Well it's been a slow and sad descent for Michelle Rempel, into the darkness or the bowels of Harperland.
From little Miss Con Goldilocks, to the most fanatical follower of her beloved leader Stephen Harper.
The groupie of groupies.

I wish I could tell you what led to that absurd statement. Or why she's calling Google The Google.
But sadly I can't, because I've been BLOCKED !!!!!

And I'm SHOCKED !!!
For that has never happened to me before, and why she should do that I have no idea. Since today was the first time I tried to visit her site. I took her absurd tweet off some other Twitter feed. I have never fired off a single solitary tweet in her direction, and needless to say I would NEVER follow her.
Because just watching her parrot her PMO lines in Parliament is painful enough.
So I can only think it must go back to the last time she made a complete fool of herself on Twitter, with her absurd #securebedroomselfie campaign.

And I tried to warn her on my blog, that she'd made a terrible mistake.
That Big Daddy didn't want her to feel SAFE. He wants everyone to feel AFRAID...

Because he's counting on that to help him win the next election.
As he made only too clear again today.
Warning that Canada faces real threats from “violent jihadism,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper says his government will move this week to introduce new legislation to help halt attacks and bar terrorists from travelling and recruiting.
“Jihadist terrorism is not a future possibility, it is a present reality. Violent jihadism is not simply a danger somewhere else. It seeks to harm us here,” Harper said in a speech here Sunday.
By cranking up the fear factor once again. And trying to make us believe that only he can save us...

And of course trying to make us believe that the terrorist menace is a greater threat than climate change. Which alone should tell us that he is too dangerous to remain in office.
But at least I see that Rempel did in fact get Big Daddy's message. Having delivered this foaming diatribe the other day to her Facebook followers.
Today – watching the coverage in Paris – an instant sickness grew in my gut. I knew – in my head; that echo of the sound of a shot that is directed at you – not for who you are but what you stand for. That sickening – gag -- recognition that someone prepared a physical weapon against something and you happen to be the indiscriminate living embodiment of that something; and that weapon is there to end your humanity, your voice, your joy, your ideas, your experience, your love, your family, your legacy, your ripple effect, you’re … next.
Which when one stops gagging, clearly suggests that we're NOT secure in our beds.
And considering her claim that The Google will prove that the Cons have a plan to fight climate change, and her move to block me, also suggests she is losing her mind...

All of which would make me laugh, if it hadn't made my little friend Clyde, the Commonwealth Games mascot, VERY upset...

For which I can NEVER forgive her eh?
But then her actions do condemn her. And her fate will be her punishment.
She could have been something different and better.
But in the end he corrupts them all...

And yes, like for all those other monstrous Cons.
The verdict of history will be a harsh one.
And she will go down with her Great Leader...
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Getting blocked Simon? This is sorry to say dictatorship at its peak. Propaganda everywhere and censoring made legal. We do live under the umbrella of a fascist regime...
Here's one for you.......lots of activity on a site on FB over the weekend........I couldn't keep up with the comments. Left my chair to get a tea, came back and said site had disappeared from my FB page.........????????????
Michelle Rempel is obviously terror-fied of you! My gag reflex goes off whenever i try to think about her thought processes. What a stupid person.
What happened to my comment?
The irresponsible fear mongering rhetoric of an irresponsible childish prime minister mixed with the stream of consciousness of a teenage girl makes a putrid broth. These Harperites are dangerously stupid.
Consider yourself part of an elite, honourable, select few, Simon.
You have arrived, Grasshopper!
Frist, they ignore you. Then they send the trolls to your blogsite. Now Rempel blocks you. You, my friend, must be making quite an impression. Perhaps at the PMO they even cringe every morning to see what articles you are putting out. But we love you, Simon. And we will never block you from our tweets.
Rempel. like her glorious Closet Leader, seems incapable of feeling shame. She even seemed unable to realize that we were laughing at her when she tweeted to her mom that she was hiding. "Bravely" hiding, she probably would insist. The best one can say about her behavior was that it was juvenile. The worst? She is just like her glorious leader ... little ethics and morals. And probably a little unbalanced too. For who else would not feel ashamed to admit hiding in fear after those bedroom selfies taunting I.S.I.L.?
Its better than a drunk tweet about terrorism.
I have yet to hear anything remotely resembling an intelligent comment of any sort from any one of Emperor Steve's courtiers...male or female...
Imagine how stupid the voters would have to be to elect her, thwap
A fellow I know had e-mailed Jason Kenny regarding giving Canadian jobs to foreigners. And the lie of this supposed acute shortage of labor. He is now blocked too.
Harper lied when he said, the US requested him to take part in the war with ISIS. Obama said, he did no such thing. Harper has brought terrorist attacks on Canada, to save his own miserable hide and he pushed his way into this war, to try and redeem himself.
If there is a terrorist attack on Canada, then Harper wears it and his fully responsible for the attack. Sounds as though, Canada has been in more than a few firefights, with ISIS. Lies, deceit, corruption and dirty tactics is Harper and his cabal mantra.
Harper's sneak deal with China, was done behind our backs. This vile FIPA with China was so secret, Harper met China in Russia to plot this evil deed.
Note that Harper likes to use words such as "jihadism" and "jihadists" -- religious words, rather than the secular word "terrorists", which plays to his 30% hard core base (who all vote!)
stevie slime just wants to pass legislation so he can peak at us through the ceiling tiles. Now he thinks he has the chance to pass the legislation after an ISIS attack in France, or some such thing. Lets face it Canada is not France. However, stevie thinks he has a chance to curtail our democratic rights so he's going for it.
The "jihadists" don't bother me, home grown or not. I'm more "afraid" that the national health agreement won't be signed and even if it is, it won't be that great. It "scares" me that P.M. "hide in the closet" continues to erode our democratic rights. what "scares" me is the continued disgusting treatment of Veterans.
what "scares" me is the continued killing of RCMP officers though its great photo ops for the great crime lord herr harper. couldn't buy that type of media. Every time an RCMP officer gets killed stevie gets another photo op. That's scary because harper benefits from the deaths of RCMP officers. He treats them like the Veterans, cuts to the budget. outdated guns, inadequate bullet proof vests, oh right they don't stop bullets, well they do but only the ones they fire from their own guns, which of course are like pea shooters at a fire fight. P.M. I passed 81 "crime bills" has continued to ensure his corporate friends get their low tax rates and provides income splitting for the wealthy but refuses to provide RCMP officers adequate equipment to do their jobs or defend themselves. The vests and guns are out dated. The criminals in this country have way more fire power than any RCMP officer. To top it off, the RCMP had to go to the Supreme Court of Canada, to do what ever other person in Canada can do, form a union, Upp stevie sure likes the RCMP. If he liked them any more there would probably be more dead ones, not a great thing to have happen because those RCMP officers, whether we like them or not, are mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, wives and husbands and when they are killed on the job, a lot of families suffer for a very long time, but hey, the great crime fighter got his photo op.
We're not living under the umbrella of a fascist regime, but we're certainly getting closer to one:
Is Stephen Harper displaying fascist-like tendencies?
No like he's off kissing the Saudi ring instead of congratulating the new government in Greece. What is Harper telling the world Canada thinks ; Saudi Arabia is a better country than Greece?
David.......I checked out the link you posted........NF is "right on the money"! Thanks for sharing!
hi mogs...yes can you believe it? Even though I don't visit her site, have never trolled anyone on the internet, and have said nicer things about her on my blog than I have ever said about any Con. I'm shocked shocked I tell you....
hi David...yes I remember that fillmore post. I have always been reluctant to call the Harperites fascists, lest it demean the word. But when they walk like fascists, and they quack like fascists, one must wonder who they really are, and where they would take us....
hi Kathleen...I don't know I'm not on Facebook. But don't worry knowing Facebook it was probably just the National Security Agency. So your thoughts are in good hands... ;)
hi thwap....I don't think she's terror-fied of me, how could she be since I have never threatened her, nor would I threaten anyone. I think she just hates being portrayed as a monkey who sold her soul to Stephen Harper. But monkey see, monkey do, monkey stooge...
hi anon...it is a putrid broth indeed. And after Rempel's absurd diatribe, which is very much like one she once aimed at Justin Trudeau, she is clearly stirring the pot with both hands...
hi anon...well if you put it like that Master I suppose I should be flattered. But somehow the thought of little Goldilocks, her face screwed up in rage, going after my little Twitter account to prevent me from reading her horrible site, or in her mind from climbing through her window, leaves me feeling more flatulent than flattered...;)
hi anon....I honestly never think about what the Cons think about what I write. Probably with good reason. Because having a vivid imagination I would probably conjure up the image of them standing before their deranged leader, with their home made spears, chanting KILL KILL KILL !!#@!!!
And that would definitely ruin my day... ;)
The fascist Harper scum are blocking me from posting on your blog I guess they are afraid of my 60 year old opinion...
I entered several messages to some of your posts and they managed to end the session and um turn off my ability to communicate we are truly living under a dictatorship. This is why I choose to communicate late at night when they are dead drunk and asleep. If they can find me I'm sure I'll be hauled off on trumped phoney charges Simon so I gotta quit for now to protect my family love you and keep safe from the radical right wing lunatics.
hi Steve...You're not implying that the Con Goldilocks was DRUNK when she wrote that Facebook diatribe are you? Oh well, I don't blame you. If I ever wrote something that ghastly I would definitely plead not guilty by reason of booze....;)
hi mizdarlin...no and for good reason. Everything they say is written by some munchkin in the PMO, and they're not too bright...
hi anon....Oh please don't give Kenney any ideas. If he blocked me I would be devastated, because his blog is truly hilarious, in a horrible Con way. And then I'd never know if he had finally broken his chastity vows, as I've been urging him to do for years...
hi David...yes I've noticed that, and his whole approach these days seems to be inspired by the language of the tea baggers in the U.S. The ones who believe Obama is a Muslim, and it's simply pathetic...
hi anon...Harper would never congratulate Greece's inspiring new government. If he had his way he'd have them all thrown in prison. And yes, his disgraceful grovelling before the Saudis is shaming us in the eyes of the world. Again...
hi e.a.f...Im afraid you're right, Stephen Harper will exploit any tragic situation for crass political purposes, for he has no decency and he has no class. I'm very sorry that Mountie was killed, but seeing Harper take advantage of the situation makes me ill. As I said above, the man has no decency and should never have been a Prime Minister of Canada...
Can someone explain what Rempel's original post was supposed to even mean?? Besides calling it "the google," which is stupid enough, the tweet doesn't actually seem to mean anything. The tweet is still there on her feed but I am baffled as to what its meaning is supposed to be. Can someone speculate on what she was actually trying to say???
She's blocked me too...and I don't even write a blog!
Wow. Makes me want to join Twitter just to see if I could get myself blocked! lol
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