Andrew Scheer has been keeping a very low profile recently. He's been absent from Question Period quite a few times.
He seems to be hiding from the media, the fake news as he calls it.
But then who can blame him?
His situation is desperate. It's all going horribly wrong. He's trailing Justin Trudeau by double digits in the polls.
And this must really hurt.

His good buddy Doug Ford taking aim at Ontario's francophone community, but hitting him instead.
And blowing Scheer's chances of winning more seats in Quebec right out of the water.
But this must be the cruelest blow of all.
His faithful Con

When Andrew Scheer was elected leader of the Conservative Party 18 months ago, I suggested it was a fair bet he would one day be prime minister.
But my thinking has evolved.
And warning that Scheer may now be living on borrowed time.
If the Conservatives win, or even hold Justin Trudeau to a minority, Scheer’s position is assured. Any other outcome leaves him vulnerable. There are simply too many Conservatives, in and out of caucus, complaining that he is failing to show decisive, dynamic leadership.
Claiming that the pathetic Scheer is Doug Ford AND Jason Kenney's Mini Me...

Who show him no respect.
He has emerged as a junior partner to Ford in Ontario, just as he has to Jason Kenney in Alberta. Kenney is said to have introduced Scheer as the newspaper-clippings guy from the Opposition Leader’s Office (before being elected, the Conservative leader worked in the correspondence unit of the OLO).
While Scheer's own Con gang complains he has nothing to offer Canadians.
“I thought we’d put something in the window to get people enthused. But there’s nothing. We chase an issue and then we go down a rabbit hole.”
And some are even predicting that the end could come suddenly.
Would Scheer survive a leadership review if he loses the next election, I asked the second shadow cabinet member?
“I don’t think so. Someone would stick the knife in,” they replied. “It is problematic.”
If Maxime Bernier doesn't get him first.

Which explains why Scheer is looking so desperate.
Or why he got so excited about that ratty anti-Trudeau protest in Calgary the other day...

The one he called an "incredible show."
But only served to prove once and for all, that Scheer is unfit to lead the Cons, let alone our country.
For that is the dark place where he would take our Canada.
You know, all roads lead to the grave, and the Cons are heading there in a hurry.
But something tells me that Justin Trudeau will make sure, that Andrew Scheer gets there first...

The comments to Iveson's blurb were interesting. Bernier has a team of comment cowboys quick to fluff his Reformatory leadership aspirations.
Sheer is quite good for Trudeau, but Bernier would be super.
Since its all one message, I wonder if Ivison was signaling a Patrick Brown like coup is in the wings. I am sure Jason Kenney would sacrifice himself to be party leader.
He also has absolutely zero charisma, not even of the "bad boy" kind à la Bernier.
But Bernier's war on supply management will ensure he gets zero seats in the rural ridings Cons need as a base.
Just as the monstrous Doug Ford was a poor choice for PC leader in Ontario, Scheer was even worse for the Federal Conservatives. At a time when charisma was vital to a win, they chose someone with arguably even less than harper. They would be wise to cut their losses now, oust him and put someone who can at least carry a conversation in his place, but to our benefit, they will double down and watch him take the party to an even more abysmal finish than 2015. You heard it here first!
Agree with the prognosis that barring a mega Benghazi event the writing is on the wall for Scheer. The US Con strategy of locking in the base and destroying the opposition leader with a media amplified stream of negative propaganda has lost momentum. Weak Andy is at the bat and already has two strikes against him with a foul ball in the air. Strike1: unlike Trump and Ford weak Andy has been around since the beginning and has lost that shiny BS spouting knight to the rescue luster that Cons love. Strike2: Mad Max got bored and fragmented weak Andys base. Foul ball in flight: Dumbo Ford.
Scheer isn't fit to lead anything, period. From a dubious win to lead the Reformatories and the resultant revenge of Mad Max shit-show to hiring the reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels as his campaign manager, Scheer is clearly just not ready and never will be.
Add to that a complete lack of a viable election platform and his earlier than reported knowledge of Cyber Slut Tony showing off his pepperoni and cojones and voila! Indecisive, evasive and clueless, these are not the traits of an effective leader.
The Con buzzards are already circling the decaying political life of Scheer and this will only make him more desperate as he flails and spews venom in all directions. The enemies of his enemy are not his friends and even in the treacherous ranks of the Cons, that's got to hurt.
Poor Ivison, he must have been hoping that Scheer would win the next election and he would be rewarded for his faithful service with some cushy job in the Scheer PMO. Now he’ll have to hope that if he disses Scheer like he did in that article, the Liberals will feel sorry for him and give him some of that money they are offering the media. If it was up to me the Con media wouldn’t get a penny.
Susan Del Court at the star has done a puff peice on Hamster boy. Just Why?
Its likely a case of good old Con double speak that always precedes doing the exact opposite. No one in their right mind would pay Hamish to be a good old fashioned campaign manager but the claim must soothe some of the older traditional base while he get on with the job applying his trade. The true Hamish ,in his own words, is revealed in the following article https://pressprogress.ca/andrew-scheers-campaign-manager-says-he-builds-creepy-psychological-profiles-of-voters-too/
Cons are done with methadone candidates like Scheer who hide behind dog whistles. They want to mainline the real highs of a leader who will flat out take the fight to the hated poors, shod women, 'mos and darkies. They want a Trump or Bolsonaro, an Orban or Putin. You know, an out and proud fasc..., ahem, sorry, "nationalist."
I wonder who'd take his place, as the Cons appear to have no one in the ranks who isn't tainted by Duh Ford, Deplorebel Media or the cult of Herr Harper. Jordan Peterson? That deluded megalomaniac already has political aspirations, and I'm sure he could be brought on board for the right price: the opportunity to take some bigoted slags at Trudeau, plus publicity for his incel manifesto. Perhaps he and Andy will cross paths once Andy goes back to waiting tables at the nearest Red Lobster.
Rona Ambrose could replace him and change the party around. the right wingers could/would go to Bernier and she could take the party back to a more middle ground. She left the party and there has been time and space Not all of us who comment here like her, but as the interium leader of the Cons she did a decent job. Baird has moved on with his life, but I think Ambrose could come I, win, and wait. Eventually all parties screw up or they stay too long, and the public wants a change.
If the Conservative Party is to remain relevant and survive, new leadership is required. Some who comment here may not like the Conservative Party, but in a democracy, you need 3 or 4 viable parties to keep things on track.
Hi rumleyfips...I hadn't bothered to read the comments, but now I see what you mean. Bernier does seem to have quite a bit of support. And I really liked the Con who suggested that women shouldn't vote because they're too pro Trudeau. With Cons like that how can we lose?
Hi Steve...I don't know whether Ivison is signalling a coup is imminent. But you can be sure that the day one comes Jason Kenney and Doug Ford will be fighting each other for the Con throne...
Hi lagatta...I am not influenced by charisma only decency, and Scheer has none of the above. As for Bernier I wait to see what the polls have to say, but already he is showing some signs of stealing votes from the Cons. And all we need is about five per cent to send Scheer and company down in flames...
Hi bcwaterboy....I doubt the Cons have the guts to ditch Scheer before the next election. But as for the decision to make him leader, remember what a sewer they were fishing in, with more racists than you could count, and no winning choice. I have a cartoon in my files that has them all stumbling around like zombies in a cemetery, and I suspect that is where the Cons are heading. Stephen Harper made their party in his own image, and his legacy still haunts them...
Hi RT...I hope you're right. I too believe that Scheer's fixation with filthy attack ads is having the same effect as when Harper used them. The more they attack Justin Trudeau, the more they look like bullies, and the more popular he becomes. I am also hopeful that Bernier will get just enough support to fatally damage Scheer. And then there is Dumbo Ford, who as polls already show is already boosting support for Trudeau in Ontario. As you say, strike two you are in trouble, and three strikes you're out...
Hi JD....I was worried about Scheer, for about three days. But as you point out the shit show that followed was something to behold, and exceeded my fondest expectations. 😀
His decision to hire Hamish Marshall as Con campaign manager betrayed his far-right sympathies, and his failure to stand for anything showed what a cardboard candidate he was. I doubt he could have won the election if nothing else had happened, but between Bernier and Ford his goose is really cooked. And as you also point out, he will now have to watch his back. Oh boy, I think I'm going to enjoy this show a lot...
Hi anon...yes, it looks like poor Ivison bet the farm on the wrong horse. And I don't think that he is going to be able to recover. A Con fluffer he was, and a Con fluffer he will remain. And I'm with you. I don't think the Liberals should spend a single dollar to try to save the Con media. It sounds like insanity to me...
Hi Steve...yes I saw that, and I'll have something to say about that soon. Marshall is a darling of the Con media, and it couldn't be more disgusting...
Hi anon...It will be interesting to see where the Cons go after Scheer. But I don't think it will be in the direction of an even more right-wing candidate. Canada may not be the progressive country it once was, but I still believe it's too decent to go full Trump. I suspect the party will fragment, with the real hardliners joining Bernier and the others trying to recreate the Progressive Conservatives, or joining the Liberals. But it should be a spectacular train wreck and I for one are looking forward to it a lot...
Hi Jackie...I have no idea who could replace Scheer, but I'm pretty sure it won't be Jordan Peterson. His cult followers may consider him to be a God, but he'd scare the bejesus out of most Canadians. My guess is that Lisa Raitt might be a leading candidate, and I'm sure Michelle Rempel will be demanding that her time has finally come. But since both are women, and the Cons are an old white guy party, I doubt they would stand a chance. I'm sure Kenney and Ford would be quivering with anticipation, but their decision to become Premiers just about rules them out. Which could leave the way open for the return of Stephen Harper!!!
But I've already asked Santa for a big beautiful toy, so asking him to make Harper leader would just be too greedy...😺
Hi e.a.f...yes, I forgot about Rona. Her time as Con leader was considered a success by many party members, so I suppose she can't be ruled out, especially since the Cons are desperate. However if the Bernier party is able to clear the trees it won't much matter who becomes Con leader. The party will be fatally split and should be out of power for a generation...
Hi RT...thanks for reminding me about Hamish Marshall and that Press Progress article. I want to write something about Marshall, and I will definitely use it...
I'm not so sure they will be out of power for a generation, but they could be gone for awhle. The Liberal have always been refereed to as Canada's natural ruling party. However, they have been tossed out from time to time because something has gone side ways either because of Liberal actions or people simply wanted a change.
Right now the Liberals are doing fairly well. However, what if Trudeau steps down and decides to focus on his family. Who knows who could take over as leader or what the party will do. That is why I always want at least 3 vibrant parties with good leaders. even though I'm an NDP supporter I want a strong and vibrant Liberal and Conservative Party and Green Party. I'm even happy with Ducette runs for office because it all gives citizens a choice and that is what makes a good democracy. If we look south of the border with their 2 party system, not so much.
If the likes of Jordan Peterson scares Canadians then Canadians are truly lost to the fad fears of political correctness. History will not be kind to such wanton frivolity.
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