Earlier today I wrote a post looking at how Mad Max Bernier was threatening to wreck the Con convention.
By encouraging them to keep on playing their new old racist games.
But a funny thing happened on the way to Andrew Scheer's little conclave.
Bernier isn't threatening the convention any longer.
Now he's threatening to wreck the entire Con party.

Or at least planning to start the Bernier Party.
Divisive Quebec MP Maxime Bernier made a scorched earth exit from the Conservatives today, while announcing plans to start his own federal party.
"I have come to realize over the past year that this party is too intellectually and morally corrupt to be reformed," he said, on the heels of controversial tweets he posted regarding diversity.
And while it's too soon to say what might happen to those morally corrupt Cons.
This 2017 Abacus poll suggests that Bernier's decision to quit might not be too good for them...

And since Bernier is probably a lot more popular now, especially in Quebec, one can only imagine what Scheer might look like a few months from now...

With a party badly split, two losers Scheer and Bernier trying to out racist each other.
And one sure winner...

As I always say, fortune favours the decent.
Wowser, wowser, wowser.
What a lucky Prime Minister...
I wouldn’t be popping the cork on the champagne just yet.
Look what the dumpster fire that was the leadership turmoil in the Ontario PCs ended up turning into.
Any chance Ezzie and Hammie had a falling-out of their own, maybe with Hammie saying that Ezra was being too obvious after Charlottesville and wanting to go off on his own subtle dog-whistle campaign that wasn't so blatantly Trumpian and belligerent? Or is the supposed "rivalry" with Scheer having Marshall as his manager vs. Bernier now courting Levant just more WWE pro-wrestling kayfabe and kabuki theater?
Nobody should underestimate Bernier. He has a lot of support out there, he has very good fundraisers, and if he can get a party off the ground he will hurt the Cons. Just a few hundred votes in some Quebec ridings will be enough to doom Scheer and company.
One thing's for sure: We can't stop now, this is bat country. Buckle up and hunker down, Canada. It's going to be a helluva rollercoaster ride.
And all I can say is I hope and, yes, pray that the security team hired to watch out for the Trudeau family is well-rested and on their toes. Considering who the cons are cozying up to, this could get ugly. May they be too consumed with tearing each other apart to do anything but burn themselves to the ground.
Reeefffoooorrrmmm! I think Bernier's ego is as big as Trump's. Since he is basically a Libertarian, why wouldn't he agree to join and lead them? Another political party? It'll be the PC/Reform/BQ split all over again.
Who knew that running a Mercer style political hedge party could be so difficult. Trudeau attack ads and dog whistles by day hedged by Rebel style fear and minority group hate mongering under the dimly lit cover of social media. Can't really blame Mad Max for getting fed up with the schizophrenic Frankenstein Scheer/Marshall created and decided on a less complicated baby of his own. I don't know if it will grow to a full blown monster but the frame work is laid bare on his web site. Its simple compared to the diffuse multi strategy psychological hidden agenda games the Cons are trying to play. Hopefully this will force the conservatives to clean the Reform house and become a fiscally conservative but socially progressive party again.
Watch the Cons decide how many racists can fit on the head of a pin. This is so delicious, Con poutine.
Scheer’s response pathetic. He charged that Bernier was only interested in advancing his personal profile, that he thinks he is more important than the Conservative Party. That it is personal. No.
We may disagree with Bernier on everything, but he does operate on principles. it’s not only about himself, his selfish ambition. Everybody know that’s absurd. The Scheer response was knee jerk and not thought out at all. He should not of made it personal, but stuck with ideas. He’s helped a Bernier.
John W.
If Mad Max wins he's going to ban all vicious-sissy blogs that pump out such outrageous propaganda it would make Goebbels blush.
No just kidding. He's a libertarian. He won't ban anything!
Enjoy your freedom. Libertarians want all people to enjoy their freedom. Even those who HATE people having freedom!
the problem with Libertarians is like the Communist in inverse proportion. It against human nature to have everyone rule. And its chaotic.
"...fiscally conservative but socially progressive party..." could sum up most NDP governments, surely.
Thanks for doing this, Simon. Must be a PITA moderating the comments.
33% undecided.....WOW! Hang on, Canadians.....the Roller Coaster just got Bigger!
And a Libertarian would be for open borders, non? At least for those with thick wallets.
An editorialist at La Presse has called Bernier "un cowboy solitaire". A lone cowboy. Bernier is personally popular in the Beauce region (named for a fertile rural region in France) but local farmers do NOT want to end supply management.
Libertarians want people to enjoy as much freedom as they can afford. It's an "I got mine, FU" approach to life that appeals mainly to privileged young people. Attempts to put it into practice have resulted in spectacular failures as even Milton Friedman conceded near the end of his life.
Hi anon @5:34 PM...The difference is the progressive parties were divided while the right was united. Now the Federal Cons are divided and that's what is going to kill them...
Hi Jackie...that's true, it's still going to be some election campaign, with the Cons trying every trick in the book, and almost certainly trying to steal the election. But with the Cons fighting themselves, it will be a lot easier to destroy them...
Hi UU...yes you got it, it's the Reform nightmare for the Cons all over again. And the best thing is they brought it upon themselves. They fanned the flames of racism, and made it easier for a Bernier to run against diversity, and in the process screwed themselves...
Hi anon@6:47 PM...I agree with you. I head some Cons yesterday trying to pretend that Bernier won't hurt them, but they are deluded. Or as we say in Quebec, dreaming in colour...
Hi Jackie...as far as I know it's just kabuki theatre. Levant is just pissed off that him and his Rebel crew have been banned from the Con convention. They've got a hospitality suite up and running across the street, but they just can't believe that Ezra still gets no respect...
Hi RT....I don't know how far Bernier will be able to take his new party, but it should be far enough to torpedo the Con's chances of winning the next election. Their road to victory was supposed to begin in Quebec, but I can't see that happening now. Not if Bernier is able to count on the support of the Peladeau rag The Journal de Montreal.
And while eventually the Cons might become a better party, first they will have to become even more right-wing to try to keep their supporters from flocking to Bernier. and that can only hurt them...
Hi John...I agree. Bernier has a lot more principles than Scheer, who in my opinion has almost none. Scheer set out to humiliate Bernier, and it has ended up badly for him...
Hi Ron...as you calling my blog a vicious sissy blog that pumps out outrageous propaganda? Well that's a new one. And thank you I'm flattered. And how is your blog doing. The one that was too boring to read. Oh, I'm sorry. Siding with fascists and homophobes these days are we Ronny? Sad. Now run along and try to be a better person. Idiot....
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