Well I see Peter Dumbo MacKay is going to have a lot more time for fishing, and has announced that he is finally resigning.
And since politicians of all parties are falling over themselves to praise him, I thought I should take some time to set the record straight.
And remind everyone of his abominable legacy.
He sold out the Progressive Conservative party to Stephen Harper and his Reform rednecks, for a nickel and other considerations.
Without even knowing what he was doing...

Because he never understood his own limitations...

He went on to lose the Afghan war and mishandle the F-35 file....

He borrowed his neighbour's dog to try to guilt out his ex-girlfriend Belinda Stronach...

While being accused of calling Belinda a dog.
Was guilty of one gross sexist gaffe after the other...

He used a supposedly anti-bullying bill to try to spy on Canadians...

Before going on to help Stephen Harper try to smear the Chief Justice...

And debase himself beyond recognition.
So why is he leaving now?
Answer: because he may be Dumbo but he can read the latest polls...

And as the Minister for Atlantic Canada he can see the writing on the wall.
So like so many other Con rats he's leaving the sinking ship.

Or in his case, knowing his love for government helicopters, leaving the roof of the PMO...
And when you add it all up, I think we can safely say, his legacy was abominable.
He betrayed his party, he served his country badly, he was a lousy minister.
And he will not be missed...
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He is now announcing he is open for business and is looking for new position. You know before all those other Con bozos are out looking for the same job.
Then he maybe going to private industry for awhile so he can come back at a later date after Stevie is gone to his reward.
Well lets see, Jim died. Baird has already bailed. McKay isn't going to run again. Is there a theme here.
For him to run like this, and so close to the election, the internal polling must be horrible. He must know that there is a good chance he will lose so he might as well leave and be able to collect his pension at 55 while the people he helped screw won't be able to collect their OAS until 67.
But the good news is that another rat has jumped leaving the biggest rat still on board. Actually it would not surprise me that if the polls keep saying that a majority is out of the question, big rat will jump too and pull a Mulroney on his party. Especially if good old Nigel starts to sing.
Harper is so far to the right that the center right cons are withdrawing their support, hoping for a soft landing so they can rebuild the party once the dust settles. The next question is how do Stevie's backers perceive things. Is it time to pull a couple of white rabbits out of the hat to sway the crowds or quietly fade into the background and wait for the next opportunity? Given the circumstances it would be logical to fade but they are a hubristic lot and won't accept defeat easily.
Yeah right he only has fishing on his mind. Are you losing it? They are dumming people down. How about you...
You cannot afford to be light on the psychos Montreal Simon. The monster will recover from its wounds. You need to slay the monster.
He leaves as if all that must be said and needed saying was while he was among the leader muzzlers.
“Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.”
― Winston S. Churchill
Michael Harris writes:
MacKay calls it quits — and Fortress Harper loses another brick
Both James Moore and Jason Kenney must each think their chances of becoming Con leader are a step closer. But MacKay will be back someday, there's no question about that.
I think the main reason Harpo showed up at MacKay's announcement was to make everybody think Harpo and MacKay are good buddies, and Harpo is "good to go" with it. At least Harpo wasn't taken by *complete* surprise like he was with Baird's resignation. MacKay gave him a few days notice.
Baird showed Mackay that by leaving now, the streets are truly paved with gold. That, and the fact he can't stand the sight of Harper as most of us can't helped his decision to bail on the Party of One. Next!
hi e.a.f...well between the polls in his region, and the sight of Baird making all that dough, I'm not surprised Dumbo is leaving. And neither would I be surprised if a whole host of others followed...
hi anon...yes, I don't think that MacKay would ever lose his own seat, not while his dad Elmer is still around to play the Godfather. But his defection and all the other incumbents leaving is a major problem for the Cons. And yes, I think that a lot of them have seen the writing on the wall and decided that the time to leave is now....
hi anon...yes as the polls suggest a lot of so-called Red Tories have parked their votes with other parties, and unless he can win them back he will be in big trouble, and he will never get anywhere near a majority. And of course without a majority he is doomed, for the pressure to topple him will be one none of the progressive leaders will be able to resist....
hi anon...no I'm not losing it. And that was just a joke. Gawd some people in this country are so grim. Lighten up, and BTW dumming is spelt DUMBING. One really shouldn't throw stones in glass houses....
hi anon...you know that's interesting, nobody has ever said that to me in all the years I have been blogging. So let me explain the situation. Firstly I hope you are talking about slaying the monster metaphorically. Because I'm totally opposed to violence. And secondly, satire and mockery have long been the weapons of the oppressed. I don't just write a blog, I organize in my riding. I encourage others to take part in protests, and will work my butt off in the next election to defeat the Cons.
But mocking bullies has always been the way I choose to fight them on this blog, and everyone of the silly photo-shops I produce does have a serious point. I'm particularly dedicated to getting young voters to vote, and I always try to cheer up up progressives, so if you don't mind I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing...
hi anon...it was horrible to hear Harper praising MacKay as a "great historic leader" and praising himself. But my view Mackay is that once he might have had promise as a so-called Red Tory, by the end of his term in office he was as bad as the Reform Cons. So his name will live in infamy forever...
hi David...maybe, but I doubt it. The Con party would have to change dramatically for someone like MacKay to have a chance. And while Jason Kenney may be the most popular leader of the Reform Cons and might win a leadership contest, his chances of winning a general election exist only in his head. I would of course support him, even join the Cons to vote for him. But only because I know that under Kenney the Cons would be gone for a generation....
hi David...yes I think you're right, he wants to ingratiate himself with the so-called Red Tories, and I should add campaign for the Con candidate opposing Bill Casey, whose defeat obsesses him as much these days as does Justin Trudeau. But yes when cabinet ministers quit suddenly just a few months before an election it's not a good sign. The rats are leaving the ship and its going down...
hi JD...yes I'm absolutely sure that Baird's success in lining up all those lucrative jobs had a major impact on Dumbo's decision to leave. the impending birth of a new baby might have influenced that decision, but knowing Dumbo and his dad Elmer I'm sure money was the main reason...
Getting more interesting by the day!
Its all about the pension at 55.
I am glad I was able to say what none other have said to you in all your years. I would hate to see your world turn in circles without any thing unique being said. It is pretty much common sense that none would be suggesting that you go get a weapon to physically kill Peter. And by saying you are absolutely opposed to violence, you mean to say that if a man were taking your child from you to abduct, rape and murder you would simply let him? I do not see any balance in that. And violence happens in ways that are not physical. Thinking otherwise gives you much to hide behind. Perhaps you are not familiar with mind abuses in relationships. And what about the thought police matter? Those violences happen by hiding behind the claim that there was not any bodily violence.
Anon to Simon 8:31 AM - I am surprised if you do not have a response. I hope what I wrote is not an outrage to you. I was simply being honest and making what I see as good points ! ?
So long! A tribute to Peter MacKay's 6 worst moments
Peter MacKay leaves politics to chair university Women's Studies department
hi anon....don't worry, I'm not outraged by what you said, and I welcome any criticism as long as it's polite as I try to be with all those who comment here. What you said was honest and fine.I just wanted to let you know that I am not dumb, and that I must fight the Cons in my way. We both share the same objective, removing the Harper regime from power in the next election, and we shall both celebrate that great day...
Lockheed macdonald detweler
Simon it is not that one does not know how to spell dumbing. It is a common slip of the mind spelling it without the 'b'. And if a spelling error means one lives in a glass house in your view then it really does appear a propagandists world you live in. I hope the point is not intolerable to you. You say lighten up while repeating that Harper is destroying out country and lives. How am I to put those two messages together, if you don't mind me asking?
You say you are not dumb. I would not speed to assuming that about you and that is why I am still patiently waiting for you to answer what I said. ...
As I wrote; by saying you are "absolutely opposed to violence", you mean to say that if a man were taking your child from you to abduct, rape and murder you would simply let him? I do not see any balance in that. And violence happens in ways that are not physical. Thinking otherwise gives you much to hide behind. Perhaps you are not familiar with mind abuses in relationships. And what about the thought police matter? Those violences happen by hiding behind the claim that there was not any bodily violence.
I see that as important for you to answer.
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