Pity poor Andrew Scheer. The Con media has stopped attacking Justin Trudeau for a moment, so they can go after the NDP's Jagmeet Singh.
Which is bad for the Cons, because they want the NDP strong enough to split the progressive vote.
But it doesn't really matter.
The shrilly little scribblers managed to make such an absurd fuss over Trudeau's visit to India.
They have given Scheer and his Cons, their biggest boost ever.

Such a big boost in fact, that an Angus Reid poll suggests that if an election was held tomorrow, they might even win a majority.
The passage of time appears to have done nothing to soothe Canadian voters irritated with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau since his highly criticized passage to India last month.
The latest polling analysis from the Angus Reid Institute shows that if an election were held tomorrow, the CPC – led by Andrew Scheer, would be in range to form a majority government.
It remains to be seen the poll reflects a trend or is merely a hiccup, on the still long road to the next election.
But who can be surprised when the Con media went after Trudeau like a pack of silly nerds?

Ridiculing him and his family, and repeating over and over again that he was embarrassing us in the eyes of the world.
While giving Scheer's Great Tour of London a pass, or even a pat on the back.

When it was at best a farce, at worst fraudulent...

For there was no deal, except for the one already being negotiated by the Canadian and British governments.
But instead of being laughed off the stage, or the sidewalk, and hiding his head in shame.
Scheer is actually bragging about it in his latest propaganda video:
Last week I visited the U.K. and met with PM @theresa_may and British officials to lay the groundwork for a free trade deal when Conservatives form government. We'll keep working on these relationships to promote free trade with our partners to create jobs and grow the economy. pic.twitter.com/YwXiU2WkWY— Andrew Scheer (@AndrewScheer) March 18, 2018
Can you believe that? What a nerve. What a Con artist.
And since the embarrass Trudeau number worked so well in India, Scheer and his Rebel Mini Me Hamish Marshall are trying to recreate it...

Using another absurd non scandal cooked up by the Con media:

To try to embarrass him again, with another new and very lame propaganda video...
Even though who cares what the correspondent of an obscure Belgian newspaper has to say about ANYTHING?
And even though the Con media stooge who had promoted this non-scandal so enthusiastically, eventually revealed it was all hot air venting out of his rear orifice.

But then that's our Con media, and this is the video the religious fanatic Andrew Scheer REALLY wants you to see.
.@CPC_HQ has a motion before Parliament that calls on Justin Trudeau to repeal his values test. On March 19, Liberal MPs can stand up and vote to protect our charter rights, our freedoms of belief and conscience. If they fail to stand up and be counted, never let them forget it. pic.twitter.com/mzwzwDqU81— Andrew Scheer (@AndrewScheer) March 15, 2018
Which is also outrageous, for as Michael Coren recently pointed out, the whole manufactured controversy is nothing but a sham.
The premise is that Ottawa’s reform of the summer jobs program discriminates against Christians.
In fact, it’s a reaction to the revelation that sizable amounts of public money were being given to militant anti-abortion groups across Canada, some of which describe women’s choice as murder, compare abortion to the Holocaust, and put leaflets with bloody, graphic pictures on them through people’s doors.
Where Scheer claims he's been persecuted, when in fact he's the one who would persecute women, by having the taxpayers employ young people to put up disgusting posters like these...

Or pay for groups that would discriminate against LGBT Canadians.
Opponents of the government have singled out the abortion issue, but many, if not most, of these same groups would not hire someone who was in a same-sex relationship.
In other words, young LGBTQ2 people — those most at risk of persecution, suicide attempts, and depression — will be told by those complaining of the unfairness of the new policy, that they are not acceptable as employees, and this policy often extends to straight people living together outside of marriage.
But love to claim that they are the ones that are being oppressed.

And Scheer is the leader or Messiah of those dangerous religious fanatics and other scummy Cons, to whom Canadians would give a MAJORITY?
I don't think so eh?
I'm proud to see that the new and most progressive generation in Canadian history is still standing with Justin Trudeau.
Millennials, many of whom turned out to the ballot box for the first time in 2015 principally because of Justin Trudeau, have not changed their minds about the leader – a majority (55%) still approve of him.
And since they are now the biggest voting bloc, they will lead the others to victory in the next election.
Scheer, and his religious fanatics, misogynists, and bigots will not win.
And once again as it was before.
Whether you are religious or not, or young or old, or whatever.
If you love this country, from this day on, and until the Cons are destroyed.
This is our sacred duty...

Another on-line survey. They have tended to be very unreliable.
The poll is just a short term reaction to the brainwashing from the asinine media and It won't last. When Canadians find out more about Scheer's hidden agenda, his polls will fall like a stone.
I'm having a hard time feeling much sympathy for JT now that the Cons are polling in majority territory. If only JT had kept his promise that 2015 would be the last federal election under first past the post, the pollsters would have a lot harder time making such bold predictions for Con success.
Trudeau has made two bad decisions that have turned away a lot of middle ground Canadians. He backed down on his pledge about no more first past the post and he supports more pipelines no matter what. Scheer is an idiot , bur Trudeau needs to smarten up and follow the policies that got him elected or he will elect that idiot.
The con propaganda machine has been allowed to run rampant on social media for nearly a year. This in turn has spilled over into the cash starved MSM as they see the propaganda sites reporting millions of monthly views. It certainly has the potential to destroy democracy simply reducing it to who has the smartest AI software able to reach and personally influence each member the target population with their propaganda. The good news is that European democracies are starting to fight back and that North Americans are slowly starting to become aware of the extent of the problem thanks to Canadian whistle blower Chris Wylie. The bad news is that its a fine line between over and under reacting and over reaction could put a crimp on valid free speech which would also destroy democracy. Just a little slower than the Trumpian (and wannabee) fast trackers. Although rather long the attached link is a good overview https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/mar/17/data-war-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-faceook-nix-bannon-trump
Don't pay attention to that fake poll. We have dirt on Scheer and when we release it he will have to resign. ACA (Anti Conservative Alliance)
Polls are so overrated and this one putting Scheer in majority territory is laughable. Given it's an online survey makes it even more questionable.
However, seeing how Schmear likes to play imaginary PM, now is the perfect time for JT to keep a low profile and let IPM Scheer show us the Con artist he truly is. How about Harper's old standby of having town halls with hand picked attendants. Or a news conference where the media is fenced off way in the distance. He could show us how he'd throw someone under the bus. Or have a prorogue party, get drunk and go piss on the steps of the supreme court.
Ah yes, the Supreme Court of Canada. We owe them a great debt of gratitude Simon for how they shot down Despot Harper time and time again against his affronts to democracy. Whatever happens in 2019, we can rest assured that the SCOC will continue to protect Canadians from the Cons and their hateful supporters. That my friend is the best insurance money can buy.
A year? More like the day he got elected. I remember Rebel videos bashing him around X-mas 2015.
Nanos Research has them at Liberals 36, Conservatives 33, NDP 19, Green 7. Nanos seems to be more accurate if any can be considered accurate IMO.
What is going on with our PM? Why are they not fighting back against Scheers outright lies? And seriously how does Atwal get invited to an event and nobody knows how or why? It almost seems like someone in a trusted position is not so trustworthy. In the last month alone being advised to wear certain clothing, taking an ill timed holiday right after a badly perceived holiday, not meeting the King of Belgium, the stupid mistake with the German flag instead of the correct Belgium flag, and the media being right there to take a picture and write a story. Not to mention everything he posts on his FB page is filled with trolls and their vile hateful comments to the point it turns people away from his page or worse has people believing the crap that the trolls post.
Someone has to start reacting because what we're seeing now is fatigue of his supporters as the opposition gains support because no one says lying liar Scheer is stretching the truth and supporters can only take so much hate before they need a break. Some just don't come back. How do we get some stupid memes of Scheer out there on social media and how do we get lists of lies about Scheer out there to even the playing field a little bit.
more fake polls to give the Cons something to talk about. For other than fashion police they have no ideas.
Please don't do it, Canada. Please don't repeat our bigly yuge American mistake. Keep that Scheer Asshole and his Rebel Nazis and tiki torch acolytes like Ford and Kenney away from the halls of power. Cons are pure evil and don't deserve to run so much as a lemonade stand selling hooker pee, let alone a beautiful country like Canada. Please. From an American who loves your country and dreams of escaping there someday, don't do it. No matter what goof-ups he makes -- I didn't agree with Obama or Hillary all the time either -- he will always be better than anything the party of the devil has to offer.
He wanted to avoid a potentially chaotic situation like what ended up happening later in the German election, where an unexpected showing by the Nazis-by-any-other-name AfD threw a monkey wrench for Merkel. With the earthquake that happened south of the border and the ratfucking that Putin is doing all over the world with help from the dirty-money Americans, I can't blame him for not wanting to rock the boat. This is a slow coup in progress by a party that saw success by cheating elsewhere, and now once again refuses to play fair.
Justin doesn't have "fighting dirty" in him. If the unthinkable happens in 2019, it will be through manipulation and trickery by the con artists. I really hope Canadians aren't as gullible to fall for it as far too many of us Yank Wankers were in the States. Damn the damnable Republicons -- many many evil people on all sides!
@anon 5:21 -- Ezra was railing against Justin at Sun TV while he was still an MP. He practically egged on Brazeau to kill him in the boxing ring. So much of this toxicity in Canadian politics can be traced to that deranged whack job who belongs in prison and/or kicked out of the country. The noise machine has only been dialed up to unbearable levels by the fact that he now has his hooks in the mainstream opposition and is chomping at the bit to "knock out" the man he blames personally for all his failings in life. This is a criminal coup in the making, à la Bannon/Breitbart infiltrating the Republicans. The RCMP needs to raid Rebel headquarters and fumigate the CPC before history repeats itself yet again.
@anon 5:37 -- Social media's not enough! Get marching and organizing in "meatspace"! Get thee to the streets!
There is slippage, but at worst it's tied.
Wonder if the Smear Monger stopped in to visit Cambridge Analytica when he was in the UK. Marshall is a small time player compared to the disguised political propaganda boasted about in the following Channel4 YouTube video. Why would the little weasel risk failure by reinventing the wheel when he could turn it over to the pros. Their reach and ability to influence beyond a limited Facebook/Twitter crowd is just so much more than an ex Rebel can muster. https://youtu.be/mpbeOCKZFfQ
hi UU4077...yes you're right, online surveys can be very unreliable. However, as I said in my post, I wouldn't be surprised if it does reflect a backlash to Trudeau's India trip, as caricatured by the Con media. And if that is the case, Scheer's lead will be short-lived...
hi anon@3:45PM...yes, as I told UU4077, I would not be surprised if the poll merely reflected the discomfort of some Canadians with the India trip. They were told by our shabby media that Trudeau had made all of us look bad, which was nonsense, and they are angry about that. If that's the case their anger won't last long...
hi anon@3:46PM... I understand where you are coming from, but electing Scheer will eliminate any chance of electoral reform, and would do so much damage to the country, don't feel sorry for Justin, feel sorry for us all...
hi rumleyfips...it's true that both issues have hurt Trudeau, but I'm not sure any other progressive Prime Minister could have done any differently. The pipeline that still survives, unlike the two he effectively killed with regulation, could involve the national unity of this country, which as PM he is sworn to protect. And as for electoral reform, the NDP must take its share of the blame. They were so eager to get a PR system they sided with the Con demands for a referendum, which I like to remind everyone, would almost certainly have buried any hope of electoral reform for at least a generation. As it is it remains on the shelf and can be brought out and tried again any time in the future...
hi RT....thanks for that link. As per your suggestion, I have been checking out the Con videos on YouTube, and I see clear evidence of an organized campaign, almost certainly organized and funded by a central organization. And progressives are going to have to get their act together, and start hitting back. I'm hoping that polls like this one will shake us out of our complacency and get us to the trenches where we will need to be by the fall at the latest. And as I told you, I'm ready to do my part... ;)
hi anon@5:21PM...yes, the Con video assault has been going on for a while, but Trudeau is much harder to attack than Scheer and his religious fanatics. So when we do get our campaign going it will be more effective, and a lot of fun....
hi Jackie...I would settle for the Canada revenue Agency storming the Rebel, for I'm sure they would find something. The good news though is that the Rebel's ratings have plunged in the last six months. So Levant's nefarious influence on this country is greatly reduced...
Hi anon@4:02...that's good to know. I think I know what you are talking about, and if it is, it will be embarrassing and will deal the Cons a mighty blow. We need to use every tool in our toolbox to weaken the Cons, so we can demolish them in the next election....
hi anon@5:37PM...I agree with you, the Liberals need to do a better job of fighting back, as sadly being nice can be made to look like weakness. Hopefully Trudeau and his advisers can step up their game and start hitting the Cons where it hurts. Scheer is an empty vessel with a sinister agenda, and once he is exposed will shrivel up and disappear...
hi JD... I too find it hard to believe that Scheer and his Con clowns could enjoy enough support to form a majority government. And I am convinced that it will prove to be a mirage. In fact, I think the timing couldn't be more perfect, for it will wake up Canadians who tend to be a complacent bunch, and help get us ready for the battle ahead. And we will win that battle....
Hi Steve...I don't know if they're fake, I just don't think they reflect much more than a passing reality. Scheer and his Cons have yet to come under attack, and when they are I'm pretty sure they will go down like a sack of potatoes...
hi Jackie...don't worry, Canadians are a complacent bunch, and at this time of the year still have that stunned groundhog look on their faces. ;) But as I said above, this poll should concentrate the mind. And after a little sunshine i.e. the Canadian summer, we should be ready to do battle in the fall. Most Canadians know very little about Scheer, and when they end out where he's coming from, he will hit the ground with a sickening thud...
hi anon@10:58PM...I agree, I think this poll is a mirage. It will dissipate rapidly and will have no effect on the eventual result. The NDP numbers will probably subside even further after Jagmeet Singh's problems, which will not help the Cons. And an aggressive attack ad campaign should mow them down nicely...
Hi RT...Andrew Scheer hired Hamish Marshall because of his ability to gather the same kind of information Cambridge Analytica does. He is also known for his ability to create dozens of websites putting out all kinds of messages. So I'm sure he's a CA groupie. We need to watch him and the Cons very closely for there is no telling what they might do to try to steal the next election...
Do you hear that sound? Yes. Cries of desperate ultra-right neocon senators trying to block the Cannabis legalization bill. Well, they couldn't do it. F*** them.
Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye Trump just hired John Bolton. Its like the sci fi novels where the white supremacists depop the world come true.
No posts since March 19th......are you sick?
Canadian Hindus struggling with Sikh activism
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