You had to see it to believe it. Stephen Harper welcoming the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Canada.
Then travelling on the plane with him to a massive rally in Toronto.

Even though Modi is a Hindu extremist, and has been accused of enabling mass murder.
Until a year ago, Modi was denied a visa to visit the U.S. because of “severe violations of religious freedom.” While Modi was chief minister of Gujarat, he was accused of “criminal conspiracy” in a pogrom against Muslims in 2002 in which more than 1,000 were killed, and over 100,000 were made refugees.

A man whose image is being reinvented by Big Business while back in India his supporters run wild.
With Modi in power, his emboldened brotherhood in the Sangh Parivar has intensified the targeting of minorities — Christians, Muslims, indigenous tribes and lower castes. Women are kidnapped for marrying Muslim or Christian men as part of the “love jihad” campaign. Churches are being attacked; a nun was raped. But Modi pretends that the everyday violence and intolerance doesn’t exist. He is busy travelling the world, signing business deals and meeting his diaspora supporters.
But why should anyone be surprised when Harper and Modi resemble each other.
In many ways, Harper and Modi are natural allies, both conservatives with strong corporate backing. Just like Harper has been using Islamophobia to stir up fear and insecurity, Modi uses anti-Muslim rhetoric during his election campaigns, too, but violent consequences often follow his words.
And the Cons are harvesting religious extremism to try to win the next election.
Because to understand that all you have to do is look at this demonstration against the Ontario government's new sex education curriculum the other day...
Ask yourself where did those ignorant crazies come from, and is this still Canada?
Know that one of the main organizers was the notorious Christianist bigot Charles McVety.

The man known as the PMO's chaplain, who once claimed he could get Harper on the phone quicker than a cabinet minister.
And then read what Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne had to say about a similar demonstration last month.
What truly bothers the premier is her belief that such protests may be politically motivated — orchestrated by federal Conservative activists profiting from parents’ fears in order to boost their own partisan ambitions in a “despicable” way.
“I think the federal Conservatives are going to use this issue in certain communities in the federal election, which I think is despicable,” Wynne said. “It’s something that we need to call them out on.”
And the strategy becomes only too clear.
Cons like Jason Kenney have flooded the country with hundreds of thousands of immigrants chosen for their religious beliefs.
They have nurtured them by attending one ethnic religious event after the other.
And are now preparing to wield these communities in an all-out assault on our values, and use them to try to steal the next election.
For only a Con like Kenney could embrace a leader whose supporters are murdering Christians and raping nuns...

While at the same time using the anti-niqab campaign he started to make it look like the Cons are against what they call barbarous cultural practices. Or fooling his sucker base into believing they are against immigration.
And yes, the Con Death Machine is now stirring up religious bigotry in Ontario, just like they did in Quebec with the niqab issue, to use as a weapon against us in the election.
And all I can say is if the Cons succeed it will be a pyrrhic victory. For it will leave multiculturalism as a smouldering ruin, divide Canadians to an extent never seen before.
And change this country into a living hell...

For if you sow the wind, you will reap the whirlwind.
And if you harvest religious extremism for crass political purposes, you are for that alone, unfit to remain office.
Wake up Canadians. Stand up for our secular values of tolerance and inclusion.
Don't let those Con fanatics get away with it.
Don't let Stephen Harper destroy our Canada...

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If the Liberals and NDP don't staring working together, the Harperites WILL win again.
A friend wrote to me today: "According to media reports, Justin is not willing to join Mulcair in order to defeat Harper. I think that getting rid of Harper is the most critical issue at hand if Canada is to remain democratically "Canadian"....I think that the two parties working together would bring about changes that are better balanced and thought out....and throw in wise Elizabeth May and we have a great chance at becoming proud of our country once again! As things stand right now I still believe that Harper has a very good chance of winning, in spite of his being a number one asshole, due to vote splitting."
And all the main stream media are carefully avoiding talking about Modi's record.
Seriously? Dude, you hate Christians and especially religious sisters (nuns,) because they happen to be predominately Catholic, almost as much as you hate Stephen Harper!
If you're going to defend nuns, then kindly take down the slander that you posted about his Excellency Salvatore Cordileone, the Archbishop of San Francisco.
I'd ask for an apology, but being a fanatic means never having to say you're sorry.
You won't. And I know you won't, because the Church also includes nuns like this; https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/the-persecution-of-sister-jane-dominic-laurel
And when Blessed Mother Theresea, ya know, the most prominent nun in India used an audience at the National Prayer Breakfast to make a speech against abortion, I have a little trouble believing that your outrage is actually sincere, since you are, afterall, an abortion-absolutist.
If we apply the same logic to Modi as we do to Putin, the victims of communism statue will be changed to a bust of Putin.
If we had a funtioning press they would be comparing the cost to bring Modi to Canada vs the cost of sending Harper to India. Be tell Modi flys commercial.
Stephen Harper has effectively declared war on yet ANOTHER nation: Pakistan. By encouraging India's nuclear program without conditions or tracking, we are enabling India's nuclear arms program.
Stephen Harper is happy to do this because all he can see is the donation cash register clicking away with donations from East Indians and their families supporting this kind of potential genocide.
We are a sad, lost country under this leader.
I am personally getting sick of this shit Simon when is it going to end? The so called leaders feel they are entitled to be free to break the law and use the public purse for their own purpose? Huh? Time to hang these dumb shits...
So what Canada does not have a death sentence? So how come the cops are allowed to shoot and kill at will? To me that is the death sentence with out a judge jury or trial. How about the polish fellow murdered by the RCMP at the Vancouver International Airport? Tasred to the death for not understanding and apparently upset so now being upset brings a death penalty? No wonder people are killing RCMP officers. I do not agree with that behavior but I simply see how they the RCMP are bringing it upon themselves. Hell they rape the female RCMP officers is that not a crime? Not if you are a male RCMP.... You get away with murder and rape.
I support the female RCMP officers coming out and charging their male counter parts with sexual abuse. Ya okay it happens but in the RCMP? They are supposed to uphold the law. We are fucked Simon we are fucked...
When will the bells of freedom finaly ring? I hope soon...
Mogs Moglio
hi anon...Lordy. I point out that Jason Kenney is celebrating a man whose supporters are persecuting Christians and raping nuns, and you accuse ME of hating religious sisters? Then you claim I slandered Salvatore Cordileone when all I did was point out that he was busted for drunk driving:
And then you accuse me of being a fanatic while referring me to that hate mongering site Lifeshite, and the story of some crazy sexually repressed nun who according to the Charlotte Observer was accused of
"using 'suspect anecdotes, antiquated data, and broad generalizations to demonize gays and lesbians as well as divorced and single parents.'"
I think YOU owe me an apology.
But all I ask is that you stop worshipping Satan, and/or see a psychiatrist....
P.S. You're not Jason Kenney are you?
hi anon....you're right, progressives in this country just don't seem to get it. Fighting a united Con party with three parties will split the vote, and give the Cons an advantage. I'm not very good at mathematics, but even I can figure out that's a prescription for disaster...
hi anon...yes it seems they don't want to lose any Indo-Canadians readers. I find it appalling the way he is being feted like a rock star, when what happened to Muslims in Gujarat was genocide. I will always speak up for the victims of persecution whatever their background. And what more can I say except I Live in Harperland, and I demand better...
Hi anon...well since we helped create India's nuclear program I'm not surprised. This is a government that lost its moral compass a long time ago, and goodness knows where those Con maniacs might take us?
you accuse ME of hating religious sisters?
Uh... Yeah. You hate Catholics. You hate religious people in a general sense, but you hate Catholics especially.
Then you claim I slandered Salvatore Cordileone when all I did was point out that he was busted for drunk driving:
And now you're going to try to lie your way out? That's false, you accused His Excellency of waging a campaign against the homeless. Despite the fact that it's just not true. I guess aside from slanderer, we can add liar to your resume also.
And then you accuse me of being a fanatic while referring me to that hate mongering site Lifeshite, and the story of some crazy sexually repressed nun who according to the Charlotte Observer was accused of
"using 'suspect anecdotes, antiquated data, and broad generalizations to demonize gays and lesbians as well as divorced and single parents.'"
You know, you could watch the entire series here: http://www.newmanconnection.com/institute/courses/rich-gift-of-love. Oh snap! You mean she's not just a one off? Ahh... Nope.
I think YOU owe me an apology.
You're the guy who's built a blogging career out of slander and calumny.
But all I ask is that you stop worshipping Satan, and/or see a psychiatrist....
You don't believe in Satan. I guess if you did, you'd have to do something a little bit difficult now wouldn't ya? Ya know, like give up slander, lies and calumny.. You know those are a form of bearing false witness, right?
P.S. You're not Jason Kenney are you?
If I said no, would you believe it? As you're so quick to point out in the most crass, vile, slanderous and repulsive fashion imaginable, Mr. Kenney is unmarried, and presumably, has not engaged in the act of intercourse. Some people are capable of not fornicating. It's this amazing thing called self-discipline, did I just blow your mind?
Unlike Mr. Kenney, I am happily married.
hi anon... I was going to make a serious attempt to answer your deranged comment, but I was unable to remain serious after reading your reply to my burning question: are you Jason Kenney?
If I said no, would you believe it? As you're so quick to point out in the most crass, vile, slanderous and repulsive fashion imaginable, Mr. Kenney is unmarried, and presumably, has not engaged in the act of intercourse. Some people are capable of not fornicating. It's this amazing thing called self-discipline, did I just blow your mind?
Unlike Mr. Kenney, I am happily married.
Because firstly, and speaking frankly, I find it hard to believe that anyone who calls sex fornication can be happily married. And secondly, all I could think about was Californication, you know the song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
You should listen to it. It's actually quite moral and I'm sure you'd enjoy it. And as a bonus it's also good music to do it with, if you know what I mean. ;)
However I really must correct you when you say I hate Catholics, because that IS slander. Unlike an anti-gay bigot like yourself, I don't hate anyone for who they are. Just for what they do to others, like your good friend Jason Kenney, or Stephen Harper.
And to back that up I should let you know that when I was a young teenager, I was stabbed outside a soccer stadium in Glasgow by a Protestant bigot while defending my best friend... a Catholic. Stabbed in the side like Jesus. And not only that but I live with a Catholic, and about half my friends are French-speaking members of your faith. So put that in your incense burner and smoke it.
Or better still, write to your Pope and tell him if Mother Theresa can be a saint, so can I !!!!!
Now please go away, pray that Jason Kenney be delivered from his earthly punishment, so he can can fornicate feverishly and stop eating so much.
And please don't come back. Te Deum Dum Dee Dum...etc etc....
Harper signs a uranium deal with him and India simultaneously launches a 3000 km nuclear capable missile. Provocative or what.
Harper signs a uranium deal with him and India simultaneously launches a 3000 km nuclear capable missile. Provocative or what.
I was going to make a serious attempt to answer your deranged comment, but I was unable to remain serious after reading your reply to my burning question: are you Jason Kenney?
And that's exactly why the progressive movement has caused the eventual end of our civilization.
Because firstly, and speaking frankly, I find it hard to believe that anyone who calls sex fornication can be happily married.
Can't be arsed to bother with definitions? Must be a progressive. Fornication is sex outside marriage which is not otherwise adulterous you nincompoop.
And secondly, all I could think about was Californication, you know the song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
I don't like digital compression in my music, so no. The whole album is too loud.
Maybe you should listen to something like Tantum Ergo.
'Cause for a guy who's about to tell me all about how he's just loves the Church a great big huggy bunch by virtue living with a Catholic, I'd be willing to bet you didn't know it existed, until I mentioned it.
And not only that but I live with a Catholic, and about half my friends are French-speaking members of your faith. So put that in your incense burner and smoke it.
LOL! You're actually funny when you say craziness like this, ya know? I hate to break it to you, but most self-described Catholics... aren't. Especially those who reside in la Belle Province. Most self-described Catholics are actually modernists. Modernism, being a heresy, means that whoever is actually a modernist, have removed themselves from the Catholic Church. Wanna reasonably good barometer for modernism? Contraception. Generally speaking, most will admit to using it, or engaging in it, and if they do, that's a pretty good indicator that they aren't in the Church. If they're repentant, that's different, but usually, they're obstinate in using it.
So, I doubt that your friends are actual Practical Catholics; if they were Practical Catholics, a guy as hyperbolic and ill-informed as yourself wouldn't be calling them your friends.
Or better still, write to your Pope and tell him if Mother Theresa can be a saint, so can I !!!!!
If you want to be a Saint, there's a veritable army of Priests who'd be happy to help you get there.
Now please go away, pray that Jason Kenney be delivered from his earthly punishment, so he can can fornicate feverishly and stop eating so much.
And you close by virgin-shaming Jason Kenney, again, and making fun of his possible weight problem. You're just a pillar of virtue aren't ya?
I don't hate anyone for who they are.
@Anon 7:24 AM so all you have learned in life is to hurl insults and cut and paste? You are a waste of web time and you probably have zero for friends and are highly frustrated eh?
Next time you post use your name.
Why do you let idiots like anon to disturb the peace babble like Lonnie bin mad men eh?
Cheers Simon enjoy your day. It is sunny and warm here I think I'll go for a bike ride now to clear my head of anons diatribes.
Mogs Moglio
I know you are not a prejudiced person after having read you for some time I don't like Harper either.
He is a chameleon a person who changes their opinions or behavior according to the situation.
What more can I say?
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