Almost a week ago I looked at why the grubby Donald Trump was trying to sound like a gangster.
And concluded it was because he was desperately afraid of going to the Big House.
Well now the cowardly bully is mouthing off again.
This time he's threatening Canada.

And he's never sounded more depraved or more like a mobster.
In remarks Trump wanted to be “off the record,” Trump told Bloomberg News reporters on Thursday, according to a source, that he is not making any compromises at all in the talks with Canada — but that he cannot say this publicly because “it’s going to be so insulting they’re not going to be able to make a deal.”
“Here’s the problem. If I say no — the answer’s no. If I say no, then you’re going to put that, and it’s going to be so insulting they’re not going to be able to make a deal ... I can’t kill these people,” he said of the Canadian government.
Except that instead of a horse's head at the end of the bed, he's threatening us with a Chevrolet Impala.
In another remark he did not want published, Trump said, according to the source, that the possible deal with Canada would be “totally on our terms.” He suggested he was scaring the Canadians into submission by repeatedly threatening to impose tariffs.
“Off the record, Canada’s working their ass off. And every time we have a problem with a point, I just put up a picture of a Chevrolet Impala,” Trump said, according to the source. The Impala is produced at the General Motors plant in Oshawa, Ontario.
And all I can say is, if Trump thinks he can intimidate us into signing a bad deal he must be either incredibly ignorant, or even crazier than we had imagined.
For there is absolutely no way most Canadians would accept being publicly humiliated by anyone, let alone someone like Trump.
Most would prefer no deal, to one dictated by that swaggering bully.
So we could preserve our dignity, and leave the bully to explain to mid term voters why he whacked a trade deal for no good reason.
Even though so many Americans support us not him.
As you can see by some of the comments in this New York Times' story.

We are not alone.
And we won't forget our American neighbours who supported us during these nightmare times.
Or forget the shabby stooges in our own country, like Blandy Scheer, who would in his never-ending quest to DESTROY Justin Trudeau, play suck face with that low life mobster...

Even at a time when Trump is attacking our country.
Oh boy, thank goodness the creepy Trumpling is not our leader,
And that these two are on our side.

Fighting hard with their negotiating teams to defend Canada's economy, and its values.
As well as letting Trump know that Canadians may be a relatively quiet and polite people, but that doesn't mean we're weak, and won't let a thug like him push us around.
Which BTW is basically what I told Trump today after he realized his dirty game had been exposed.

A quivering blob of Cheese Whiz? What was I thinking? What will the Secret Service think. Was it my bad temper? Or was I just hungry?
But these things I am sure of eh?
We are not scared of him.
We will not be bullied.
And we will NEVER surrender...
Well apparently "Canada" called his bluff. Negotiations continue next Wednesday. Meanwhile, he needs Congressional approval. Without Canada he ain't gonna get it. What an a$$!.
BTW - The Chevrolet Impala may be assembled in Oshawa, ON, but it is 70% US/Canada parts + 18% Mexican. That's more than his US/Mexico deal requires. How many US workers does he want to put out of work? He really hasn't a clue. "The Art of the Deal"? Really? What an a$$!
"Off the record, Canada’s working their ass off. And every time we have a problem with a point, I just put up a picture of a Chevrolet Impala,” Trump said, according to the source. The Impala is produced at the General Motors plant in Oshawa, Ontario."
Dementia Donnie pretends to his Shitlerite minions that he's actually "involved" in the negotiations.
The reality is The Insane Clown POSus knows nothing and nothing can be explained to him. The US strategy is to ignore Dementia Donnie, let the Technocrats negotiate, then hopefully present an agreement to the Toddler in Chief, telling him "it's the greatest deal ever". Then hope he signs it before his next tantrum hits.
So how are the cons going to justify sucking up to a certifiable maniac who expressed regret -- regret! -- that he "can't just kill" the Prime Minister and members of the negotiating team? Then again what should anyone expect from the party of Rebel scum stormtroopers who leave vile comments and threats all over social media pages expressing their worst instincts towards Trudeau, his family and Liberal MPs. Like Trump they are motivated more by personal animus and a desire to "own the Libs" than looking out for the best interests of their country. A pox on both their houses. Oh, Canada, Freeland Strong and Tru' Patriot will stand on guard for thee.
Every time Trump has a "problem" with a NAFTA clause, he holds up a picture of a Chevy.
And any time people get on my case about "blaming America" for exporting Trump toxicity elsewhere in the world, I'm going to show them a picture of a Ford.
Trump's blustery bullshit is meant solely for his brain-dead followers. He knows JT wont bend over and take it up the tailpipe just to sign a shitty deal.
The reality is that Trump's time is running out and he's desperate to deflect attention away from his thoroughly corrupt administration.
Kudos to JT and Ms. Freeland for standing up to the Oaf of Office without lowering themselves to his petulant level. They are the true adults in the room.
Trump tells so many lies he can't keep track of them but he doesn't care as he knows his followers will not remember either. All they will remember is that they agreed with him at the time and he really stuck it to the "others". Now that's a leader! Unfortunately the others remember and it sets the wheels in motion for mutually destructive conflict as time progresses. Seems that Kim Jong remembers promises of a peace treaty before giving up some of his nukes but in Trumps world its China's fault that progress is stalled. His idiotic self-aggrandizing comments about sticking it to the Canadians in the NAFTA negotiations will have the same effect unless the adults manage to put the genie back in the bottle.
Unfortunately its like a virus, one started it spreads and becomes more virulent. In reflection John McCain blamed himself for introducing the virus to US politics with Palin. Even in death he tried to repair some of the damage but the virus is far from dead and now seems to be gaining strength in Canada based on all of the current political posturing. Winning together is so Trudeau, tit for tat and destroying your failing opponents are heavily promoted as the signs of a great leader! Hopefully Canada will be able to fend off the the viral onslaught and the liar in chief will eventually be strangled by his own web.
Bullying people has always worked for Trump because he had more money in most cases. In the U.S.A. he uses his tweets to bully people. However, Canada is not part of the U.S.A. and we have a different attitude towards things.
The news this evening, reported Freeland had "mentioned" Trump's comments and asked if the Americans were now not bargaining in good faith. There seems to be a change in the AMERICAN ATTittude since then They'll be back at it next week. Freeland is good at this and Trump isn't. Freeland has already done the free trade agreement with Europe. Trump has never done one. Anyhow it isn't up to Trump, its up to Congress whether this whole thing tanks. Trump can impose tariffs but if Americans start loosing jobs, that isn't going to work at the mid terms and if the Republicans loose the mid terms, there will be a whole new ball game in town; A congress who will be looking to put the blocks to Trump and Trump trying to keep his head above water. This evening's news was reporting, on the steele dossier and Russian money being channeled into trump inauguration. At the rate things are going in the U.S.A. if Canada held out until Nov. they may have a change in Congress and a new attitude. We do not need to give in to Trump's bullying. Just tell him to go to hell. what can he do? invade?
As Trudeau says, No deal is better than a bad deal. At the rate things are going in the U.S.A Trump could be gone in a few months, its better to outwait Trump. they'll loose more jobs more quickly without a safety net. Canada has a safety net. Makes a big difference. Part of the problem for Trump maybe that our lead negotiator is female and attractive. He just doesn't understand that she is very smart and tough also.
I still believe there is a conspiracy by the right wing and Zionists to ruin Trudeau. This is not an ordinary way to destroy a politician. Once that is done, then the dicky lickers take over. This is a very serious situation that most of the dim wits and hate mongers of this country are wetting themselves while waiting.
Good one, Jackie!
Given a choice between blaming Trudeau/Freeland for the trade breakdown and de facto supporting Trump, or blaming Trump, our media pundits and columnists are unanimous it seems: This is all Trudeau’s fault.
John W.
Harper would have surrendered all by now. After this is done I hope Simon will tweet thanking Team Canda including the support of Ambrose and Mulroney. and thanking America including the support of McKay, Harper and Scheer.
oh, please a Zionist plot, surely you can do better than that. This may not be an "ordinary way to destroy a polician", but its Trump and Putin's way. Trudeau is a problem for both of them. For Putin its just business and for Trump its personal. Trump and the Saudis most likely are in league on this also, given Saudi decided to unfriend Canada at about the same, time, but really a Zionist conspiracy. that is so last century.
hi UU...yes, I'm very proud of our negotiating team for calling Trump's bluff. His position is considerably weaker than he would have us believe. And thanks to the mid term elections, time is now on our side...
hi UU...that's interesting, and it's yet another reason why Trump isn't going to scare us into signing anything. He could hurt this country badly, but he would also hurt himself, and jeopardize the jobs of millions of American workers. The world's smartest man it seem isn't THAT smart...
Hi Jay...Dementia Donnie and his Shitlerite minions? I like that a lot. I hope you don't mind if I use it. ;) But yes, you're right, he knows nothing and doesn't have the brains and the attention span to have anything explained to him. He literally gets his world view from Fox News, and as long as that scummy network declares it a win Trump will be satisfied. If they are that scummy, can they be bribed...
Hi Jackie...yes, those remarks by Trump should make it even harder for Scheer to play his treasonous games. I say should, because believe it or not the Cons are doubling down on their criticism of Trudeau. I suppose it's because they are desperate, but it's still beyond the pale...
hi JD...I don't think Trump knows what he is saying anymore. His tweets are becoming more and more bizarre, and more random. And I find it hard to believe that even his rabid base can't see through his lies. But somehow they remain faithful, and only believe what they want to believe. Which means the collapse of the Trump regime will be a brutal awakening, and goodness knows what could. How is our wall coming along?
Hi RT...I agree, Trump will say anything to get a charge out of his followers. He lives for those rallies, and the adulation of his zombie followers. But yes, his style go politics is spreading like a virus, which is why we absolutely must stamp out any outbreak here before it threatens our democracy. Scheer may like like Howdy Doody, but he has the inclination and the followers to become our little Hitler....
Hi e.a.f... yes Freeland and our negotiators are doing a fantastic job, and we should all be proud of them. We just need to hang on until after the mid term elections, and hopefully a new Congress can restrain Trump and stick a fork into his war on this country. As you can see from the comments I included in my post, a lot of decent Americans are on our side. And we are both fighting the same enemy...
hi anon @12:37 AM...No, I don't accept the notion of a Zionist plot. It sounds like the kind of stuff right wingers and anti-semites are constantly trying to make us believe. But you're right, there is an all out right-wing assault on Trudeau and our country, and we need to do all we can to repel it...
Hi John...yes, I can't believe the way our shabby Con media is reacting. Talk about a bunch of surrender monkeys. They seem to be saying that money is everything and that we should debase ourselves to make Trump happy. Good luck with that one, I would rather die than surrender to Trump...
Hi Steve...I am very proud of our negotiators, they have managed to stay cool despite one provocation after the other. And they aren't letting themselves be pushed around. I don't think it's exaggerating to say that how they react will determine whether we are still a real country when the smoke clears...
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