Justin Trudeau has had to deal with all kinds of crazed hecklers as he travels across the country.
There's one being removed from a town hall in Quebec City last January, with a Canadian flag defaced by a swastika.
But the way he dealt with an aggressive heckler from the far-right group Storm Alliance, while surrounded by other members of that group, had to be one of his most magnificent moments.
If only for the message he sent out at a time when fascists are on the move all over the world:
"Racism has no place in Canada."

It happened as Trudeau was addressing a small rally in rural Quebec.
A woman followed by a camera crew pushed herself through the crowd and started screaming at the Prime Minister...
The woman is Diane Blais, a rabid anti-immigration activist seen here hanging out with her bigot buddies.

And yes it was all staged, as you can see if you follow this Twitter thread.
And as you can see from this other Twitter site they were ready to go even before Blais started screeching.
Where it's clear the idea is to portray her as a gentle granny who got insulted by Trudeau, and mugged by his RCMP bodyguards.
When in fact she's just an ugly old bigot, trying to fool us into believing she's the victim instead of the aggressor.
But what's really disturbing is to see how quickly the scummy Cons are able to put together an alternate version of reality by using all kinds of fake sites and bots.
So that in the immortal words of Rudy Giuliani, the truth isn't the truth.
And how they are even prepared to use Con senators like Denise Batty Batters to help spread the Big Lie.

Because if they're doing that now, you can be sure they'll also be doing it during the election campaign, and will stop at nothing to try to lie and cheat their way back to power.
So let's be clear, the time for complacency is over.
The sinister fascists have declared war on our country and its values. Andrew Scheer and his Cons are on their side.

And this country is in big trouble.
The same thing is happening here as has happened in many countries where the right wingers first poison the political process, and then take over the government.
This is the moment the alt-right sympathizer Scheer and his Con crazies have been waiting for ever since they came to power.
And all I can say is I'm glad Justin Trudeau will be there to fight them.
For at a time when the lights are going out all over the world, and our American neighbours are teetering on the edge of autocracy, he represents our precious values well...

And is the leader best able to lead us to victory over the monstrous Cons and other fascists who would wreck this country beyond recognition.
The right-wingers have declared war on us.
We have no choice but to fight them as hard as we can.
And if you love our Canada, failure is not an option...

It is funny how neo-Nazis and other alt-righters are incapable of drawing swastikas properly.
Faith Goldy, or as she's being called "Filth Moldy," was rage-tweeting about the Pride event back when it was first announced, complaining that "Canada's male feminist PM is going on a date with another man and people are paying to watch."
She set her incel mob on Trudeau and even the Queer Eye cast member's accounts, where they called both Trudeau and Anton Porowski degenerates and started up again with their QAnon bullshit. (Jack Dorsey, meanwhile, continues whistling past the graveyard.)
I wouldn't be surprised if one or more of the other deranged con MPs decides to start some idiotic pedophilia conspiracy after the Halifax convention. Probably Rempel will be in her cups again and be the one to call him Kevin Spacey, since she already name-dropped Harvey Weinstein.
The CPC is a domestic terrorist group that wants to see Justin Trudeau badly hurt or even killed, and/or someone in his family. Oswald's political leanings aside, when talking simply about procedure and the timing of it all, Jack Kennedy was a year off from reelection, and we know what happened to him. The whole party needs to be fumigated of Nazi rot, or one of their crazed cult followers is going to make history repeat itself. LOCK. THEM. UP.
Back in the late '80s in the U.S., we had a shock-jock syndicated talk show host named Morton Downey Jr. (no relation to Robert, thankfully), whose career came crashing to a halt when he staged an attack in an airport restroom by the same neo-Nazis he'd just taped an episode with. He bashed his own head against a toilet in the men's room and scribbled a crooked swastika in magic marker on his own face, then went on the trash-TV circuit himself to garner sympathy from their audiences. A trash-TV circuit that... he had basically spawned as copycats, but was now in competition with him.
Eventually he had to come clean because the details simply didn't add up. None of the employees at the airport saw the skinheads go into the restroom or even the airport, and neither did the surveillance cameras pick anything up. Finally a producer went public saying that Mort was lying and even told him he needed a "Hail Mary pass" to "save his skin."
Why'd he do it? Ratings, of course, and to build a narrative. Same reason as Trump and same reason as the Jerry Springer party of Canada and their projectionist, crisis-actor supporters. No false flag, no false flag, they're the false flag.
Oh, BTW, Ezzie Irrelevant on Twitter made fun of Liberal MP Salma Zahid for wearing a head scarf -- while she is undergoing chemo treatment.
Andy hasn't said boo, even as Ezzie's/Hammie's mob is accusing Zahid of faking cancer. What a cowardly piece of shit Andy really is.
I realize that this rally isn't the ideal setting for discussion of the issue and I don't support the bad manners and probable tactics of the questioner; but if we glibly dismiss questions that we'd rather not hear as racism or intolerance toward immigrants, then we're asking for more of the same and worse. And we're potentially turning some voters who reasonably want answers to those questions over to the libertarian-theocon coalition, which is ready and willing to exploit their legitimate confusion.
So far, I don't think Justin has been willing to recognize the complexity of the issue. Or it could be that his advisors have consigned it to the "no-win" bin. It's not so simple as to be answered by a lecture consisting of a pat declaration or a superficial implication of what one believes to be "Canadian values". I'd say something similar to extremists on the other side of the argument, because they've practiced the same type of calculated oversimplification in their efforts to incite.
I think Justin could have shut granny up and looked the better for it, if he'd had something quick in his bag that was indicative of that complexity rather than resorting so reflexively to the worn out "racism" and "intolerance" tags. He seems to have settled on using this dodge in addressing this issue even when not under circumstances such as those at the rally. His opposition may find in criticism of his use of the tactic an effective complement to previous missteps by the government in communication regarding and handling of the refugee issue that they've already exploited, and are likely to exploit even further.
My focus is on depriving the libertarian-theocon coalition of further means of expanding its support.
Thank you for providing another example that reinforces my recognition earlier in life that I didn't (and still don't) have the temperament to be a policeman.
I see Diane Blais was using the age-old trolling technique known as Just Asking Questions. Her defenders, naturally, play on this saying things like, "what's wrong with asking questions?""Trudeau was rude first," etc.
Not true! Trudeau reacted appropriately when Blais started JAQing off.
I work for a cyber security company and I took a good look at that insta-site set up to sell the idea that old racist was a victim rather than a scammer. My conclusion is that it reveals an organized attempt to perpetrate mass fraud on a scale never seen before. You are right to warn your readers about where this might lead during an election campaign. My recommendation would be to get the police involved as soon as possible.
I am not an expert but it’s obvious that Twitter page is full of fake sites and inflated by bots. And what makes it even more troubling is that while the fascist groups in Quebec are French-speaking the site is English, so it suggests that the Cons and the fascists are coordinating their activities. This is going to need a police investigation.
There are fake sites disguised as the last word on truth. The NYT should be called Pravda some days. If you doubt my opinion try Ken Livingstone.
Update: Andy finally spoke!
...to say "Justin is failing" and chide him for calling a racist, a racist. No word on Ezra, or Max, or Michelle, or Denise, or Candice, or... really, anyone for that matter.
The cowardly werewolf can go to hell.
Yes the English speaking Con propaganda machine can amplify the psychological triggers associated immigrants/culture/fear/tax greed/ elitists but in the end the Quebec fascist groups will stampede past the Con tent into one of their own making. Predictable response to the motivators but unpredictable outcome. Diversity is our strength!
I would not be surprised at all if there were some sort of organized series of events in the time leading up to the election, with people such as "dilbite granny" there. In my opinion we can expect to see a lot of outside influences in our nest federal election. We know it happened in the U.S.A., we know it happened in Europe and there are no end of Russians and others who would like to see Trudeau gone and the xscheer in office. All that separated Russia and the U.S.A. IS Canada. I do not expect the mid terms in the U.S.A. to turn things around. Trudeau is a problem for the Trump and Putin.
The swastika is fine. It is just that the dough-heads in the photo don't know that they are using an Indian swastika not a Nazi one.
Oh wait, you are right. If you are going to be a Nazi, try not to look like a religious Hindu pacifist.
a pillar of the conservative community comes off as a 18th century former slave owner and he is wrist slapped. Justin calls a professional racist a racist and he is accused of elder abuse.
CPC is a domestic terrorist group? Whatever you're smoking, I want some.
92 percent of Canadians don't want increased immigration.
How can anyone have lived that long, Steve? I don't get it. Don't know whom you are referring to.
I will point out that many commentators who are definitely NOT Cons think Trudeau lost his cool and should have stuck to the fact (they are NOT illegal immigrants; they are asylum seekers and can be accepted or refused however they arrived, under current law) rather than calling her a racist (though she demonstrably is).
This is just what I am reading in the press here and hearing on Radio-Canada (in French). I do think there is a different mentality here in terms of integration vs maintaining diversity, and it is by no means confined to racists or to the right.
Hi Jackie...I’ve been keeping half an eye on Faith Goldy’s campaign. I don’t dare do more than that or I might die laughing. She’s still going on about why the MSM won’t give her Nazi campaign any publicity. I can only hope her campaign costs her a lot of money, so she can return to her career as a fascist street walker for which she is far more suited..
Hi anon@9:57 The CPC is closer to being a domestic terror group than you might imagine. They are stirring up hatred against minorities, their insane hatred of Justin Trudeau is inciting violence against the prime minister. And now that Scheer is cozying up to fascist groups in Quebec how long will it be before he’s arrested as a terrorist sympathizer?
Hi John...I recognize that the immigration issue is a complex one, and that it has the potential to swell the ranks of the Cons. But the Liberals have answered the question that old bigot was asking many times, the question was just an excuse for her to frame them in the most despicable and racist manner. Also bear in mind that the group she belongs to has talked about shooting Trudeau or staging a fake terrorist attack, so I don’t think Trudeau owed the woman anything more than a full measure of contempt...
Hi anon@3:54 PM...Diane Blais was incredibly rude, and used expressions favoured by white supremacists. Trudeau tried to answer her question but she wan’t interested in getting an answer. All she wanted was to be ushered away by Trudeau’s bodyguards so she could play the role of fascist martyr...
Hi anon...yes others have come to the same conclusion. And if the police are not involved already they soon will be. There seems to be some evidence that not only are the Cons working closely with fascist groups in Quebec, but also are receiving help from Russian troll farms. So you can see where this story is going, and it’s not going to end well for the Cons..
Hi anon @4:24 PM...yes, that Twitter page was a joke, with more fake accounts and bots than anybody could count. Some people I know are trying to determine if the Cons have a troll farm set up in a central location. Hello Hamish could you please help them out? And as I told the commenter before you , I’m sure the police will soon be called in. But I can’t say anything more than that because I’m in the process of filing charges against one of them myself...
Hi RT...That’s true, there is a limit to how close the Cons can work with violent quasi terrorist/separatist French-speaking groups, without getting their faces burned off. But Scheer is clearly appealing to the bigots in rural Quebec in an attempt to boost his numbers in that province. What he should have noticed but didn’t, was that most of the crowd in that corn field was cheering Trudeau wildly. And that’s a mistake that could cost him everything...
cite your facts or it is a lie.
Hi Steve...You asked me the other day why you can’t be a genius and a court jester at the same time. And this would be a good example. The NYT does get some things wrong sometimes, and like others in the MSM has an establishment bias. But on most days it’s a damn good newspaper, and it’s always better than Pravda..
Hi Jackie...yes I saw that, and as I said on Twitter I couldn’t believe my eyes. He’s defending a vile bigot, and accusing Justin of dividing Canadians? OMG the man must be both more desperate and even dumber than I had imagined. We are going to be feasting on that one all the way to the next election....😛
Hi e.a.f...With the kind of people running the Cons these days, it’s a certainty that the next election will be the dirtiest in modern Canadian history. As you know I started warning people that the Cons are not like any party Canadians have ever seen. They are truly dirty, they are truly evil, and if we don’t destroy them they will destroy this country..
Hi anon...immigration levels are not increasing, they are being maintained at levels that are necessary to prevent this country from shrinking with not enough people to cope with an aging population. Immigration helped built this country and will do so in the future...
Hi lagatta...I can’t believe that you are defending those ghastly old bigots. I expect that from the Journal de Montreal, but not from you. I don’t know what’s happening to my province but there are days when I don’t recognize it. And if there are left-wingers defending those bigots I hope I never meet them...
The NYT was and excellent Newspaper. Today they bash Julian Assage, Edwin Snowden. They promoted Geroge Bush war in Iraq and ignored the huge ethical issues surrounding both Clintons. They continue to treat accusations as facts in the whole Russiagate nothingburger. All I am saying is no one media tells the truth every day. If you dont believe me Google Seymour Hersh. Perhaps the greatest living journalist has been blacklisted for going against the MSM on Russia, Syria, Ukranie and Skipal. So did he suddenly lose his mind or did we.
Simon, I am NOT defending bigots! I think what's-her-name is loathsome, as is her backwoods fascist group, like similar ones in English Canada. I was one of the many people who took part in the march against bigotry after the creep killed innocent people in the Québec mosque.
Please re-read what I wrote. Firstly, I was talking about comments in the press here, and I haven't even read JDM recently. Most of what I wrote was NOT about my personal opinions. I was merely referring to the different mindset in Québec vs English Canada in terms of integration.
I also wear a bienvenue aux réfugiés pin every day. Sometimes I think that you put anyone at all critical of JT in the Con or bigot camp, though as you know very well any criticisms I have of the Liberals are from the left. Please read what we (Québec solidaire) have written about the issue. Definitely welcoming to refugees and immigrants, and fighting for the Badawi siblings, but not fond of the Liberal concept of entrenching ghettos. I've fought discrimination in the workforce, in housing and in the arts.
Québec is a nation; please don't call us a province. Unless you want to call First Nations "tribes", and I doubt you want to do that, at least I hope not.
There are NO leftists here defending bigots, but many do not subscribe to Trudeauvian multiculturalism that denies the existence of Québec as a nation. Ask our friends in Scotland and Catalonia about how centralising States do this. And please re-read what I wrote, without the Liberal Party blinders.
Math is hard for Facists, they do not like numbers that cant be denied
I used to hate the idea of Quebec as a nation like Don Cherry. Then I moved to Europe where they all say who gives a fuck. Its all about power distribution and we need more of that. My Canada includes Quebec just like Scotland is part of England.
Scotland is part of the United Kingdom (the state) and Britain (the island), but it sure as hell isn't part of England. That's like saying Québec is part of Ontario.
I've asked a similar question (of course in very civil way) about this subject during a group conversation with liberal MP Marc Miller. Although I was neutral in referring to Québecois nasty comments about how the canadian governement revokes the citizenship of illegal immigrant families such as the Lawrence Family who are considered in their own words as ''model citizens'' while angrily comparing to Justin Trudeau accepting ''syrians'' who don't speak french. Miller told that coming to Canada requires a process to whoever enters the country and that there are laws to follow. If the syrians come from a country who is considered unsafe, they have priorities in decision making. However, immigrants suchs as economic ones are not going to get the priority, due to coming from a safe country. His point is that not everyone will be able to get the citizenship depending on the circumstances. This statement can shut up Diane Blais. And by the way, on 0:00 to 0:20 and from 3:27 to 3:30 pretty much answers her questions. Too bad that she thought Justin Trudeau would have more than five minutes listening to her when he has a rigorous busy Schedule.
How do you say "mauvaise foi" in English ?
I don't know this woman. Let's admit she's a right wing extremist and racist. Ok.
Now check the video. Trudeau, he doesn't know her, he knows nothing about her background. She's just a citizen asking a question. What question ?
Canada deals with immigration, illegal and legal and other border services. It's a federal competence, right ?
Quebec Province spent 146M$ on a federal competence. That citizen just asks when Canada is going to give the money back. The question isn't in fact about illegal immigration, it's about federal and provincial competences, it's about taxpayer money. Quebec taxpayers do not have to pay alone for that. End of discussion.
Why the hell Trudeau is talking about tolerance and racism ? Why ? I can be FOR immigration, I can totally agree to welcome people who need help... and still ask that Canada pays for Canadian policies and gives the money back to Quebec Province... because it's how it's supposed to work ! If there's a disaster in Seattle and American massively leave to go to BC and BC pays for that support because, due to the emergency, Canada wasn't able to do so... why become upset if a BC citizen asks that all Canadians refund the money BC spent !?
Right now it's terrible for people like me, people who like honesty and "intellectual rigour". I can't agree with Trudeau's answer (disrespectful, agressive and insulting) and I have to agree with the question of that woman, regardless of their background. This is not honest to say that question was racist or to consider that person is racist just due to that simple and fair question. Even if she's racist... If she says the sun is yellow, it's not because she's racist I'll have to disagree...
The answer to extreme right isn't extreme-something-else. The answer to extreme right stupid ideas isn't opposite stupid ideas.
The best answer to extreme right should be :
- tolerance (yes... insulting these people, ending the discussion, banning them : we just give them food that way, we just start an escalation),
- fairness (Trudeau wasn't fair), intellectual rigour, accuracy.
That means we should first listen, acknowledge that there's maybe some truth somewhere or at least show some sincere respect about their opinions and then talk. And never end talking. Because the people who are borderline will less likely make the choice to join them.
The only limit is : when you threaten people, when you support killing people, etc.
If you check the individuals who used to be in any extreme-something, they changed their mind because one day they met somebody who listen to them, respected them and talked to them.
Nobody, nobody changed their mind after being insulted or humiliated.
If you disagree, it's maybe because you're a teenager, full of anger and hate.
---> What happened ? I just insulted you, you didn't change your mind ? :p
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