to raise its low wages Trump won something for the U.S. AND Canada. And had Scheer and his traitor Cons been the ones negotiating with Trump we would have lost big time....
Hi rumleyfips....Exactly, it's a small concession to hold off a maniac who wanted to kill the entire supply management system, like half of the Cons. Trump had a bee in his bonnet about the dairy industry in this country, so I think our negotiators did a great job of disarming him. And since the farmers are going to be compensated, what is the problem?
Hi J.W.....I was impressed with Mulroney's statement. I never would have voted him, but at least he has more class than Scheer and his Refirm Cons. When Canada is under assault by a maniac like Trump, I would expect all Canadian parties to stand together to defend our country...
RT, your numbers are a bit off. According to the US Trade Representative, the balance of trade in favour of Canada was about $12b in 2016 and $17b in 2017. On annual trade of around $550b, that's an insignificant 2 or 3%. If you look at goods and services (and NAFTA governs both) the advantage tips toward the US. In other words, US-Canada trade is about as evenly balanced as you're going to find.
That N.G. investment is in B.C. I don't think we count in Scheer's world, given we now have an NDP government in office. He most likely will have some thing to say about how it failed, some where, some one, etc.
Yes, out here in B.C. some are screaming about the sell out of the dairy industry. They seem to think 3.something is 40% because when the news first broke out in B.C. the media was announcing the Americans had gained a 40% increase in their market share. Yes, it was a 40% gain, but that only amounted to 3.something percent of the total market.
Any loss of the diary industry is still a loss, but we do have to take the big picture into consideration. It if gives Trump the ability to scream, we won, we won,. who cares? Canada won and we know it. That is what actually matters. IF Trump wants to rename the agreement, who cares what it is called. It plays to Trumps stupid ego. As long as we continue, that is all that matters.
When it comes to the dairy industry, it will be up to consumers how much American dairy is sold in Canada. The new trade agreement will enable Wal-Mart and Costco to import American milk products. We don't have to purchase them. On Vancouver Island, we have Island Farms and Dairy land. All their milk products come from cows on Vancouver Is. Now why would I purchase an American product if I don't even purchase yoguart from Quebec or chees from Ontario.
If the dairy farmers run a few ads demonstrating how their product is superior and free of additives, they most likely will win the market share fight. If consumers don't care, then Freeland was right to do what she did, and give the Americans 3.somethign percent.
By forcing Mexico to raise wages, Trump won some thing for Mexican workers. who would have though?
If Mexican wages were able to rise, poverty would be reduced and Mexican might be able to purchase products made in Canada and the U.S.A. and even take vacations here. The real problem in Mexico is poverty. Its why drug cartels have done so well there. if wages rise, so will people's standard of living, including education and health care. So thanks Trump for the raise in Mexican wages. Who would have though......
What trump has is an election problem. If they loose Paul Ryan's seat to a Democrat they have a problem and the Dems are running a good candidate. the American dairy states, have mid terms coming up and that is all trump was playing to. He doesn't give a shit about farmers, unless its agri business.
Scheer most likely doesn't see Canada as his country because we don't all believe in the same religion as he does or have the same set of "values" as he does, hence his attitude.
Agreed that xenophobia did play an important role in determining the result but I don't think we can discount a desire for change as in Ontario. The Libs were a old party and the PQ have clearly lost their appeal.
Partly too, the decline of the PQ meant that the Federalists did not "automatically go to the Liberals. The results in the Outaouais indicate this as it was a safe region for the Liberals as long as the PQ were a threat.
It's a but unfair to call Harper a traitor. One should not put down to malice what can be attributed to incompetene, and, as far as I can recall, Harpep never made a decent or correct call in international affairs from the time he became leader of the opposition til he left office.
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