I hate this time of the year, when it gets dark before you get home.
And of course nowhere is it darker than in Harperland, where the beast rules, and hope goes to die.
But now at last I see a glimmer of light. The Con Death Machine which has been on a rampaging roll for weeks may be grinding to a halt.
After the real Stephen Harper finally revealed himself in all his hideous horror.

Revealed himself to be unrepentant climate change denier, and a shameless tool of Big Oil.
A crazed fiend who would torch the planet, in the name of short term greed, and Greater Alberta.
Revealed himself to be no Great Economist Leader.

Just an incompetent, fraudulent buffoon whose oily obsession is leading us to disaster.
Revealed himself to be a man without a moral compass, a man devoid of humanity. Who would shred the new veteran's charter without batting an eyelid.
Claim his promises to the wounded were just "speeches."

And force them to fight for their lives. And their dignity.
As well as fight him and his criminal and un-Canadian regime
While he whoops or howls it up at the Con Christmas party...

And the good news? Now that the terrorist scare is subsiding, and so is war fever, the real Stephen Harper is coming into focus again.
And his rapid rise in the polls may finally be abating.
After a decidedly positive trajectory of sentiment for the federal Conservatives, the trend may have abated. It is too early to tell whether this is a new trend but with the intensity of focus on Harper diminishing we have seen the positive movement stop in the latest Nanos weekly tracking and the index score margin widen in favour of the Liberals.
After a decidedly positive trajectory of sentiment for the federal Conservatives, the trend may have abated. It is too early to tell whether this is a new trend but with the intensity of focus on Harper diminishing we have seen the positive movement stop in the latest Nanos weekly tracking and the index score margin widen in favour of the Liberals.
As I always believed it would. For war fever always fades. You can only cry wolf for so long, in the darkness of a closet...

You can't scare all of the people or distract them all the time. I knew his crimes would come back to haunt him. And now that he has revealed himself he has no place left to hide.
And if you think he doesn't know it, take another look at this face...

And the crazy desperate look in his cold dead eyes.
And then start preparing for the next election.
When we will finally get a chance to tell him how we really feel about the real Stephen Harper.
His monstrous nature, his filthy regime, and his ghastly nine-year-show...
Oh sure, I know what some of you are going to say eh?
Simon is ALWAYS looking for lights in the hideous darkness of Harperland. *Sigh*
And it's true.
Especially at this time of the year...

But it's not just the spirit of the season. Or the booze.
There is light out there.
The real Stephen Harper has revealed himself. The howling beast.
And his monstrous show will soon be over...
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Sigh Simon I hope you are right "And his monstrous show will soon be over..." but if the Liberals and NDPs keep back stabing each other Stephen wins. Now that said I will meditate for a Liberal led NDP coalition with a strong Green Party as part of the coalition and zero CPC's as they all go to their new prisons for violating Canadian law.
Standing in front of Canadians and denying his role in the torture after the Richard Colvin affair or Maher's is also a horrid piece of hypocrisy.
Harper and his Cabal are despicable. Not even jail is good enough for them.
The singing dictator! Some one should pull him aside and tell him he's not that good. When he does this are we supposed to think he's cool? It's growing stale.
I am ashamed Canada will accept evidence gathered by torture.
Then there was the NEB e-mail, lauding the public's inability to question pipelines. Harper does use every dirty tactic in the book, against this country and the people. Harper is the most evil entity I can recall, since the dictators of WW2. Harper is just as nuts as they were too.
Harper stonewalled and blocked the investigation of torture, to the Detainee's. Harper prorogued Parliament, to get away with his part in the torture crimes. Harper is the one and only Canadian PM ever, to be held in contempt of Parliament.
Harper also skips the country and leaves his cabal to lie for him. Harper even has the gall to say, he is a devout Christian. Harper belongs in a mental institution.
the singing dictator, now that is funny, sort of like Nero fiddling while Rome burned.
now P.M. climate change isn't happening, try telling that to us on the west/wet coast. We have slides due to rain, we have floods due to rain and then coupled with high tides, its not looking so great. Record high temperatures. the State of Washington, just south of us is faring no better.
The torture papers are now out in the U.S.A. That ought to put a bit of a lid on his love affair with all things American.
Oh, if the Libs and NDP can't settle things, the boys ought to be sent to their rooms and let Elizabeth May have a run at it. At least she seems more reasonable. The environment might survive and thus we.
He should have sang "burn baby burn, planet inferno",
How about the wailing dictator? He can't sing and looks like my cat when she's trying to cough up a hairball (sounds like her too). And the crowd? "Clap or your fired!" What a pathetic joke. My friend in Europe viewed it and asked me "who's the goof singing?"
The goof singing is exactly that a goof. Tell your European friend exactly that Harper is a goof with a spoof because he thinks he owns Canada....
The media, the message and the money
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