Yesterday I told you how Erin O'Toole, Julian Fantino's equally ghastly replacement, had gone after Mike Blais and his veteran's group.
Now it turns out that wasn't an isolated incident, it's part of an all-out offensive.
Because today we found out that the Cons are also going after the distinguished veteran's advocate Keith Neville.
A veterans' advocate in Whitney Pier said he's been told by the federal government he can no longer help former military members navigate the bureaucracy of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board.
Keith Neville has successfully advocated for 48 veterans having their cases heard by the Veterans Review and Appeal Board, which provides veterans and other applicants with an independent avenue of appeal for disability decisions made by Veterans Affairs Canada.
And that even though Neville has helped so many veterans...

"Forty-eight cases were done and 48 cases were overturned," Neville said Tuesday. "So I've been making them look bad."
He has been ordered to stop helping them, because the Cons have changed the rules.
The letter from the board stated the requirements for representing a client have changed. Non-lawyer representatives who do not comply with the expected standards will no longer be able to act on behalf of clients in proceedings before the board, it said. Neville is not a lawyer.
Can you believe those scummy Cons and the tool O'Toole? The decent Peter Stoffer is so right.
"I am absolutely disgusted and I feel so sorry not for only Mr. Neville and his reputation, but the veterans and the family members he is supporting," Stoffer said.
"Let's not forget Mr. Neville doesn't do this for money, he doesn't do it for glory or for medals. He does it because he likes veterans and he wants to help them."
And so is this guy...
If you're a member of Canada's military that still supports Stephen Harper http://t.co/wXGW5A3IJ5 you are literally too stupid to insult.
— CC (@canadiancynic) January 14, 2015
Although I would put it slightly differently.
Because I feel the same way about those old soldiers, and my two grandfathers, as this guy does...

So I would just say that anyone who works for Stephen Harper starts off looking like this...

And ends up looking like him...

And the good news? I know my friends the veterans will not be intimidated by that cowardly little leader.
And will teach him a lesson he will never forget.
They will meet him on the campaign trail, and along with other decent Canadians.
They will help us defeat him and his filthy un-Canadian government.
And help us take our country back...
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Delay, deny and die: The Harper government and veterans
by Michael Harris
o'TOOL is perfect in his new role as Veterans' persecutor and the outrageous attack on Keith Neville is just to be expected from a bunch of cowardly, lying, chickenhawk assholes like harpie's crime cabal is expected to behave.
If there are any veterans out there still supporting harpie, you really are too stupid to be insulted about anything!
If this wouldn't turn a dog from his dinner, I don't know what would? A slap in the face for All CANADIANS!
E-mail your local Royal Canadian Legions and pledge your support for our Veterans against Harper. Harper is the reason Canada went to war, to fight Fascism and dictatorships.
Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini were paranoid control freaks. They all lied, deceived, thieved, were corrupt, used dirty politics, dirty tactics and all of them cheated to win. Harper's personality fits the profile of a dictator, right to a Tee.
I wonder if granting a Power of Attorney would get around this new rule? Just a thought.
hi David...yes I read that story, and it's so true. Those Cons lie about everything, and try to make it sound like they are generous, when they couldn't have been more miserly. But they won't fool most veterans, they know what was done to them, and the Cons will pay for that...
hi anon...I must admit the tool surprised me. I thought he might at least make an effort to play nice. But no, he's going after those who have fought for the rights of veterans, and it couldn't be more disgusting. But as I said in my post, they will not intimidate the vets, and they will only fight even harder to defeat them...
hi anon...don't worry they will be there when we need them, as they were before. And they will be a mighty weapon in the next election campaign....
hi Kathleen...yes it is a slap in the face for all of us who believe in a better Canada. But don't worry, they can give us a slap in the face, but we'll give them a drubbing...
hi anon...yes that's a good idea. Some Legion Halls need to be given a gentle reminder to get off their asses and stop sucking up to the Cons, and join the battle again like so many other veterans have....
hi UU4077...that an interesting idea and I am sure those advocates are considering it. Although if I was them I would simply ignore that that Con tool is telling them. The behaviour of the Cons is so disgusting they deserve to be treated with contempt...
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