In just three weeks Andrew Scheer, who is leading in the polls, could become the new Prime Minister of Canada.
And we still know so little about who he really is, and what he might do to our country.
But now an article in the Globe has cast a little more light into the shadows, and what we now know should terrify every decent Canadian.

For among other things, we now know that the man who likes to end every toxic Con attack ad by claiming that Justin Trudeau is " not as advertised" is not as advertised himself.
In official bios (such as the one on his Facebook page), Mr. Scheer is said to have been an insurance broker before entering public life. His office said he was an insurance agent. He was not.
The Globe and Mail found no record he ever received the licence required by law to work as an insurance agent or broker in Saskatchewan. Asked to clarify, Mr. Scheer’s spokesman, Daniel Schow, said earlier this week that Mr. Scheer took broker courses, but left the industry before receiving a licence. The job functions Mr. Schow listed were clerical, such as issuing licence plates and collecting payments.
Which much have hit Con headquarters like a Scheer seeking missile, and has me wondering whether our shabby Con media will finally label him a serial liar?
But what troubles me even more than that is this:
In 2002, Mr. Scheer visited the Vatican to attend the canonization of Cardinal Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei, the ultra-devout prelature whose members devote part of their lives to service and sometimes to ascetic practices. (A spokesperson for Mr. Scheer said he was never a member, but offered no comment on why he went.)
For it strikes me as very strange that Scheer would travel all the way to Rome to attend the canonization of the founder of Opus Dei...

But still claim to this day that he is not a member of that ultra secretive far right-wing religious cult.
And the problem is that if the serial liar Scheer is also lying about that, this country could be in deep trouble.
Opus Dei operatives are said to have infiltrated into every group in society, from the military to the media. And if they are working to elect Scheer it could explain so many things:
Like why he is such a misogynist and such a homophobe? Why can't he bring himself to apologize for comparing LGBT Canadians to dogs?

And of course, why are so many media organizations so biased, that they would let him get away with it?
When it should have been obvious long ago that Scheer was just the puppet of larger and even more sinister forces.
As well as a ferocious religious fanatic who hates Justin Trudeau for standing up for the rights of women and gay people...

And was, is, and will always be, unfit to be a Canadian prime minister.
And the good or even better news?
Scheer has never looked more like a serial liar AND a serial Con artist.
The Liberals are calling for a review of Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer's credentials from his time in the insurance industry.
The letter from the Liberals includes several examples of references made to Scheer's job as an "insurance broker" or a "broker" in Conservative party material and from interviews the leader has done. It is life experience — however brief — that Scheer has referred to dozens of times in the House of Commons, during his party leadership race and at various events.
And we've got a nifty new slogan !!
Andrew Scheer is NOT as advertised.
And two really good questions to hammer him with all the way to the election.
Who is the real Scheer?
And what else is he HIDING?

Thankfully, he is only leading in the very inefficient popular vote but still behind in the seat count. 70% in flyover country doesn't win you any extra seats. Frank said he's working on a new release that should drop sometime this week, that he said shows good numbers for the Liberals. In any event it's a close race. Hopefully the new Liberal platform that dropped today gives plenty of ammo to hit Fake Andy with, and Trudeau annihilates him at the debates while holding May, Singh and Blanchet to irrelevance. If Bernier splits the vote even a small bit, all the better. I've even noticed some of the Con pundits shaking their heads, particularly on the climate issue and now this fraudulent CV, but of course I don't want to speak too soon. I'm glad the Liberals are fighting back after that Aladdin bullshit -- a new low in Schmear campaigning if there ever was one -- and all the crap the Cons have flung at Trudeau over four years (if not more -- practically since he became an MP). Enough of this serial liar, unapologetic bigot and religious fanatic. It's about time to kick this asshole to the curb and Make Trudeau Prime Minister Again!
This comes as no surprise. The extent of "the Great Economist's" pre-political career was working in the Imperial Oil mailroom - a job his dad got for him. These Cons spend a lifetime at the public teat trying to destroy public services for the rest of us. Their hypocrisy is sickening.
The first part of the Scheer biography is easy its just the future part that is difficult. First part: Devout son of a preacher man who saw Trudeau senior destroy their power base by first kicking the federal government out of the bedrooms of the nation (separated church from state) and then added insult to injury by replacing religious law with individual freedom above all else. In his mind ( and likely his fathers ) it was devastating ... no means to legislate and no means to forcefully coerce people into religious submission.
The future part of his biography is unknown but the following are the possibilities and odds a) wins the election and rights the perceived religious wrongs... chances 0% b) wins the election and is effectively stymied at every turn leading to a leadership revolt 10% b) wins the election and implements a fraction of his vision barely keeping his base in line..20% c) wins the election and ends in a long remembered national disaster ...20% d) looses the election and is replaced... 40% e) looses the election and remains in power 10%.
The preceding odds indicate that win or loose Scheers future and his vision is over 70% screwed, the only unknown is how many Canadians he will take with him. At present 'loose and is replaced' is the most probable but if the Cons win the election then 'national disaster' versus the 'ineffectual' odds will become predominant. Scheer should have followed in his fathers footsteps rather than trying to become a white knight after abandoning his career as an insurance clerk.
"Andrew Scheer is NOT as advertised."
I like that, Simon. A lot. Being Harper 2.0 means hidden agenda 2.0. I hope he has insurance for when the shit hits the fan.
I hope Trudeau demolishes him in the debates. I saw part of his presser announcing the platform. He's got the fight back in him. Good. Kick his ass, Justin.
Like everything Blandy says is " Sheer nonsense ".
Hey ; don't be too hard on the boy. I'm sure he was good at running the copier and that experience sheerly qualifies him to run the country.
It would be a shame for him to lose his chauffeur and limo, and free rent and $100k liquor stipend, and his gardener and his ~$250k salary . With his job skills he would probably end up homeless.
Me thinks you are crapping your french undies right now simple Simon. You’re afraid when Alberta separates, you won’t have that big , juicy tit to suck from any longer , claiming Quebec the financial success it is thanks to all the sucking Quebec has done from this province and ripping off others like Newfoundland. We are just taking a page from your playbook you idiot. Worked good for Quebec now didn’t it? The difference is, we WILL leave. Good Riddance to complete idiots like you. Well miss this crap soooooo much! Love, Alberta.
Excellent plan! That'll get the tar to tidewater. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
I suggest you think carefully about pipelines. Right now, TMX has still failed to get a lot of property owners to sign and are counting on the ' national interest' get out of jail card. Imagine Alberta's success getting the property rights transferred as a separate country . The energy corridor suggested by May and Sheer-nonsense would be laughed out of Ontario, Quebec,Nova Scotia and New Brunswick .
Existing transit contracts might have to be renegotiated with a separist Alberta. The new terms might not be giveaways like now. Imagine the financial embarassment of having to pay a fair share.
No comrade Dmitri, no one is afraid of Oilbertastan running away from home. On the contrary, what no one wants is Oilbertastan dictating to the rest of Canada and imposing their climate-denying religious fanaticism on civilized people. If Trudeau wins, either an outright majority or a coalition with the NDP and/or Greens and/or Bloc, and it's enough to push you drillbillies out, then like Fleetwood Mac said, you can go your own way. Don't let the door hit your soory ass on the way out. Or like Green Day said, good riddance, hope you have the time of your life.
I generally do not respond to trolls and if we looked up that word in the dictionary your post would be listed there but you left such a big fat one over the plate that I cannot help but respond.
First, thanks for acknowledging that the Liberals are going to win the election and probably win big. Alberta separatists always come out of the woodwork when their guys lose.
Second, if Brexit has taught us anything it is that one small entity leaving a much larger entity does not work out well for the smaller entity, and Brexit us just a customs union on steroids. I could imagine the economic mess Alberta would be in leaving a long established nation state. The levels of investment in the UK are falling like a meteor so you could expect the same for a separate Alberta, which is bad news for a province that utterly failed to leverage their energy wealth into a diversified economy.
Third, Albertan's have bitched about the slowness of the building of the TMX pipeline. The Trudeau government has expended some political capital, calling it a national priority, to change that. No future Canadian PM will ever do that for the sake of a separate Alberta so you Alberta separatists better start finding another sugar daddy to finance any future pipelines. Note do not look to the US. They will not be a sugar daddy they will be a Harvey Weinstein. The same goes for China.
What they would do to Alberta would cause many Albertans to look back on Pierre Trudeau and the NEP with nostalgic affection.
Fourth, the Energy Industry has left almost $300 billion in unfunded liabilities in Alberta, dead well heads and tailing ponds, which we all know will not be cleaned up by the industry. That is going to fall on governments, most of it coming from the Feds, which means I will be on the hook to clean up your mess. If Alberta separates that goes away, along with the close to $5 billion in direct and indirect subsidies that the Feds give the Alberta energy industry.
Finally, without Alberta the Conservatives will not win another election in Canada, ever.
So you see, Alberta separatists do not scare us. They are a bunch of losers who have not figured out how to play the political game in this country. They bitch and complain about the special treatment that Ontario and Quebec receive without drawing the line between that treatment and the fact no political party can count on the voters of those provinces to always vote for them. Here is a piece of advice Alberta Thong, learn the game. It is cheaper and easier than any other alternative.
Drillbillies. I wish I had thought of that. And here I thought I had a way with turds.
At least Tommy Boy had personality. Lying on your resume while applying for the top job, a firing offence. So we could have had Mad Max or Weak Andy, why is the right tearing down Mad Max?
!!!! SIMON !!!! LOOK AT THIS !!!! 👀 Liddle' Andy with the hyphen!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
I can see it now, President Jason Kenney, ruler of the oily Isle of Albertistan. Landlocked, half-cocked and thoroughly f*cked.
Hi Jackie....Apologies to you and the others for taking so long to reply. But I had to travel to Montreal on family business, and have just been too busy to even think about the election. Which is just as well, because I don't like what I see. The liberals may have clawed their way back, but I am now starting to worry about vote splitting. For years I urged that the left unite, but after the massive Trudeau victory I let that slide, and now the nightmare is back. When will we ever learn?
Hi anon....Yes, they are hypocrites, and Scheer is even worse than Harper in that regard. He has almost no job record and has been living in massive tax payer funded mansions for years, while trying falsely to portray himself as a "man of the people." And with our shabby media unable or unwilling to dig up his sinister past, this country is in very big trouble...
Hi RT....I have to admit that I never believed that Scheer would be in such a strong position at this point in the campaign. I can't believe that so many Canadians could be that stupid or that greedy. For that's what it is, a naked appeal to be greedy no matter what that might do to our Medicare system or the social safety net that have taken decades to build. At this point I am still hoping for the best but preparing for the worst....
Hi JD...Harper had a hidden agenda, but I find Scheer's hidden agenda even more threatening.And the reason for that is the hidden hand of the religious right. A hidden hand that the support of groups like Opus Dei has only made more threatening. I have noticed how some OD operatives like Justina Mccaffrey have been able to get away with murder, and have even started wondering whether some of the media bias can be explained by the presence of the religious right at the highest levels of the media. Can you believe it? I thought Big Oil was going to be our biggest enemy, and it turns out that it could be Big Jesus. God help this poor country....
Hi rumleyfips....It would be a rude shock for Scheer to have to live like most Canadians, and have to have a real job. I find it very hard to imagine what that job might be. Once I thought he might make a good manager of a small bank in a small town, but now that I know how little economic sense he has I think he is only qualified to be a preacher or a Walmart greeter...
Hi Ottlib... Thank you for being so patient and so thorough with that rude redneck. I get a lot of comments like that one from Albertonia, and most of them are too vile to print. Any province that votes in such overwhelming numbers for the Cons isn't very bright, or very Canadian, but does have all the characteristics of a banana or in this case bitumen republic. But as you point out, an independent Albertonia would mean that the Cons would never win another Canadian election again, so for the rest of us it would be a win win situation. Alberta is a cancer on the greatness of this nation, it's always been more American than Canadian, so the sooner it leaves the better....
Hi Steve...,Bernier actually compared all the jobs he has worked at compared to Scheer's pathetic work record, and it made Mad Max look like a statesman compared to Weak Andy. Scheer would never have got where he is today without the support of the religious right, the Con media, and of course the dairy lobby. It's simply pathetic....
HI Jackie....Yes, that's a good one. So good I had to include it in my latest post. And to think that in just three weeks he could be prime minister. I'm going to miss Canada, but I won't miss Scheer or the idiot hosers who could vote for somebody so mediocre and so criminal...
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