It's the kind of news that can make some people scream in horror, and others like myself keel over laughing.
But believe it or not, Doug Ford has only been Premier of Ontario for 111 days, and although he's been acting like a bull or a hog in a China shop, and clearly doesn't know what he is doing.
He already thinks the job is too small for him, and he's going after something bigger.

Theo Moudakis/Toronto Star
And while I'm sure many people will think he's been smoking the massive amounts of hash he was once accused of selling, he's deadly serious.
So much so that he's been picking one fight after the other with Justin Trudeau, over everything from Ford's decision to scrap the province's cap-and-trade program, to Trudeau's legalization of marijuana.
As ironic as that might be.
And this latest bestial move is aimed as much at Trudeau as it is at the battered women who live in Ontario.

Which couldn't be more disgusting, especially since his move came on the 89th anniversary of the day Canadian women were declared "persons."
So needless to say I'm really glad that someone has finally told Ford to stop dreaming and focus on being Premier.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford should pour cold water on the rumour that he wants to get into federal politics instead of stoking the flames, a federal Liberal minister suggested.
"You get a four-year job, and you're 10 per cent into it, and you're already looking to upgrade? I can't imagine that that's very constructive," Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc told journalists at Queen's Park Thursday.
Which one can only hope took some of the air out of the Fordzilla's balloon...

And no doubt was welcomed not only by most of the people in Ontario who are going to have to pay for his many mistakes.
But also by Andrew Scheer, the man whose job Ford wants...

Just as I predicted.
So now I'll predict this: It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
But in the end, those hideous Cons, will all go down together...
Deflating Ford should provide enough hot air to power 1000 wind turbines.
Doug does not seem to realise that he became leader of the OPC Party by a fluke of the party's voting structure. Most provincial PCs did not want him as leader. He should focus on learning to do his job or it may be a short 4 years. After all, there was already a palace coup in that party recently.
This could get interesting, especially in today's Trumpian media landscape that favors a WWE trainwreck for its own sake. Caroline's old man is joining the board of directors at a NYC weed company. Typical hypocrite with business savvy for himself. But after Scheer committed political harakiri on the weed issue and sent even even more people into Max's camp, it could very well be possible -- unlikely, perhaps, but possible -- that the mainstream Cons would get desperate enough to put Dougie Druggie at the helm instead of the Jeff Sessions of the North.
Of course, Justin would demolish Doug in every metric -- especially at the debates, where Doug would only prove once and for all that, like his favorite Nazi camgirl seeking Robbie's old job, his vocabulary is limited to only 14 words. Half of which are slang terms for the merchandise in the trunk of his father's Cadillac.
Trudeau should call the Canadian funny people back home for awhile to get ahead of the game before the Con media does, because someone needs to make a movie of the Ford monster truck shitshow. One way or another, the ratings would be yuge.
It's already incredible that Doug Ford is Premier of Canada's biggest and most powerful province.So the idea of him as Prime Minister of Canada is too horrible to even consider. The man has delusions of grandeur and I blame the morons who voted for him in the first place.I hope they're proud of their village idiot.
And to add to Doug's happy week CBC has a report "Why 100 CEOs are asking Doug Ford to bring back basic income".
When a Con cannot even do something business leaders applaud....
I am waiting for the solar panel and wind mill industries to trash Doug.
Maybe once the big dummy realized he couldn't defund the CBC he decided to go federal to destroy more of what makes Canada an inclusive country.
After all, he's got his vengeance sated by running roughshod over Toronto council. He's destroyed all the green initiatives, he turned back the clock to an out of touch era where sex-ed is concerned and his latest attack on ending violence against women. Just to name a few.
Face it Dougie, you're a fluke who had no competition and that is why you're premier.
Go against JT and our Bozo Premier will end up on his fat derriere.
The guys who own the CRAP Party know they’re going nowhere with Sheer. If they truly want control of Parliament next year, which remains a question, they’ll start making the move to dump him now.
Doug has to make the move fast, before most of the flat foreheads in Ontario who put him over the top and any potential supporters in the rest of the country realize that he hasn’t done anything as Premier except to regurgitate a collection of infantile propositions internalized through a lifetime of unearned privilege and success, and that he neither intends to nor is he capable of achieving anything but that. There are few absolutes in life or the universe, but in his case there actually is nothing there. He thinks he can pull the same thing off nationally that he did in Ontario. And given the composition of CRAP Party support across the country, as concerns the party he might be right. I’m looking for something very soon.
The Federal election is another question. They’re going to hammer Justin on the “post-nationalism” theatrics and it’s going to hurt a lot more than many expect. Progressive politicians in Canada haven’t paid a wink to what’s been happening down at the Etch Test for the past thirty years. But then again there’s always the Max factor to consider. I’d say just in time, perhaps.
Seems Dougie is handing out huge Pork appointments. Folks dont like that Dougie.
His Don Cherry attitude is going no where in Quebec, the cons would not win a single seat there. Also lets not forget the sweet virgin of Alberta has already planted his seed on the throne.
Hi rumleyfips...You can say that again. Ford really is a hideous windbag, and when he goes after Justin Trudeau he sounds absolutely absurd. The Harperites who run his office are clearly trying to get back at Trudeau for having defeated their Great Leader, but the idiot Ford thinks this means he could actually be Prime Minister. Only in his dreams...
Hi UU...if you look closely at the way Ford behaves, it's clear to me that he still can't quite believe that he's the Premier of Ontario. But I guess he figures that if he can be Premier the sky is the limit. And so the moron show continues....
Hi Jackie...I would love to see Ford as leader of the Harper Party. He is already way out of his depth as Premier, so I can only imagine what a clown show it would be if he had to start talking about such things as foreign affairs. His handlers would have to write instructions on his wrists and hairy palms. Every time I hear him speak I can't believe that somebody so bestial and dumb could be Premier. So yes it would be a real comedy show, so after they carry him out in a cage somebody should definitely get the rights...
Hi anon...I feel the same way about the morons who made that ape premier. The Liberals must bear their share of the responsibility, but how anyone could vote for such a bestial climate change denier at a time like this one is simply beyond belief. I can hardly wait to hear them squeal when Ford goes after Medicare as he surely will...
Hi jrkrideau...yes I saw that report, and I'm not surprised. Ape Ford is destroying the social fabric of the province, and it's only a matter of time before it leads to strikes and other forms of unrest. As for what he is doing to the solar panel and wind mill industries, Nature itself will be his undoing...
Hi JD...The damage that Ford has done to the province in the short time he has been in office is beyond belief. His bestial incompetence has cost billions, and will no doubt be followed by cuts to Medicare and other social services. And the way he has trashed the green initiatives is simply unforgivable. The big buffoon was not qualified to be mayor, he is not qualified to be Premier, and the idea of him as Prime Minister is simply laughable...
Hi John...There is no doubt that Scheer is failing, but unless he resigns I can't see him being replaced until after the next election. And since by then Ford will have shown his true colours, I can't see him becoming Con leader. I believe that their failure to come up with a plan to fight climate change will come back to haunt them, and Bernier should cost them enough votes to prevent them from winning. The millennial generation will also be the biggest voting bloc, so although it will probably be the dirtiest election in Canadian history I'm feeling good about our chances of putting down the CRAP party once and for all...
Hi Steve...You're right, Ford would not win a single seat in Quebec, and his porky appointments make a mockery out of everything he said during the election campaign. The man is a joke and it won't be long before most of the morons who voted for him realize what a mistake they have made...
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