Well I must admit that even though I am an atheist I never would have compared Stephen Harper to Jesus.
Not with that face, not with those horns.
And not for bringing in Bill C-51 or imposing tougher prison sentences.
But that is what a Con MP has just done.
What would Jesus do?
If you’re Conservative MP Wai Young, apparently the answer to that question is “enact C-51.”
That’s what Young told the congregation at Vancouver South’s Harvest City Church during a Canada Day sermon, arguing that the government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper is working “in the same vein as Jesus Christ” by bringing in its controversial anti-terrorism law as well as tougher sentencing measures.
Can you BELIEVE that?
Who knew Jesus jailed people instead of saving them, or hurt the sick instead of healing them?
But yeah, from the beating heart of our medicare system as brought to us by Engage Canada.
To the black heart of Jesus Harper and the blood of his many victims...
From this new campaign from PSAC.
Blessed be its name.
No wonder the very idea is soaring towards trend heaven on Twitter.

All praise our Dark Lord !!!!!
And this fall when we bow our heads in the voting booth.
Let's give him and his deranged Con cult the sendoff.
They so righteously deserve...

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Wai Young must have been smoking what Rona Ambrose has by uttering such nonsense. But as she says, “in the same vein as Jesus Christ”, I predict Harper will be crucified on election day.
wow! idiocy like this actually happened? are these people fit to run a country? jesus harper? i could think of many things to put in front of 'harper' and especially if it refers to stevie. jesus is not one of them.
rona ambrose doesn't smoke.
but she should.
Lordy-Ding_Dong..Surely she needs a time out.Maybe a few weeks in the cuckoo's nest at his lord's bird sanctuary in Israel.
I can't think of the number of times I've used "Jesus Christ" and "Harper" in the same sentence. I'm sure it's in the thousands, tens of thousands maybe often with a "son of a bitch" or "asshole" tossed in too.
Thanks for pointing that out. I wonder if she were advised to use weed to quell her nausea of being near Harper for 10+ years would she smoke it or God forbid, ingest it?
well if Wai is comparing "deceivin'" steven to J.C. she really needs her head examined. She never used to be this stupid.
I don't think J.C. would have audited churches for advocating on behalf of the poor and disenfranchised but that is what "deceivin" steven has done. So please Wai, think back to the days you were working for the federal government instead of now trying to grind it all into the ground.
Wai must have lost her way or forgotten what was written in the bible. I'm an atheist but I always keep a couple of spare ones around. I'd be happy to send her one. I do know at one time she could read.
Con MP Mai Young also said if Bill C-51 had been on the books years ago, then CSIS and the RCMP could have prevented the Air India tragedy! Riiiiiiiight! Maybe Simon can do another blog post on that absurd and false statement.
If I had a Twitter account, I would add to CPC Jesus: "Do not bear false witness against your neighbour....unless your neighbour is Trudeau, Mulcair, May or one of their supporters."
Jesus did not deserve to be nailed to the cross -- harper does
On CTV News Tuesday night, the idea was floated that Harper may drop the writ in early August, in part to stop Engage Canada, opposition parties, etc. from running as many ads as they want on TV and social media.
Once Stevie drops the writ, there will a severe curtailment of ads.
Harper sticks with the status quo
hi JD...it really is mind boggling and it says a lot about what the Cons have become. It's all coming unravelled, and it can only help the desire for change grow even stronger. But as for what I think about the Con clown Rona Ambrose you'll have to read my next post. But here's a hint it's not good... ;)
hi Luce...yes it is hard to believe, and no those Cons aren't fit to run a country. How anyone could call a monster like Harper Jesus is simply beyond belief...
hi anon...yes Lordy Ding Dong is a good word, I would say Lady Ga Ga but the name is taken. The truth is those Con clowns are putting on such a show I can hardly keep up with them. And all I can say is encore encore... ;)
hi Mound...yes and I'm sure you're not alone. My first reaction was to stare in disbelief, then I started laughing, and then I started celebrating. Those Harperite clowns are so out of control they're heading like lemmings over the cliff without us even prodding them. May their fall be long, and their landing be a hard one...
hi e.a.f....you know I researched her background, and to my surprise it seemed quite respectable. But as we know Jesus Harper does corrupt everything he touches...
hi David...I think I'll let Terry Milewski, the CBC's Air India specialist, deal with that one. Because I saw his report on the National and it couldn't have been more withering. She didn't just get her facts wrong, she got them backwards....
hi David...yes with your knowledge of the Bible you would have had fun. The CPC Jesus hashtag was trending number one for hours, and I can only imagine the looks on the faces of the gang in the PMO. It must have been quite something, along with the cicada-like sound of all those grinding teeth... ;)
hi jolly roger...well you right about that. Although if I was a farmer I would hire him as a scarecrow. One look at that face and every bird in the field would start flying south to Florida... ;)
hi David...I've mentioned that rumour before. And I wouldn't be surprised if it happens. For not only would the Cons shut down the third party ads, they would have more time to deploy their own ads and use their financial advantage to bombard us beyond recognition. At this stage I don't think they would have much effect, but they sure would be annoying. As for an early call, the date I keep hearing is August 5th...
If the Cons are Jesus then we must be the Romans, and I am really looking forward to Crucifixion Day!
Her comments were just so insane, and obviously meant to pander to their hard right religious base, but it's obviously backfired spectacularly.
I do agree though that as wretched as the Jesus comparison was, what was far worse was the assertion that C51 would have prevented the Air India attacks. Aside from having absolutely no factual basis for such a comment, it continues the Conservative's obvious enjoyment of campaigning on the tragically dead, using victims as political platform planks for their ghoulish campaign.
That's what was truly sick about her statements. The Jesus part was stupid, and the mockery hilarious, but to be so gross and depraved as to bring up one the greatest tragedies leading to loss of life in Canadian history as a tool to score political points with just proves how un-Christlike the Conservatives truly are.
I actually knew her when she worked for the federal government, back in the day and she wasn't stupid and she wasn't ignorant. She was actually a pleasant person. How she got mixed up with the cons is beyond me. I would never have suspected she would turn out this way.
of course the cons are un-christlike. They are part of what I consider the fringe idiots, who believe the bible is "inerrant" and the second coming is "imminent". harper and approx. 60 of his cons belong to the Christian and Missionary alliance church and that forms part of their beliefs. Like how many people actually believe the second coming is "imminent" for that matter most chrisitians don't believe in a "second" coming. There were more progressive people back two centuries ago than these bunch of villiage idiots.
So Wai Young says something stupid, ill-advised, blasphemous even, and you decide to blaspheme the sacred and holy name of Our Blessed Lord even more. All while you try to claim that you're more Christ-like than those of us who go to pains to attend Church.
Remind me why I should support progressives again? Are you really going to change your stripes when you get into power? I think not.
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