I just heard about the murder of the heroic abortion provider Dr George Tiller.
I'm too angry to write about how I really feel. So I'll leave it up to JJ.
Or Dave at the Galloping Beaver.
And all I ask anyone reading this post is to read this story.
I can take an anxious woman, who is in the biggest trouble she has ever experiences in her life, and by performing a five-minute operation, in comfort and dignity, I can give her back her life.
Then watch the first minute of this video.
As horrible as it is....
Then tell me who are the heroes, and who are the TERRORISTS?
Some crazed loser may have pulled the trigger, but the Christian Taliban of the anti-choice movement set him up to it with their deranged, violent rhetoric. So they must share the blame.
And that's all I can say without losing it.
Except to say that George Tiller was a good doctor, a brave man, a quiet champion of women's rights, and my hero FOREVER. As are all the other heroic abortion providers.
The anti-choice movement is riddled with dangerous terrorists....and their supporters.
And they must be CRUSHED...