I've been warning for a long time about the way the toxic Trudeau haters out there have been slowly poisoning our country.
And how Andrew Scheer's obsessive never-ending attacks on the prime minister, in the style of Ezra Levant's ratty Rebel, have debased our politics, and made Canada a more dangerous place to live in.
And yesterday this toxic hatred bubbled up again, when Justin Trudeau visited Calgary.
And about a thousand protesters turned out to meet him.

Including these two...

Who would try to hurt Trudeau by attacking his gentle mother Margaret.
And goodness knows how many others were wearing this ghastly hoodie...

While back in Ottawa, the creepy Andrew Scheer could hardly restrain his excitement.
This is the crowd that greeted Justin Trudeau in Calgary today! Incredible show of support for Canadian oil and gas. He should pay attention! Thank you @Energy_Citizens and @rally4resources for all of your great work. https://t.co/rN1i4dNzFf— Andrew Scheer (@AndrewScheer) November 23, 2018
Because he hates Trudeau with a passion bordering on pathological, I wouldn't be surprised if any time a mob goes after the prime minister, Scheer's handlers are forced to restrain him...

To stop him from foaming excessively, or acting like a maniac.
Which, along with all of the above, makes me wonder where this country is going?

Of course, it's not only Scheer or Jason Kenney or Ezra Levant who are debasing our politics...

Low class oil trash like that rube, are also making us look more American than Canadian.
And of course we have some dirty old toxic Trudeau haters in our own ranks who need to be denounced and shunned by all decent progressives.
And I'll be making a list of them soon.
But in the meantime I just want to give thanks we have a prime minister like Justin Trudeau.
Who although he is the target of smears or Schmears of the lowest order, never responds in kind...

And remains really decent, and really Canadian...
It's not a Newfoundland and Labrador shed party until Hawco is taught the right lines.— Seamus O'Regan (@SeamusORegan) November 22, 2018
Absolutely on Wheels. pic.twitter.com/EwcN8BiSXT
Decency matters, the Cons don't know what means.
And that's still the biggest reason why we must defeat them...
I know Trudeau is of the "we go high when they go low" Michelle Obama mindset, but what's stopping anyone else from holding up signs that read "Andrew Scheer Sucks Trump's Mushroom" and "Jason Kenney Sucks Trump's Bigot Spigot"? Granted, there's the old axiom of not staring into the abyss and letting the hate flow through you or something to that effect, but if the authorities aren't going to do anything because they're falling down on the job as regards thugs like the Proud Boys, then it's time to take the fight directly to them. Within the parameters of the law, and reason, of course. Crowdfund a Dougie Kong balloon floating over Ontario. Interrupt Jill and Andy at dinner. Photoshop Andy's face into Stanley the cat as a poster of Harper grabbing the no-longer Progressive Conservatives by the... well, you know. And bring it out to the streets! Sheesh, Canada, we Americans have given you the playbook for how to deal with Trump, now it's time to use it! Before somebody else gets hurt!
You’re right Simon, decency matters. The hateful ones are trying to ruin our country, but we won’t let them. Anyone who isn’t disgusted by those horrible people must have something wrong with them.
Trudeau is right not to respond to the bait. Cons derive their political energy through us vs them polarization. For electricity to flow from a storage capacitor there has to be a positive and negative terminal and the greater the potential difference the more the available energy. The Cons only strategy is to build up the electrical/political charge between election cycles and then release it on voting day. Once all major parties adopt this strategy, debate on critical issues and the best path forward quickly deteriorates into who has the most money and best (often illegal) strategy to harness the energy on election day. Not saying that Scheer should not be attacked but most of it should be for serving rotten baloney sandwiches and the company he keeps rather than his shallow smarmy personality.
I hope the pictures of the man and woman holding the "your mom..." signs are seen by their employers and families so they can vanquish these deplorable wastes of skin. And Schmear thinks this is incredible? He would deny seeing that even though he surely did via his social media propaganda team of Steiming, Pyle and Buelsheet.
This protest of the damned will also have rebel links to it with the help from the vermin Hamish Marshal. That I'd bet money on.
I've said that they are aping Trump but the fact is they're aping Harper. He started this hate campaign against JT the moment he signalled his intentions to run for the Liberal leadership and it has snowballed into what we are now subjected to on a regular basis.
Harper was and still is the cancer that has spread and destroyed the once respectable conservative party and now threatens this great country. That's why we excised the Harper malignancy in 2015 and that's why we will excise the remaining cells in 2019 proving once again that cancer can be beat.
Subtlety gets you nowhere. You'll just bore half of them to death and there might be one or two in the other half who suss that what you're saying doesn't make any sense. So let's go for the kill or just stay home. Nothing like the "incredible show" and accompanying personal high that can result when we succeed in getting these lumps involved in the political process. I know what we'll do: never mind cheap tee-shirts and hats; we'll sell them something more utilitarian and expensive to serve as a precious keepsake and enduring reminder of their civic engagement. How about insulated hoodies? No doubt Andy and company, and whatever grubbing entrepreneurs are hawking this stuff, are incredibly proud of themselves. "Great work" indeed.
There must be some dead ground between hating politicians and loving them. How about just matching their contempt?
That crowd is incredible. One wonders how many rocks the organizers had to turn over to assemble it.
Its sad we can get 1000 people out to protest JT, I went to a Harper protest in St Catharines once and only 20 people showed up.
It's Calgary; his name is Trudeau. Did you expect a ticker-tape parade? Trudeau doesn't need a single vote in Cowtown to hand Scheer his ass in the next election.
This is the behind the scences stuff, that fuels idiotcracy.
some of this has nothing to do with politics. holding signs up regarding Trudeau's Mother is simply rude and crude. What they hoped to accomplish is beyond me. If this is what scheer considers a great protest he is in the wrong country. It is one thing to hold up signs and protest climate change, the lack of a pipe line, etc. but what these people were out doing has little or nothing to do with politics.
the woman who is holding the sign regarding B.C. AND our not wanting a pipeline to our coast, is simply advocating rape. Just not appropriate What she hoped to accomplish beyond getting herself some bad publicity is beyond me. Really grow up woman. Now if scheer is good with advocating rape, he really needs to go.
Many in B.C. do not want a pipeline going through our province. Others are good with it. Some don't care so much about the pipeline but are terrified if there is an oil spill. Our killer whale population is in decline. An oil spill may kill the resident killer whales off for good. we know the ships/tankers which are laying in wait to get in to the harbours are scaring off all sorts of wild life. That includes birds.
Some in Alberta just don't understand what these ships do to the wild life. On Vancouver Island, there are ships waiting to get into the Vancouver Harbour. Their engines never stop making noise. Not only do the whales not come around, neither do the eagles and a whole lot of other wild life and bed and breakfast guests are checking out.
Scheer might want to have a look at the population of B.C. its a lot bigger than Alberta.
Hi Jackie...I don't think we have to emulate the Cons, after all the present strategy seems to be working. The Liberals are now about ten points ahead of them in the polls, and the Cons are trending down. But I agree with you they do need to sharpen the contrast between themselves and the Cons, which at this point is the contrast between darkness and light. I and others tried to do that on Twitter, and I was very satisfied with the results...
Hi anon...My parents taught me that decency and manners matter, and I consider that to be the most important things they taught me. Justin Trudeau's decency is the main reason I support him, and every time the Cons gross me out it only makes me more determined to defeat them...
Hi RT...You make some good points. Trudeau should stay above the fray, for the more he does and the more the Cons attack him in their sleazy way, the more they will look like bullies, and pay the price for that. On the other hand the Liberals do need to sharpen their messaging on things like the reasons we need a carbon tax, or the Cons will get away with their appeal to naked greed...
Hi JD...Whether or not he was aware of those signs, the very idea of encouraging demos against his opponent is disgusting. But then he doesn't seem to care whether the Con attack ads look like they were produced by the Rebel, and the Star's Susan Delacourt has an article claiming that Hamish Marshall is a really nice guy. So the malignancy, as you rightly call it, has penetrated deeply into the body politic of this country, and the next election I believe will be our last chance to excise it...
Hi John...I still like to think that most Canadians will be disgusted by the way the Cons go after their opponents, and see that as something more American than Canadian. My first reaction is to turn my back on those Hate mongers, and do my best to ignore them. But I fear that if we do that we will end up in a mini America, where anything goes. But as you can see, almost every day of the year I try to turn contempt into a weapon...
Hi jrk..Even without those awful rednech scum I found that demo absurd. How can they attack Trudeau for not building a pipeline when he has risked his popularity with the left, to buy a pipeline for Alberta. That province in living in an ugly fantasy world, and becoming more American with every passing day...
Hi Steve...that demo was organized by the oil industry, people were given time off to attend, and were provided with signs to brandish. And still they couldn't get more than about 1,000 people, and many of them were striking postal workers. And while your anti-Harper protest may only have attracted 20 people, when voting day arrived enough progressives turned out to send our would be Con dictator flying into exile...
Hi anon....that's true enough, Calgary is Calgary, but I still keep expecting better. Fifty years of Trudeau hate is more than enough. But as you also point out, Trudeau doesn't need a single vote to defeat Scheer in the next election, and in my opinion he should stop wasting his time...
Hi Steve...please spare me from that moonbeam stuff. Life in North America is crazy enough. And being exposed to it can turn us all into idiots...
Hi e.a.f...I don't accuse Scheer of advocating rape, what I accuse him of doing is whipping up Trudeau hatred that allows people like those two losers to believe that they can get away with anything. Alberta has been allowed to become a little bit of America in Canada, and quite frankly its greasy grubbiness revolts me. As I've been saying for years, the Cons are corrupting this country, and if we want to save it they must be destroyed...
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