We already knew that Doug Ford arranged to get anointed in a church to solidify the support of social conservatives.
We knew that he has promised to make it harder for young women to get an abortion, harder for LGBT kids to be safe in our schools, and that the thought of all that young meat had the religious fanatics howling like a pack of hungry wolves,
And we knew that his faithful beasts rewarded him by making the leader, or the Big Boss of the Ontario Trump Party, by casting the decisive votes in his favour
But who knew that they would howl so loudly?

Or claim so much of the credit.
Campaign Life Coalition, Canada’s biggest anti-abortion organization and a source of homophobic conspiracy theories about Ontario schools pushing a so-called “gay agenda,” issued a press release taking credit for Ford’s leadership win.
“CLC recruited more than 9,000 PC memberships in support of Tanya Granic Allen, and we asked supporters to rank Ford #2,” the group’s press release says. “Their votes clearly played a large part in Doug Ford’s winning campaign.”
Who knew that Tanya Granic Allen, who is obsessed with anal sex, would end up being Ford's new best friend?

Data from the final vote results suggests Ford largely owes his victory to second choice votes from last-place finisher Tanya Granic Allen, a single-issue candidate who runs an organization that distributes literature claiming sex-ed encourages behaviour that causes AIDS.
Or that it would be such a conspiracy.
Across Canada, RightNow is quietly working to elect anti-abortion candidates into key positions by stacking local nomination meetings and selling memberships for leadership votes, notably helping elect Andrew Scheer as Conservative leader and PC MPP Samuel Oosterhoff, at the time a teenager, to the Ontario legislature.
For while this is not a surprise...

The grotesque homophobic bigot Charles McVety pumping his poison into Ford's willing ear or orifice.
And then celebrating obscenely.

This is a theocon conspiracy...

Or at the very least is not a coincidence.
Three Cons elected with the support of the religious right, and who share the same political agenda which is more Trump-like than Canadian.
Those who think it can't happen here, should think again.
But at least now we have another mighty weapon to use against Doug Ford in the upcoming election campaign.
The main weapon should be this one:

The total inability of that Con clown to explain where he intends to find $4 billion to fill the gaping hole in the PC platform caused by the scrapping of the carbon tax, without triggering a Canada-wide recession.
But after that, this should also be used to destroy him...

Doug Ford, a brutal misogynist, bully, and bigot.
In hock to religious fanatics.
And too dangerous to be Premier...
The theocons scare me.
McVety: "May God heal Ontario as Premier June 7th." WTF?! Is God now running for Premier? Seems a bit a step-down from almighty. But whatevah...
An unfortunate example of how easily a ranked ballot voting system can be gamed. Simply run a far right nut case with Dougie as second choice so he can attack the center by blathering on about government elites,corruption and waste knowing full well he will accumulate all of the nut bar votes in the second round.
Its also ironic that Ontario already has a carbon tax in the form of cap and trade. The economy has not tanked as per the Dougie Con hysteria. Brown's plan was to swap the cap and trade (tax) for a carbon tax in order to finance some social programs. Likely a better use of the money depending on whether the cap and trade agreement already in effect with Quebec and California was a revenue generator or a liability.
We need to start dealing with subversive bloggers like yourself the way Iran deals with their dissidents.
How convenient that an obscure religious zealot (whom I had never heard of and who's chances of winning were zero) suddenly appears to run for the pc leadership and in turn helps King Bong win it. Looks like Father Doug will have to reward Sister Tanya with a plum posting if God almighty guides them to victory Godamn it. As for "Who knew that Tanya Granic Allen, who is obsessed with anal sex, would end up being Ford's new best friend?". I guess she's just attracted to arseholes Simon.
Ford's plan to scuttle the sex-ed curriculum and have us return to the pre-millenium is just plain wrong. Having grown up in the sixties, I witnessed first hand the consequences of children learning about sex on their own rather than through the school system. We had no idea of what was right or wrong and I'll tell you that wrong was not the exception, it was the rule.
Had we been educated as to what was right and what was wrong, I have no doubt that it would have saved countless lives from the abuses that still haunt them to this day. They would have known it was wrong and they would have been empowered to put a stop to it. God wasn't able to stop it then, and he surely wont be able to stop it now.
Anyone who thinks that Doug Ford is fit to run anything let alone a province is frankly delusional, and that explains why these fake Jesus jumpers support him. No real Christians would go anywhere near that loser.
Anonymous8:34 AM beat me to it. Curses
May God heal Ontario as Premier June 7th
If this quote is accurate either McVety thinks Ford is God or he expects God to run the June 7th election?
I am confused, though probably less so that McVety.
As an aside, I heard a bit of Ford on CBC radio and he really does sound like Trump.
If Ford gets elected we may start remembering the Golden Era of Mike Harris with nostalgia.
Smells like Trump spirit. The sellout hypocrites that their own prophet would castigate are endorsing a man with a history of trafficking in vice to be their "moral majority" candidate. I guess Dimebag Doug gets a mulligan for being a dope fiend just like Trump gets one for screwing porn stars. Or whatever the equivalent of a "mulligan" is in hockey versus golf.
Speaking of Haterade on parade, did you happen to catch Jason Kenney's pathetic attempt at transphobic "comedy" at the convention, Simon? Blah blah hurr durr gender neutral peoplekind Justin haz teh ghey, eh. Try the veal, it's the art of the squeal. It's all fun and games until somebody cuts off their snout to spite their ugly face.
These bigots are disgusting and they don't represent the Canada I love from afar, any more than the Greasy, Oily Pigs party represents the America I had hoped we were trying to be. Jesus wept.
If Dougie Doughboy ends up becoming premier ("God" forbid), there's a good chance you folks up north can look forward to another planned visit by our own Secretary of Amway Education, Betsy DeVos -- this time to celebrate the triumph of "God's kingdom" over the wickedness of secularism and facts. She cancelled a trip of her own to Ontario last year, to lecture actual teachers about including naughty smoochy stuff in the curriculum that's backed by evil satanic science. The teachers planned a walkout in protest, and Betsy Wetsy got scared off. But it's liberals who can't take criticism outside their "safe space"?
You guys need to start building a wall against America so you can put the Teletubby from Toronto in a trebuchet and hurl him over it. Hopefully he lands on Cruella DeVos like Dorothy's house on top of the witch, and her feet fold up right under him. These Bible humpers won't rest until the ghost of Duplessis inhabiting an animatronic Reagan haunts every corner of the Canadian (and American) governments.
The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.
More like we need to start dealing with death-threatening bigots like you like Germany dealt with their Nazis. Fuck off, troll. Go wank to whatever anal sex porn Tanya Allen did her "research" on, or find some prototype Fatty Arbuckle Fordbot to go sit on your face.
One day technology will allow people like you to be doxxed. Until then keep hiding behind your mommy's apron, li'l internet keyboard warrior.
mr perfect
Yes but it was votes from Caroline that did it for Ford. What does Muldoon think he is going to get, another brown envelope full of Cash.
The other salient point is how readily the fundie religious far right readily embraces people such as Trump and the Fords who indulge in behaviour that is utterly against their supposed moral code. And I don't believe hasch was the stongest drug Dougie pushed, with all the heroin and cocaine pushers in their entourage.
How can you tell when McVety is lying?
His lips move.
McVety is a pompous, self-righteous windbag. A man who was kicked out of U of T, obtained two degrees from his father's non-accredited bible school, and a correspondence PhD from a California college with no campus. A man that was kicked off his TV show for lying and refusing to abide by the station's code of conduct.
And we are going to trust our sex ed curriculum to a man who bought is daughter a boob job for her 16th birthday.
Progressives in Canada have become weak.
Stopping this Christian Right swarm of Canadian politics, is going to require a lot of anger from progressives. Trudeau won't help you, he is not one of you, he is a Davos Country Club type.
Get angry or get walked on. Provoke the Bible Thumpers and they will snap, every time.... make sure the camera is turned on first.
Hi Steve....so you should be. They are evil and dangerous, and just like in Trump's America they are spreading their tentacles all over Canada. Andrew Scheer is only in politics to promote his Godzilla, and Doug Ford is already their prisoner. The future of this country truly hangs in the balance...
Hi anon 8:34 AM... The bloated bigot McVety is one of the most grotesque scumbags in this country, and like most religious fanatics exists in a reality of his own. I remember when he used to go around bragging that he "had Harper's ear and could get through to him quicker than a cabinet minister." And the fact he thinks that Ford could do his Godzilla's work, tells you how deluded and disgusting he is....
Hi jrkrideau...I interpreted McVety's statement to mean that Doug Meat Head Ford is Ontario's Messiah, which is scary enough. But if he means that God is going to steal the election like Pierre Poutine did, we're going to need an exorcist to save us. And yes, I just listened to a recording of that Trump interview, and he does sound a lot like Trump, just dumber. Anyone who supports that political thug is as much of a moron as he is...
Hi RT.... It's not just the system they used that made their leadership race a farce. There were all those "missing voters" and all the people who didn't get their PIN numbers, and the fact that only about 30 % of their supporters even bothered to vote. As for the carbon tax, never mind the moral question, it's a $4 billion problem for Trump, and it should be what buries him...
Hi anon@11:42...and who is "we" I wonder, you and your mother? Look, I know you can't be too bright, but look up "theocracy." That's the kind of government they have in Iran, and it's the kind of government we would have here if we elected Cons like Ford or Scheer. So thanks for proving my point. And BTW do you know what the Iranians do to crack smokers like you? If I were you, or your mother, I wouldn't look that one up...😎
Hi JD....what I find interesting is that Tanya Granic Allen a no name religious fanatic could plunk down $125,000 for a leadership race she must have known she could only dream of winning. But could gather up the SoCon votes, and use them to become a kingmaker. Some group with deep pockets was behind her candidacy, and you can be sure that it's now pulling Ford's strings. When I wrote that we are facing a shadowy conspiracy, I wasn't kidding. Canadians better get smart in a hurry, or they will wake up in a country they don't recognize....
Hi JD....what I find interesting is that Tanya Granic Allen a no name religious fanatic could plunk down $125,000 for a leadership race she must have known she could only dream of winning. But could gather up the SoCon votes, and use them to become a kingmaker. Some group with deep pockets was behind her candidacy, and you can be sure that it's now pulling Ford's strings.
Worth saying twice. We have been played by the right. It like a blackjack table with team play.
Hi Jackie....if Doug Ford becomes Premier of Ontario I will seriously consider leaving Canada for a while, until the new generation is running the country. For while I can see how Scheer might fool Canadians, I can't imagine how anybody with an IQ higher than a plant could be fooled by Ford. This country would be the laughing stock of the entire world, and a banana republic if ever there was one...
Hi anon@1:30 PM...the religious right has disgraced itself in the U.S. by backing the pervert Trump, and it's in the process of disgracing itself here, by supporting Doug Ford. The funny thing is that although I'm an atheist I'm more Christian than they are. But of course that's their problem not mine...
I disagree Simon in a way. Doug sounds like Trump but not that cognitively impaired. Dumber perhaps but I think that there are signs of real cognitive impairment that may indicate early stages of dementia in Trump. Notice the sentence lengths, reduced vocabulary, repetitions of slogans rather than coherent sentences.
Doug is coherent even if nasty and probably not a Nobel candidate.
Hi jrkrideau...although I didn't live in Ontario I doubt many people can look back fondly at the bestial era of Mike Harris. But it's not surprising that Harris has been out there calling for party unity, and convincing Elliott to give up her challenge. It takes one beast to recognize another...l
Are you asking me to donate to the Ford campaign, to some amorphous anti-Ford campaign or trying to finance a holiday on a beach in Cuba?
Hi Jackie....yes I read what Kenney had to say at the PC convention, and it was all I could do to write a quick post and dump all over him. That repressed closet queen has a nerve attacking people for their sexual orientation. It's horrible what's happening in the U.S. And Canada, but at least Justin Trudeau is our prime minister, and the Cons are heading for what should be their final defeat....
Hi rumleyfips....I didn't know that Mulroney was the one who finished off Elliott. I guess we can blame her campaign manager Hamish Marshall for that one. Mulroney who should know better, should be ashamed of herself...
Hi Lagatta....as I said above, the religious right has disgraced itself by supporting Trump and Ford. Their Christianity is a joke, and nothing those hate mongers say can be ever be taken seriously again...
Hi William...thank you for reminding me about McVety's appalling record. I've written quite a few posts about him, and my contempt for him couldn't be greater. He reminds me of the fraudulent evangelist Jonathan Winters plays in the movie The Loved One. And I do hope the CRA audits him one day because I wouldn't trust him as far as I can spit...
Has anyone noted that McVety's site hasn't been
working since last Saturday. It looks like it's
crashed. Try it and see: http://www.canadiantimes.ca/ct2/
David Toronto
Hi anon@4:36 PM...I don't disagree with you, progressives are far too complacent, and I also wish that Justin Trudeau would take off the gloves more often instead of being such a nice guy. But I find his decency inspiring, so I think it will be up to other MPs and ourselves to let the Cons have it. Judging from an interview I heard today Ford flies off the handle really easily, so we should get many chances to test you theory...
Hello Simon, and thanks for blogging...
I was wondering if you had heard Doug on the CBC radio...the host asked him pointed questions and he evaded and equivocated with each one.
Asked what he disliked about the Sex Ed curriculum, he evaded and said it's up to parents.
Asked how he's make up for the Carbon Tax shortfall, he misled and said he talked to yobs and they said they could find 3-4%.
Asked X, he answered Y. He is fully in the hold of CLC, which is scary enough. He never offered facts, data or a platform. Wonder why?
Ontarians must never, ever let him have a majority, because he would make Mike Harris look like a boy scout, and that is very, very scary indeed....
I tried finding out who she supported as well with no luck. If this is the case then it was over before the ballots were even counted. Ahh...Con democracy in all its ugly glory.
Looks like Carolyin' daughter of Lyin' Brian has some explaining to do.
Hi Pierre...I have heard that interview, and I was both stunned and disgusted. The man is an ape, and could easily turn into a raving fascist. But don't worry, I might be Montreal Simon but I'm living in Toronto, and I will fight that monster as hard as I can. We all must...
beach? No leadnow is legit
Please don't insult our simian cousins!
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