During his ill fated bid to be Con leader Maxime Bernier used this bizarre graphic to try to get people to vote for him.
It's inspired by the science-fiction movie The Matrix, where taking the red pill means embracing reality, and taking the blue one means settling for blissful ignorance.
But because the red pill is also a code word used by men who don't believe in gender equality, it should also have been a warning.
And now of course it's too late.

Now Bernier is in the sweaty embrace of right-wing hate mongers like Ezra Levant, who wonders where the Cons are heading.
I wonder whose party it really is. Is it really the party of Andrew Scheer — fear of the CBC; love for the Quebec Dairy cartel; terror about anything regarding culture, national identity, patriotism.
Or is it the party of confident, patriotic conservatism, that has enough self-respect to stand up to statue-destroyers and history-deleters?
And Bernier is now a certified alt-right extremist:
Question from Furey to JT and all those who believe more “diversity” is always better:— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) August 14, 2018
“Does Trudeau mean that if you have, say, two people and one supports stoning gays and the other does not that we are somehow better off than if they both opposed the barbaric practice?” https://t.co/HSGNM3fUgm
For that tweet is not only offensive, it's pathetic.
Some Cons like the former Harper fluffer Andrew MacDougall, are demanding that Scheer tell Bernier to put up, shut up, or get out.
Having busted Bernier down to private, Scheer has no disciplinary card left to play other than ousting Bernier from caucus. And while no leader ever wants to play it, letting one of your charges get away with speaking out of turn only embitters and emboldens the others.
At some point, Scheer is going to have to play the heavy.
But again it's far too late for that.
For what MacDougall doesn't seem to understand, or won't acknowledge, is that Bernier is just a symptom of the problem.
And that the Cons are now rotten to the core.

The other day, Paula Simons tried to understand what drove the Con MP Shannon "Stubby" Stubbs to attack the respected jurist John Norris in the manner of a rabid hyena.
The Prime Minister has appointed Omar Khadr's lawyer as a federal judge. This is a man who defended a confessed murderer and terrorist. This is an utter embarrassment for Canada and the Canadian judicial system. https://t.co/nBkeQ8OZdx— Shannon Stubbs (@ShannonStubbsMP) August 10, 2018
Despite Norris' impressive credentials.
In the first place, John Norris is no run-of-the-mill defence lawyer. He is an academic expert in counter-terrorism law, in constitutional law, in legal ethics.
In 2008 — while Stephen Harper was prime minister — Norris was appointed to the roster of special advocates for security certificate proceedings under the federal Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. He was also appointed as amicus curiae — a friend of the court, or a dispassionate legal expert — on several national security matters which were argued before the federal court. (Oh, and he’s appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada more than 25 times, often taking human rights cases pro bono.)
And could only come to this conclusion:
Is Andrew Scheer’s caucus engaged in some kind of summertime competition with MPs and senators egging each other on to say things that are more and more outrageous? It’s as though Conservative MPs are all squeaking away in a dog-whistle chorus, each trying to squeak more shrilly than the next. It’s trite Trump Lite politics. And Canadians deserve better.
Which just happens to be the one I arrived at a long time ago.
The Cons are the Party of Hate. Rotting like a fish from the head down.

They are not just bad, they are evil.
And unless those Con zombies are destroyed in the next election.
They will destroy this country...
"Good, good, let the hate flow through you." -Emperor Steev Harpertine
I pray that the Rebel scum stormtroopers hang themselves with their own (metaphorical) rope. Just like their Sith Lord with his "old-stock" wink to white nationalists, and their callous disregard for the drowned Syrian boy, eventually these fuckers wind up going too far.
Bless the young Skywalker and the Liberal resistance, for they are the only ones fighting for the bright side of the Force.
You put a link to Rebel in your post and now I have to disinfect both my phone and my finger. Please post a warning where the links go. I feel dirty. Hell with Google spying on my browsing I'll be flooded with deals on. tiki torches and Gap clothes.
Now is the time to put the stake through the heart, pass a law banning handguns for personal use. Now Mad Max will take a bullet for that issue, thus paralyzing Andrew like the maniquen he his.
Rempel for Leader, Rempel for leader, she has the wine thing down and just wait till the pot is legal.
Jackie, the Liberals are not the only people or group fighting this shit.
We aren't in the US. The parties I support are socialist, social-democratic or green left. And my candidates won in my Federal riding, my Québec riding, my city and borough.
Of course it is almost funny looking at the kerfuffle between two different types of alt-rightists chez les Cons. Oddly, Mad Max's "identity" schtick is very much at odds with his hands-off Randianism...
The Con beaters are out in full force. I'm reading stories on CBC and other sources about this and the paid trolls are filling the comments with thoughtful ideas like 'Bernier has a right to speak out about this'.
About what? WTF is happening in the world?
Sure man ... the Nazis had a right to legislate away the rights of Jews, homosexuals, blacks and other people who weren't white enough. We've learned nothing!!
Bernier is another middle-aged, white privileged male that is crying political correctness because his kind is getting closer and closer to extinction. The world is evolving. If you don't, you'll eventually fade from the planet, despite efforts to stem the reality.
All the ndp does is split the vote for hideous cons. Ask Harper.
CBC = Comment Board Cancer. Are they still using names of hockey players for their phony accounts? Most Canadian astroturf (astro-rink?) campaign ever. And yet, IIRC they always chose names of Russian or Eastern European players -- you never saw Ray Bourque or Sidney Crosby on those forums for some strange reason...
3 2 1 the circular firing squad forms on the right. Scheer has come out in favour of something not Mad Max. I am already reading comments how he is not a real conservative. Ho boy get some popcorn, its going to be a humdinger.
Fuck off anon 8.00. Last federal election 39% of eligible voters did not participate when they could have buried the Cons in last place in the electorate which they deserve. Blame the Dippers for running a poor campaign but don't accuse them of helping the Cons, that's up to the lazy and the intellectual lazy to correct.
Mr perfect
Scheer out, Bernier in.
Truth hurts, Mr. Perfect. The ndp are for those who want ideological purity and are privileged enough to think they won’t be hurt by a hideous con government. They are the reason we don’t have subsidized daycare.
Hi Jackie...It's horrifying to see what the Cons are doing to our country, trying to debase it in every way possible. Everything they do offends all the values my parents taught me. And my only consolation is that they are not in power, and the Force is on our side....
Hi ffibs...I'm sorry about that, I should have warned you to put on your hazmat suit. But I though it was worth taking the risk of linking to Levant's political porno site, just so people can see how he's trying to pressure the Cons into becoming the Rebel Party. I promise to warn you next time, and in the meantime, Tiki torches could come in useful when the time comes to liberate Ontario from the clutches of Doug Ford and his monstrous gang. Like Frankenstein's monster I'm sure just the sight of those torches will make him run for his life...
Hi Steve...are you seriously suggesting that the ghastly Rempel should become the new Con leader? For if you are I will have to believe that you have been rummaging around in Rempel's large wine cellar...
Hi anon@7:55PM...Yes it's a depressing sight. But remember it might help split the Cons, only about a year away from the next election. And you're right, the world is evolving and the the future belongs to us...
Hi Steve...I would certainly encourage the Con lunatics to join up with Mad Max's Road Warrior gang, and go after Scheer and his Rebel gang. It would be highly entertaining and go course we could not lose...
The truth? I can handle the truth when I hear it or read it anon 8.00-1. The NDP is the only party which has supported worker's rights to unionize for better pay and working conditions. I don't the privilege in that. Maybe in your alternative universe where one doesn't believe in democracy.
Mr perfect
In my riding Alexandre Boulerice got a very strong vote; it may have been an absolute majority, if not close to it. The Bloc Québécois came second (this riding was Bloc before it went NDP under Boulerice) and the Liberals third. The Cons got a minor party vote, if I recall in the single digits. They are no menace where I live.
We have subsidised daycare in Québec, and have had it for many years. I was among the great many feminists, labour and social movement activists and allies who fought for it. I'm amused that anti-socialist anon assumes people on the left are male!
I'm not privileged at all; my income is very precarious these days. Where I live we've voted NDP, Québec solidaire and Projet Montréal in recent elections, and won in our districts and ridings.
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