Donald Trump is holding a rally in coal country West Virginia, and I think I can imagine what he's going to say.
"Pray for me bubbas, I'm having a really bad day."
And who can blame him?

For one is bad, but two is worse.
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former fixer, made the extraordinary admission in court on Tuesday that he had arranged payments to two women at Mr. Trump’s behest to secure their silence about affairs they said they had with him.
The plea came shortly before another blow to the president: his former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was convicted in his financial fraud trial in Virginia. The special counsel had built a case that Mr. Manafort hid millions of dollars in foreign accounts to evade taxes and lied to banks to obtain $20 million in loans.
So much for the witch hunt.

With Tuesday’s convictions in the criminal trial of President Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, has struck another blow in his investigation: five guilty pleas, 32 indicted individuals, 187 charges revealing startling evidence of Russia’s 2016 attack on our democracy, and now the conviction of one of the top operators in the Trump campaign orbit.
Can you imagine where this might lead?
The guilty plea and Mr. Cohen’s statements in court represent a pivotal moment in the investigation into the president: a once-loyal aide admitting that he made payments at the behest of the president to shield him from politically damaging disclosures.
How long do you think it will take for Cohen and Manafort to flip and start squealing?
Not very long I imagine.
And let's not forget how Stormy Daniels must be feeling...

For her lawyer seems pretty pumped.

While Trump's other lawyer Rudy Giuliani looks like death warmed over.
No doubt deeply concerned that he too could be charged for repeating what Trump told him...

No wonder he was trying to make people believe that "the truth is not the truth."
But I don't think it's going to work, and neither will Trump's latest excuse.

As the New York Times says it's a case of All the President's Crooks.
Only a complete fantasist — that is, only President Trump and his cult — could continue to claim that this investigation of foreign subversion of an American election, which has already yielded dozens of other indictments and several guilty pleas, is a “hoax” or “scam” or “rigged witch hunt.”
The game is almost over.
The Trump regime is rotting from the head down.
And sooner or later the orange hog will end up in the place where he belongs....

After a life time of get out of jail free cards Trump may have exhausted the supply at the Casino. Anyone who has read my blog knows how much I despised Trump long before he became President. In the USA there is a royalty that do what they want without consequence and have done so forever. The USA is hardly the source of this fountain of wealth. No that place is the City of London. Put the lens there and maybe we can burn our way out the corrupt lies.
I still maintain the electing Trump was better than Hillary, for the Democrats are no better, seriously Nancy Pelosi, everybody from California. Hillary Clinton carried more baggage than Heathrow at Christmas.Sometime you just got to let teams go and play for the goal.
My hope for the Trump experiment is that it would wake the Zombies up, just like Harper did for Canada. America is a goldmine never doubt that, lets hope they put the effort into Telsa like industries and forget EXXON.
One of the people Cohen named in the indictment is the aptly-named David Pecker, owner of the media conglomerate that publishes the National Enquirer. He also sits on the board at Postmedia. If something happens to Trump's favorite purveyor of fake news, Canada's own trash-tabloid empire might well come crashing down sooner rather than later. For the sake of you guys and in the hope that truth will finally set us all free, I'm hoping for just that.
The interesting thing, so far, is that we still have not seen any evidence of collusion. We are seeing what we already knew, Trump and his crew were and are a bunch of crooks. I expect we can see a lot more pleas or convictions to follew
It is like the Whitewater affair that started out with a financial scandal and ended up with sex in the Oval Office.
started out with a financial scandal and ended up with sex in the Oval Office.
This would have made a good movie but no one would have believed it.
Bad day for Trump, I guess the voters will decide. The Nov election has just become a referendum on impeachment.
Too bad the guy wasn't named Dick Pecker or Randy Pecker...
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