As you know, I had high hopes that this story would finally expose Andrew Scheer as a nasty and dangerous religious bigot.
So I was very disappointed when no other member of our shabby Con media asked Scheer a single question about it.
For them it seems the fake scandal of Justin Trudeau dressed up as Aladdin, is more scandalous than Scheer agreeing that LGBT Canadians should be jailed.
But that's OK, I'm not giving up, and I did at least find something to celebrate.

Scheer got such a scare he stopped talking about the fake scandal today, so has the Con media.
And Heather Mallick believes the story has had its five minutes.
Dear readers, what a disappointment. I go away for two weeks and what do I find when I get back? Canadians being urged to fall — and fall hard — for a crude Trump-style campaign distraction picked up and pumped up by the media.
In the U.S., the gotcha was Hillary’s emails. In Canada, it’s a brownface photo of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a teacher playing Aladdin in costume 18 years ago.
Trudeau is 47. It is not clear to me why the past week has been wasted on this. One newspaper had 11 stories about brownface on one day alone.
And one can only hope she's right. For the filthy Cons are wrong, Trudeau is not a racist.

The Conservatives want to paint him as a hypocrite, a secret racist, a dissembler. He isn’t. He is serious about multiculturalism, promotes diversity and inclusion ad nauseam and brings MPs of varying backgrounds into cabinet — hardly surprising since he was raised by Margaret and Pierre, two internationalists.
Scheer is more American than Canadian.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer was born and raised in Ottawa. He is, in the kindest possible way, a plodder with rather sinister advisers using American racist attitudes to attack a Canadian.
The media did overreact.
Journalism overreacted, like 40 hockey players all headed for the puck, the history of the puck, who hates the puck, has the puck been black since 2001, is the puck lying, what African-Americans think of the puck, do brown people still like the puck, can they forgive the puck, what does Jane Philpott think of the puck, what’s next for the puck.
And as I've said before, it was one of the most disgusting assaults on a decent leader I've ever seen.

And the good news?
Judging from this latest tracking poll I'm not the only one who thinks that way...

And yes, as I've said before, decency matters.
Fake scandals are degrading this country.
And this Con bigot is no prime minister...

The media has always given priority to "man bites dog" stories. Trudeau in brownface is a "man bites dog" story - it's unusual and unexpected. OTOH, Scheer being a bigot and a forced-birther is a "dog bites man" story - it's usual in a Con and expected. So, little coverage.
Mallick had the only sane take about the feeding frenzy over SNC too. Speaking of which, Scheer must have finally gotten the memo that he wasted the second of his three wishes on Aladdingate, because today in Papineau (!) he went all-in on "Lock Him Up" over SNC. Which... wasn't exactly a vote-getter for him in Quebec either, so I don't know what his point is? Besides riling up the base with typical kneejerk, populist cognitive dissonance. "Justin Trudeau politically interfered with the independence of the judiciary! To punish him, I'm going to... politically interfere with the independence of the judiciary!" 🤔 🤷 God, what a Trumpian idiot. He can go puck himself.
Is there a link one can refer to for the photo where people are holing up his hands? Thanks.
The graph accompanying the one you show shows Sheer-stupidity dropping as preferred PM. At first I asked myself why this was happening. Then the answer came to me ; he's Andrew Sheer.
Simon, according to the CBC poll, the conservatives will be in a position to seriously take power in October. I worry for Canada. I do not want to see this country become a police state, petro state, religious state, a place where hatred and madness is normalized, a place where the public trust is systematically destroyed, a place where climate change is denied, a place of business as usual. Seems like the fix is in. I am voting Liberal. However, it seems like the next four years will be awful. Only the rich will be safe. Everyone else is expendable under the conservative onslaught. Gee, am I being too dramatic? As one who believes in the goodness of public endeavours, I feel like I am a minority.
Rumleyfips, how significant is the Preferred PM metric when judging the trajectory of the parties? I just saw a CTV clip where Nanos said the Liberals were getting, in his words, "hammered" in the 905. Yet Trudeau as Preferred PM continues to go upward. If Trudeau was dragging down his party, why is he getting more popular in that survey? How much does Preferred PM matter?
Ignore CBC Poll Tracker and don't pay attention to any one individual poll. Eric Grenier doesn't use the paywalled regionals and has been blacklisted by Mainstreet (a reputable polling company despite their detractors) for borderline slanderous accusations against their CEO. 338 Canada does use paywalled data and has updates regularly. The reason the projections changed so much and so quickly is because a whole bunch of Con-friendly polls dropped about one day after the infamous photos -- Dart, Angus Reid, Ipsos. That's a bombardment of data. We still have three weeks, three debates, and the Liberals are still favored seat-wise due to bulking in the west. Above all, know that it ain't over until it's over. Keep in mind also that Pierre won by two seats in 1972.
The Minister of Justice & Attorney General has never been part of the judiciary. If Scheer really did claim that JT interfered with the independence of the judiciary, he's more of an idiot than I thought.
Oh, and by the way there's always a "chance" because the race is so close, but I did check the CBC Poll Tracker (flawed as it is) and it still gives the Liberals roughly 60/40 odds of winning outright. 338 Canada is the same. Not great, but not a death knell either. Like I said, it ain't over until it's over!
only one leader afraid of climate change, weak andy
So when's Mallick going to run for office as a Liberal? Next election or the one after that? What a hack.
Hey, Anon 5:40PM if you're still reading this comments section, the latest Abacus Poll should brighten your spirits a bit. It sure did mine! So did Bruce and David's analysis of Justin's numbers and nasty Andy's too!
Heather seems to be the only columnist who doesn't have any form of TDS(Trudeau Derangement Syndrome) that would cloud her columns. Nor does she put JT up on a pedestal and defend him no matter what. What we get is a level-headed view that cuts through the exploding Con heads and provides us with well thought out opinions based on facts and not on knee-jerk reactions.
Canada's MSM need more Heathers and way less Coynes and Lilleys. Sadly, truth, fact and neutrality doesn't seem to garner as many clicks as an exploding Con head.
During the last election people hated Harper who was crushed and liked Trudeau who led the Liberals from third to first. Also consider NDP performance with Layton then Mulcare. People seem to want to vote for candidates for parties with likeable leaders.
Toronto consists of 905 ,the suburbs that vote for Ford, and 416 , downtown Toronto that does not. CTV is cherry picking here and can be ignored.
Perhaps a Senate seat would be better. Funny that you don't seem too upset about Bob Fife, Don Martin or David Akin's obvious gambit for the Cons' luxury retirement village.
Sounds Trumpian; Biden corrupted the Ukrainian judicial system so as president I have every right to demand they corrupt the corruption to benefit ME by hoisting Biden and son on their own fictitious petard. The only problem is Scheer is a weak amateur compared to a real crime boss with no real ability to keep all those puck chasers in line. Beware of angry men with hockey sticks!
338Canada.com has the Liberals at 41.4% vs Conservatives at 38.6% in the 905. Statistically they're basically tied. The Liberals may lose a couple of seats compared to 2015 but that doesn't seem like they're getting hammered.
Aaron Wherry seems rather level headed as well. Read his book about Trudeau "Promise and Peril".
Hi Anon it's on Adam Scotti's Twitter, taken Sep 25 in Thunder Bay
Brilliant composite considering recent events: he's holding hands with a group of people who appear to be of diverse ethnicities. The black man's hand takes central focus. Adam knows how to make a picture say a thousand words -- and leave the Cons speechless.
Yep, a 33 page (28 meg file) glossy Real Plan to Protect Our Environment and Scheer could not even bother to participate in the climate marches. Fortunately the trees are safe and the power consumption wasted downloading the document is low as few have taken the time to read it. Better to waste their time listening to MSM braying on about Trudeau not doing enough or buying a pipeline while ignoring the bit about it was in exchange for Notley putting limits on GHG output. The provincial Con gang reneged on that deal and the federal Cons will open the spigot or break up the country trying in a death spiral of diminishing returns on volume. Over the past 10 years natural gas and conventional oil production has remained flat while tarry oil has essentially doubled while Alberta resource revenues went from 12 to 3 billion excluding the billions (hundreds of?) in liability they are accumulating. Genius Cons... killing the planet while going broke!
Last woof on the "man bites dog" story?
Hi Jackie....I knew Scheer wouldn't last a day before trying to bring another fake scandal back from the dead. He has ho policies so what is a poor Schmearmonger to do? As for his visit to Papineau, I know that riding well, so I guess that religious fanatic was playing Daniel in the Lions' den...
Hi anon....As Jackie says the picture was taken by Adam Scotti who has many excellent pics of Trudeau, and is a creative photographer I greatly admire. And a very nice guy...
Hi rumleyfips....I'm glad to see that Scheer's personal popularity is sagging, but I am still stunned that so many Canadians still seem to think that he's a decent person who would make a better prime minister than Justin Trudeau. That could never happen if our Con media had done a better job of covering the campaign...
Hi anon....I can understand why you are so worried for yourself and our country. The idea of a Scheer government is a nightmare. But cheer up, the chances of that happening are still very small. Scheer must get a majority if he is to govern, for unlike Trudeau he can't count on the support of the other parties. So while this is still a horror show, hopefully it will have a happy ending....
Hi Steve....There are at least two good reason for that fear. One, he's a miserable coward. And two, he's Big Oil's stooge, and if he doesn't deliver Justin Trudeau's head on a platter his head will be served up with bull's balls and gravy....
Hi anon....If you have any problems with what Mallick wrote, please feel free to let me know. If not, and all you can do is offer up something a five-year-old might say, do me and yourself a favour and just say nothing. Thanks.
Hi JD....All I have ever asked for is balanced journalism, and a more Canadian way of covering a campaign. But as you point out, we now get more opinion than journalism, and an overwhelming Con bias is distorting reality, and I firmly believe, making it easier for the Scheer gang to try to steal the election...
Hi UU.... I have always liked Aaron Wherry, and like you I have always found him to be very fair and level headed. He used to have a very baroque style which I found entertaining. He hast lost that since he arrived at the CBC, but at least unlike so many others at the Conservative Broadcasting Corporation he has managed to preserve his journalistic integrity...
Hi RT....That's a good way to sum up this insane situation, killing the planet while going broke. We're like a people stuck in a marsh of bitumen. Those days are over and we need to move on. Scotland is another country with a big oil industry, but every time I travel there I see more examples of their attempts to prepare for a greener future. So if they can do it Canada can too...
@Brawnfire follow Amy MacPherson (@MsAmyMacPherson) at Free the Press Canada (freethepresscanada.org). She's got some pretty impressive receipts. The guy who wrote the article, Ian Bremmer, is another IDU-esque hack practically cheering the death of western democracy and human rights in favor of authoritarian populism and dysfunctional petrostates. Which coincidentally happens to be the subject of Harper's latest bargain-basement book. Bremmer chides Trudeau for not getting along with petro-thugs like MBS, Trump and Putin. He put the energy economy at risk with his "virtue signalling," wah wah wah, poor Alberta boo hoo hoo. Kenney is involved with this organization and so is Baird. It's another element of the Big Oil plot to unseat Trudeau, declare climate activists a fifth-column threat to national security, and open the taps. This is 100% Koch and Harper.
Thank you both Jackie and Simon, this indeed is such a powerful and profound photo, I LOVE it! Thanks again and keep up the great work! Love and Peace.
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