Who can forget the way the Cons tried to steal the last election?
Who can forget how Pierre Poilievre tried to suppress the vote with his so-called Fair Elections Act?
Well it seems the Cons think we can be made to forget, because they are trying it all over again.
Trying to take us back to the monstrous years of the Harper regime

By trying to hold up passage of the government's new and much improved election bill.
Conservative MPs have proposed 204 amendments to the government’s sweeping election bill as they continue to stall the legislation’s progress in final committee hearings.
To meet a timetable for the bill’s passage through Parliament proposed by Chief Electoral Officer Stéphane Perrault last week, the flood of Conservative amendments suggests the government could be forced to use extreme procedural tactics to overcome Conservative resistance and get the legislation passed through the Commons and Senate by mid-December.
Stall it until it's too late for the next election to be run under the new guidelines.
Perrault told the committee last week the legislation would have to pass through the Commons and the Senate by Parliament’s mid-December winter recess to give Elections Canada the time it needs to set up new computer coding, and take other measures for the electoral agency to be ‘’election ready’’ by April.
And that would be the absolute limit.
For the Cons are clearly interested in once again trying to suppress the votes of all kinds of Canadians.
The Liberal legislation will reinstate the acceptability of Elections Canada voter-information cards and personal vouching as proof of identity for seniors, low-income voters, students and other electors who, due to circumstance, did not have any of the ID required to have their names entered on the national voting list in order to cast ballots.
Especially young voters, who this time will be the biggest single voting bloc...

Most of them will almost certainly vote for Justin Trudeau and his Liberals, just like they did last time.
So as Elizabeth May says, the Con stalling looks like plain old obstruction.
’’We know that much of what’s in C-76 is an attempt to remove the changes made under (former prime minister Stephen) Harper to make it harder for people to vote,’’ May said in response to the Conservative rush of amendments.
And as Nathan Cullen says, the government must use all the parliamentary tools at its disposal to make sure the bill passes.
‘’People may smile, but, at some point, you have to decide what you actually want done with this bill, and at what urgency you wish to see it done. … Some of it is unpleasant, but it is required if you want to see this through,’’ Cullen told the Liberal MPs on the committee.
For the stakes are just too high.
Our democracy must be protected from those who would destroy it.
And even a single vote is too great to waste...

Question, knowing the Cons, why did JT wait so long to move this bill, should have done it day one.
Shame shame shame on the CAQ and federal CPC working together to rig the election so the CAQ won the most seats with only 30% of the vote.
Shame shame shame on them for interfering in a democratic election for the purpose of unseating a democratically elected Liberal government.
Just one more reason why CONservatives should never form government again at any level.
Looking forward to Prime Minister Trudeau launching a public inquiry into this sinister and nefarious activity and being the first Prime Minister to introduce much needed electoral reform in this country.
They probably feel emboldened seeing the Reichwing hold sway in Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Manitoba and probably Alberta next, and no doubt want a repeat of the de facto single-party rule in the United States. If they hate Canada so much, then they need to GTFO. Go to Russia if they want sham elections where the Kremlin wins every time.
Paul Weyrich of the Heritage Foundation (Koch stink tank) even said it in 1980:
I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.
They know they can't win on policies, and the demographics aren't in their favor and will never be again. So they have no choice but to lie and cheat. Scorching the earth to own the Libs. Expect another Ted Cruz style, Gish-galloping, grandstanding filibuster à la Indiagate, where Andy and his marching morons throw another tantrum that Justin is "failing" because he's making it easier for the Cons to lose fair and square.
They still can't get over the fact that the name on the ballot is Trudeau.
I knew the Cons would try to steal the election again. First there was Pierre Poutine, then there was Pee Wee’s fascist bill. They know they can’t win without cheating, so the police should be ready to arrest anyone who tries.
The electoral reform will become law before the next election but will the legislation have enough teeth to prevent Cambridge Analytica style hacking of the vote? The alarm bells are ringing but the counter response seems to be moving in slow motion. The India affair gave us a brief glimpse of how it is done and the US election and UK referendum are text book examples but we do not seem to be implementing any counter measures. Why is that?
If the federal Conservatives can't win the hearts and minds of the electorate, they will ensure only those who are likely to vote for them are part of the electorate. Makes sense. Worked in the U.S.A.
Trudeau had better use every legal procedure to get this done, because our future depends upon it. "We can only hope he gets some help from Elizabeth May and Singh of the NDP.
its mundane and thats the way they like it.
.. Gee Simon.. what would happen if 'we' (the Canadian Elecorate) could expect 'Election Promises' or 'Policy Promises' had to be initiated ie put in motion' upon election and a subsequent vote or plebicite held within 2 years to confirm voter approval and proveable government progress ? Nothing more.. nothing less. Deliver or resign.
Items described as 'Nation Building' or 'Growing The Economy' or selling off (giving away) The Wheat Board or major changes to Election Processes or subsidies for tar sands expansion.. would be democratic or actually 'will of the people' ? We then would not see Old Age Security or Canada Pension Plan have its funds diverted into general ledger and enhancing arms manufacture or military adventurism, or submarines that don't work or F-35's we can't actually afford because we are actually looking after our infrastructure - roads, schooling or hospitals or grain sales or irrigation expertise & hardware in a drought stricken world .. ?
Food for thought eh ?
The Conservatives are now engaging in War Criminal Style Politics. Weakandy says "dont call me Milosevic"
Controlling the foreign money mostly coming to the conside is a great idea. Lets fight about real issues instead of emotional traps.
Hi Steve....It takes time to get such a big bill together, and the Cons have been dragging things out. Also, with all the other things the Liberals had to attend to after ten years of Harper, I'm surprised they got this far. But if the government uses its majority to force a resolution before Christmas hopefully the Con game will be finally over...
Hi anon...you've been sending me a lot of these shame shame comments. And while I do agree that the Cons should be ashamed, please make sure your comments are factual. So in this case while I lament the victory of the CAQ, it had more to do with the fact that the Liberals had been in power for too long than it did with anything the Cons did. I encourage commenters to be passionate in their progressive beliefs, but inventing things hurts rather than helps our cause...
Hi Jackie...the right-wing hordes are in a triumphant mood these days, but I'm not worried at all. People need to see the likes of Ford, and Kenney, and Legault in action to properly understand why voting for them is such a mistake. I truly believe that this right-wing surge will be the final one, before the right collapses and a new and better world is born...
Hi anon...yes, it's no surprise, they managed to get away with it last time, even though they failed, so it's not surprising they will try it again. This time however they will find us prepared, and God help them if they are discovered. Winning an election is always good, but sending Cons to jail is even better...👮🏻
Hi RT...You ask a very good question, and with people like Hamish Rebel Marshall running the Con campaign it's a question that should concern all of us. Marshall specializes in the same kind of data mining Cambridge Analytica does or did, so the Cons need to be closely watched. There are already signs of dubious internet activity, but fortunately they are under observation from cyberwar specialists smarter and more ruthless than they are. I don't know exactly what the police are doing, but if they're not careful they will be late to the party....😎
Hi e.a.f...I hope the Liberals stop playing nice with the Cons and put an end to their dirty games. We were able to overcome Ppoilievre and his dirty voter suppressing bill last time, but we can't risk letting them try again....
Hi salamander...I see that you are an idealist just like I am. And I think that all of those things you suggest are excellent ideas. However, like many Scots I am both a dreamer, and relentlessly practical. I know that sometimes perfection is the enemy of the good, and that we can dream of nothing, if we don't win the next election. I'm afraid to say that some progressives like to spend more time attacking themselves, rather than the real enemy. And if they do that in this fascist era, they will end up with their heads impaled on stakes, and mourning all that we good and decent....
Hi Steve...I'm not sure I would compare Scheer to Milosevic, but he is playing the racist and xenophobia card, and when you do that you can tear a country apart. I also notice that you have a picture of Che Guevara on your site. I have visited his underground mausoleum in Cuba and seeing Guevara's last resting place, surrounded by all the idealistic revolutionaries who died with him in Bolivia, is melancholy experience. For it is also a warning that when you fight the right you better know your enemy, and how to fight, or you will end up badly...
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