If we needed any more evidence that the Con regime is some kind of freakish cult, and that Stephen Harper is desperate, now we have it.
On Thursday it will be Great Leader's 56th birthday.
And his PMO monsters are actually sending out birthday cards for people to sign, tell him how much they love him.
And wish him a happy birthday AND a happy majority !!!!

Will Stephen Harper have a lonely birthday? Not if the Conservative Party of Canada can help it! According to photos circulating on social media this week, the Conservatives are drumming up support for the Prime Minister's 56th birthday this week -- by mailing people birthday cards, along with instructions to sign the cards and send them back to Harper.
Which will no doubt be presented to him along with his favourite birthday cake...

The one that screams and bleeds when he sinks his teeth into it.
Like so many other Canadian institutions and values that cruel bully has murdered during his depraved reign of terror.
And while Press Progress is right to print a list of all those who will NOT be sending him a birthday card. For no Prime Minister in Canadian history has ever been so despised.
I think it's wrong to suggest that Mike Duffy won't be sending him one...

Because he really does owe him EVERYTHING.
And hopefully Harper will return the favour when he is subpoenaed by Duffy to appear at his trial, and explain why he loved him so much he was willing to ignore the fact that he didn't live in PEI.
And of course I will be sending him one too...

If only to wish him a very unhappy last birthday in power.
And hope that his next one will be even more dismal...

For I think it's safe to say, that there was never a worst Prime Minister, or crueller bully, or monkey maniac.
His absurd narcissism is nauseating.
And we can't get rid of him soon enough...
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Where can I get one of those cards? There are many things I would like to wish Dear Leader, but "Happy Birthday" isn't among them.
Yes, I like A. 11:45 P.M.'s suggestion, we send Steve our own versions of a birthday card, or e-mail. He can then reciprocate and give Canada a great big birthday present on 1 July to all Canadians, resign and go to hell.
VIDEO: Vancouver activists beat an effigy of Stephen Harper riding an oil tanker
Harper was born April 30, 1959, which makes him a Pig in the Chinese Zodiac.
From the book, Suzanne White's Book of Chinese Chance (1976)
Pig/Taurus (April 21 - May 21)
"This body of apparently still waters will most probably contain an undertow of hidden rage at the world. Because the Pig/Taurus has trouble expressing himself except through deed, all that artless sensuality may bottle itself inside his head. Without proper outlet for his earthly power, an inner struggle for victory over ingenuousness will ensure. Art, literature, culture in all its forms will intrigue and delight the Taurean born under the sign of the Pig. Perhaps he should endeavor to learn to sing and dance in order to lighten his ponderous presentation of self. Pigs cling stubbornly to purity. Taureans are obstiniate on almost any subject. Both signs enjoy material comforts and the pleasure of the table. If these subjects are not able to check their tendency for excess, they can become as fat as pigs and pig-headedly stuck in a rut."
Stephen Harper sings Sweet Child O' Mine (how we THINK we sound vs. how we DO sound)
This is a joke, right? I don't know whether to laugh or cry!
And they pander to him. They are a bunch of cult members.
Simon your humor combined with your wit made my morning I'm still laughing thank you ;)
Just had to throw that link in there some very fitting ones for Harper...
This one is good for sure for sure:
hi anon...to get one you would have to be on the Con mailing list. Needless to say, I'm not on it, because goodness knows what they might send me. ;)
But remember, one of the reasons for this campaign is so they can add more names to their massive data bank, hit them up for money, and lead them like sheep to the polls on election day...
hi e.a.f...I wouldn't bother. They must surely know how much so many Canadians detest them. The best message we can send Great Leader is the one we can send him on election day...
hi David....yes I saw it, and although I haven't used it, I am saving it so I can use parts of it in my own videos...
hi David...well that explains EVERYTHING. Now can you suggest a tune that we can make Harper sing and dance. As you know I am biased in favour of Elvis Presley's Jailhouse Rock... ;)
hi Kathleen...don't weep, it just tells us more about the Con regime, and when I accuse Harper of being an absurd narcissist, I'm not kidding....
hi anon...I have long believed that the Cons are demonstrating all the characteristics of a cult. In fact their behaviour cannot be explained any other way. But the good news is that cults usually end up being blinded by their ideology, and led to the slaughter by their own Great Leader...
hi Mogs...thank you, as I've said before, if the only thing I can do is help cheer up progressives during this dark time, I would be more than satisfied. And thanks for the birthday card for tyrants link. I may have to "borrow" a few. Especially the ones with dinosaurs... ;)
Ya Simon those B-Day cards for Tyrants we should flood 24 Sussex Drive and the PMO's office with them eh? Yes let's do it.
Cheers Simon Cheers,
He can get phoney self made cards but we can flood the PMO and 24 Sussex with Tyrant cards eh?
Mogs Moglio
Elvis is the man!
But sadly, this link no longer works. I think it was first posted by one Andrew JD Robinson:
Stephen Harper sings Sweet Child O' Mine (how we THINK we sound vs. how we DO sound)
You know the birthday card thing isn't true don't you. Mrs. Harper emailed supporters a fund raising letter and asked people to go to a website where they could wish Happy Birthday. No cards were mailed out.
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