When Maxime Bernier announced he was quitting the Con party, Andrew Scheer tried to downplay the defection.
And along with many others heaped scorn on Bernier's "Party of One."
But not any longer.
Now Scheer and his Rebel campaign manager Hamish Marshall appear to be panicking.

And are demanding that Bernier not use their party membership list.
The Conservative Party machinery isn't letting rogue MP Maxime Bernier leave with any party favours. The Tories' lawyers sent Bernier a letter Tuesday warning him not to use any party member lists — a valuable tool for fundraising and speaking directly to activists — now that he's left the party.
And who can blame them eh?
As a recent Abacus poll suggested, a lot of Cons don't think much of their party...

And I'm sure the latest Nanos poll will only make them feel even worse.
The latest Nanos federal ballot tracking has the Liberals at 38.8 per cent support, followed by the Conservatives at 34.4 per cent, the NDP at 16.5 percent, the BQ at 2.9 per cent and the Greens at 6.3 per cent.
For it was taken before the full impact of the Bernier defection had a chance to be measured. So who knows where the Cons are heading now.
But you can be sure it's DOWN not up.
And of course for the creepy Scheer this must really hurt.
Nanos tracking has Trudeau as the preferred choice as PM at 40.1 per cent of Canadians followed by Scheer (25.4%), Singh (7.7%) and May (5.2%). Twenty per cent of Canadians were unsure whom they preferred.
But it can hardly come as a surprise. Not after the Con convention.
Where Scheer claimed that more and more Canadians want Trudeau gone...
— Conservative Party (@CPC_HQ) August 27, 2018
Only to be caught lying. Again.
And the most pathetic thing is when Scheer and his wife closed the convention, the Cons tried to make it look like a big success...

When in fact hardly anybody stuck around to hear what they had to say...

And the room emptied as quickly as a movie theatre after somebody yells "FIRE!!!"
Or in this case "BORING!!!!"
No wonder the Cons are panicking.
And the really good news?

To make matters worse, CBC is actually doing some reporting for once: turns out the racist blood-and-soil citizenship provision in the Cons' platform was egged on by some pre-pubescent MAGA (Make Alberta Great Again) punk who looks like he could have been in preschool at the time of the last election. And maybe still is, considering he also looks like he needed a remedial course or two after having flunked the potty-training seminar.
Share the photo of this little twit all over social media with Andrew Scheer's statement that "the grown-ups should be running the government." This is one of his and Jason Kenney's 4chan-generation Proud Boys right here.
From what I can see, the grown-ups are in Washington right now telling the immature 72-year-old man-child to stick his raw deal where the sunny ways don't shine. Time for the schoolteacher these dunce-caps love to poke fun at, fire spitballs his way, stick a thumb-tack on his chair and plant a "Kick Me" sign on his back, to plant them all in detention once and for all.
“Liberals considering full ban on handguns and assault rifles”
Shame on the previous government for abolishing the handgun registry and stripping police of a tool in place since 1934 and creating the mess that has led to tragedy like the recent Toronto and Fredricton shootings. Shame on the previous government for legalization of assault rifles and automatic weapons in this country.
Shame on the NDP for supporting this when they were in Opposition.
Just more Harper era damage for PM Trudeau to repair. Things like this should serve to remind us why CONservatives should never form government again, and the NDP should never form government period.
Bernier most likely had all the lists he was ever going to need prior to making his announcement and he most likely already was in discussion with other Conservatives and some P.Q. However, I still think in a year from now it will be Bernier who. Of course everyone is free to remind me how wrong I was in a year.
This is going to work well for the federal Liberals come next year's election.
I dont understand how the cons poll over 28%.
Max is absolutely right, the Cons have nothing of any substance to offer Canadians. Rather than play politics they could try making a splash in the entertainment industry. A television game show such as "Scheer Jeopardy" with a punishment theme and a side order of infomercials would be sure to draw the viewers. With so much scripting talent and media backing it would be an instant success and unlike the political party there would be no toxic hangover for the next generation to deal with. The contestants could compete for an ever increasing supply of baloney sandwiches associated with jeopardy themes such as carbon tax the economic destroyer or tar the miracle fuel everyone but Trudeau wants. Perhaps the punishment theme could start off by declaring the looser a tourist and revoke the citizenship of their first born. Both their website and convention resolutions are treasure troves that should keep the baloney and nasty ideas flowing for a long time.
Hi Jackie...It says something about the Scheer Cons that a ghastly little zealot Keean Bexte could have so much influence. But what struck me was another photo of him and other members of a Con club at the University of Calgary, where at least four of them were wearing Trump hats and t-shirts. That's the face of the Cons, more Trumpling than Canadian...
hi anon@2:58 PM...although I share your desire for stricter controls on guns, you need to get your facts right. The Harper regime destroyed the long gun registry, not a handgun registry. And both the NDP and the Liberals voted against that.
Hi e.a.f...I don't think anybody can predict how successful Bernier will be. In a different time he would almost certainly have gone nowhere, and that might still happen. But there are nasty racist currents swirling around out there, and if Bernier can harness them who knows what might happen. I doubt he will become our libertarian fuhrer, but nobody should underestimate the damage he might cause. Still, the good news is that whatever happens, the Cons will be his main victims...
Hi Steve...the Cons have a rabid base of about 30 % who will follow any Con leader to hell and back. So all they need to do is collect another ten percent by using one wedge issue after the other and they are in position to form a government. But only because the left in this country is divided. For years I have argued that we need to unite, and it's like beating my head against a wall. But I don't care, I intend to continue...
hi RT...when historians look back at the Scheer Cons I'm sure they will conclude that they weren't much more than an ugly game show. Ever since Harper created the party in his own image, the Cons are far more interested in destroying things than they are in building anything. But I like your idea a lot, except for plying the Cons with baloney sandwiches. They are far too good to be wasted on them... ;)
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