In my last post I looked at how the Cons had been hit by a series of bozo eruptions, just a couple of weeks before they hold their big convention in Halifax.
And how a lot of people were wondering whether Andrew Scheer had lost control of his party. Or had corrupted it beyond recognition.
So these days it's little more than the Party of Hate, spewing toxic bigotry in every direction.
And now to make matters even more desperate for the floundering Scheer, there has been another bozo eruption.
And it's a big one.

Mad Max is back.
Two months after he was kicked out of the Con's so-called shadow cabinet, for accusing Scheer of using "fake conservatives" to steal the leadership race, Bernier has exploded back on to the political scene.
Or just exploded...

With a Twitter rant aimed at the heart of Canada's diverse society.
And at this speech by Justin Trudeau:

But while this xenophobic rant is ostensibly aimed at Trudeau, it's clearly designed to raise Bernier's profile just before the Con convention.
It's a message that could resonate with many in the Con's old white base, and leave Andrew Scheer caught between a rock and a hard place.

Forced to match Bernier's xenophobia and be called a racist by most decent Canadians. Or stand up for diversity, feel the wrath of his rabid base.
And have Mad Max come after his job with a vengeance...

And maybe even cause a major split in his party just a year away from the next election.
It's what happens when you try to harness racism for crass political purposes, but at least it makes one thing blindingly clear.
The Cons are now officially the Party of Hate.
And unless this leader can defeat them in the next election...

And save our country and its values.
We could wake up one day in a very dark place.
In a country we don't recognize...
Freedom, equality tolerance ; these are Canadian values hated by Andy.
Shame on Andrew Scheer and Jagmeet Singh using the Fredricton shootings to score political points. Shame on their supporters and taxpayers funded trolls for politicizing this by blaming it on Justin Trudeau!!
Kudos and thank you to PM Trudeau from the bottom of my heart as tears of pride well up in my eyes for showing compassion in difficult times and situations like this and working tirelessly to bring people together as Canadians.
Not saying I agree with Bernier, I don't, but his comment is far from Xenophobic, he asks a question that alot of regular Canadians ask, the left needs to have a better answer then calling them xenophobes, because that just makes them feel under attack and that helps the right.
Mad Max may be onto something when he says, "Having people live among us who reject basic Western values such as freedom, equality, tolerance and openness doesn't make us strong." Sounds like he's describing Stephen Harper and your average Putin-loving Rebel viewer.
Poor Andrew Scheer, he can’t decide who to support Canada or Saudi Arabia. Now he must decide whether to support Bernier, or fire him. And whatever he does he’s going to shoot himself in both feet, and take his party down with him.
This is the asshole who did his same stupid racist troll dance when Ahmed Hussen and Celina Cesar-Chevannes were in QP having a similar dialogue about diversity-hiring initiatives in the federal budget (kind of what Patricia Arquette called an inclusion rider at the Oscars and got a round of applause for it).
Celina had enough of Max's shit, told him to "check his privilege and be quiet" and then got viciously mobbed on Twitter by Max's digital version of a biker gang. She apologized, then offered to have a discussion with Max privately about what the term "racialized minorities" means. Max, the stubborn prick, refused, apparently gleeful to have, in his mind, a black woman eating out of his hand. Disgusting boor that he is.
Hopefully the Hell's Angels, Canadian version of Bikers for Trump rev up their Chinese-made Harleys and drag the whole fascist brigade down between now and next October. Who knows, maybe there'll be a scuffle between Max's gang and the werewolves of Québec who Andy Doody has been decking himself out in leather for, only to wind up getting spanked.
He basically said "none is too many." He called people of minority backgrounds "tribes" who get "bought off by taxpayer dollars." That's racist. That's the old "special interest groups" slur and what Reagan said with his infamous "welfare queen" speech. Who are "regular Canadians" by the way? You mean whites? Language matters. Racism is a lot more than just unprintable epithets. It's dogwhistling with a wink and a nudge and hiding behind plausible deniability, as anyone who's ever heard of Lee Atwater can point out.
The Liberals do have an answer. It's the same answer that Trudeau has never wavered from, which is that diversity and inclusiveness are Canada's strength, not a liability. Besides, cons always project. After all, it's Hamish Marshall who's carving up voters into microtargeted "tribes" and dividing them on issues, amplifying fractional disagreements into major hostile animosities that threaten to tear the country apart.
The Conservative Party of Canada is now officially the Republican Party of Canada. They have nothing to run on except the white racial animus that cursed the world with Donald Trump. The elephant is now poking and grunting in your own bed. The call is coming from the right side of the House.
BTW: Off-topic but, you can add the E.U. Parliament to the list of spineless sellouts siding with the thugs of Saudi Arabia.
They put a kibosh on releasing a pro-Canada public statement. Instead, Mogherini is the latest woman to throw Freeland under the bus by calling her up on the phone for a lecture. Once again, so much for the sisterhood. For shame.
Way to go. Really. Way to have your allies' back by stabbing them in the back. How utterly disgusting and pathetic. As Bob Rae said in the Star this past week, the response (or lack thereof) from the international community says a lot about the sad state of our world.
Scheer is now going to have to do the impossible feat of out hating Mad Max. Max basically hates everything about Canada. To much socalism to much free medicine, too much justice, too much protection of farmers.
On another note and I am thinking we will see a post. If you wanted to create an uncontrollable black market, you would legalize a product but provide no legal way to buy it. Dougie has done that with pot.
I preferred Mad Max when he was leaving classified NATO documents with his Hell’s Angels gf.
Hi rumleyfips...exactly, and what's really scary is that most Canadians don't realize how much Scheer hates this country and its values. He was made in the image of Harper and it shows...
Hi Gyor...I'm sorry I disagree. That last tweet was something I'd expect to hear from the leader of some far right party in Eastern Europe, and all that talk about identity are just code words for racism. I don't don't doubt that many Canadians share his views, but that doesn't make them any less ignorant or dangerous...
Hi Jackie...well said. Bernier may be really dumb, but his rant is larded with dog whistle stuff so this time he does know what he is doing, and he is gunning for Scheer's job. Normally I wouldn't give Mad Max much of a chance, but at this time in history racism is becoming a big problem even in Canada, so his threat can't be taken lightly...
hi anon...good point. There are groups of people who are a threat to our way of life. But they are right-wingers and racists, not left-wingers and immigrants. A strain of intolerance is on the loose in Canada and it must be brought under control before it sickens the whole country...
Hi anon @2:19...I know, poor Scheer, decisions decisions. As you know I have never thought much of him, but even I have been stunned by his lack of principle, and his sheer incompetence. He can't seem to be able to make a hard decision. Instead when one arises he turns and runs for cover. I hate to rip off the old Con slogan, but he's just not ready, and I very much doubt he ever will be...
Hi Jackie.... Yes, Maxime Bernier has been drifting towards his racist views for quite a while. And for no good reason. Once he was just your average right-wing buffoon, espousing wild causes, and threatening to privatize everything from the CBC to our medicare system. But something changed. The bitterness of his defeat, and the belief that he wiz robbed, has made him far more of a right-wing extremist. And in the age of the dumb demagogue, I haven't the slightest doubt that he could be dangerous....
Hi anon@12:06...yes, Maxime the amiable right-wing buffoon was a much nicer person. And I never considered him a threat to anything or anyone in this country. But I've changed my mind. His narrow defeat has made him a much nastier political figure, and we need his diversity bashing like we need a hole in the head...
hi Steve...I'd rather not even think about the return of John Baird. He is totally compromised by his work for Barrick, which has a copper mine in Saudi Arabia. And the way he is defending the Saudis makes me sick to my stomach...
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