A few days ago flyers like that one began appearing on Canadian university campuses.
The Cons didn't want to talk about why they were attacking professors, like the far-right does all the time in Trump's America.
But eventually Andrew Scheer couldn't dodge questions from the media any longer, and this is what he told them.

He was just trying to be funny.
When in fact the pamphlets aren't funny, but are a small part of Scheer's grand plan for a godly "freedom of speech campaign" on campuses.
For it is an issue that obsesses him almost as much as Justin Trudeau does.
And amounts to forcing universities to accept the presence on campus of far-right extremists, racists, misogynists, and homophobes.
Where anti-choice fanatics get to put up grotesque posters like these whenever and wherever they want...

Where universities that refuse to allow that in the name of human decency are defunded.
And students who object are compared to those who burn down churches.//

And if you think that's weird, then there's this interview Scheer conducted with an anti-abortion activist named Ruth Shaw.

Which you can watch here.
Where Shaw talks about how she was arrested at Carleton University in 2010, for what she claims was just standing up for her beliefs.

While failing to mention that the university had offered her group a room to make a presentation.
But they turned that offer down, and insisted on holding a rally in the university court yard, so they could show students "what abortion really looks like."
By shoving posters like these in their faces...

While Scheer practically quivers with excitement, or hums sympathetically.
Which is just about all you need to know about his religious fanaticism, and what he thinks of women's rights.
All you need to know why he can NEVER be trusted.

And why if you love this country and its values.
Scheer and his Cons must never be allowed to govern it...
Nasty Republican fuck is on the wrong side of the border and the wrong side of history. Canada does not have a First Amendment and from what I've seen here, the U.S. made a mistake with it. Popper's paradox of tolerance should be the standard. This grotesque crap should be discarded out the Overton window. Is this the "secret project" Jordan Peterson was working on in the lobster kitchen at Compost Media?
A joke? That he calls it a joke is a joke. That there is nothing ever funny about Scheer is a joke in itself. His candidate running from reporters in Ottawa yesterday after her ties to her bff Faith Goldy were revealed was quite a joke.
Let me be crystal clear, Scheer is the joke, not the joker.
Nah, he's the Joker. A shit disturber if there ever was one. I'd love to see Simon make a cartoon of him saying "Why so Scheerious?" The comic book villain with the shit-eating grin just said he's sticking by his pet bigots as long as they issue a half-assed boilerplate apology. Figures. If he kicked out every racist, homophobe and/or conspiracy theorist in his party he'd be out 338 candidates including himself. Apparently the Cons' big tent is made from white sheets.
Like Trump,the retrograde social vision the Scheer Reformacons promote is dangerously real but it also serves as a smoke screen to mask cooperate raids on the public purse and our long term well being. In Canada this seems to track back to the vision of an oil based economy. Given concerns about the environment and that data shows it is not an economic winner as Alberta oil output has doubled over the past dozen years with less royalty revenue and employment numbers to show for it. Hence they push emotionally divisive issues instead.
Hidden in the noise is information such as JWR's husband with Fraser institute leanings has been lobbying for self governing first nations with the strategy of making them self sufficient through economic development. Excellent objective except when the freedom comes from pipeline and other resource extraction revenues and those that oppose are ostracized as Greenpeace shrills. Typical Con double speak but like Trump they keep their intent masked under a pile of emotional rhetoric.
This is appalling -- and then he tries to brush it off as a joke, at a time when Ford has also talked about defunding universities which don't allow culture wars to be fought on their campuses.
I look forward to seeing Canadian media put this all together....Oh, dream on!
She really did want to overthrow Trudeau and be queen of the "big house." And I suspect she and her greedy hubby still do. She would sell out her own people to the prospectors while pocketing the benefits for herself. Jody and Tim, the Bonnie & Clyde of Canadian politics. Shame.
math and science are left wing talking points to weak andy
Hi Jackie....Very few Canadians are aware of how much Scheer was and still is influenced by the right-wing in the U.S. And of course in that regard our shabby media is totally useless. They said it couldn't happen here, but it is and right under their noses...
Hi JD.....Scheer has never looked more pathetic. He counts on the ignorance of our bought media not to understand a dog whistle so he can later call it a joke. And that even though as I point out in my post, he is truly obsessed with the issue. I think Scheer believes that if his religious fanatics can do what they want on campuses, students will flock to his cause. Which of course is absurd and a real joke...
Hi RT....Smoke screen is a good word to describe how the Scheer Cons operate, more like a criminal organization than a political party.. But then of course they know that if people knew the truth they would run them out of town. Unfortunately the media can't or doesn't want to spend time investigating this right-wing conspiracy, so we are in real danger
Hi Cathie....yes, I should have mentioned that Ford has threatened to do the same thing in his attempt to court the religious right. And like you I wonder why our media seems to be ignoring those threats to our education system. That's how we end up,on the road to fascism. The left needs to get its act together and start taking no prisoners...
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