On this day one year from now, we will know the winner of the next election. And yesterday Andrew Scheer was trying to make people believe that it will be him.
By organizing a rally at a convention centre in Ottawa, to make it look as if he is ready to defeat Justin Trudeau.
But all he managed to do was demonstrate why he must never be prime minister.

For this can only be described as weird and threatening.
Speaking to a room full of supporters at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa on Sunday, Scheer said he is ready for what he predicted will be a tough and nasty fight.
"The Liberals are going to throw everything they have at us. It's going to get worse, it's going to get nasty."
Coming from the ugly Con known as Schmear, the leader of Canada's nasty party.
And this so-called open letter to Canadians is practically pornographic.

Since everybody knows that it's Scheer who is the most divisive politician in Canada.
A freakish nerd and alt right sympathizer, who has spent every day of the last two years trying to demean Justin Trudeau and his family.
As only a political pervert could...

A political pervert who is also a creepy religious fanatic, a misogynist, a racist, and a closeted homophobe, who lies like a thief about everything, including the state of the economy.
There are also consequences to a re-elected Liberal government. Four more years of lost investment and squandered potential. An even less competitive economy, where big projects fail and jobs flee. A country stuck in mediocrity, strangled by debt and taxes, and drained of hope and opportunity.
Even though the country now has the lowest unemployment rate in 40 years, the fastest growing wages in a decade, and the lowest debt to GDP ratio of all G7 nations.
And it's Scheer who has no plans to deal with anything including the burning problem of climate change...

But who would privatize medicare, would restrict abortion rights, would slash pensions, would kill the CBC, would re-criminalize marijuana, and would turn this country into a sinister prison state.

While selling us out to Donald Trump and his MAGA fascists as only a traitor could.
And the good news? We have a real Canadian prime minister, and the wind is still in his sails.

As the one-year countdown to the next federal election on Oct. 21, 2019 starts ticking, Justin Trudeau’s Liberals appear reasonably well positioned to win a second term.
“I would say that for now, if managed carefully and properly, it does look as though, of the three leaders, Justin Trudeau does appear to be heading into the next election cycle from a place of more strength than either of his opposition counterparts,” said Shachi Kurl, executive director of the Angus Reid Institute.
“Trudeau’s base is fired up, excited by and very much approving of his job and his performance as leader.”
But while that is good news, what the creepy crawler Andrew Scheer has made only too clear is that it will be a dirty election...

Made it only too clear that him and his filthy Cons will do everything they can to drag this country into their sordid darkness. And try to steal that election like they have before.
So progressives are going to have to go after them like they never have before.
We've got to stop playing patty cakes with them, or trying to reason with those fascists.
And instead expose them, attack them, destroy them.
Before their evil poisons this country...

What Scheer is doing is pure projection. Accusing others of doing what he does. It’s what Trump does all the time, and the media should be pointing that out. Unless Scheer and the Cons are held responsible it will be a very nasty election campaign.
Yeah he is a loser, because JT has resisted ever going back on his ridiculous attacks. So there is no there there in his idea JT is divisive.
I would just for once have somebody ask the same tough questions they ask of liberals everyday. Last Sunday on QP they had edited interview with Peter Mckay. His position on everything was spaghetti.
They think the people are stupid and I have to admit 20 to 30% of my fellow citizens will vote for killing immigrants as an immigration policy.
However the 80 twenty rule of math remains in effect. So look for the guy with
the weird ice cream truck salesman ending up in the dustbin of history along
with his mentor the democratic pervert stephen harper.
I was thinking just this morning of that, how we see Andrew Scheer continuously stoking fear and anger. Some leader, eh? Not to mention the lies!
I bet if JT were to say to Scheer, "You're Harper's puppet", Scheer would respond with, "No! You're the puppet!".
All lying andy has done is take a page out of dtrump's book. he lies, jus like dtrump and hopes some of the public will buy into it. He will also test drive various ideas in Ontario, i.e. trying to deprive people coming back from fighting in the middle east, of their driver's license and health care. This is just a short step away from the American system where they also deprive "felons", those on probation, prisoners of the right to vote. lying andy is just another dtrump wanna be and he is doing his test driving in Ontario.
Lets hope the weirdo never becomes P.M. Elizabeth May would make a better P.M. than andie. The head of the P.Q. would make a better P.M. than andie and so would the head of the NDP. Its any one but Scheer.
All Scheer is doing is playing to his base. If there is any nastiness it will be because of him and the Conservatives, as we have seen for the past 2 years. He has no policy initiatives whatsoever - except regressive ones. (Not exactly "progressive" conservatives, are we?)
Liz May would be an excellent PM. Unfortunately, it ain't gonna happen.
Andy Doody the demonic marionette and his mad puppeteer of the IDU will stop at nothing to destroy Justin Trudeau and the entire Trudeau family legacy. A personal vendetta just like Trump/the GOP vs. the Clintons, the Obamas... and the Kennedys. At this point, I wouldn't count out another bogus blue dress scandal -- or even something more perverse -- being cooked up at private "strategy" meetings and blown up by the sycophantic Con media, who doesn't bother to do the heavy lifting of checking facts because they know slime sells papers and drives clicks. After all, Andy started his career accusing his NDP opponent of pedophilia. Expect another Pizzagate or Kokanee-gate at the very least.
At the very worst, I'd go so far as to say to watch out for a stochastic "confrontation" by some beast from the Soldiers of Odor, the werewolf Nazis or an incel Hinckley wannabe looking to "impress" Faith Goldy. (Like the asshole in Fredericton who was apparently a big fan.) Especially since next year's election takes place right around the fifth anniversary of the Parliament Hill shooting and what would have been Pierre's 100th birthday -- and these wackos live for "anniversary attacks."
The CPC/UCP/CAQ/PPC/OPC, the IDU and all their adjacent Kochtopus and NRA tentacles need to be thoroughly investigated and fumigated, before something really bad happens and someone gets hurt. You look at the mosque shooting and what just happened at the hotel in Toronto, and the escalation of credible threats and rhetoric on Twitter, Facebook and the Rebel comment pages ("the wrong Trudeau died in the avalanche"), and you know that the call to arms is coming from the right side of the House.
God Save Justin Trudeau.
Harper introduced political doublespeak into the Canadian political system to cover his tracks with such asinine statements such as the 'Fair Elections Act'. Scheer is just following in his footsteps. Cons cannot win the next without cheating. The winning strategy seems to be similar to a fishing derby where on the night preceding the event the Cons dump a load of crap into the water to drive the regular fish away. On the day of the derby they show up with putrid scented bait to haul in all of the bottom feeders attracted by the stench. Confuse and scare off the regular crowd while attracting the bottom feeders is the only strategy they have. A counter approach is to keep them from dumping crap into the waters by limiting the number of tanker trucks they can afford however trucks are cheap and money is difficult to trace. Also we cannot count on the game wardens / press to keep the scoundrels out of the area on the night before. Its a challenge, perhaps the best hope is that strong sunlight combined with oxygenated water will destroy any Con bullshit before it drives the voting public into retreat.
Hi anon...yes, it is classic psychological projection, with a bit of Goebbels mixed in as well. And like you I wish the media would call a spade a spade, or a dirty Con a dirty Con. But since they won't we are going to have to fight to preserve our Canadian values as hard as we ever have.But we did beat Harper and we will beat Scheer...
Hi Steve...anyone who has ever watched Question Period knows that Justin Trudeau has never sunk as low as the Cons. They insult him over and over again but somehow he manages to keep his cool, and is as polite as a good Canadian. I'm afraid I would make a lousy MP, for although Inam quiet and polite, if the Cons started taunting me like they taunt Justin I'd be out of my seat and wrestling with them on the floor of the Commons...😉
Hi SonOfAbbadon...All Andrew Scheer has ever done since he became opposition leader is try to demean and debase his opponents and lie like a thief. I'm pretty partisan myself, but I have never seen anything like it. His mentor Stephen Harper was the one who introduced the Republican-style politics of personal destruction. But Scheer has taken that to a whole new level of disgustingness. But then he was always that way. When he first ran for parliament he accused his opponent Lorne Nystrom of being soft on child pornography. So he has always been disgusting and he is an absolute disgrace who along with the other Cons is poisoning this country. We really can't get rid of them soon enough...
Hi JD...I wouldn't be surprised. I must say that I have trouble understanding how the son of a church deacon could behave like that, and still call himself a Christian. It just doesn't seem right. But then Scheer has always been attracted to right-wing extremists. Who can forget how comfortable he was on the set of the grotesque hate mongering Rebel? So there is something seriously wrong with the guy, and he definitely doesn't belong in the Canadian House of Commons...
Hi e.a.f...Although I write about him all the time I still have trouble understanding why Scheer acts in such an appalling and un Canadian manner. His partisanship is so extreme it's diseased and along with people like his buddy Ezra Levant he is poisoning this country. He has helped whip up so much hatred against Justin Trudeau I fear for Justin's life. But Scheer doesn't seem to care, and is clearly only interested in himself. if he ever becomes prime minister he would be even worse than Harper, and I doubt this country would survive him. His kind of politics seem to me to be more American than Canadian, so you can be sure he is heavily influenced by Trump. I can't believe the Cons can't do better, and I wonder if they realize where Scheer is taking them, for it is to a really bad place...
Hi UU...Yes, I understand that the Cons must play to their base because their pool of voters is smaller than the one the progressive parties can draw from. But Scheer doesn't seem to understand that he needs to broaden his support if he is ever going to be prime minister. And yet he doesn't seem the slightest bit interested in doing that. I'm afraid he is going to have to learn the hard way that Canadians don't like such negative politicians.
Hi Jackie...as you know I share your concern about where all that violent Con rhetoric is taking this country, and fear that it could lead to tragedy. Stephen Harper began the descent into depravity, but Scheer and Levant and others have taken our politics to an even darker place. I never used to think that a Canadian prime minister could be threatened like presidents are in the U.S. But now every time I see Justin wade into a crowd I wish he wouldn't. The Cons have really ruined this country, and we've got to get it back...
and my favourite just edging out the Ministry of Silly Walks, the Ministry of Religious Freedom. Church of the Virgin Satellite like.
Hi RT...I hope you're right. I never thought I'd say it but I much prefer Harper to Scheer. Great Closet Leader had his absurd Juatin is just not ready campaign, But he didn't portray him as a threat to the safety of Canadians as Scheer does all the time. If you chum the waters enough times you never know what monster you might attract. And when you see even Cons like Lisa Raitt foaming at the mouth you know we've got a problem. It's time the Cons were told to start acting like Canadians and that enough is enough...
Not to mention the sleazy pig Patrick Brown, elected in Brampton.
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