Well I see Miss Universe got a tour of the Guantanamo Bay Torture Centre.
And she REALLY loved it.
"It was a loooot of fun!"
Other highlights included meeting the military dogs – who "did a very nice demonstration of their skills"
"We visited the Detainees camps and we saw the jails, where they shower, how the(y) recreate themselves with movies, classes of art, books. It was very interesting. I didn't want to leave, it was such a relaxing place, so calm and beautiful...."
Groan. No doubt she thought waterboarding had something to do with surfing.
You know I always thought the Miss Universe contest was a crass and grotesque spectacle designed to make women look like bimbos and sex objects.
Now I'm forced to conclude that the organizers of the Torture Tour pose a serious threat to Jason Kenney and Dr Roy in the Small Brains but Big Boobs International Idiots Contest.
Which is really bad because I've got a quarter riding on each of them.
As for La Guantanamera herself....words fail me.
So on behalf of Omar Khadr.
The Canadian kid who has been rotting in that evil place for years.
And all the other people abused by the guards she entertained.
And since she loves dogs with skills....
I thought I'd let this guy express my appreciation.
For her equally talented performance...
You know if someone tried to write a musical score for The Great War on Terror.
Apart from the screams in the background.
I bet you a quarter that's what it would sound like...