Lordy. The Duffy trial is just beginning, and I don't think I've ever seen the fanatics in the PMO looking so frightened, or their Great Leader in a such a state of obvious panic.
And it's not just because so many of them are going to have to testify under oath, or the thousands of their secret e-mails that Duffy's lawyer is brandishing like a weapon.
Or the fact that the trial is already reminding Canadians that Stephen Harper bent the rules to make Duffy a Senator...

So he could be his porky fundraiser.
What's also terrifying them is Duffy's Diary.
Mike Duffy kept a detailed calendar that was part diary, part day-timer that reveal political intrigue and mundane dealings.
It confirms that Duffy was a man in motion, a high-profile personality who crisscrossed the country helping Conservative MPs with local fundraisers and campaigns.
Because it makes it clear that Ol' Duff was a bigger wheel in the Con organization than most people might have imagined. Not just their superstar fundraiser, but also a valued communications adviser, summoned by the PMO to deal with other scandals.
In earlier 2012, the Prime Minister’s Office sought his help to “assist with media on robocalls,” the election controversy over the automated phone calls that misdirected voters away from polling stations.
Summoned to supper with Stephen Harper.
The calendar also records several cocktails and dinners at 24 Sussex, the home of the prime minister, as well as times when Duffy spoke to Harper during caucus meetings.
And since he's already embarrassing Peter MacKay.

Caught taking a ride in a search-and-rescue chopper from a fancy fishing lodge in Newfoundland, senior Tory cabinet minister Peter MacKay suspected he had been set up by a senior aide to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, evidence at the trial of Mike Duffy reveals.
Who knows what Duffy might say about Great Leader when his time comes to testify?

And as Chris Waddell points out, what must really have him in a panic is what the trial and the scandal are threatening to reveal about HIM
Harper knowingly appointing a senator who probably wasn’t eligible for the job wouldn’t be just an instance of bad judgement — it would sum up his entire approach to politics. When the PM wants something, nothing — not the rules, not decency or common sense — can stand in his way.
He wanted Mike Duffy in the Senate because he wanted to exploit the Red Chamber’s laughably lax rules to channel the broadcaster’s fame and charisma into fundraising for the Conservative Party of Canada — with the sucker taxpayer covering the tab.
Because it's not pretty...

What the Duffy affair laid bare is how the Harper PMO approaches the game, whether it’s appointing a Senator or ramming a bill through Parliament: If it can’t be demonstrated that what the PM wants to do is strictly, clearly illegal, then it’s good to go.
It makes Boss Harper look more like mad emperor than a Prime Minister. It will damage his image that he's been trying so hard to improve.
And it will almost certainly make more Canadians believe that HE is good to go.
Gosh. Who knew Duffy's Diary would be such a good read?
Even the really scary parts:
Duffy was also painstaking in recording his health, weight and doctor visits, with notations like this one April 27, 2012 that hint at his condition that day, “MD explosive (Garlic cabbage rolls?)”
Because the way this trial is going, with a little luck, and some more garlic cabbage rolls, I wouldn't be surprised if Ol' Duff blows Stephen Harper off his perch...

And takes the whole Con regime down with him.
Isn't that great? This trial is already hurting them.
And the best is still to come...
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"And now for something completely different . . ."
This just in from the C.B.C.: The Canadian Armed Forces guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier will be paying the Ottawa Police $425,000 dollars extra for security??? WTF???
Since when did our C.F. need the "protection" of regular cops? Does the fact they were trained in Quebec mean they're substandard? I'm confused!
I love how you gave Ol' Duff the red hair and pigtails Simon. Very cute and funny. Would that make him "Ham of Green Gables"?
I'm glad the Duffster kept a diary, it should be the gift that keeps on giving.
Did I say it once, maybe but here is twice. You can not ignore no matter what your faith, images of Gods penis.
Hi Anon 9:09 AM it is getting dumb and dumber I agree so soldiers need cops? I thought it was the other way around...
No they are not substandard, but it may be that the soldiers don't carry guns for protection and the PMO thinks they need more "security" for their soldiers, you know to demonstrate how dangerous it is to guard a piece of stone. The cons want to make as much hay out of the shooting of the solider as they can. They need Bill C-51 to protect everything, including the piece of concrete. Paying the Ottawa Police $425k a yr may also be paying them for something else which they don't want shown on the books, so viola, guarding the concrete.
Simon, that diary is going to carry a lot of weight. it wasn't something which was manufactured in one instant, it was over a period of time. I'm sure Duffy's lawyer will cross examine witnesses and have the diary to perhaps tell them that wasn't the record of the time. this will be fun, but it will only work if it is reported by MSM so people actually know. it will also be up to the other parties to use the material during the election. Stevie and his sliders may not be truthful or have their own versio, but unless it is used, then it won't count. there will need to be ads which questions stevia's ability to tell the truth and ads questioning stevia's judgement. without, the election would be business as usual and the Cons could sale to another majority government.
The Alberta election will also weaken the other parties. They will be spending money there, it will reduce the amount they have for the federal election. as the mayor of Calgary said, the election in Alberta isn't necessary, but it is if you want to tire your opposition. How easy it is to phone Prentice and ask him to hold an election.
The diary will be fun because it reveals how often Duffy was with the p.m. who now can not put the distance he wanted between himself and the Duffiness.
Simon you are a joker and a midnight lover you take your fun on the run lyrics courtesy of drum roll please Steve Miller of the Steve Miller Band... I met him by accident because I was at a friends house visiting in Santa Fe New Mexico. Steve parachuted in because he knew my friend and the three of us males had a great conversation. Steve was hilarious [his sense of humor nothing like I'd ever seen and a warm person]. So he said I gotta go nice meeting you I have a concert to go to. So my friend I knew asks me after Steve exits do you know who that was? No I just said but the three of us had a rollicking good time together. Who is he? I asked? My friend said that is Stevie Miller of the the Steve Miller Band the lead singer do you like that band? Hell yes I said this was the eighties when they were big real big. I had a hard time believing it. I do not chase celebrities follow them around or ask for autographs.
So you and Seb enjoy this link crank it real loud so your neighbors complain [no just jokin as Steve sang ;]
And here is a better one "Wind of Change" you'd never believe a hard rock band could make a ballad this poignant and beautiful. They helped in a small way tear down the Iron curtain we can united take down the Harper crooked curtain have faith...
Mr. Moglio
Why did they decide to have soldiers guarding a piece of concrete! There never used to be soldiers guarding that monument! That is so unnecessary!
1:43 mark
Canada and US Looking At Conscription? Michael Rivero
What might Stephen Harper do in his fourth term as prime minister?
“To Duff, a great journalist and a great senator. Thanks for being one of my best, hardest-working appointments ever!"
if you have soldiers in nice uniforms at pieces of concrete, etc. people will get used to seeing them there. then when they change the uniform to something not so stylish, people will be more accepting of it. Its called the visual militarization of Canada. Expect to see more.
The report I heard referred to this piece of news described it as "restoring tradition". Since when is something that is done for less than current decade considered "tradition". It was always a stupid show of hyper-militarization that was instituted by the Harper government.
hi anonymous...well I'm sure it has nothing to do with them being trained in Quebec, but yes this whole war memorial exercise is becoming a bit ridiculous. I personally don't think we should have guards there. And if there were problems in the past with some drunks urinating on it, the police should be taking care of them as they would do in a place like Britain where to my knowledge there are no guards at their cenotaph...
hi anon...thank you I'm glad you liked it, and I like Ham of Green Gables a lot. And yes, when I heard that Duffy had kept a diary, i was very happy. Especially since it probably means that Duffy kept everything he got from the PMO. Of course a tape of their conversations would be even better, but a diary should be good enough...
hi Steve...please spare me any talk about God's penis, I'm a prude AND an atheist...;)
hi e.a.f...yes anything that helps show how tight Harper and Duffy were, can only help undermine Great Leader and taint him further, if that's possible. As you know I always say that in this distracted age politics is perception, and it's the small stuff that can kill you. If this scandal goes into June and Harper gets damaged, it's going to be very hard to recover before the election...
hi Mogs...thanks for the link. Neat song. "I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker." Oh well, one out of three ain't bad... ;)
hi anon...yes as I said above it really isn't necessary. The War Memorial should be a place where ordinary citizens can pay tribute to the fallen, and I find the presence of soldiers, except on Remembrance Day, actually gets in the way of that, by focusing attention on the living rather than the dead...
hi e.a.f. and Beijing....yup you're both right. It isn't really necessary and it's just another way Harper is trying to militarize our country...
hi anon...I wasn't able to open that link but I did listen to what Rivero said on a YouTube: https://youtu.be/_Q9jr6CnDC0
I haven't forgotten that conscription story, and as soon as I have more information I'll write an update. But since I believe that Harper is quite capable of doing that, I'm already working on a YouTube video of my own...;)
hi David...yes isn't that special? I'll bet the Cons are shocked at the way this trial is going already. And if I ever get into trouble, I'll be hiring Bayne to be my lawyer... ;)
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