There's a strange and disturbing story circulating quietly on the internet. It was forwarded to me by someone I trust.
And it seems to show that the CBC wrote a story claiming that Stephen Harper was thinking about conscripting young Canadians if he is re-elected.
Only to quickly delete it a few hours later.
Because here are some paragraphs from that story:
Harper may start drafting Canadian youth if re-elected Did John Baird resign over proposed conscription bill?
CBC News Posted: Mar 31, 2015 1:34 PM ET Last Updated: Mar 31, 2015 3:16 PM ET
When former foreign affairs minister John Baird announced in February he would be resigning from cabinet, there was one secret he was keeping: his falling out with the Prime Minister over Harper's plan to introduce a conscription bill shortly after the federal election.
In a February interview with CBC's chief correspondent Peter Mansbridge, Baird said he didn't want to become one of the "lifers" in federal politics. He had made the decision to leave politics to pursue career opportunities in the private sector.
But according to two reliable sources — both close friends of Baird — it was during a special closed-door meeting with Baird, Harper and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in January 2014 — on the third day of Harper's four-day trip to Israel — that Harper discussed the possibility of a conscription bill for 18-year-old men and women, based on the Israeli model.
According to an official in the Department of National Defence, interviewed on condition of anonymity, the normal length of compulsory service for Canadians would only be one year for men and women. Should a conscript wish to serve a second or third year, or make the military a career, he or she could apply after completing the initial year of training.
An automatic postponement — not exemption — would be granted for any teen who had not graduated from secondary/high school.
But when you click on this clearly labelled link to that story:
You now get this story.
So now what I'd like to know is why was the conscription story deleted? Was it because it was wrong? Was it because one or both of those "reliable sources" backed down? Was any pressure brought to bear on management by those who now run the Conservative Broadcasting Corporation?
Or was it simply a figment of the fevered imagination of one of the poor underpaid and overstressed slaves who work there? And since it was published on the 31st was it just a proposed April Fool's joke that went horribly wrong?
My guess is it probably was just that, because if the DND stuff is true we're already living in a police state even before the Cons pass Bill C-51. And I can't imagine anyone in our cowed military speaking about anything without getting the approval of the PMO.
But the problem is the story is out there, and we do need an explanation, because it could be true.
We are living in a country with a brutish Con regime that is stomping on our liberties, making a mockery out of our democracy, muzzling its opponents, mugging our justice system, and assaulting our values.

And its morally depraved, and power drunk leader Stephen Harper is quite capable of introducing conscription, if only to punish the young for being so progressive.
And above all to further militarize our country, and its history, as he has been trying to do from the moment his RepubliCons came to power.
So we really do need to know if that story is true or not.
And of course, we need to work as hard as we possibly can to defeat Harper and foul Con regime.
Because when a story like that one can seem perfectly plausible, and require an urgent explanation, we are clearly not living in Canada.
And this monstrous leader, who governs with fear, and thrives on paranoia
Cannot be defeated soon enough...

And the really good news? Judging from the reaction of my 17-year-old cousin, I think we can use the story to encourage more younger Canadians to vote. In numbers never seen before.
Yup. We shall take the nightmares he creates.
And use them to destroy him...
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I have a hard time believing that Harper could be stupid enough to institute a military draft in Canada. Young people lean to the left politically and don't vote. Creating a military draft could wake the youth up and cause them to vote in unprecedented numbers, which would be a Conservative nightmare. I can't possibly see how this could be anything more than a bad April Fools Day joke that was cancelled.
hi sinned34...you're probably right, but then there is this paragraph:
"Such a bill would deprive Canadian youth of their liberties," says Michele H. Hollins, President of the Canadian Bar Association, "and would be vigorously challenged in the courts." The CBA represents over 37,000 lawyers, judges, notaries, law teachers, and law students from across Canada.
Would the President of the Canadian Bar Association be in on this joke? And remember if Harper is re-elected he can do what he wants for the next four years. So I still want the CBC to explain itself...
Don't worry, everybody. he's not going to enact that bill until after he wins again because the lazy assholes he's going to conscript stayed home and didn't vote again. The man's a genius and the youth deserve it.
I actually talked to a couple of young Military Men back in 2006 when the Afghanistan war was raging. They were driving truck a semi tractor and a low boy flat bed. The cargo was piled as high as the roof of the semi tractor and covered in a military tarp. This was Vancouver Island and probably the tiniest airport on the Island after all they have CFB Comox. Now why here I asked them they were lost and wanted to know if my wife or I knew where the airport was. We were enjoying a day on the beach when the lost soldiers showed up. They thought we were local and wanted directions to the Tofino Long Beach Airport. Well they went right by it before dead ending on the beach where we were enjoying the sun and sea. It is small the airport and sign indicating its presence. It was initially built for American Military/Air Force purposes during WWII so it is secluded and well hidden. So I told the soldiers they were what would equal one city block from it they just missed the turn off. Hilarious no wonder we can't win a war anymore...
When I put all the evidence together it was a secret delivery our government did not want us to know about. So I asked the two soldiers what they thought about Canada's mission and role in the middle east. They loudly proclaimed they were not allowed to comment on that. So in other words if you are a soldier you are not allowed to have a POV that you can share with Canadians who are paying your way. What?
Nah. Baird retired to keep his pension.
.. i have no info re the conscription rumor, Simon.. but you would be well advised to track the recent expose of how inept CF recruitment is.. essentially fumbling the applications of potential enlistees. Waiting almost a year before rejection with no opportunity to reapply.. Am I wrong..? Was it Blatchford or DiManno wrote the article?
At the heart of your question though.. lies the problem of Secrecy.. and Obstruction.. when a government such as Harper's is no longer respondant to the citizenry or electorate.. but to its own ideology, the drifting ethics of the RCMP, its self created spying entities more aligned to other spy agencies than Canada, a bureaucratic based armed forces.. and ever more bizarre collection of MPs, Senators, unelected followers, cranks, lawyers (who only follow the money) .. all trusted without any true basis by a minority of uninformed or misinformed Canadians. Its a recipe for disaster.. not for democracy..
File a request with the CBC Ombudsman, and at the same time make a request to the CRTC. At least it forces them to provide a bullshit denial if nothing else
Only with loopholes big enough to drive the kids Benz through.
Doesn't have to be true. Just has to be plausible. Just ask Flanagan, right? Would it surprise anyone if this warmonger PM started a conscription program? There you go, plausibility galore.
Remember the one about soldiers in the street if Harper was elected? Well, turns out that it was wrong in oly one small detail. Instead of soldiers we now have CSIS in the streets (Bill C-51; no you won't see them in uniform or they would not be CSIS, Lol).
Or, if you believe Harper himself, we now have Jihadis in the streets threatening our values.
So, this conscription story is even more plausible, eh?
Re: URL redirection. Works for any link. You can type in anything you want and get that dog rescue story.
E.g. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/Mulcair-will-execute-Trudeau-if-elected-1.3016085
Instead of a 404 error, You get the dog rescue story
Not plausible. Unlike Closet Leader, both Mulcair and Trudeau believe in the rule of law, thus no executions. Silly troll story.
If Harper wins a majority in 2015, there will be no more incremental pursuit of power. He will expand his control with lighting speed and that will include conscription. Any one who now doesn't know that Harper is a dictator, with an authoritarian agenda for Canadians is living in an unconscious existence. I think Simon, this leak, the way in which we find out what's really going on with Harper, has just revealed one of Harpers plans if he gets to hold on to power in 2015. This does not surprise me at all.
I forgot to thank you for posting this article Simon. Canadians need to know how far Harper will go and the subject of your posting, conscription, exposes that.
Just found this:
Harper may start drafting Canadian youth if re-elected
« on: April 03, 2015, 08:16:29 AM »
.. there it is.. as they used to say in Vietnam .. http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/christie-blatchford-canadian-militarys-woefully-inept-recruiting-system-blasted-in-stinging-report
I think it would be great if Harper did this - no single action could more quickly destroy the Conservative Party in Canada than being the only Western nation (with the exceptions, I believe, of Greece, Switzerland, and maybe Austria) to have conscription. Proposed tuition increases essentially brought down a government in Quebec, enforced conscription could literally start a civil war. As for the rest of Canada, it would wake the youth to politics so fast it would make our collective heads spin. This country would erupt into a fireball and the Conservative Party would cease to exist. The draft for the war in Vietnam created a generation of mistrust and radicalism, And though that radicalism was slowly erased, it has wrought and change that has never been breached. Even the craziest of the Republican Party don't speak of reinstating the draft. I say if Harper is that foolish (or that drunk with his own power) then bring it on, perhaps it is the only thing that would wake people up.
I don't believe it for a minute. Harper has repeatedly shown he's unwilling to spend the billions that would be needed to keep our existing forces from crumbling into scale. The Army, RCAF and, especially, the RCN have been sharply degraded by this government's refusal to upgrade or replace their clapped out kit. As for the business about high school drop outs being swept up and stuffed into uniforms, the Forces long ago upped their minimum education standards for recruits.
Buying into the 'conscription' nonsense has served to make critics of Harper look foolish and paranoid.
It is not true. It never was.
Anyone flinging this around the Twittersphere too has to answer to that fact: Perpetuating a lie is what Harper does. We don't have to resort to this. At. All.
There are plenty of rotten things he has done to which we can point to prove what an insane bugger he is - we don't have to do what he does... Toss out unverified claims of nonsense... no matter HOW much some may want it to be true in order to have their 'Gotcha' moment.
The young [people would finally vote in droves!
if stevie slime has a majority after the next election and he decides to have conscription, he will just pass a law. any one who objects could find themselves in jail. any organized desenters, could be arrested under the provisions of Bill C-51.
don't think it couldn't happen.
conscripting 18 yrs old into a military would give the government one yr to undo what their parents tried to do. one of the reasons Americans are so gun happy, is because for generations they all went into the military. it changes people and their ideals.
always remember stevie said we wouldn't recognize Canada by the time he was through.
we don't know for sure. Baird may have been part of the "rabid' crew who came to office with harper, but sometimes there is one thing which is a step too far. Conscription might have been it. conscription never worked well for people who were GLBT people. We know Baird did speak out internationally on those issues. It doesn't redeem him in my eyes, but it does say something about him. Conscription might have been the eye opener for him.
conscription wouldn't be about military service and expanding the military. It would be about changing attitudes. it would not cost harper and his slimers as much as thought. Israel has been able to afford it, why couldn't Canada. It would give stevie slime control over a vast number of young people and separate them from their families. Its worked well in the USA for generations. Only the rich were exempt.
Hey "Anonymous".... I noticed you made the same comment here:
From the bowels of rubbletv?
hi simon, i just had a quick look into it - i'm a software developer. the links they provide are for seo and contain the article id within. it was likely a hoax link that was passed to you. to see an example of this, note that this link here that i'm providing also links to the same article:
Whether or not it is true, it's the best thing that could have happened to wake up the young generation and get them to vote. I hope it gets spread around and reaches the ears of every young Canadian eligible for conscription. This is the best way to destroy the Cons! To drive them out into the sunset! Bye bye and good riddance. Thanks a million for posting this, Simon, because it has started to travel on social media. The word is being spread!
Yep. I did. I like both blogs.
I doubt there's sufficient political capital in this for Harper's taste. The man is furiously hoping to balance the budget and, with the collapse of world oil prices, even the Bank of Canada says our economic performance will be abysmal. He'd have a hard time justifying to taxpayers cutting essential services, shredding our already flagging social safety net, so that he can expand our standing army for no apparent good end. There simply aren't enough red meat Canadians to buy it and there are a lot of Canadians of all stripes who would be furious to see their children's lives disrupted by a draft. Israel and Canada are not in remotely similar circumstances. As for costs, we have no end of data on what it costs to deploy a soldier on a mission abroad. It's huge. I think it would be an enormous blunder, one that would finally put paid to the Prince of Darkness.
hi e.a.f...whether this story is a hoax or not, I can see Harper introducing conscription. He has worked hard ever since he was elected to destroy our peacekeeping traditions and to make this country and its peaceful history more militaristic...
hi anon...well that's nice, and says more about your dilapidated mental state than it does about young Canadians. But as I said in my post we don't have to worry about young Canadians voting, not after this story. And if you get older Canadians to stop supporting the Cons so massively, we should be able to crush them...
hi Mogs...I have quite a few friends in the military, and believe me none of the ones I know think very much about their Great Leader...
hi thwap...yes that is also hard to believe. But Johnny is yappy, and when in the presence of Netanyahu Stephen Harper is capable of saying ANYTHING...
hi salamander...I'm aware of how inept their recruitment system, and have noticed how the Canadian Forces are spending MILLIONS on a so-called recruitment ad, which just happens to dovetail with Harper's bellicose speeches, and only offers 100 jobs.
But just like you, what strikes me is that whether or not the ad is a hoax, the way the Cons have acted makes it easy to believe...
hi big pic guy...I've done that before, complained about the presence of Rex Murphy on the National, only to get a bullshit reply which was worth absolutely nothing. And as I mentioned in my post I'm quite happy to leave the mystery hanging. Sometimes what people don't know is scarier than what they know. And I am quite prepared to terrorize the young into voting in greater numbers...
hi catelli...thanks, I figured it's a URL redirection, but I really would like to know from which direction it did come from...
hi Pamela...I agree with you. If Harper does get a majority he will be capable of anything. And introducing conscription would be just up his alley. Whatever this story turns out to be it should be a warning...
hi David...yes it is all over the internet, which is why I believe the CBC should issue a statement clarifying the situation. Because whether the story is true or not it is questioning their credibility. Or what's left of it...
hi Kirby...yes I completely agree with you, it would cause a furor and hurt the Cons in the long run. But I have been disappointed to see how many older Canadians seem to think it would be a good idea. Because unfortunately far too many people in this aging country hate the young. Harper knows that, as he also knows that if he wins the election, he can do what he wants for four years. However, as I said in my post, I think that story can be used to motivate young voters, and I plan to stampede a few to the polls... :)
hi Mound...yes that's true, Harper has let our military run down while claiming he's its best friend. But conscripts are cheap, and as he himself declared years ago, he sees it as a culture war, and in that regard conscription would be another way of degrading our Canada...
hi e.a.f...you're right, conscription would have nothing to do with strengthening our military and everything to do with weakening our Canadian values...
hi anonymous 4:41...nobody is buying into this story. But we can't prove it isn't true, and as I pointed out in my post, the scary part is that it's so believable...
hi p....yes, they sure would. I don't know many 18-year-olds anymore, but the ones I do know can expect to be reminded of that story all the way to the next election... ;)
hi anon...thanks for that, it clearly is a case of URL misdirection, but it could be used by somebody at the CBC to cover up the tracks of a story that they didn't want published so I'm still curious... ;)
hi anon...yes, I never thought I'd say this, but all things are fair in love and war. Harper and his regime are waging war on this country and its values. And if they can use a nonexistent carbon tax to attack the opposition, I certainly intend to turn the favour. If we can only plant a seed of doubt in the ranks of the young, it should deal their apathy a mighty blow, and get more of them to the polls. The next time I see my very Christian cousin I intend to tell him to memorize a few verses from the Koran, in case he gets captured by ISIS...
In order to stop this discussion because 'the story may not be true', the CBC will have to explain the disappeared article and Harper will have to make a statement denying that he would ever conscript Canadians into fighting in any war. Until then, Canadians should be discussing the possibility of Harper drafting us off to war; especially those under 30.
(Just to be clear, I'm NOT the same Anonymous who typed his/her message at 9:30 PM)
Whether the CBC story is true or not, I encourage everybody reading this message to try the following on one day this coming week:
1. Go to a lunchroom, a mall, a Wal-Mart, a Tim Horton's, a college or university campus, sidewalk location, a park, etc. -- anywhere people congregate -- and do the following survey with 25 people (all adults):
You might even want to distribute a small piece of paper with the following sentence on it:
A. "In 2011, Stephen Harper won a majority Conservative government with less than 40% of the popular vote.
If Harper wins another majority in October, how LIKELY do you think it is that his government would introduce a bill that would conscript Canadian 18 year old men and women into the military, as occurs in Israel."
Pick a number from 0 to 10 as to the likelihood of a conscription bill in a future Conservative majority government:
(then add up the numbers given, and divide by 25 to obtain the average number)
B. Will you be voting in the October federal election? Yes/No
C. If Yes, which party will you vote for?
Then publish your results on Simon's blog, and also include the results in a local letter to the editor. Make sure to say where you were when conducting your survey.
Are you that stupid to believe this BS....The Government has cut the defence budget the last two years....yeah right.
I can make a CBC story URL say anything I want to make you believe it said and then make it look like it was "deleted".
To witness, take this story:
Now replace all the text after politics/ with something else, but keep the two numbers at the end:
Surprise, the link still works, and sends you back to the original story. "The CBC deleted a story about Lizard Harper!!"
(Explanation: their CMS uses the number as the story identifier. The words in the final part of the URL are there to give the story better SEO but are not actually looked at when retrieving the story out the of CMS.)
Hi Simon,
Yes if you have friends in the military they will tell you the truth provided they trust you not to name them and blab what they said. Now that being said the soldiers I met were undoubtedly not from Van Isle and missed their turn off and were very grateful for our help. So when you put 2 + 2 together they were not being impolite and refused to comment because they had name tags we did not and for all they knew if they told us their real opinion we might publish it some where and it could mean a career breaking move. I got that the two of us were strangers to them. They were doing their jobs but I had to laugh not at them because I respect the Army Navy Air Force and Coast Guard but they missed their target by a city block but hey we all do that sometimes eh? None of us are perfect...
All you need is a few thousand of the lazy assholes who didn't vote AGAIN in 2015 to get blown to pieces or beheaded or burned alive and then, and only then, will you see their parents/grandparents stop supporting fucking fascist neo/nazis like harper and kenney. What's a couple of more thousand dead here for no good reason other than to further aggrandize harper to get older fucking Canadians and their spoiled-rotten, illiterate punk kids off their asses and to the polls so the NEXT time harper and his con regime run for offices (2015 is already lost) they will get dealt with the way they should have already been? It's a small price to pay and, at least, it won't be my kids getting torn to pieces so it is acceptable losses as far as I am concerned.
You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, Simon.
Dilapidated? Look at the fucking voting numbers and then tell me whose thinking is dilapidated! I voted NDP the last 3 elections. I ALWAYS vote unlike your idiot bastards sons/daughters who can't see past the newest edition of some fucking iPhone. Your "progressive youths" didn't even show up to vote. Think about that and try to explain it away again with more of your pseudo-warm-fuzzy logic.
Have a nice day!
Sorry, Mogs, but Tofino was an RCAF base in WW2. 133 and 135 Fighter Squadrons (Hurricanes) were stationed there, doing mostly long-range Pacific patrols.
Instituting a Draft in Canada any time in the foreseeable future would be absolute stupidity. Armies have to be equipped and our Army has been starved for equipment for the past 50 years. Right now, they have barely sufficient for their current duties. We can't even train men on the (obsolescent) C1A1 rifle: they all went to the smelter. There are NO reserves of equipment. That means NO expansion of the existing forces.
Bonus of this being a true story: Harper wouldn't have a hope in hell of being re-elected. The fear of conscription would definitely increase the youth vote. Harper is unlikely to get many youth votes. He doesn't want youth voting. (Just working for him making robocalls in Guelph et al.) The other thrilling bit would be watching the furious backpeddling of conservative chickenhawks who beat the war drum but would never enlist. I'd make the whole country popcorn just to see that go down.
Hummm... Let's see what we have here -- conscription - large troop mobilization with equipment being moved from eastern Canada to Alberta no less ( reformacon controlled for now) -- THREE counties (Can, US, UK) involved in ARMY maneuvers - when was the last time that happened ?? - the US just dying to pick a fight with Putin - Israel' pm Nutseeyahoo doesn't like the Iran deal and wanted to bomb the hell out of them for more than a year ago -- as one might say " something smells bad here!! "
I have no doubt that Harper discussed a conscription program with Bibi. I have no doubt that Harper admires Israel's program of universal military service. But I also have no doubt that Harper is smart enough to know that it would be political suicide in Canada.
10:11 here - check this out- things are getting scarier by the minute?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ5yIEirNGY
They can't vote though because young people can't vote! You have to be over 18 and I'm under 18 so I can't vote for him.
Shut up paranoid idiot, the conscription is true. He does want to do it.
Yep, I'd be drafted and that will suck man I'm like yolo a lot i admit it but not doing dis shit maaan i meen i dont no if u can play football in the army and videogames cuz i love it man
You're very freaking stupid.
i think it would be stupid fucked up if it went through with the bill that is AND IF IT DOES IM STAYING HOME TO PROTECT MY KIDS AND FAMILY we are peace keepers we should try to stay that way............if harper is infact trying to do all this why don't we all vote him out ????????????????
You all talk like Voting makes a difference... Even if someone else won, they'd be puppets.
This is a made up article. If Harper planned on drafting troops he wouldn't let trained soldiers with existing contracts release.
I've done training with tangoed countries in Alberta several times. The reason is the ground is better suited for mechanized training. If Harper was planning a draft he wouldn't let soldiers release that have existing contracts
Just stumbled across this site. Wow...just wow...to think that anyone would actually believe this is possible.
Harper would use it to remove the youth from supporting a general strike. He would put into practice a law that a soldier can be charged with sedition even if they protested peacefully and legitimately on their personal time (which would still be their right) - all that needs is needed to charge them is a chance of violence to occur. C-51 and the new Canadian Secret Police Gestapo will make sure they, their family, and their friends are profiled and rounded up. Agent provocateurs, like in Quebec, will be all that's needed to create a possibility of violence. In our past, laws like this would be unconstitutional but our democracy has slid into a pit of slimy corruption so not likely to act like it has in the past.
Harper knows our GG and others are either with him or neutered.
I would like to agree with you, but who knew Harper in Davos Switzerland a day after the last election would decree the peasants will need to work till death before getting a pension or full benefits? - just like the Vets I would add.
Arbeit Macht Frei concept is not anathema to Harper.
Along with drafting you off to war he will also include the law of defeatism...so any criticism of his government will be a chargeable office like it is in most authoritarian controlled hell holes.
Doesn't matter...give them shovels to march with...its not a fighting force he wants but inculcation and subjugation.
If all you guys would do your research & learn about credible and non-credible sources that would be great! This blog is a hoax. Absolutely none of this is true.
Wow... As is any of you actually believe this! Such a joke.
This is a made up article! If Stephen planned on drafting troops he wouldn't let trained soldiers with existing contracts release.
No it's not a hoax. They have discussed it and it could happen. I belong to a group called Students Against Conscription, and we will be releasing a video shortly to warn young people in this country what the Harper Conservatives are planning. So stay tuned and spread the word to every young Canadian you know.
federal poverty reduction plan working in partnership towards reducing poverty in canada threw consription and war rightwing tory project supported by non profit org, getting rid of poverty E4C / HOMEWARD TRUST SUPPORTED IT RAYANNA i would know getting rid of unemployment fund and social services homeless and poor as tanya said
federal poverty reduction plan working in partnership towards reducing poverty in canada working with non profit org, such as homeward trust E4C .eliminating /unemployment fund/social/services poor homeless much like hitler .as tanya said thats the whole idea keeping them in it forever getting rid of poverty//
ALTERNATIVE POLICY// federal poverty reduction plan threw conscription//war harper masters in economics getting rid of homeless and poverty as non profit orgs were involed supporting it E4C and homewardtrust as tanya said to me and cathy we wanted it to get rid of poverty by consciption and war all males in the policy study males would be in it for life thats what tanya and mellissa cathy wanted e4c women would have all the rights and men would have no hair are rightswomen would have all the rights going to university and good jobs
i dont need to be conscripted, i will willingly go. i wouldnt want some conscripted guy who doesnt even want to go by my side.
Canada is no longer the Canada I grew up in.
Canada was about supplying food and water to the victims of war. Canada did not get involved. We use to be a neutral country. With a population of 35 million we could not afford to go to war with another country. The US is ten times our population and has done a good job protecting us.
Stephen Harper is a warmonger. He does not deserve to be Canada's leader. He does not speak for the people.
Sadly he is the Prime Minister and he has made the necessary changes before calling and election.
He has introduced the "Fair Elections Act" which is anything but fair. The Act prevents people from looking at the ballots until after they are counted and a new/old Prime Minister is sworn in. This allows the current PM to change certain ballots and the fraud will not be discovered until it's too late. Harper has gotten away with it before.
There has been a push by the Harper Government to militarise Canada. A war draft is the next logical step. Remember that the draft was part of a leaked report. Harper did not intend for anyone to know of it's existence. And now that report has been deleted.
It does not mean it won't go through.
Despite the public opposition to Bill C-51, that bill still went through and is now law.
In leaked RCMP emails, environmental activists have been labelled terrorists and are subject to Bill C-51. If Stephen Harper reinstates a war draft then young Canadians will be enforcing Bill C-51 against protesters.
We do not live in a democracy anymore.
We live in a dictatorship.
He's cheated to win elections,and if you're not with him,you're against him.The youth don't vote and those that do don't usually vote Conservative,sending hundreds of thousands of anti-Harper youth off to die in some god forsaken dust bowl actually sounds like something Harper would do. It's right out of a Dictators handbook.
That's his "Economic Plan". Gives everyone a job and "there's plenty good money to be made, supplying the army with the tools of the trade". I just wish some Canadians would take their blinders and rose-coloured glasses off and STOP putting and X beside ANY PC/Con or whatever they are calling themselves today!
all the changes harper has made to erode democracy in Canada was also a pill that was hard to swallow, but he did it nontheless anyway. I can certainly see harper introducing the draft, after the election, if he wins otherwise he would lose too many votes. I saw the article myself & when I went to retrieve it, it had been deleted. I have no doubt harper may do this.
all the changes harper has made to erode democracy in Canada was also a pill that was hard to swallow, but he did it nontheless anyway. I can certainly see harper introducing the draft, after the election, if he wins otherwise he would lose too many votes. I saw the article myself & when I went to retrieve it, it had been deleted. I have no doubt harper may do this.
This pathetic blog is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. I am not supporter of Harper but now I want to see him and his party win this election just to watch the meltdown that will happen here. It will be worth another five years of Conservative rule just to watch the paranoid, idiotic, fuckwits who frequent this place lose their everloving shit on election night.
Loser making shit up to scare people to vote ndp or liberal
Well as you can see, Harper the harpy has neither one nor tried to implement any conscription....I guess this post, if not this blog is a waste of electrons....
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