Uh oh. In my last post I said that I wasn't sure whether Oily Joe Oliver knew what he was doing.
But it turns out the situation is even worse than I thought.
One moment he's claiming we have nothing to worry about.
Finance Minister Joe Oliver says the government is confident it can balance the next federal budget without scaling back on new tax measures and still turn up a small surplus, despite falling oil prices.
And that he isn't really worried about oil prices tanking.
The next moment he's proroguing the budget !!!

Finance Minister Joe Oliver says he will delay the federal budget until at least April due to the volatility of the economy. Oliver said the sharp drop in oil prices is having a complex impact on the country's economy.
And he can't even tell the difference between Yogi Bear and Yogi Berra !!!

While announcing the budget will be delayed until at least April, Joe Oliver attempted to make a joke about how often he is asked for a specific date and how often he can't respond. He quoted "the great Yogi Bear" as saying he wished he had an answer because he's tired of answering that question.
That's actually a quip by Yogi Berra, the legendary New York Yankees catcher known for his witticisms — and not from the bumbling Hanna-Barbera cartoon character with his sidekick Boo Boo.
OMG. And he's the Finance Minister?
Joe, Joe, say it ain't so. Tell me you haven't lost the budget AND your marbles.
Oh well. One thing is still true eh?
Oliver and his sidekick Boo Boo.
Really are good to go...

They didn't see it coming. They don't know what they're doing.
We have them where we want them.
And we ARE going to destroy them....
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They have to delay the budget because they didn't see it coming? I wish I could do that.
Simon...There can only be one reason for delaying the budget..
First off, this is not the first financial mess Canada has faced, ..Budgets are presented year in and year out, they are either correct or not so correct, no one needs down to the penny forecasting..
The only reason to postpone the budget is for an early election call...Because we WILL be in deficit..Not only lost oil revenue(royalties) those corporations will have no positive revenue to be taxed on..
For Harper`s finance stooge Joily Oliver to announce a deficit budget, that would make income splitting for the wealthy seem even more outrageous..With an early election call, the writ dropped before having to present a budget allows Harper to keep the balanced/surplus budget lie alive.
Eyes WideOpen
Hey, boys and girls. It takes time to cook the books. And the books are going to need a real good cooking now that those pesky real Economists at TD let the cat out of the bag that there will be at least a $2B deficit this year. And more deficits in 2016.
But, it is a no brainer that Dear Closet Leader will still insist he has balanced the budget this year despite the collapse in oil price to about $45 per barrel. After all, how many Canadians are going to remember that Dear Closet Leader was forecasting a price of $81 per barrel when he claimed a surplus of $1.6B only in Ocotber? Also, I seem to remember that $3B had mysteriously disappeared even though Tony Gazebo denied it. Methinks this is when the $3B could mysteriously appear to "balance" the books, eh?
"Oiliver" was selected not for his prowess in Finance and Economics, but rather for his culinary skills, just like Flaherty (remember the $6B deficit he left Ontario after claiming he had balanced the budget too)?
I am surprised that neither of the two main opposition parties had vociferously pointed out that he should have made this statement in Parliament and not to those oilymen, eh?
So in April a great big light bulb will illuminate over Joey to light his way? Bullshit! They haven't got a clue. Harper's one act oily show is tanking and now they'll use the extra time to spin the biggest pile of bullshit this country has ever seen. Great Economist Leader's incompetence is glaring and maybe now the MSM will start highlighting it.
I wonder how Harper managed to get a university degree. Probably cheated.
As Tom Mulcair said on Power & Politics (Jan. 15) even if the Cons later say they have brought in a balanced budget for 2015, we won't know until 2016 whether it's actually true.
See also:
Besides, a balanced budget is just a misdirection tactic by the Cons. They don't want Canadians to think about the billions of dollars the Cons have added to the national debt since coming to power in 2006.
It takes time to fabricate omnibus lies.
My senses are wide open! As Michael Harris calls it.......3 STRIKES and YOU'RE OUT!
Has anybody seen/inspected his degree to make sure it's not a forgery or an online course for $499?
Inquiring minds want to know . . . what university . . . what courses . . . what teachers . . . what do his former classmates have to say about fearless closet leader . . . can anybody contact Larry Flynt to see if he'll put a $1,000,000 bounty on dirt regarding harpie so we can get to publish the real deal on our unintimidatable fearless closet leader? (harpie admitted he practiced running into the closet with the royal conservative mounted police on numerous occasions to make sure he got it right, ya know)
hi UU4077...they didn't see it coming, they don't know what they're doing, they're just playing for time and hoping that things will magically improve. They belong in a carney, and are not a serious government....
hi Grant...I think they are just panicking, but as you may know, I also believe that they are quite capable of calling a really early election, before the economic picture really turns grim. The fact that they have made the situation worse by giving tax breaks to 15% of wealthier Canadians who don't really need one, has placed them in a very embarrassing position. And by kicking the budget down the road they can avoid criticism while keeping their porky offers alive in their ads. They really are the shabbiest government, and the worst bunch of Con artists this country has ever seen...
hi anon...I agree with you completely, it is only too obvious that they are trying to cook the books, to try to make themselves look like good money managers, when it's all fraud and if there was any justice they would all be in jail. But as I've said before, if the opposition gets that message out strongly enough, and we do our part, we will expose them for what they are, and defeat them when the time comes...
hi anon...reading the comments in the newspapers reassures me that the Conbs aren't fooling many Canadians. They are looking desperate and crooked, and they will pay a price for that. As for Harper;'s credentials...all he has is a Master's degree, built on the back of his rigid ideology, so he is no great economist, and he's making it up as he goes along...
hi David...yes the Cons are counting on the fact that we won't know how much they've cooked the books until 2016, well after the next election. And yes, the Cons have managed to waste billions, inflate the national debt, and the very idea that they know what they are doing, except in a narrow political sense, is absolutely absurd. Harperland is a crazy place and I can't wait until it's over....
hi sassy...well one thing is for sure. When it comes to lies and fabrication the Cons are experts. I my world those kind of experts more rightly belong in jail than they do in government. But they are desperate and they will do ANYTHING to win the next election, so they are dangerous...
hi Kathleen... by my rough count the Cons are up to about a million strikes, and should have been removed or jailed long ago. The myth of the Great Economist was only a myth, and lasted way too long...
The Cons all took the same class on day 1 of office: take the advice of Rodrick from Diary of a Wimpy Kid and always claim 'Deny, deny, deny' and Bart Simpson 'I didn't do it' (or some variant, which Oliver is using now).
Governments rise or fall on a budget being passed. The cons have taken to putting things in budgets which historically weren't in budgets. My question would be what do the cons want to put in a budget, that they want to take to the voters, i.e. security, health care changes, First Nations land.
I doubt if this is about money, as in a balanced or unbalanced budget. Enough advertising and you can talk your way around it, promise better days, we did o,k. we didn't anticipate this blip, no harper is up to something else. don't trust the bastard.
In 2006, Paul Martin left Harper with a budget surplus for 2006-2007, and Canada's federal debt was about $467 billion. After 9 years in office Harper has run the debt up to over $614 billion. This certainly blows out of the water the idea that Harper is Great Economist Leader!
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