Ever since Justin Trudeau became Liberal leader Stephen Harper has been trying to portray him as less masculine than he is.
As a girly man, the one his supporters like to call Justine.
Even though as he recently demonstrated, by cowering in that closet, he's no manly man himself eh?
But now a movie is about to be released which although it's called God Save Justin Trudeau, might as well be called God Save Stephen Harper.
Because it will remind Canadians of that epic charity fight between Trudeau and Patrick Brazeau.

The one that ended so badly for the disgraced Con Senator.
Despite Stephen Harper's most ardent wishes...

On fight night Brazeau takes a phone call from the PM himself, offering support to the Conservative standard-bearer. Self-assured Brazeau is prepared to carry on Tory domination over Liberals that had begun with the 2006 election of the Harper government.
And was without a doubt the most shocking and humiliating night the Cons in this country have ever experienced.
For who can forget the two Sun News clowns Ezra Levant and Brian Lilley posing as sportscasters and providing the play by play...

Or how badly they wanted Trudeau to lose...
Or how their uncontrolled glee in the first round...
Was replaced by bitter disappointment...
Or how they looked when it was over...

But of course it will be more than embarrassing for Harper.
For not only will it remind Canadians of his close ties to Brazeau, and his abominable judgement.
It might make some Canadian males change their minds about favouring him as they do now...

Lest some start questioning their judgement, or why they are supporting a coward like Stephen Harper rather than a fighter like Trudeau.
And what that says about their own masculinity. Or the masculinity of their Great Leader.
Which would just about finish Harper off.
And the even better news?
Tom Mulcair is also a pretty good fighter.
So Harperella is in for quite a pounding...

Yup, I can see it now eh?
The tyrant is down.
And the nightmare is finally OVER...
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Tom could totally take Justin in the ring, not that boxing isn't the sport of choice for idiots, so I doubt Tom would bother.
"Justine" Thinly disguised homophobia To these bastards Girly man and the feminization of ones name are an insult which in in the end betrays their hatred
How about voting NDP? Or Green?
If all the Unemployed in Canada vote for Justin Trudeau, the LIBERALS WILL GET A MAJORITY GOVERNMENT........
If all Rick Mercer fans vote for Justin Trudeau, same scenario applies!
I've never heard anyone call him Justine. He's the Shiny Pony!
Trudeau has been called Justine on many of the comment boards. However we say? The conbots are all of Harper's Borg and have been assimilated, into Harper's collective brain. The conbots all say, the exact same thing.
Many wonder what evil deeds Harper has been up to, during this x-mas break?
I bet Harper and the conbots have been drawing hilarious pictures of Montreal Simon and coming up with plans to label Justin Trudeau Justine because the Harper government and Jean Chretien's regime are exactly the same thing but Harper exists to keep you entertained.
Riiiiiiiight, seems to me that was what was commonly thought about Brazeau going into that match, and he had a record in MMA, what again is Mulcair's history in such athletics? Got to love how you show your partisanship before all else, instead of acknowledging a Trudeau strength and then dismissing the whole question as somehow unworthy by saying it is a sport for idiots so Mulcair would not bother (btw, nice multiple insults there, I'm not a big boxing fan myself, but I can appreciate the fact many are, and that there is more to it than just whaling about with fists, as appears to be your limited perception). It is partisans like you that Harper most counts on for his majority in 2015, just as he did in 2011, and his minorities of 2008, 2006.
Understand something, part of the reason Trudeau took Brazeau apart so well is understanding the rules of the game and planning/fighting accordingly, which meant letting his opponent punch himself out, feinting punches to misdirect, making quick jabs to keep the other side off balance, and holding back until he was best positioned to rain blows on him. So far politically speaking Trudeau has appearing to be doing the same.
As well, Simon's point goes to how the CPC side likes to demasculate Trudeau as a favoured attack tool, this image in the ring though undercuts that extensively, and when combined with Captain Closet's (I think I like Captain Closet more than the Closet Commando, it roles off the tongue better, much like Lyin' Brian once did) behaviour the other month could really undercut the image of Harper as Strong Leader/Man. Once Harper starts being seen as the cowering figure that he proved himself to be on that fateful day on Parliament Hill, then the image of Trudeau the fighter really begins to take hold as the political image of the one to fight for Canada, and Mulcair for all his virtues lacks that kind of imagery for the wider populace outside the core Dipper faithful like yourself.
You and those like you need to recognize you cannot have a remove Harper and fight to make NDP government position, the demographics do not allow it, so make up your mind and be honest, which matters more, removing Harper, or fighting only for NDP partisan interests, you cannot have/do both. The Canadian voting demographics are your enemy there, not partisans of other parties or swing voters like myself noting that fact. Look at 2011 if you think otherwise, that was clearly your best chance, and outside of Quebec where you benefited by the implosion of the BQ, you accomplished little in the ROC. If it didn't show then that there was real strength for the NDP beyond their traditional boundaries in the ROC, it isn't going to now, when the Libs are now led by a popular figure (as opposed to carpetbagger Ignatief), and the NDP no longer have the Layton warmth and common touch at their helm (while the Libs do with Trudeau). Mulcair is clearly competent, but part of his problem is that he does sound like a traditional old school lawyer turned politician in how he speaks/acts, and that is not always a selling point, especially in the current climate nationally.
Not just disguised homophobia, but also playing to misogyny, because what exactly is wrong with a woman with/in power? There are of course old school stereotypes which show this as a direct threat to male dominance of society and therefore wrong, it is something that runs through a patriarchal; cultural pattern, and since that pattern in clearly what appeals to those most likely to agree with Harper (given his long track record of attacking women empowerment at the infrastructure/institutional level) is it any surprise to see it in such wide use? The idea of a female holding power somehow automatically emasculating men is also clearly being pandered to in the "Justine" attack, indeed, I would suggest it is the stronger of the two levels being played to, with the homophobia being the lesser, not that either is acceptable nor minor of course.
I tend to view that attack line as being first anti-woman, and then anti-gay for that reasoning, and I really think the anti-woman pandering is the one being primarily aimed at, because lets face it, most of the CPC core support still think women are best kept in the kitchen, not the workplace, and raising babies, not businesses. The anti-gay element I would suspect is almost a happy accident for a two-fer than the main thrust.
I was actually pissed that the ref kept saving brazziere from Trudeau by calling those phoney standing 8 counts.
That's the ONLY reason Justin didn't knock that asshole cold and the ONLY reason brazziere could even stay on his feet. I has spoken!
EXCLUSIVE: Full text of Peter Mansbridge's interview with Stephen Harper
Mansbridge: Just the last point. Were you, as has been reported, put in a closet?
Harper: Ah you know, I’m not going to comment on that. Um ah one of the ah – one of the things you try and do in a situation like that is conceal yourself if you can. But obviously the best situation is to exit, as I said, so that you can – so the prime minister can continue to run the government and that’s what we were able to do within a few minutes fortunately.
He May Have Hidden In A Closet .....
hi Kev...Not only homophobic, but also misogynistic. It wasn't until I dug up the tapes that I remembered how foul was the bigot Ezra Levant in his commentary of that boxing match. It was so revolting, I shudder to imagine what he might have been like had Trudeau lost. But yes there was a lot of that this year. I couldn't help but feel that we were going backwards on the women's rights and gay rights front. How else to explain what's been happening, or that the Cons would feel so empowered that they would appoint an anti-gay judge, and expect to get away with it. But it only makes me even more determined to defeat those beasts, if that's possible.
And it consoles me to think that our day of liberation has never been closer. Honestly, Seb is going to have to tie me to a chair or blast me with a tranquilizer dart, because I'm going to go WILD!!!! ;)
hi lagatta...I'm probably going to vote for the NDP because I think they have the best chance of defeating the Cons in my riding. As far as I'm concerned that's all that counts. All I want to do is defeat the Con regime. For should they win another majority, I will either move to Quebec, and agitate for separatism, or move to Scotland and do the same. I will live in a country that shares my values, or die trying...
hi Scotian...I agree with most of what you say. At a certain point misogyny and homophobia inhabit the same space, and both are becoming more not less of a problem. As I told Kev I feel we have lost ground in the battle for equal rights, and it only makes me want to destroy the Con regime even more than I already did, for if they think that they can get away with that, they've got another thought coming...
hi Kathleen...if progressives turn out to vote in greater numbers than ever, the Con regime doesn't stand a chance. The problem is getting some of the complacent to get off their lazy asses, and do what they must do. But everything I read tells me that is exactly what's going to happen, and the Cons will be crushed...
hi hockey sweater...well you obviously didn't listen to those tapes I ran, because Levant uses the word Justine at least three times. And it really is grotesque, and says all we need to know about him...
hi anon...yes you're right. It is a word the Cons use all the time. Too bad they are too cowardly to call Justin that to his face, lest he rearrange their faces. As I would do to anyone who would insult me to my face. I don't believe in violence as a way of resolving our differences, although I did take martial arts for more than fifteen years, and got into many fights myself. But sometimes it's the only way to teach some bullies manners, and it almost always works, for they are cowards. As for Stephen Harper, I hear he is battling fatigue, and needless to say I wish him more of the same...
hi hockey sweater...no I don't find Harper entertaining at all. And I would rather do a million other things than having to focus so much of my efforts on getting rid of what I consider the worst government in Canadian history. Chretien may have had his faults, but no sane person can compare the behaviour of his government to the one we now have....
hi anonymous...I remember watching the fight, and fearing the worst. And when I read in that story that Trudeau was totally confident even cocky, I felt like sending some choice words his way. ;) Because the truth is that if one of Brazeau's punches had connected during that first round, Justin would have been in trouble, and the whole idea still seems reckless to me. But he did win convincingly, that was quite an achievement, and as I said in my post I did enjoy it immensely...
hi David....yes I have used that quote, and I remember how Harper was squirming all through that part of the interview. It was the only time Mansbridge connected, but one might argue it was enough...
doesn't matter how often the cons and their sororial cons call Justin Trudeau, Justine, it just doesn't hold. Doesn't matter if they call him girlie or any other such thing. They guy just is male and there isn't any mistaking it. More so than stevie con, with his heavy make up and lipstick. stevie con reminds me of a bad drag queen, the morning after and that is no slight on drag queens, please/
When Canada has elected G & L to office it is offensive to try to make "fun" of some one who others might consider effeminate. Really what defines gender these days? The best pictures out there these days are of some big guy in a fire fighter outfit carrying a small pet or baby. Just as there are lots of pictures out there of women in combat uniforms and looking feminine. The world has changed and the cons view are just so yesterday.
"...do in a situation like that is conceal yourself if you can. But obviously the best situation is to exit, as I said, so that you can – so the prime minister can continue to run the government... David he meant 'ruin' the government and that is why he hid in hiddey hole...
Stephen is most certainly a loser Eh?
Oh stop it already you macho male crew sheesh ...
Brazeua lost to Trudeau he turned into a wimp which is exactly what he called Justin prior to the ill fated match for the cony con cons eh?
Kev it is getting so bad I wanna puke. What the Hell is wrong with being gay? Um let us now go out and religion bash Con bash and especially bash the frack out of the right wing.
Mogs Moglio
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