I had been wondering where Jason Kenney had been hiding. But suddenly there he was on TV.
Having apparently traded in his job as Defence Minister, to pose as a Finance Minister.
With a new and flexible definition of the word recession.
"Most economists define a recession as a widespread downturn in the economy," Kenney told host Rosemary Barton on CBC News Network's Power & Politics on Sunday.
I'm suggesting a recession is typically defined as a widespread downturn, not a discrete sectoral downturn," he said.
Still claiming that other sectors of the economy are growing.
Kenney added that despite the hit on the oil and gas industry, other sectors of the economy continue to grow and that he remains confident the economy will end the year with positive growth.
Even though the oil downturn is not discrete.
It's a disaster.
And his claims that other sectors are growing is just a figment of his tortured imagination.

But then why should we be surprised?
When Kenney was the one who flooded the country with temporary foreign workers.
Only to claim that he was the only one who could fix the problem he had created...

And have have incompetence turn to farce.
But of course what I want to know is, if Kenney is the new Finance Minister, what happened to Joe Oliver?

Because he's still missing in action.
And what's going to happen to Michelle Rempel who has also been seen on TV filling in for Olly, and also posing as a Finance Minister...

Because that could be ugly eh?
But of course not as ugly as the moment Kenney realizes that Stephen Harper's economic policies have led the Cons and the country into another recession.
And destroyed any faint hopes he had of becoming Prime Minister...

Or for that matter not as ugly as the sight of the Con campaign bus going nowhere...

With everybody on board slowly going CRAZY.
While Stephen Harper wanders around a nearby Tim Hortons, as he did today, asking employees to tell him what to do, but just don't let him handle the cash.
(un-mute the video at the top left to hear the precious exchange)
And when you hear it, I think we can all agree. Stephen Harper is no Great Economist Leader, Jason Kenney is no Finance Minister, and neither is Michelle Rempel.
And we will not be safe, and our economy will not be secure.
Until the day we fire them ALL...
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Answer to your question: Joe Oliver is crammed into Stephen Harper with Herr Leader, weeping about their failed economy.
As long as the economy grows by about 2% every year, for infinity, everything will be fine. I guess.
Stevie can't even manage his RCMP security budget as its reportedly 20 plus million over budget since he came to power.. Anyway his wife Laureen is again campaigning by his side to appease the Con base and although somewhat more subdued its still difficult to keep their affection for each other from disrupting the campaign.
LOVE YA! Been following this blog for some time now. I truly admire your Photo Shop skills as well!! Any chance you can put together something along the lines of "You've FAILED CANADA, HARPER You are DONE" with some flags or people marching in the streets or something like that? Maybe disgusting oil sands photos? Give it your best shot. Need an 8" by 11" that I can photocopy and slap on every mail box and vehicle I pass by on the the street in my neighborhood. THANKS BUDDY!
Since when did 'Canada's Chubbiest Army Cadet' become 'Canada's Chubbiest Finance Minister'? The 'Stephen Harper Comedy Tour' just keeps on rolliing.
Where have you gone, Joey Oliver
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson.
Oily Joe has left and gone away,
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Waiting for the 'Harperman Twist'...
This is where the Harperman blames the drop in world oil prices for Canada's recession, while at the same time blaming the filthy socialist hordes for Alberta's lousy finances.
The surrogates are lined up and primed...
"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war".
Maybe Joe isn't well........
I love the picture of missing Joe Oliver on the milk carton. Reading your blog Simon is a combination of laughter, because of the pictures you create and critical thinking because of what you write. I visit your blog daily.
Here's a surrogate dog making a mess now... CAPP crap.
"The royalty review should focus on how to re-establish Alberta as a province that is competitive with other jurisdictions. The more competitive we are, the more we can protect and grow jobs, investment and government revenues in Alberta.
The royalty structure is an important part of Alberta’s competitiveness."
Joe Oliver was appointed Finance minister because of his connections to Bay St., not because he knew anything about working a national budget.
They are using Kenny because he looks a tad more jovial and younger. Ditto for Rempel.
The Cons will continue to deny there is a recession. No changing that tune at this late date, unless they can get Steve to come off the mountain. A smarter thing would be to agree the country is in a recession and build from there, but unfortunately they have Steve's ego to deal with. He is an economist. If he isn't that, what is he? He may no longer be P.M. shortly, so for his own sanity, I'd suggest he wants to hang onto the thought he is an economist.
The only thing getting better in this country are the price of houses in Greater Toronto and Vancouver. They're being purchased by foreigners. Who else can afford them? Its such a great way to launder money.
Once the oil patch jobs go, so will spin off jobs all over the country. In B.C. there were thousands working in Alberta, same for other provinces. The oil industry is most likely laying off out of province workers first. That will effect the other provinces first also. Those who live in Alberta will keep their jobs. In return they won't have their royalties raised. the very fact that Notley did not raise the royalties in Alberta is a clear indication, there is a problem.
During the 9 yrs Steve and his Cons tried to turn Canada into a Petro state, manufacturing and other industries were neglected. Even agriculture. Now there is little to make money on. For a nation to grow it needs to produce something. We only produce debt, criminals in government, unemployment, and nice places for Communist Chinese to buy homes. Not a winning strategy.
When it comes to oil, don't forget Iran is coming back into the market. Why would they buy Canadian tar when other oil is less expensive?
'Joe Where?' Absent Oliver prompts NDP jibes
Video: Where is Joe Oliver?
The Power Panel discusses the NDP's claim that the Finance Minister has been missing in action
hi anon...you mean he's hiding INSIDE Harper. OMG what a horrible thought. But then as the leader of the Franklin expedition he would be attracted to cannibalism... ')
hi Hugh....as you know our capitalist system demands perpetual growth or it will collapse on itself. So there are no limits to growth and no limits to Harper's incompetence...
hi RT....Stevie can't manage anything, except his crew of private bodyguards and PMO muzzlers. And yes, the whole Harper family is on the campaign trail. They have grown to love 24 Sussex so much they want to live there forever. We'll probably have to call the police to evict them. And of course it couldn't be more desperate or pathetic,.,,,
hi ejane...thanks for your kind words. But as for your order I will try to put something like that together that people can use as a poster. But I have to warn you that I have no talent AND I'm lazy, So don't hold your breath. ;) There re so many things I want to do and so little time to do them...
hi anon....I know it's a scary thought. The only consolation is that it takes him away from his other job as Defence Minister. So there is less of a chance he can start the Third World War. The fact that the Cons are using him and Rempel to replace Oliver tells me they're desperate and we're all in big trouble....;)
hi anon...I starting to get worried about Olly. I hope he's not being held prisoner by the PMO, or wandering around in a bathrobe at that men-only club, wondering where his surplus went, and whether he's still the Finance Minister. Because it's pretty obvious he isn't....
hi anon 6:29....yes his criticism of the NDP in Alberta was a low blow, considering that him and his Con friends are responsible for the mess it's in. But you know Stevie, the truth is what he says it is, and there are no limits to how low he will stoop....
hi anon.7:24 ... I think I once read that Alberta makes more money from its lotteries than it does from its puny royalties. And anyone who dares suggest that Big Oil should pay more is immediately branded as a traitor or a communist. It really is pathetic...
hi Kathleen...I wondered about that, but apparently he has been spotted knocking on doors in his riding where he is apparently in a very close race with the Liberals candidate. So yes thee are no excuses and he is missing in action...
hi Pamela...thank you I'm glad you liked that graphic. I felt I just had to do something to find Olly, and I couldn't afford to rent a truck and drive around with his picture on it. ;) As for my blog I admit it is a little bizarre to combine crude cartoon with critical commentary. But I want to explain politics to those who don't follow it, especially the young. As well as trying to cheer up progressives during these dark times. I think that's my main mission and the one I most enjoy, because laughter can be the best medicine. And sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words...
hi e.a.f....yes Joe was chosen because he is a good ol' Bay Street boy. But I think the Cons are just trying to put a fresh face on their fraudulent economic program, and have realized that Oliver really isn't up to the job. He can't memorize his lines properly. And yes the Con regime's economic record couldn't have been less imaginative or more disastrous....
can you image the media outrage if the NDP finance critic spoke for the NDP defence critic, but Harper has a goverment of best sound bite presenters and crickets
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