They say a week in politics can be an eternity. So I can only imagine what a few weeks must be like for Michael Ignatieff and the Liberals.
Back then they were clamouring for an election. Now they have gone silent. And even Jeffrey Simpson has figured out.
It must therefore be awfully tempting for the Conservatives, having spent all that taxpayers' money on ads promoting themselves through the Economic Action Plan, having doled out more billions of dollars than any government since the Second World War, having governed politically on the theory that “an announcement a day keeps the Liberals at bay” and having avoided a serious mistake the past six months or so, to find the means of defeating themselves, thereby laying off the blame for a vote on one or more of the opposition parties, and so try their luck in an election campaign, at the start of which they would be tantalizingly close to a majority government.
What I figured out a month ago.
And the news isn't getting any better.
Which raises another disturbing question: should the NDP do what the Liberals want them to do...or DID? And bring down the whole house of cards
And the answer is still NO. Because the future of Canada is far more important than the electoral advantage of any party.
And our time will come.
The number of people on E.I.may be going down....but numbers can be deceiving.
Labour economist Erin Weir agreed the decline in new entrants to the rolls of those on EI was welcome, but cautioned that the fall-off in Canadians receiving benefits is likely an indication that workers have exhausted their entitlements rather than that they have found new jobs.
And as welfare rolls start to swell, in a couple of months the damage to the real economy will become obvious.
And even if the economy does recover slightly the big question will remain. How are we going to bring down that massive deficit? The Liberal and NDP way?
Or Stephen Harper's way?

Because that's what the next election should be about. As well as the filth and corruption of the Harper regime.
You know when you are not blinded by political partisanship, and your country comes first, and nothing is more important than denying Stephen Harper a majority, it tends to concentrate the mind.
Which is why I dare to suggest that perhaps the Liberals and the NDP might think of having secret talks to coordinate their strategy, so we can strike when the time is right.
I know it's quite a concept, and I realize it would be difficult. Although not impossible.
But with Canada in such mortal danger, and the midnight hour upon us, I can't see why we can't learn to dance together.
Just like these guys did...
Oh sure...it's not as much fun as the chicken dance.
But if we don't stop playing into the hands of the Cons, history will laugh at us.
And Canada will never forgive us....
"And even if the economy does recover slightly the big question will remain. How are we going to bring down that massive deficit? The Liberal and NDP way?
Or Stephen Harper's way?"
Well, Simon, it appears we now have a good idea of what appears to be some of Harper's way of paying off our defict:
Stop laughing -- it's our $$$ !!!
Well, Simon, it appears we now have a good idea of what appears to be some of Harper's way of paying off our defict:
Stop laughing -- it's our $$$ !!!
Jeez, with THIS kind of fucked-up financial mismanagement, you'd think ol' Jimbo Flaherty -- the man behind turning Ontario into an economic basket-case -- was responsible...
And as for this "fire sale" mania of the Harpokons to privatize everything in sight while they've still got the keys to Sussex Drive, you gotta wonder what's on the block *next*... Canada Post? Rideau Hall? With a privately-contracted Governor General? (Paging Tom d'Aquino... Mr. d'Aquino, please answer the gold-plated courtesy telephone...)
Here's a list of Crown Corporations: see if you can guess what's up next on the Harpokon Shopping Channel (and how much will we lose on THOSE "deals"...?)
hi 'berto...laughing? I'm squirming with embarrassment.
The HarperCons are so ridiculous and petty. I think they should pay back taxpayers with their Con money. Or I am going to be forced to pay my taxes with Canadian Tire bucks... :)
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