It was without a doubt the worst and most amateurish debate I have ever watched, a tedious ordeal if ever there was one.
The set was tacky, the Con fluffer Paul Wells couldn't moderate his way out of a paper bag.
And while Jagmeet Singh and Elizabeth May did have their moments, both failed to impress.
But were at least better than the ghastly Con Andrew Scheer.

Who spent his time pretending to ignore Singh and May, while screaming at and glowering at the leader who wasn't there.
Throughout this debate, Scheer seemed at pains to avoid smiling. He waited his turns to speak with eyebrows alternating between arched and furrowed, and a studious earnestness that kept the edges of his lips from curving upward yet did not forestall the occasional glower.
Clearly, Scheer wanted to look prime ministerial, and the constant jabs from the lecterns on either side of him helped on that score, creating the impression that he is the frontrunner the others are desperate to take down. But Scheer didn’t project resolute confidence, or optimism about his vision. At times, the camera angles showed his right leg shifting or shaking—restless energy he could have better channeled by speaking with firmness.
Of course Scheer couldn't be too hard on Singh and May because he's counting on them to split the vote and make him prime minister.
But what disgusted me the most was the way Paul Wells never raised the bigotry of Scheer's Cons, on a day when this story was in the news.
Never asked about Scheer's secret plan to raise an anti-abortion army capable of severely restricting the rights of women.
Never once asked him to explain whether he still compares LGBT Canadians to dogs.
Or explain why he hasn't fired this ghastly homophobe.

But is instead planning to go door knocking with him today.
Of course, it's not just Wells who is giving Scheer a pass, the entire MSM in this country is also guilty doing that.
And this is what I think of them.

The fact that Scheer's brutish bigotry never came up during last night's debate, tells you what a hollow exercise it was.
It explains why so many Canadians thought that the leader who wasn't there won the debate.

For he is the only leader who can defeat Andrew Scheer and his bigoted Cons.
And the only leader capable of standing up for ALL Canadians...

I don't watch debates. They are for entertainment only. There's no real substance.
Trudeau was not there because the original agreement between the parties was to only attend official national broadcast debates to be established by the debates commission. The other parties then ignored that agreement.
Did they actually have an empty podium? That would indicate that the organizers were making a political statement. So much for being neutral.
No puppet no puppet you're the puppet. Charlie McCarthy, the CPC MP for the riding of Antigonish (and associate of Candice Bergen). Most people do not like ventriloquist dummies, but this one in particular is haunted by ghosts and invisible men.
"Yesterday I saw Pierre,
Then saw his son who wasn't there.
Then James Sinclair, I saw today.
Oh, how I wish they'd go away!
When I came home last night at three,
Doug Ford was waiting there for me.
But when I looked around the hall,
I couldn't see him there at all!
Go away, go away, don't make me face my fear!
Go away, go away, and don't bring your buck-a-beer!
Last night I saw upon the stage,
A man who fills my heart with rage.
I saw a man who wasn't there...
And I'm intimidated by his hair!"
If the cons can have a debate hosted by Paul Wells, let us have one hosted by Heather Malick
We all know leaders, leadership qualities, being the top brown nosing slimy worm for 25 years is not a leadership quality
Hi UU....Justin Trudeau was right to avoid the Maclean's debate. The empty podium was an outrageous political statement, and you won't find many "journalists" more biased than Paul Wells, a Con stooge if ever there was one. If Trudeau had participated the pompous Wells would have been all over him like a professional wrestler....
Hi Jackie....I hereby designate you to be our poet laureate. Although the poem sounds a bit like The Nightmare Before Christmas. Scheer's bizarre performance should cost him at least ten points in the polls. But it probably won't because I'm pretty not many people were watching. I don't ever get headaches but I had one after watching that tacky debate and trying so hard to stay awake...
Hi Steve....I doubt Wells will ever be asked to host a debate again. He let his darling Scheer get away with one lie after the other, and only intervened when the others had Scheer cornered...
The only reason the poll showed Trudeau won the debate was because it was being manipulated by Liberal trolls.
Actually, Justin's absence only serves to enlarge his presence.
I don't think Scheer-folly fully gets it.
He fails to appreciate how much his JT-incantations-shtick helps make the PM he hates the only one that matters in the set piece: Da Man. The Star. Even the phantasmagorical star.
I'm kind of reminded of the movie, Harvey--with a twist.
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