As you know, I wasn't too impressed by the latest Con attack ad aimed at the NDP. And I'm sure Tom Mulcair wasn't either.
Because when Stephen Harper accuses you of being as corrupt as he is, that could be dangerous. You could die LAUGHING.
But then I also hate the never ending Con attack ads aimed at Justin Trudeau.
Because every time I see this ghastly geezer on TV I feel like screaming.

Or throwing a rock, or a mouse, at the screen.
So I'm happy to see our side firing back with this new ad from Engage Canada...
Because it's definitely got the right atmosphere, and unlike the Con ads it's rooted in reality...

The Cons have lost their pants, and as even the Con columnist L. Ian MacDonald is forced to admit, there's no way Stephen Harper and Joe Oliver can spin themselves out of a recession.
Remember — Oliver forecast a small surplus of $1.4 billion that was based on raiding the contingency reserve for $2 billion... In the April budget, the consensus forecast on the price of oil was $54 a barrel; three months later it’s around $47. That shortfall alone could tip the surplus into a deficit.
Not when the situation just keeps getting worse and worse.
And the hits just keep hitting. This week, the Conference Board of Canada reported its Index of Consumer Confidence fell 4.1 points in June to 98.6 — a drop that wiped out half the gains of the previous two months.
The economy and fiscal management are the Conservatives’ signature issues, the heart of their brand. A recession, a deficit and declining consumer confidence all at once — these are not the kind of burdens you want to take with you into a difficult campaign.
So yes, let's keep those attack ads coming. Let's hit them where it hurts.
Let's make the economy that once lifted their boat.
Be the issue that rips a hole in them.
And sends them to the bottom...

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Wonderful ad
Let him attack the NDP for being corrupt and let him call an early election. Then we will see the NDP (I have given up on the Libs who apparently believe they can bring a knife to a gunfight) point out that an early election would serve to give more public money to these three: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/suspended-senators-will-be-back-on-the-public-payroll-during-election-1.3172402
It would be a brave, or simply desperate, man who would call an early election under these circumstances, eh?
I am not a political strategist, but it strikes me as a particularly bad move for Harper to opt for an early writ. It means more time for people to be engaged, which is counter to his desire for a disengaged electorate, and it gives opposition lots of time to fire back with near-limitless ammunition, as Harper's record is deplorable.
I realise the Cons think an early call makes it easier for them to bury the opposition under attack ads, and bankrupt both parties, but I'm not so sure that will work as intended. The NDP have a very strong grassroots movement going and while they perhaps cannot afford a barrage of major media attack ads, they know very well how to use social media and other forms of communication to spread their message.
The Cons are also dodging a lot of pre-emptive strikes, like the recent news items on how an early writ will cost taxpayers millions of dollars.
I guess we'll see what happens.
To Stevie Harpoon: He who lives in a glass house at 24 Sussex Drive shouldn't throw stones.
yes, no broken windows at that house, please Justin would like to find it in good repair when he returns or Mulcair will want it to look at least as good as Stornoway. Oh, how Laren is going to hate this move, all the way down to whereever the oiler finds new lodgings. Perhaps in China well he did sign that 31 yr trade deal or perhaps to settle in with bennie and help him fight all those awful Muslims or the Ukraine so he can help them fight that awful Putin.
I for one, would like to see the crime minister investigated for fraud and possibly for treason. His attacks on our Constitution are bad enough but his signing of trade deals that undermine the sovereignty of our country are the very definition of treason. His use of parliamentary trickery to ram through laws without debate also smack of treason and certainly contempt for democracy. Where's the money? They say 3.1 BILLION wasn't lost but was just misplaced but offer no true proof. Let's do some digging. Get the NDP to track the crime minister down and prosecute him.
Closet Leader fighting the Mooslims or the Kommies? You are kidding, I know. This guy ran for the closet at the first reports from an old hunting rifle fired by an apparent nutcase. Was so rattled he even hugged his nemesis Trudeau after that. And apologized to his caucus for running for the closet before they could do so. Even the Chinese President disdained him because he could not deliver the pipeline he promised to send the oil to china after selling them an Albertan oil company. who knows what Laureen would do. Lately, she seemed to be preferring the company of bats when the press is not around. I think China would not be providing her any lodgings because until her husband delivers what he had promised them. Lol
hi anon...yes, it is isn't it? Along with the NDP scandals ad it's definitely the best so far. A storm is indeed brewing and it will sweep away the Cons...
hi anon...well he isn't brave but he is desperate so he will call an election sooner rather than later, to try to seek maximum political advantage. And hopefully that will be one more reason to evict him...
hi Noah...you're right, there are many negatives associated with dropping the writ early. But Harper has always believed, despite the evidence to the contrary, that he can brainwash Canadians into submission. So he will call the election soon for that reason alone. But by so doing he will hand us extra ammunition to use against him, and we will use to help defeat him...
hi David....yes indeed, the Harpoon should tread carefully, or find himself impaled on his own instrument...
hi e.a.f...Harper will almost certainly join some right-wing think tank after he's defeated, for they are the only ones who will still want him. Even Big Oil won't want to be associated with somebody as unpopular as he is. They won't us to like them not despise them even more than we already do...
hi anon...yes I agree with you, chicken Harper won't be seen near anything dangerous, after losing his army of bodyguards. The Chinese won't need him anymore, and as for Laureen well if she can look after one bat, she can look after another....
hi Jason...well that is of course my fondest hope. In the aftermath of a progressive victory I will be demanding a full public inquiry into the criminal activities of the Con regime. Goodness know what we will find out if we can get our hands on all those documents before the Cons shred them...
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