As I said in a recent post, this is the kind of place I'd like to see Donald Trump end up in one day.
Just slightly smaller, and without those hot pinups of Putin.
So I was amazed to hear that Trump has started to talk like a gangster, as if he knew the jig was up, knew he was heading for the Big House.
And is now living in a fantasy world, where he's Boss Trump trying to stop members of his crime family from flipping and squealing.

While channelling the ghost of the dead mob leader John Gotti.
For much of the 1980s and 1990s, “the Dapper Don” and “the Donald” vied for supremacy on the front pages of New York’s tabloids. The don, John J. Gotti, died in a federal prison in 2002, while Donald J. Trump went on to be president of the United States.
Now, as Mr. Trump faces his own mushrooming legal troubles, he has taken to using a vocabulary that sounds uncannily like that of Mr. Gotti and his fellow mobsters in the waning days of organized crime.
The Times even has a little quiz, where you get to decide who said it Trump or Gotti?

And if that wasn't disturbing enough, now we have the NRA's ghastly flak Dana Loesch complaining that Trump is being treated as unfairly as Al Capone.

“They’re trying to Al Capone the president. I mean, you remember. Capone didn’t go down for murder. Elliot Ness didn’t put him in for murder. He went in for tax fraud. Prosecutors didn’t care how he went down as long as he went down. The same goes for Democrats. Whatever avenue is needed to bring down the president, they’ll take it.”
And really, what can you say about that? Except God bless America, and God help us all.
But there is some good news.
Trump is only acting this way because he's desperate...

And there are some signs that the Orange Oaf may have finally reached the beginning of the end.
Some signs of hope.
There seems now a sense that this dark chapter in American history might pass. At moments this long and disturbing period has felt inescapable, and the rule of law impotent, in its ability to hold someone like Donald Trump accountable. People have suffered, our bedrock principles seemed endangered, our institutions appeared to have failed. But there is hope now that, like a city having been consumed by flood, the waters will eventually recede
The Truth is slowly killing Trump.
The choices are clear and, at long last, the moment of decision is quickly arriving. Every new day now seems to carry with it overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump has not only committed high crimes but has actively worked to cover them up. Collusion, obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations. Possibly an entire world of criminal activity we haven’t even discovered yet. He has continually disgraced the office of the presidency, and with it the United States.
There’s no denying it now.
There’s no hiding from reality.
He should not be President.
And as Jim Carrey suggests, today he may be swaggering around like a mobster.
But sooner or later he'll be toast...

Oh thank God or something if Trump finally wears and Orange Suit, it fitted Conrad Black well.
Because he is a thug, and he comes from a long line of thugs. Like his father the Klansman and his grandfather the pimp. On several other sites I go to, Junior's nickname is Fredo. Even Jared (whose own father went to prison) is a slumlord and a shakedown artist just like his Uncle Bibi. Who himself made a crass joke about his eviction of the Palestinians from their land by referring to Jared's supposed expertise in "real estate."
Robert Mueller is the Elliott Ness of this era and it's a comparison well-deserved. After all, he brought down Gotti, Sammy the Bull... and Enron. The old TV show about the gangsters, starring Robert Stack as Elliott Ness, used to be called The Untouchables. If there's one made about the Trump crime family (with Sam Waterston as Mueller), it should be called The Deplorables. #LockThemUp.
The NRA spokesbot also seems to think that (massive) tax fraud is some kind of joke. Corruption and tax evasion can kill. Look at that overpass in Laval and the bridge in Genoa...
The tweeter rat cartoon is priceless. Unlike his rat hero Putin who puts his attackers in the corner (box) by jumping over their heads and attacking from behind. Could it be why Trump is surrounded by "flippers" while those who might have directly conspired with the Russians are willing to do major jail time. Perhaps he needs to deliver a few horse heads similar to the Skirpal settlement but thankfully Donnie is only a twitter rat.
Because of what usually happens to mob bosses is either death or incarceration, it will be no different with this "Don". Besides, the prison orange matches his skin perfectly.
This POS will never bullshit his way out of the mess he created.
Hi Steve...I don’t think Connie ever wore an orange suit, I was VERY disappointed...👮♂️
Hi Jackie....A station in Montreal once ran a season of the original Untouchables with Robert Stack, and it was great, much better than the movie with Sean Connery. And yes, Mueller with his distinguished record does strike me as the Elliott Ness of this time. Too bad we can’t send Trump to Alcatraz...😺
Hi lagatta...i’m not surprised as there have been reports that the NRA might have laundered some Russian money to be used to finance Trump’s campaign. The organization is corrupt from top to bottom...
What happens if Trump flips? Will he get his own Spandu Prison?
Hi RT... Tweeter Rat Trump is now staying up late and firing off his deranged tweets well after midnight, so the pressure is definitely getting to him. The guy who wrote the Art of the Deal with him is now saying he thinks Trump will call it quits in the next six months. So if the November elections don’t work out well for him, who knows what might happen....
Hi anon 5:33 PM...Well I certainly hope you’re right. I think most Americans and Canadians have had more than enough. That’s why I linked to that last story, to cheer everybody up, including myself...l😀
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