When Mad Max Bernier stormed out of the Conservative Party to begin his racist crusade, the failing Andrew Scheer had a big choice to make.
He could repudiate Bernier, and try to fool Canadians into believing that his Cons are a moderate party attuned to Canadian values.
Or he could try to match Bernier's bigotry, or even try to out racist him.
Well now we know which way Scheer has chosen to go.
Canadians expect an immigration system that follows the law. That’s what a Conservative government will deliver. pic.twitter.com/ryuuYs1O7e— Andrew Scheer (@AndrewScheer) September 8, 2018
For that is nothing but naked racism.
The situation at the border is not a crisis. To suggest it is, is nothing but baloney.
Given the facts and the views of the experts, while there's little doubt the situation poses a political and policy challenge for both Ottawa and the affected provinces, Scheer's contention of a "crisis" rates a ranking of "full of baloney."
The flow of asylum seekers is under control, it has nothing to do with the Liberal government and everything to do with the Trump regime. The law is being followed. And if Scheer believes those refugees and asylum seekers should be sent back on arrival, he should say so instead of hiding behind those smarmy words.
As only that creepy Con can.

But then it's not surprising that Scheer should choose the racist route.
He needs to prevent Bernier from eating into his support in Quebec, where François Legault, the frontrunner in the election campaign, is also trying to make immigration a big issue.
And of course, he's an alt-right sympathizer who has also tried to stir up bigotry for crash political purposes

By distorting reality in a grotesque and shameless manner...

And as if that wasn't bad enough, Scheer has also been seen cavorting with the bigots of the racist group La Meute...

Instead of condemning them.
And if there is any doubt that he has a soft spot for that group, and is preparing a racist campaign, all you need to do is check out this latest shadow cabinet appointment...

Where Pierre Paul-Hus gets to be the Shadow Cabinet Minister for Public Safety, Emergency Preparedness AND border security.
Even though when Justin Trudeau call La Meute members nonos or bozos, Paul-Hus demanded that Trudeau should apologize.

Conservative MP Pierre Paul-Hus said the attack on La Meute was unbecoming of a Prime Minister, saying groups should not be targeted because of their vision of the country.
"Canada's Prime Minister must speak in a way that is respectful of people. Calling people bozos, those are not words that should come out of the Prime Minister's mouth," Mr. Paul-Hus said after Mr. Trudeau defended his comments.
Which tells you all you need to know about him and Andrew Scheer who promoted him instead of firing him.
And shows you who really represents our country and its values...

While the failing Andrew Scheer and his racist Cons would take this country to a very dark place.
Must be rejected by all decent Canadians.
And taught a lesson they'll never forget...

Fear and loathing is all we get from the Cons. They may fool the fools though the majority can see right through their bullshit.
Harper 2.0 will lose in 2019. You can bet on that, Simon.
Andrew Scheer is only revealing how desperate he is. His polls are falling like a stone so he is reaching for the racist card for he has nothing else. By the time Canadians are finished with him he’ll be curled up in a fetal position screaming for his mummy.
So Monsieur Douche de Souche or Trump from the Stump wags his finger (or his claw) and declares that Trudeau was behaving like an impolite Canadian for calling Nazi morons, Nazi morons and ought to say soory. "Groups should not be targeted for their vision of the country" ... as a white-supremacist ethnostate?
Obviously Wolfgang Putz has no problem with the encyclopedia volumes worth of filth coming from the mouths (or Twitter beaks) of members of his own party -- not only towards Trudeau himself, his cabinet members, and other Liberal MPs, but his wife, his young children and even his mom and dead brother. Obviously he has no problem with the encyclopedia volumes worth of filth coming from the mouths (or foaming muzzles) of the gang members he sympathizes with, towards immigrants, people of minority background, indigenous people and LGBTQ+ people. Free speech for me but not for thee, "I beleeve very feercley." Including creative spellings for the illiterate nono base. AHOO! Bark at the moon!
The Kennel Kibble Klan really is as offensive to K9s as the GOP is to elephants and the Pepe trolls are to amphibians. Why don't they change their mascot to a parasitic intestinal worm, a dung beetle, or a poisonous "WASP"? Like their neo-Nazi counterparts in Germany of all places, the Crappers (or Moron Max's offshoot that doesn't have a name yet) should change their title to the Alternative for Douchebags. After all, Hitler loved his attack dogs too.
I think you got him pegged Simon. There are too many such dubious connections to come to any other conclusion: Scheer is a bigot and he is trying to pull the CPC in the same disastrous direction as Trump has pulled the GOP south of the border. How disgustingly racist (and dismally unimaginative) can they get?
Thank you for reminding me about Paul-Hus’ demand that Trudeau apologize for calling the La Meute bigots bozos. I can think of a lot of far worse names to call those racist goons. So I can’t believe that an MP would defend them. There is something terribly wrong with the Cons, and I just hope that Canadians aren’t fooled by Scheer’s smarmy words.
Scheer is a weak leader and I don't think he's in politics to bring Canada back to the dark ages. He's in it for fortune and fame like many.
Loved it! Made all the points and gave me a good laugh.
This may play well in some parts of Canada, but out here in B.C. not so much. We are multi cultural and many of the families have been here for 150 years. The rest of those racists are just new comers.
of course with their racist rants, one wonders how they feel about First Nations, because they too are people of colour? The Cons may not have understood this yet, but young First Nations people, in this country are one of the fastest growing demographics around. They're young, they vote, and aren't keen on racists.
Nothing about Scheer's position surprises me. It would be interesting to have a column about how some people feel about his comments, besides those who comment here. Oh, well we do have a lot of anti racist groups, so we'll know come election time and so will the Cons.
Cons have been playing the same old game for generations. In the not too distant past it was the traveling medicine show complete with circus acts and clowns to amuse the stiffs while they were relieved of their money. Now thanks to low cost social media platforms and bankrupt media outlets the political Cons can create soap opera like drama and emotional feedback loops that keep the marks coming back for more. The products are always the same, an undefined magical elixir containing a stimulant ( cocaine, caffeine, tax relief) guaranteed to solve an ailment that is either real or imagined.
Refugee border crossing is not a currently a crisis and will only become one if the GOP win the mid terms and Trump moves on deporting refugees that were sheltered by previous administrations over the past several decades. Currently because of the Canadian/US safe country agreement US asylum seekers cannot seek refugee status in Canada by presenting themselves to Canadian immigration so they have to cross the border elsewhere. Once on Canadian soil they cannot be immediately deported to their home country without a fair hearing. This is stipulated in both Canadian law and signed international agreements. What the elixir peddling Cons won't say is how they would deal with immigrants seeking refugee status. Remove the safe third country agreement and Canada has to take them in and process their claim when they present themselves at customs... no need to trudge across open fields in the dead of winter. Its more humane but the numbers would likely increase so its not an ingredient in the Con elixir. Can't immediately deport them without breaking Canadian law and international agreements so its down to what the Cons are good at swagger, smoke, negative symbolism, and blame but in the end the patient still has the same psychosomatic problem but a new addiction and is in declining health.
The Cons may want to revise their attitudes because more Canadians are leaving the work force than coming into it. We the aging baby boomers are retiring. We may need a few refugees just to staff the hospitals, military, police forces, and fire fighting departments.
Of course if/when Trump/Sessions decide there will be no more DACA, there will be 800K mostly university educated young people looking for a new home. We might be better off to take them as refugees than have them go back to where they never lived. The Dreamers, the majority of whom are university educated, 70% own their vehicles and 16% own their own homes. that's not bad for a group which is largely under 30, so we need refugees in this country. Its better than having the 1%ers come into the country to use it as a bolt hole, have no interest in participating in the country, learning the language, or paying taxes. I'm in favour of refugees.
Hi anon...I think you're right. It is a repeat of the tactics Harper used in the last election campaign. They spent millions demonizing Trudeau and trying to scare the population with their Cultural Barbarism campaign, and it all went for nothing. Canadians don't think much of a leader and a party who have only hate for a platform, and that's all the Cons still have going for them...
Hi anon...Yes, it is a product of desperation. The Bernier defection has really spooked Scheer and his ghastly Cons, and since racism has reared its ugly head in the Quebec election, he's probably afraid that Bernier will use that to steal the few seats he has in the province. Or worse, give the Liberals a clean sweep. And yes I can see it now: "Mummy mummy please help me I'm a loser..."
Hi Jackie... good one. I still can't believe that a Con could stand up in Parliament and demand that Trudeau apologize for calling a bigot group like La Meute bozos. And get away with it without being raked over the coals by the media, or asked to apologize by his leader. It's an absolute disgrace. But then the Cons are a scummy lot, they lack a moral compass, so we probably should brace ourselves for more of the same. And hopefully it will end the same way as their last hate mongering campaign did...
Hi Scott...I don't know how any decent Canadian could come to any other conclusion. Scheer and his little Rebel Hamish Marshall are clearly trying to use racism to mimic what Trump is doing south of the border. The problem is that the most obvious attempts to harness racism are happening in our province. And as we both know, if it happens in Quebec, as far as the poobahs from the Parliamentary Press Gallery are concerned, it might as well be happening on Mars...
Hi anon...you're welcome, I intend to keep reminding people that a Canadian MP actually rebuked the Prime Minister for calling a bunch of ugly bigots bozos, an was allowed to get away with it by our grubby media, and actually rewarded for doing so by his even more grubby leader. To allow them to get away with that would destroy every Canadian value I believe in, so it's just not going to happen...
Hi anon...Scheer is a weak leader, and he may well be in it for fortune and fame. But one should never forget that he is an alt-right sympathizer and a religious fanatic, so there is an ideological monster lurking beneath that creepy mile...
Hi e.a.f... I hope you're right, but remember that far right parties are using racism to destabilize countries from Sweden to Brazil, so nobody should relax or be too confident. A lot of older white people in this country are attracted to Scheer's message in the absurd hope that he can turn the country back to what it was fifty or sixty years ago. And since Scheer is from Saskatchewan and has shown his anti-native bigotry there, you can be sure that he will also use them as scapegoats. I can't forget that the CBC was forced to close comments on any native story it runs, and that should send a chill down the back of any decent Canadian...
Hi RT...yes you're right, the Con travelling hate show has been around for a while, and that's why Andrew Scheer hired Hamish Marshall from the Rebel. When Marshall was working for Levant he specialized in mining hate for money. Now he's doing it for money and votes. And unfortunately there is a rich vein of bigotry out there. A large number of Canadians who believe that a giant country like this one could be flooded by dangerous looking brown people. Even though the numbers of people trying to emigrate to Canada are just about the same as they have always been, and those who see those newcomers as a threat are just playing a very old and dirty game. Once they put up signs saying no dogs or Irish allowed, now they have replaced the Irish or the Jews with the Muslims. It's absolutely pathetic and it can't be allowed to succeed or they will poison this country...
hi e.a.f...yes, and then there's that. We are not replacing ourselves, and if we can't attract enough immigrants we will face serious labour shortages, shoot ourselves in both feet, and end up like some shrunken backwater. I'm familiar with the situation in our hospitals, and would tell some of those old bigots that they might want to think twice, or they could end up in a hospital or senior's home with not enough people to take proper care of them...
I'm a US Citizen (Mixed Race) and I just had a son to a Canadian wife. We chose to have him born in Canada vs the USA. I get concerned when I hear things here in Canada, similar to that of conservatives in USA...but judging by this thread...many Canadians are too smart for that. I anticipate Russia will elect TRUMP again...and he'll continue to destroy the USA. However again...thank you for seeing a thread with intelligent comments...I always thought and hoped that Canada would be smarter than it's (sometimes retarded US cousin) and it seems in so far as this thread...I again say thank you. (I desperately search for humanity where ever I can find it...and that's becoming more difficult each passing day)
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