It says something not very flattering about Andrew Scheer, that they still have to write his name in big letters behind him, for the benefit of all those Canadians who still don't know him from a hole in a wall.
But on the other hand that ignorance does allow Scheer to reimagine himself, as he did yesterday during his very long speech to the Con convention.
Where he tried to portray himself as a nice, humble, down to earth Ottawa boy, quietly competent and ready to govern.
Which needless to say didn't quite work.

Not when he looked like a slightly crazed televangelist, at a Convention of the Doomed.
And once again went after Justin Trudeau like a rabid hyena.
Andrew Scheer took aim at the Liberal government’s handling of international trade on Friday, insisting in a keynote speech here to more than 3,000 party delegates and MPs that it’s time for the “grown ups” to handle the file again.
International trade is a “serious endeavour,” he said, to loud applause – with many taking to their feet. “It’s time for the grown-ups to be in charge again.”
Claiming among other things that he can handle Donald Trump better than Trudeau can.
Despite Scheer's shabby record in that regard...

Which as we all know has verged on treason.
Not when he blew so many dog whistles I'm surprised every canine in Halifax wasn't barking and scratching at the door of the Con convention, trying to get in.
And not when he's still trying to make Trudeau out to be the villain of that encounter with the vile bigot and white supremacist Diane Blain.
“He wants to impose his personal views on the country and demonize those who don’t accept them,” he said, vowing to hold Trudeau to account for “smearing and name-calling those who criticize him.”
Even though Blain herself has been laughing and bragging about how she fooled the media into believing that she was just a poor old granny who was mugged by Trudeau.

But then what Scheer was trying to do with that, was reach out to Maxime Bernier's supporters and try to assure them he can be as bigoted as Mad Max.
As well as assuring his loyal supporters that Bernier was a party of one, who wouldn't do the Cons any damage, because they are WINNING!!
But unfortunately for Scheer that didn't quite work either.
Not when the CBC poll analyst Éric Grenier points out that a little Bernier could do a LOT of damage.
The CBC's Poll Tracker, which uses an average of polls to make seat projections, currently gives the Liberals a 48 per cent chance of winning a majority government if an election were held today — a coin flip. But take two points away from the Conservatives and give that to a hypothetical Bernier party, and those Liberal odds increase to 65 per cent, or about two in three.
Increase that Bernier drain to five percentage points and the Liberals' chances of winning a majority government increase to 81 per cent — even with less support nationwide than what was achieved in the 2015 federal election.
And not when other polls show that the Cons aren't winning, they're losing...

And that's before the Bernier effect kicks in.
But what really showed Canadians what the Scheer/Harper Party stands for, is the way convention delegates voted overwhelmingly to put abortion back on the agenda.
Abortion is back on the Conservatives' agenda. Tory delegates will be asked Saturday to weigh in on whether the party should scrap wording in its policy book that says "a Conservative government would not support any legislation to regulate abortion."
No doubt to please their depraved religious fanatic of a leader....

And as if that wasn't bad enough, then there was the way Hamish Marshall, the Con's campaign manager, couldn't stay away from his friends at the hate mongering Rebel.

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer’s national campaign manager was seen speaking with members of Rebel Media outside of the party’s convention in Halifax, even though the far-right website is barred from covering the event for being an “activist” group.
Which should tell Canadians all they need to know about the kind of government the Cons would be if they ever got elected.
Luckily there is now very little chance of that.
Scheer and his gang of bigots have been mortally wounded by one of their own.
And if we are ruthless and show them no mercy.
We should soon be able to finish them off once and for all..

Rabble also has a comment about this spat: http://rabble.ca/blogs/bloggers/brent-patterson/2018/08/threat-berniers-anti-immigration-party-gambit
A bunch of people walked out because supply management got the kibosh. Instead, they removed women from both the national anthem and a ridiculous statement on "equality of opportunity," and Scheer waxed "patriotic" about Johnny Mac while denouncing "extremist forces" (ahem, Indigenous people) who wanted to "dismantle our history" (whose history, Whitey McWhitebread?). Meanwhile, the remaining delegation decided that "Because It's 1955" would be the theme of the evening, taking votes not only on abortion, but ending birthright citizenship (!) and loosening gun laws to allow for a "Stand Your Ground" formula (the justification that white farmer gave for killing Colton Boushie) like they have in Florida. Florida? FLORIDA? Even Americans think Florida is a joke!
So now Andrew Scheer looks like Canada's version of Florida Man, and sensible-minded Canadians should make the name stick to him like so much citrus juice. The rotten orange in the groves at Mar-a-Lago. He mentioned Trudeau so much that he should have just grabbed Clint Eastwood's empty chair and talked to it. He has no policies and nothing to offer besides, as Dale Smith says, "shitposting memes" and the usual "Trudeau sucks because he's a soyboy SJW cuck." Please clap.
Meek and mild Andrew "Florida Man" Scheer: Low-energy, failing, dopey clown. Sad.
The Republican North can never succeed especially since winter is coming.
I love it so much. So little Andy is going to run on the KOCH brothers funded platform of carbon tax is as evil as abortion or gay people. If he wins on that we should all dig a hole and bunker up because the world is going to end in our lifetime.
Here is another example of the NYT pushing a fake news story. No facts just hype
Does anyone really think the Russians can have any effect on a US election?
That Eric Grenier article is pretty devastating because judging by the reaction to Bernier’s defection getting five per cent of the Cons to follow him should be a cinch. The Con media is trying to play down the Bernier challenge but I think they’re in for a nasty surprise. They don’t seem to understand the times we live in, and that populism can threaten Canada just as it has other countries.
You don't think so Steve? I give you Rob Ford, Doug Ford, Steve Harper and Mike Harris. They certainly can succeed, and they have. We are never out of the woods with these regressive forces.
It's the Bernier Effect. Between gerrymandering, voter supression and GOTV efforts, crap electoral infrastructure,
Russian ratfucking can shave 1 to 5 points off an election, or ad 1 to 5 points. In a lot of Districts that's enough to swing an election. Less than 80,000 votes in 3 States gave the election to Treason Tribble.
Russian ratfucking also creates the idea, that the results of the election are illigitimate.
It's a win-win for the Russians because even if they don't manage to swing a District, they increase the division in the US.
Good Points. The trio of horror won because the public was fed up with what went before. This was based 50% on actual fact and 50% on the MSM making fake news.
Steve Harper only came to power because Jack Layton was hungry. If he had not brought down the liberal goverment, history may have changed. Maybe Iggy would still be PM (oh perish the thought)
“It’s time for the grown-ups to be in charge again.”
That's funny. Does he mean like when Harper went and pissed his pants in the closet? Or when he wouldn't come out of a bathroom until he got his way? Or when he disappeared and pouted and sobbed on "sugar Ray's" shoulder for a year after getting his sorry ass kicked in 2015?
I know 10 year olds who show more maturity than these Con clowns with their endless petulant, inane attacks on JT and his family.
Better stock up on the tissue paper for 2019 Andy, you'll need them. Wahhhhhhh!
Wanna see something else childish? The cons literally have a paper doll of shirtless Trudeau in the lobby at the convention. But it's Liberal supporters who make cutesy teen-idol posters of him... like he's Justin Bieber Trudeau. Is this from Ezra's room?
Hi lagatta....yes I read it, and the author makes some good points. The soil is fertile for a demagogue to take advantage of the appalling xenophobia of many Canadians. But for that to happen Bernier would have to become a more focused racist, instead of being totally obsessed with the dairy cartel which won’t win him many supporters..
Hi Jackie....the removal of women from the anthem is the kind of cheap gesture that makes the Cons look like a party unfit to govern a country like Canada. And as for the birthright citizenship issue, that’s another one intended only to placate their racist base, they stand for nothing except hatred and division...
Hi Steve...the war on the carbon tax in this country is absolutely pathetic. It’s the triumph of greed over common sense, and if it continues it will prevent this country from preparing for the green future that will inevitably arrive, and leave us looking like redneck losers...
Hi Jay...I agree with you, it’s more than about just electing people, it’s about sowing division, and getting people to lose faith in the democratic system...
Hi anon@3:37 PM...yes, I agree. I don’t know how much support Bernier will be able to summon up in time for the next election. But if all he does is cripple the Cons in Quebec he will win the election for the Liberals...
Hi anon@5:46 PM...the Cons neverending attempts to infantilized Justin Trudeau is both infantile and disgusting. All they can do is try to debase others even though in the end the only end up debasing themselves. They are truly the Ugly Party...
Hi Jackie...those Cons are so gross, They absolutely disgust me. I mean what is the problem with a guy removing his shirt? Unless of course it was that milky doughboy Scheer who only the dairy cartel could love...
Never mind the stupid Con war on the carbon tax. We're looking at a very brown future if we as Liberals don't start pushing Trudeau to get moving on the carbon tax. In addition, he should be setting specific targets for shutting down the tar sands and retraining workers to install sources of renewable power. But don't trust me, trust the scientists who study the climate and climate adaptation. You know, the science Trudeau promised us he'd prioritize.
"the grown ups to be in charge again", that may play well to a conference center of old people, but to the milleinials, Gen. X, etc. anything younger than an aging baby boomer, that is not what the younger generations want to hear. They will vote for Trudeau or Singh, because they respect the fact they are younger, that they have different views and needs. Scheer needs to remember he is about the same age as Trudeau and Trudeau already has a few years under his belt. He also has a few Cabinet ministers who have been around since Christ was a cowboy. Freeland, is an amazing Cabinet minister who has done fine work. Leblanc has been around for awhile and he like Trudeau grew up in political households and they learnt at a very young age how politics is done.
Any how if the harper years were "the grown ups" running things, give me a kid in elementary school. At least they know its not nice to kick people when they're down and how to be polite. because harper and his ilk were just bullies when in office.
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