When I started blogging nine years ago I never could have imagined that so many years later I'd still be blogging in the darkness of Stephen Harper's Canada.
Or that after all he's done to this country, he could still dream about winning another bloody majority.
Or that we are still living in the terrifying shadow of this nightmare.

For that would be the end of the Canada we know and love. And he is a monster.
Who would use another majority to turn us into a police state or his cruel jungle.
You know, sometimes I wonder what I might have been blogging about if Harper hadn't stumbled out of his hellish darkness to try to kill everything beautiful about this country.
I would have written about politics of course, and about the struggles of the oppressed, but there would have been a lot of other smaller stories.
Like the story of this dying woman in England...

Who thanks to the kind staff in her hospital was given a chance to say goodbye to her beloved horse.
Because I admire kindness above all. And try to celebrate it wherever I go in life.
Or the story of Smiley the blind therapy dog.

Because I do love animals. And believe that how people treat them tells me all I need to know about the kind of humans they are.
And this story would also have made it.
Because keeping CPR going, on a toddler, for 101 minutes, believe me is quite a feat. And my heroes are healers not killers.
I think I would have enjoyed writing stories about all those things, more than I enjoy writing about the atrocities of the Con regime, night after night after night.
But of course this blog was always going to be about bullies, because I hate them with a passion, was forced to fight them from the age of twelve.
And this is the worst one I've ever seen...

His monstrous regime is the worst government this country has ever known.
And like all those other bullies, I will see them defeated as well.
For I believe in this sign the Quebec student movement is waving these days...

To dare to fight is to dare to win.
So anyway, as I enter my tenth year of blogging I just want to thank you my readers for all your support and encouragement. Because you are truly amazing, and if I didn't have you I'd probably need Smiley.
And in this bleak Spring in Harperland, I'd like to return the favour, and encourage YOU.
Like so many others in this broken country, we have been on a long and dark journey. And it has been incredibly depressing.
But we are coming into the light, and it is almost the time when we will finally get a chance to take our country back.
And what could be greater than that?
So cheer up, and get ready to fight harder than you ever have before.
The nightmare must and will be ended.
And the bully will be beaten...

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When you said you've been fighting, and winning, against bullies since the age of twelve, I actually felt a twinge of hope.
Simon Bro hang in there you honestly you are a voice of light in the darkness of "The Harper Cons" clown red chinese show bear [SIC on purpose] with me we will take these right wing lunatics to trial and to their fabulous new prisons.
Many Easter Cheers to you and Seb,
Mogs Moglio
The Easter Bunny did not come and lay chocolate eggs but we have Organic real hen's eggs in the fridge and we bought an extra noir chocolate bar that tastes yummy when you melt it and add it to your morning organic deep dark coffee ...
Cheers again,
"To dare to fight is to dare to win"............absolutely!
This Easter weekend I am visiting my family and went to 5 Atom C hockey games..........my 9 year old grandson's first season playing and it was so nice to see other parents being so supportive.........this is what we have to fight for.........our grandchildren!
Let us all keep up the good fight! Thank you for constantly keeping your readers in a state of reflection and awareness, Simon :)
Your comments hit home for me, Simon. I started my political blog in 2010, after having written one on education for a few years. Some of my initial concerns revolved around the massive abuse of police power during the 2010 G20 in Toronto, but as time went on, more and more of the blog related to Harper and his abuse of all of us. There are many other things I could have written about, but Harper has always been the clear and present danger we all must be on guard against. Nonetheless, it does take a toll on one's mental/spiritual health, eh?
I'm not sure what the future holds for my own blogging efforts if the worst happens and Harper gets re-elected. it will, I suspect, be a time for 'reflection and reevaluation,' as they say.
Every morning here in my remote cold place I log onto Progressive Bloggers and there you are fighting the fight and giving me hope knowing I am not alone in how I have always felt about him. Thank you.
hi thwap....if I can give anyone hope, especially a blogging friend like you, my day is made. Although I should say that although I started fighting the bullies at the age of twelve, it wasn't until the age of fourteen that I started to beat them, after forcing myself to take martial arts classes. Which is the way I see the movement for a better Canada. We have been mugged, and our values have been assaulted. But we are learning to fight back at last, and since we are more than them I have no doubt that we will win...
hi Mogs...don't worry I will. I just wanted to let people know that even though I have had to steel myself to fight the Cons every day of the year, and I can be pretty brutal, I haven't lost my humanity, and if I fight that way it's because I want a kinder, gentler society. I resented having to become a tough guy when I was a gentle boy. And I resent having to fight to uphold the basic tenets of democracy in a country like Canada. But if that's what I have to do to defeat those bullies so be it...
hi Kathleen...yes isn't that a great slogan? And it's so true. We are a quiet people in many ways, and that's OK. But when thugs threaten us and our Canadian values we need to give them a taste of their own medicine...
hi Christine... thanks and thank you for your support and encouragement. And yes, let's see what we can do this summer to stir things up and prepare for the election...
hi Lorne...yes blogging on a daily basis is hard and it can take a toll. When I look around the blogosphere there are so many blogs that were once around and have now gone silent. I was thinking about including a link to the last post on Andrew Sullivan's blog, because he deals with the toll it takes and ends on a note of hope. I can't imagine what I might do if Harper gets another mandate, I honestly don't know whether I would keep blogging or not. But I probably would if only so they don't get any satisfaction. And if the absolute worse happened, I would be honoured to share a cell with you, and keep blogging together... ;)
hi anon...thank you for that. I have no illusions about what effect this blog can have on the dreadful situation we are presently living through. And there are so many bloggers who are so much more talented than I am. But if I can make a progressive smile or give them hope I am more than satisfied, and it does keep me going...
Simon. you are a progessive , an idealist and a crusader for all that is good in Canada and because of that, read you daily.
Keep going Simon. You are a menace, a hero and a strong voice of reason in an otherwise unreasonable land. Thank you.
Simon I'm on-board I've resented these bullies all my life that is the prime reason I became self-employed for my life. After I worked for the 'man' for a while I got sick and wanted out. This is how I feel about the Harper-cons I want out from under them...
Yo bro enough said eh?
@ Lorne do not stop we need people like you alive and kicking and also dear Simon let us defeat this Harper Clown Con show.
Mogs Moglio
Simon: Keep shining the light!
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
hi Pamela...thanks a lot for those kind words. I just hope that my halo doesn't start shining TOO brightly, or Seb might knock it off my head.... ;)
hi anon...thank you for that kind comment and don't worry, I am tired of having to wade through the excrement of the Cons every day. But I remain as determined as ever, to keep attacking them as hard as I can, or mocking their pretensions, until the happy day we defeat them. After all those years of fighting them I'm not about to leave before the victory party. Which on this little blog will last for WEEKS... ;)
hi David... If you AND Leonard Cohen demand it, how can I refuse? ;) But seriously, thank YOU for all your help and all the great material you send my way. We really are living through quite a nightmare, and I live for the day when it's over...
Hugs to you Simon and Anon 9:43 AM as John Forgerty sang in an anti Vietnam war protest song "Put a Candle in the Window" Yaa Yaa Yaa "Long as I can see the light" repeat chorus...
Enjoy the video we face the same hurdles now in Canada as John did back then during the Vietnam War era. Now stupid Steve is bombing the hell out of middle East countries we do not let me repeat do not have a quarrel with eh? What the fuck is that? Sheer stupidity like the Vietnam war...
So put a candle in your window so every time you come home your heart will light up knowing we together we can defeat this "Harper-Con Clown Show" unfortunately asshole Harper may cancel the election permanently so he can remain dictator of Canada for life. Then we are really screwed.
Nixon ended the Vietnam War when hundreds of thousands showed up in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue [The White House] people power worked. The French revolution people power worked the American revolution people power worked.
I am not suggesting violence because that gives the state the license to slaughter innocents and pass draconian laws. So stay away from that shit. But with a united voice we can oust these bastard cons.
It is a nice warm day here in the OK valley BC and I am looking forward to the farmers market that runs from May to October. You can get mouth watering delicious organic fruits and veggies. When you eat the peaches they are so juicy and delicious I kid you not I have to put a plate under my mouth to catch the juice....
Maybe just maybe I was born under a lucky star. Ya its called the Sun and I was born in Leo...
Cheers from,
Mr Mogs
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