Ever since Andrew Scheer began driving his Con cult down the Far Right Road, I've always thought that his obsessive virulent hatred for Justin Trudeau would take this country to a very dark place.
Where Canada would look a lot like Trump's America, and our precious values wouldn't stand a chance.
And sure enough, with only weeks to go before the election, Scheer's angry Cons are howling at the moon, and looking and sounding more deranged and more dangerous than ever.
Like these yellow vested goons waiting for Trudeau in Barrie, Ontario...
Yellow Vest protesters at Trudeau event in Barrie, Ont. are the most, uh, enthusiastic I've seen on #elxn43 campaign so far. pic.twitter.com/8U2GKsJcvP— Glen McGregor (@glen_mcgregor) September 26, 2019
Because they do look more American than Canadian, their signs are deeply disturbing...

And if Scheer loses the election his brutish yellow vests could set this country on fire.
But then if that wasn't bad enough, you have this guy attacking Trudeau at a Liberal meeting, as if he really was a "climate criminal."
Trudeau is interrupted by a protester calling him out for buying the TMX pipeline. He engages and stops the crowd from booing. He says thank you to the protester for their leadership #elxn43 #cdnpoli #climatemarch pic.twitter.com/is2EoQDFEu— Marieke Walsh (@MariekeWalsh) September 27, 2019
Instead of the prime minister who has done more to fight climate change than any other before him.
And I can only wonder where did our Canadian manners go? And why are people like that allowed to come so close to Trudeau?
For the line between anger and violence can be such a fine one, as we saw yesterday at the climate march in Montreal...
If this is allowed to continue we could end up in a really terrible place.
For the country is full of dirty old men who have been convinced by Scheer that Justin Trudeau is a monster, and have come to believe that he must be destroyed by violence if necessary.
From the yellow vested crazies who can now be found all over the country screaming like Trumplings on meth, to the silly old toxic Trudeau haters like the Disaffected Liberace...

Who blames Trudeau for EVERYTHING, and along with all the others is helping turn this country into a madhouse.
Or a shit house...

May the Con media stop claiming that Trudeau is ever as bad as Scheer.
May his Con haters choke on their vomit, or drown in their own excrement.
May our decent prime minister be protected from all those who would hurt him.
And may his RCMP guardian angels be as good as they were yesterday...

I told you guys those far-left absolutist shit disturbers were as much of a threat to the rational centrists as their mirror-universe right-wing counterparts. It's called a pincer movement or two-front warfare. In other words, tankies to the left of me and fascists to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you. Bernie Bros were and continue to be as unhinged and spoiling for a fight as MAGA mad hatters. They did it to Hillary Clinton and now they have Justin Trudeau in their sights. Any of this ring a bell yet?
What really sickens me is they even made Xavier upset. They don't like when Bernier goes after Greta (nor should anyone), but I guess two wrongs make both a right and a left? Traumatizing an 11-year-old boy is not the way to win sympathy for your cause. I don't tolerate it when ostensible progressives make fun of or concern troll about Barron Trump, and I wouldn't tolerate anyone going after Scheer's kids either. Just like anti-abortion fanatics who threaten violence against gynecologists don't have the right to call themselves "pro-life," nor should radical environmentalists or socialists or whatever who assault and threaten elected officials and their children "to own the neolibs" have no right to call themselves a movement "of the people."
If this is what the Extinction Rebellion doomsday cultists and their horseshoe theory counterparts in the petrosexual yellow vest movement consider "activism," then fuck their "activism" is all I can say. You wanna march and wave signs, fine. You wanna take out your frustrations at the ballot box, be my guest. But this crap? They're a match made in hell and that's where they belong. Let the agitating bastards burn in the dark.
There's the perfect example of the classless, obnoxious, low IQ voter Scheer so desperately covets and judging by the tweets condemning those yellow vested idiots, I'd say any decent person witnessing this would be appalled and will vote accordingly on October 21st.
To the families of those morons, my condolences on your sub-human kin's lack of oxygen to their brains. Their false prophets Harper, Scheer, Kenney, Levant, etc. made them this way. They nurtured their hatred and spurred them to go forth and spread their bile. Sad. No, pathetic.
... society is changing Simon, as if you don't know.. You comment on that daily & earnestly, eloquently. But its erratic, randomizing.. even more bizarre than many are capable of recognizing. Near the top of the heap.. 'Leadership' aint what it used to be.. instead its carefully crafted talking point, deep flawed Political Parties, yet champions like Greta are breaking out, Climate Marches.. but a US President who cannot spell rage tweeting how CNN removed a hyphen ..
'Leadership' in Canada purportedly is a 'conservative party' 'leader' who insulted Canada, Canadians and our Canadian Environment on Friday.. to attend a partisan riding rally.. or put a bandaid on their annointed candidate - he failed to march or ride public transportation & congratulate our kids on their homemade signs and energy.. It also turns out he 'mis-characterized' his employment history.. and was never licensed to sell life insurance.. golly gee. The US Military is warning America based troops to be careful at movie theatres screening The Joker.. as roving armed groups of incels may be planning mass murder.. and be prepared to run, hide and remain quiet. WHAT ? Whistle Dixie.. in The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave.. WHEW !! What a weekend. Millions marched globally on behalf of combatting Climate Change.. some mainstream media headlines sniffed 'Thousands Walked'
Is this the new 'normal' ?? Well, keep in mind the lyrics of Bruce Cockburn who was and is way ahead of his time.. as a humanitarian, as an environmentalist.. and as a real leader in the world of music.. 'The Trouble With Normal Is It Always Gets Worse' .. If coherent and caring Canadians are to look after our Democracy, our part of Spaceship Earth.. we have to adapt, get tougher, be smarter.. and we need to anticipate.. be proactive.. not just be vaguely or dazedly reactive or confused..
Keep up the good work dude.. !
I'm starting to hope Trudeau succeeds. You see, if there's a Conservative victory it'll make right wingers complacent. We'll still have hundreds of thousands of immigrants coming here... Nothing will really change. If the Liberals win it will totally radicalize a small portion of the Canadian public. Another 4 years of Trudeau will make those Yellow Vesters lose their minds. And that's when the fun begins. Militias will form on day one...
And I hope he succeeds so that the whole sorry lot of Vanilla ISIS lunatics (who you seem to support?) are thrown in jail. You don't think a Trudeau can face down terrorists? Just watch him! Because it's 1970!
I believe that the hate mongering of Scheer and Levant etc is leading this country to tragedy. If you read the comments on that YouTube video, it's clear that many Cons want Trudeau dead. Reflect on that, and then wonder how did we get here, and why did the media not do more to expose that threat before it was too late?
Harper sold the media to us savage corporate-warmonger Yanks. Then the Internet (another American made weapon of mass destruction) took over and unleashed every basement dwelling nerd virgin into the wild. I hope he wins even a minority in October but I also hope nothing happens to him like our anon troll up there appears to be agitating for. I said so during the SNC feeding frenzy and I still feel this way: I think the media would love to see him killed because a JFK North incident would be a ratings bonanza for them. Just think of how the British papers profited after their paparazzi chased Diana into a tunnel. They hate Trudeau as it is, the people's prime minister, just like they hated the people's princess. Profiting from tragedy would be a generous bonus. See Howard Beale.
Why hasn't the Disaffected Lib been charged, when almost everything he writes is designed to stir up hatred against Justin Trudeau, like so many other crazy old Cons out there. I too read the comments about that video, and it's also clear to me that many of Scheer's supporters want Trudeau dead. We are losing our Canada and becoming another version of the horror down south, the media is ignoring that, and as a result most Canadians have no idea what's happening.
At least the Liberace has an excuse, he's old and increasingly soft in the head like all those other angry old white guys screaming at the world from the safety of their porches. But what's Warren Kinsella's excuse? He spews hatred at Justin Trudeau from his perch at Progressive Bloggers at least three times a day, and has in my opinion totally ruined the reputation of that aggregator. Compared to him the Liberace is just a senile old fool.
Nothing is going to change in this election. We are all locked in and it a new majority for JT. His costume sins are not relevant. His SNCL determinations are standard operating procedure for any goverment anywhere in the world. Some princess may live in a fairytale world, but in reality you can not prosecute business.
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