It has now been three days since the clown prince of Saudi Arabia launched his deranged assault against Canada.
He's bad mouthing our country, trying to hurt our economy, his foreign minister is demanding a grovelling apology.
But still the hapless Andrew Scheer has not come to the defence of his country.
And all we've got so far from his treasonous Cons is this.

A tweet criticizing a tweet from the Con clown Erin O'Toole...

Which of course couldn't be more pathetic, or more hilarious.
Or more wrong.
For the past couple of days, we’ve been bombarded by this suggestion that the Saudi Arabia spat has been all because the Liberals spend too much time doing their diplomacy over social media rather than in person – which is utterly ridiculous, and smacks of a bunch of retired diplomats railing about kids today before they yell at them to get off their lawns (while they hike their pants up to chest-level).
If you actually look at the tweet in question, versus the kinds of vacuous press releases that governments issues on diplomatic issues all the time, about how they “strongly condemn” this or that, there is no actual difference whether it’s a press release or a tweet, except for the character limit (and even then, sometimes no difference at all). There’s a term for this – moral panic.
But then who can blame our cowardly Cons for being in a state of moral panic?
When the Saudis they are indirectly siding with are crucifying people.
Or killing children.
And they are losing the battle for public opinion.
Here and around the world.
Sadly, our Cons are now too cowardly, and too depraved, and too Trumpling to put their country before their crass political interests.
Which is why all I can say is thank goodness for Justin Trudeau...
A true Canadian and a real leader, defending our country and its values.
And as for the pathetic Andrew Scheer, what he doesn't seem to realize is that by covering for the Saudi head choppers he is also beheading his chances of ever becoming prime minister...

For Canadians don't like quislings.
And it stands to reason that a man who cannot stand up for his country when it's under attack, is by any measure unfit to lead it...
Erin O tool well named not the sharpest tool in the bag. Notice the silence of the MSM matches Mr Scheer. How about we show the pics of Harper dancing with swords again and again. The libs should run a couple of ads asking what country do the cons represent, America, Saudi Arabia, what country?
There’s something fishy about Scheer’s failure to support Canada against the Saudis. I used to think it was just his hatred of Justin Trudeau that was stopping him from doing the right. But now I’m wondering whether that traitor is on the take. We know he has a substantial investment portfolio, so could Saudi money be involved? Something stinks.
When you look at Scheer and then look at Trudeau there really is no comparison. Scheer looks like some kind of creepy pervert while Justin looks like a real Canadian. Keep up the good work Simon, if we can paint him as a weirdo traitor his chances of winning the next election will be next to nil. If I was a Con I would be asking Scheer what the hell are you doing?
I agree with anon@6:32 PM there’s something screwy about what Scheer is doing. I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can spit. We should form groups all over the country to travel to Scheer events, and start shouting “traitor” “traitor.” He should not be allowed to get away with that kind of behaviour.
I'm with the other commenters, that there might be more to this. We know he shares the same regressive values as the Saudi thugs and is a power-hungry jackass who hates Trudeau on a personal level and wants a win at all costs. Occam's razor being what it is, you nevertheless can't put anything past the old boy network or discount where their bread might be buttered.
The Kushner-MBS-Trump-Putin backchannels might be a place to look: do we know what Harper did or said at the White House? Do we know who he "consults" with? Steev Palpatine has got to be in contact with his Sith puppet in training, whether Andy likes being lectured by daddy or not. Harper is dirty as all get-out and so is Scheer and the rest of the party.
Where's your Robert Mueller in Canada?
Rumor has it Andy's playing hostage negotiator himself, that he's in talks with the local seafood eateries trying to get Jordan Peterson released from lobster jail back home in Saskapatch.
Although knowing who he hangs out with, he'd probably tell the kingdom first that he's working on the immediate release of Ernst Zündel.
"Very fine people" Andy has chosen to stand up for by sitting this one out. As the guys from Rush once said, "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."
Robert Mueller is far from Elliot Ness but there is a connection. Tax evasion.
I just have to say I told you so. As terrible as Trump is he has unleashed forces
that no one can control. Our spat with the Saudi is a direct result. The spoiled little prince who thinks he is a world player is going to find out playing risk is not geopolitics. I expect his head on a pike overlooking Mecca.
In answer to your question, because he still is who he is. There has been no improvement in Scheer's condition in the past 3 days nor will there be for the next 3 decades, in my opinion.
You'd think Scheer might get with the agenda given Saudi Arabia just crucified some one yesterday. perhaps he thought it was jesus and it was all about the second coming.
When you pull back you see Scheer not saying a word. then you have Putin supporting Saudi Arabia. Benni of Israel and the clown prince are good buds and dumpster says Canada is on its own on this one. do we see a pattern forming here. S.A. did this to Sweden and Germany also.
this will not get better. Canadians have to understand the Americans are no longer our friends at this point in time and S.A. is an enemy. if Scheer can't come out and say the words, then perhaps he really is hiding something. Of course one could wonder how invested the Russians will be in our election next year and if they have had any requests from S.A. to tamper with it? hey questions are good.
Relax conspirators, Andy is just a Conservative. They come that way.
Which is why we should never let them be on top.
The Cons do not have any published policies on anything. They just create political wants in the minds of their supporters and fill the want. They worked diligently to create a "prevent Trudeau from giving our country to the Muslims" want. The Saudi spat has the potential to destroy all of that hard work. The silence is the result of being caught flat footed and the need to give it some time for people to forget. Discussion just highlights the inconsistency in their Trudeau story line and prolongs the agony. For now they seem content to fall back on the Trudeau is incompetent and bad for trade hoping that the Saudi incident will fade quickly and they can revive the "protect us from Muslims & Trudeau" want closer to election time. Cons .. the party on a mission to fulfill all of your manufactured wants but none of your actual needs.
I'd like to see JT do two things. First, force Scheer to choose between Canada and his theocratic idols by putting a motion to the House condemning the Saudis for their human rights atrocities and the murder of the school children in Yemen.
Second, I'd like to see JT do what Sweden did last year when faced with similar Saudi fuckery: cancel the military deal. He could point to the House motion and call the deal inconsistent with Canadian values. Then, to save Canadian jobs, he could announce that the remaining LAVs on order would be painted bright yellow and delivered to Yemen to be used to get kids safely to school.
People will believe what they wish to believe!
.. Well.. Canada versus Saudi Arabia in not a 'spat' nor a 'row' not a contretemps.. its seemingly what Saudi Arabia, our so called by mainstream media 'ally'. We have almost 20,000 housing vacancies across Canada as students and healthcare people are recalled to Saudi land for placement in 'better countries' though all scholarships are null and void. All Canadian assets being sold off no matter the cost, yet Saudi oil via supertankers to Irving Refinery NB shall continue by Royal Decree. Don't let the door hit your ass leaving is what I say to the murderous Royalty really busy blowing up school buses.. in Yemen (i mean ethnic cleaning of course.. quite a normal process to them)
Unfortunately for Trudeau et al, Stephen Harper accepted huge penalties for failure to delover the LAV's he claimed were just 'transports'.. albeit with turret mounted machine guns, rocket launchers, fully armored of course, 8 wheeled monster war wagons, not quite tanks, that Trudeau unfortunately called 'just jeeps'. Regardless, we do not know what it will cost Canadian taxpayers to simply vacate the remains of the 15 year deal.
What is left? They will not buy our wheat or barley.. doubt they buy our cheese. They do not need our Alberta Dilbit.. but damn they wish we produced irrigation & other agricultural machinery & nohow. They do know oasis tho.. and camels and falconry, expensive cars and Harvard or Oxford law degrees.. woen now allowed to attend splrts events.. but few dare.. I mean c'mon.. their husband would turn purple with shame & take the keys to the Maserati away.. and tell them to walk to the event and don't come back.
I say wave goodbye.. but hope we can reclaim our imprisoned Canadians.. or for now, at least maintain communication via Red Cross or the kindness of other countries.. and patiently work the diplomatic and United Nations routes..
Best regards, Simon, your heart always in the right place.. !
The Salamanders have spoken ...
Personally I wish them
Hi Steve...yes, it's the same old story. The Cons can do anything and get away with it. Our shabby Con media has its agenda, and never asks any hard questions. But their will be a day of reckoning and it will be brutal...
Hi anon...the guy does a substantial investment portfolio, he's loaded in fact. But I suspect the real reason he is hesitating is because he's caught between a rock and a hard place. He can't bring himself to support the Liberal government, and he's hoping the economic consequences of the Saudi actions can be blamed on Justin Trudeau. I think he's playing with fire and he's going to get burnt...
Hi anon@6:41 PM...yes, Scheer is enough to give any normal person the creeps. He reminds me a lot of Mike Pence, with his religious fanaticism, his appalling misogyny, and his virulent homophobia. And of course you know I consider him a racist of the lowest order. But yes, if we can get everyone to pressure the media into asking him some hard questions, I expect he will melt like a snowflake in hell...
Hi Jackie...yes, it's too bad poor old Ernst Zundel isn't with us any longer. Him and Scheer would have made such a nice couple. This is a great chance to rid ourselves of any Saudi connections, but Scheer clearly doesn't want that, and he absolutely must explain why...
Hi anon@7:01...I'm all in favour of that kind of direct action. Scheer's treacherous behaviour should not be forgotten. He should wear it all the way to the next election...
One of my friends mentioned some story last night about a Kushner connection with MBS and Canada. Kushner apparently wants to pressure the Canadian government into approving some mega project, and Trump wants the Saudis to do him a personal favour. I was too tired to take it all in last night, but will try to check it out today...
Hi Steve...Ness and others used tax evasion to put Capone away, But of course these days the rich have far more sophisticated ways of hiding their cash. As Donald Trump has shown us all...
Hi e.a.f...yes questions are good, even if we get no answers. For if we stop asking questions in a time like this one we'll end up living in a fascist country. I demand that Scheer explain why he isn't standing up for his country, and that explanation better be a good one...
hi ffibs...I'm not a conspiracy buff myself, but Scheer's behaviour is definitely suspicious. Also while he does exhibit many common Con characteristics, he is a different kind of beast. He is a long-time alt-right sympathizer and his views are more American than Canadian. And if he ever becomes prime minister he will destroy this country...
Hi RT...yes, that makes a lot of sense. Having portrayed Trudeau for so long as a terrorist sympathizer, he can't have his followers come to believe that Justin is doing more to take on the nexus of terrorism than he has or ever could. But the fact that he would put his shabby political interests before the interests of the country is shocking, and unforgivable...
Hi anon...that's not a bad idea, except that if you paint armoured cars yellow the Saudi jets would make sure they weren't around for long. I would rather we made armoured cars for ourselves, until that factory can be retooled to make something else. Like electric cars or high speed trains. If she can use this crisis to get out of that deal without paying billions in penalties it will be worth it...
Hi Kathleen...yes they will. Once they thought that the earth was flat, and now some of them believe that Doug Ford is a man for the people. But sooner or later reality will bite...
hi Salamander...I agree, it's not just a spat as some in the MSM seem intent on calling it. It's an all out assault on a country for no good reason. And if the Saudis could do us even more damage they would. Except stop selling us their oil and hurt themselves. My earnest desire is that we stop buying their oil and stop selling them armoured cars, if we can get out of that secret Harper deal without bankrupting ourselves. The less we have to do with that barbarous kingdom the better...
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