There couldn't have been a more impressive and moving tribute.
Thousands of people lining the streets of downtown Hamilton, to pay their final respects to Cpl. Nathan Cirillo.
There couldn't have been a more heartbreaking sight...

That little boy couldn't have been braver on such a sad day.
The media couldn't expend enough words praising "Canada's son."
They were complete strangers and close friends. They were office workers and decorated generals. Some came from other countries, others needed only to stand up from their panhandling roosts to salute the casket.
And then there was this...

For which, as Dr Dawg says, words fail.
Stephen Harper taking full advantage of a nation's grief, to inflame it further.
“We’re better for his life, and we’re diminished by his loss,” he said. “And may his son, young Marcus Daniel Cirillo, some day find comfort in the fact that our entire country looks up to his dad with pride, with gratitude, with deep abiding respect.”
In shameless pursuit of his narrow political agenda.
For as we now know, there is nothing he won't do to fan the flames of war, even cancel his planned trip to China. And his agenda couldn't be clearer.
And all I could think of was, how low will he go?
And why has he said so much about Cpl. Cirillo, and so little about that other murdered soldier Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent?
A Quebec soldier killed in a hit-and-run in Quebec one week ago “loved life” and his service was “his way of making a difference in our world,” his family said in a statement announcing funeral arrangements for the 53-year-old. Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent was killed one week ago when he was struck by a car while walking through a parking lot in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que.
If one is "Canada's son" why isn't the other?

Could it be because Vincent wasn't as young or as photogenic as Cirillo? Or because he was attacked in a parking lot instead of at the National War Memorial.
As if that should make a difference.
Or could it be because of this?
A member of the Canadian forces for 28 years, Vincent worked in the Joint Personnel Support Unit at the Integrated Personnel Support Centre. Part of Veterans Affairs Canada and the Department of National Defence, the centres work to help veterans and current soldiers deal with injuries, return to the workforce and apply for benefits and services from the government.
Because Vincent worked to help injured soldiers and veterans, the ones Stephen Harper and his foul Cons have betrayed so MISERABLY?
And he would hate to remind people about that at a time like this one.
Or is it because at a time when the Cons are trying to make us believe that the men who murdered those two soldiers are REAL terrorists, the Vincent family committed the ultimate sin by reaching out to the family of their loved one's mentally disturbed killer.
Vincent’s family also reached out to Couture-Rouleau’s family, saying their thoughts are with them “as they go through these difficult moments.”
In the most Canadian way possible.
And knowing Stephen Harper, you know what I believe. All of the above.
He is no Great Strong Leader.
How could he be when he cowered in a closet during the attack?

Only to emerge as even more of a chicken hawk than he already was.
He is no Canadian leader.
He is manipulating the emotions of the population for crass political purposes, and so he can take away our freedoms that so many died to preserve.
He is leading us to a very bad place.
And if we really wish to honour our soldier dead.
We can't get rid of him soon enough...
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Considering the way he has treated injured soldiers and veterans the picture of him standing over that casket makes me ill.
Why was Harper at one funeral and not the other? Was he at the funerals of every soldier killed in Afghanistan? And, for heavens sake, why was he speaking? He is not the head of the armed forces in Canada, the GG is.
And the same goes for his cancelling of the trip to China. He could find a way to honour the sacrifices of our forces personnel from China. Again, it's the Governor General that should be doing much of what Harper has taken over. That being said, the GG doesn't politicize everything like Harper does.
Montreal Simon, the other Canadian victims are mere cannon fodder....Just business as usual.
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
And why is RCMP killer Justin Bourque not being tagged with the label of "Terrorist"? This young man was intently radicalised and bent on murdering police officers who he saw as enemies no different than soldiers. Sounds like a terrorist to me.
He is absolutely shameless! When I watched Harper at Cpl. Cirillo's funeral, keeping in mind that Cpl. Cirillo was NOT the victim of a terrorist act but rather the act of a mentally disturbed individual,I saw how low Harper will go to stay in power. Nothing is off limits! So, much so that I consider it very possible that he will, unknown to the public,
instigate a real terrorist attack. He wants one to happen so badly. Thank you for writing about why Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent has been ignored. I was thinking about him yesterday and wondered why Harper did not also attend Patrice Vincents funeral. You're outlining of the possible reasons for this are very revealing. I wonder
how many Canadians see Harper's behaviour at Cpl. Cirillo's behaviour for what it is , an act? It tells me that we must be very vigilant, not against the next terrorist act, but against Harper's next manufactured crisis.
I couldn't have said any of this better myself.......
harper's continual speaking at this funerals is simply a photo op. He hasn't done anything for the Veterans of the last little play dates he had with foreign leaders, so why should we think he really cares about the man who was shot.
The soldier who was killed by a car, well his family most likely knows all about the harper effect on the lives of Armed Forces Veteran.
I did read somewhere the family of the Vincent, did ask for privacy. If this is the case, I'm impressed that the press afforded them that right.
It is all well and good to give Cirillo, a big funeral. He certainly is entitled. The question is though, where will harper and his herd be, when Cirillo's Mother needs therapy some time down the road, or any other of his family members. My guess, its will be, get in line, fill out the forms, and we will get back to you.
Update: I see Simon that Mulcair has come out refusing to call the Ottawa shooting an act of terrorism.He just vocalized what many Canadians think, but who the MSM has not given a platform to. In our go along to get along culture that took guts.I think as the leader of the opposition what he has to say is very important.
It's simple really. Our useless MSM is all over the Cpl Cirillo murder and Harper's tagging right along for maximum exposure. It is truly nauseating seeing the events that have unfolded since Harper whipped out his CF18's. Patrice Vincent was murdered shortly thereafter and they branded it a terrorist attack. So why the fuck was security not beefed up for all of our armed forces personnel?! Especially at the most important monument to soldiers in this country?! Harper and his RCMP failed miserably on this. Harper was too busy trying make political hay out the Vincent murder and the RCMP and/or military command left Cpl Cirillo to defend a monument with an empty gun. His murder was avoidable and it's something the MSM has completely failed Canadians by not reporting it. The day Cpl Cirillo died, journalism died as well.
R.I.P. Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent and Cpl. Nathan Cirillo
Does anybody else question why Kerry came to Canada shortly after the Ottawa shooting of which he called a terrorist act. Does anyone know why he came here?
Dear French-Canadian soldier guy:
We are sad about your death. Unfortunately, our internal polling indicates that the death of the English-Canadian soldier plays much better with our Alberta base. Better luck next time.
Jason MacDonald
hi anon....yes I thought it was a bit too much. I'm not saying he shouldn't have been at the funeral. But trying to impose himself on the ceremony was in very bad taste. Especially, as you point out, after the way he has treated injured soldiers and veterans. But he won't fool those soldiers and our vets, just like he won't fool most of us...
hi UU4077...as I said in my post, I honestly believe that the reason he hasn't treated Patrice Vincent's death the same way he treated the death of Nathan Cirillo is because Vincent was dealing with injured soldiers and vets, and it might have been embarrassing. But what really bugs me is that he tried to play down the deaths of the soldiers killed in Afghanistan, but now when it suits him he is only too willing to go along and make himself the star of the funeral. You know, despite how I feel about him I was willing to cut him some slack because he too must have been traumatized by what happened. But exploiting the situation for crass political purposes, is unacceptable in my book. So he should be ashamed of himself...
hi Grant...thanks for the link to your post which is a very good one. As you point out the definition of a terrorist is a very flexible one. It doesn't include the massive terrorist attack on Iraq, which has caused the situation we are living through now. And it doesn't include all the damage done by corporations. As Bill Maher said not so long ago, Americans should fear Monsanto more than they fear ISIS...
hi Omar...good question. Bourque's attack on those police officers was both cold blooded and planned. But since it could not be linked to any clear ideology, it was categorized as merely criminal. The lesson I draw from these latest murders is that better surveillance, better mental health resources, and better gun control could have helped prevent a tragedy...
hi Pamela...yes you're right, Harper has been shameless. From the moment he declared it was a terrorist act, without waiting for the police to finish their investigation, to his starring role at the Cirillo funeral, he has been trying to exploit a tragedy, which is simply unforgivable. As for Patrice Vincent, I felt I had to say something, because it was clear to me that the Cons were treating his death differently. Knowing the Cons I'm pretty sure it was because he was helping injured soldiers and veterans, but whatever the reason it was inexcusable. Vincent served his country well for 28 years and he deserved better...
hi Kathleen...thank you. As I've mentioned before all this ugly senseless violence has left me quite depressed, as I'm sure it has many others. So it has been hard to write this blog. If I didn't feel the MSM has done such a poor job, and has spent more time emoting instead of reporting, I'd probably take some time off. But as long as this nightmare continues there will be no rest for the wicked... ;)
hi e.a.f...yes it was yet another photo-op, like everything the Cons do these days. They do seem to think that they can fool all the people all the time, when in fact what they are doing is all too transparent. As you know I like to think it's because they are desperate, and that does cheer me up. I long for the day when we have a Prime Minister whose motives can be trusted...
hi Pamela...yes I saw that too, and I'm very impressed with Mulcair. The truth needs to be said so we can focus on how to prevent another attack. And Harper should not be able to portray those killers as real terrorists, just to support his dubious decision to join in a bombing campaign, and use it as a weapon against the opposition. The truth will set us free, and we badly need it now...
hi anon...I share your disgust with the way Harper and his gang have handled this whole affair. You would think that tragedy might stop them from playing their usual political games, if only for a few weeks. And sadly the MSM has only enabled them, by whipping up base emotions instead of trying to provide some context, and calming the hysteria. I do understand they desperately need more readers and viewers, but in the long run they are only hurting themselves...
hi Pamela...from what I've heard Kerry was here to try to demonstrate to the Americans that we Canadians are serious about fighting terrorism.The Obama administration is under assault from the Republican tea baggers who claim that this country is crawling with terrorists, and that the border isn't secure. So his visit was intended to reassure them, more than it was to support the Harperite cult....
Hi anon...I didn't bring up the French-Canadian angle, even though I can't help feeling that it did affect the way the Cons treat Vincent. My French-Canadian companion being too proud to admit that, I deferred to his opinion. He is after all a former soldier and he is bigger than me... ;)
I think they should be more worried about the prostitution problem in Ottawa......a lot a of "johns" walking around in suits........even foreign "johns". http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/john-kerry-pledges-to-work-with-canada-to-prevent-terror-attacks-1.2815569 RIP soldiers Cirillo & Vincent
Worth repeating...
"When the election is called, you’re going to see some large fallout, believe me,” veteran Ron Clarke told the Herald.
"As soon as the writ is dropped, we are in action."
Thanks Simon. That makes sense. I've become so intuned to Harpers deceptions that I question almost everything he does, including a visit from the U.S. Secretary of State.
Maybe you spoke too soon, Simon. Harper DID attend the funeral of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent:
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