As we all know, Andrew Scheer has been trying to keep the fake India story alive long after it rolled over and died.
And recently even disrupted our parliament with an absurd and incredibly costly filibuster...

Claiming that the Liberals are engaged in some kind of sinister cover-up.
When the only thing sinister about about any of this is Scheer's willingness to make a mockery out of our democracy for crass political purposes.
But now Schmear is going to get a taste of his own medicine

Because this a real scandal.
Businessman Raj Bhela has been photographed frequently with Andrew Scheer, and on social media has described the Conservative leader as his “best friend.” In an interview with an Indo-Canadian newspaper in late 2016, Scheer said he was “excited that Raj has taken a leadership role in my campaign.”
However, court records show that last year TD Bank accused Bhela and his business associates of being part of a fraudulent $500,000 cheque “kiting” scheme, a civil case which resulted in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiffs. Bhela and his associates have also been named in multiple civil suits involving mortgage defaults in the millions.
And Scheer has got a lot of explaining to do.
For it's no good trying to make Bhela sound like a small time volunteer, when he was clearly much more than that.
Following Scheer’s victory, the Link reported that Bhela had been given an expanded role as an advisor to the Conservative Party campaign manager on the South Asian community and published an image of his new business card, featuring the Conservative Party’s logo and contact information that included the address of the party’s Ottawa headquarters.
“I’m excited to be part of (the) Conservative Party team and will continue the good work that got Andrew Scheer elected as our leader and now we must put him in the Prime Minister’s chair,” he said at the time.
Not when he calls himself Scheer's "best friend."

Not when Bhela claims he played such a big role in making Scheer leader.
"It was a big effort from our team from across Canada but I was involved with gearing up effort in our community from BC to Alberta to Ontario and I can say that Indo-Canadians played a big role in Andrew's win because no one had expected him to win," Bhela told the LINK in an interview this week upon his return from Toronto.
And not when Scheer clearly feels he owes Bhela big time...

“I’m excited that Raj has taken a leadership role in my campaign,” Scheer, former Speaker of the House under the Conservative government, said about the well known Indo-Canadian political mover-shaker Bhela when he appointed him as his coordinator for the South Asian community in BC last fall. “I look forward to working with him to deepen my connection to BC’s vibrant and important South Asian community.”
And all I can say is that this is much bigger than the Atwal case. And we're going to have to follow the money wherever it leads us.
And yes, it is ironic, or divine justice.
For months Scheer has turned everything into a scandal.
And now it's his turn...

Just like Harper's, Scheers BFF's will either be A. Under suspicion, B. In court, or C. In jail. They're Cons squared, Conservatives, Convicts, basically interchangeable when apropos.
The Libs better rub his nose in this in QP, big time, over and over again.
have to get the msm on side other wise it will be swept away
“What is Justin Trudeau trying to cover-up?”
I notice nobody proofreads the con ads because they're aimed at people who can't read. "Cover up," as a verb, is two words. A "cover-up," with a hyphen, is a noun. The schoolteacher gets the syntax of his missives right. The... what exactly did Andy do before becoming Loudspeaker of the House? Paper delivery boy for Your Ward News or something? Anyway, obviously he does not. He's too busy attacking "hyphenated Canadians" to care that his own Schmear ad is grammatically incorrect.
“I look forward to working with him to deepen my connection to BC’s vibrant and important South Asian community.”
Yeah, sure Andy, after you and the cons made a racist circus of Parliament calling Sikh traditional clothing a "costume," alienated 500,000 Sikh Canadians by linking them to terrorism, and hired the nerd chipmunk to run disgusting Internet troll attack ads in ridings represented by South Asian MPs. But enriching the bottom line somehow makes it all good?
I hope he goes down in flames for this and so does the party. Haul his ass before the ethics commissioner. It's up to the media to hound him and for the public to put pressure on them to do so. Call and write your MPs and PM Trudeau.
Perhaps while they're at it, the Liberals could demand that Marshall be investigated and called to testify before a committee, and that Elections Canada be notified of the kind of fraudulent Analytica-style "digital robocall" activities that Hambone has been running 24/7 from Ezra's basement. What is Andrew Scheer trying to "cover-up," eh? Besides his and/or his team's abysmal literacy level. Inquiring minds want to know.
how the worm turns. however this is the first I have heard of this story. no mention of this in the star, globe or post. However there is a nice story about a former Tory MP.
"The Libs better rub his nose in this in QP, big time, over and over again."
Or his snout, same difference. I guess you really can judge a man by the company he keeps. Bad enough he's rolling around with Ezra's/Hitler's dogs after having muddied himself in Harper's pigpen for years, but now he's waking up covered in financially corrupt fleas.
Once again, as I'm on the wrong side of the orange curtain I can't do anything, so I have to reiterate: Call or write your MPs and Trudeau -- and keep the pressure on the media to do their fucking job for once. I don't care if you have to call BuzzFeed. This rat bastard needs to be held publicly accountable after all the shit he and his fellow con artists have flung at Trudeau, his cabinet members and even his family over absolutely nothing.
Justin Trudeau is a good man. Is he perfect? No. But he's a decent human being and a genuinely professional leader who wants the best for his country and cares about people. Andrew Scheer is a corrupt, self-serving con just like all the rest of them, especially his former boss, and it's about time the scrutiny got turned on him.
Hey, if Sarkozy can do a perp walk in France and he was a former president, then a two-bit con like Scheer shouldn't be above reproach either.
Our shit media has already covered this up.
The Cons remind me of the Clampetts and their genius nephew Jethro Bodine with his grade 6 edumacation. They both got to where they are because of oil and they're both inherently stupid.
I wonder if the average Con can spell litigation, deliberation and incarceration. If not, let's hope they learn first hand.
All political parties can fall victim to scammers pretending to be something they are not. Social media has a array of various alleged Liberal transgressions covering a broad spectrum of issues. The Cons on the other hand are very focused on monetary corruption. Their motto is if you have deep pockets or know people with deep pockets we can make a deal. We see this in the company they keep; Carson,Khan,and Bhela are the more recent examples. We see this in the type of big corporations they support, their zeal for privatization, pay for play foreign policy. Peace keeping in a poor country like Mali, not interested but dropping bombs on behalf of the Saudis or Netti, yep if you have the money we have the time!
OMG that is funny. Thank you for the laugh! Looks good on Scheer. Didn't hear or read anything about it here in B.C. so perhaps the MSM isn't that interested in putting this information out. Oh, well there are all the bloggers who will oblige and get the infro. out. thanks nice public service you offer there Simon! Have a great Easter.
Hmmm bringing a convicted terrorist on an official government trip or a dude who defaulted on a mortgage...
No one cares about your nothing burger.
hi JD...I do hope that the Liberals can use these revelations to negate the damage done by the Con media's disgraceful coverage of the India trip. And I'm encouraged to see that the Liberals are showing signs of fighting back, at last. But you can be sure that the Con media will do them no favours, so it will be up to us ordinary folk to help get the message out...
Hi Jackie...that's good advice, there are things ordinary people can do to compensate for the bias of the Con media. I am concerned that progressives have become a bit complacent since the Trudeau Liberals were elected and it seemed we were on the right road at last. But as just the briefest glance at the world around us should make clear, the right-wing extremists have declared war against us, and we need to fight back as hard as we can...
hi anon@12:35 PM...we do need to get the MSM on side. And while that may be difficult there is something to celebrate in that regard. Never have progressives attacked them as hard as they are doing now, and that will only get worse unless those Con stooges act in a more balanced manner...
hi Jackie...the Con's digital campaign is being supervised by Stephen Taylor, the co-founder of the Blogging Tories, and an alt-right stooge if ever there was one. They pour out so much garbage there is no quality control, and they often look like idiots. Remember Scheer's free hate speech poster, with the stirring slogan "I BELEIVE in free speech? And there are many other examples. The Liberals are finally starting to fight back, and not a moment too soon...
hi JD...it's funny, but I was just thinking of the Clampett's the other day. Expect some action in that regard... ;)
Hi Steve...I am not surprised you hadn't heard of this story, as it has to my knowledge not been picked up by any other media outlets. But then who can be surprised. One of the reasons that Scheer is doing better than he should, is because the media has been so obsessed with Trudeau that it has all but ignored Schmeagol's sordid past and many flaws. It will be up to progressives to harness the power of social media, just like we did in the last election, if the situation is to change. And I am still confident that can be done...
hi anon@2:57 PM...They are indeed trying to cover the story up, but it's up to us to make sure they don't succeed. Social media will be an even greater force in the next election campaign, and we are more and better than them...
hi RT...the Cons are very good at narrowing their message down, and then reinforcing it over and over again. In these distracted times, with more information than we can handle buzzing all around us, it's the only was for those messages to get through. And if we are to succeed in countering that offensive, we must do the same thing. It must be a stark choice if the message is going to resonate. And Progressives are going to have to unite behind those messages to amplify them, instead of spending so much time fighting themselves....
Hi e.a.f...I'm glad you liked the post, trying to be funny in a time like this one isn't easy ;) But yes, I'm afraid the Con media is covering up that a story, and if you haven't heard about it in B.C., you can be sure others in the rest of Canada haven't heard about it either. So it will be up to us once again to get the message out....
hi anon@8:37 AM... "A dude who defaulted on his mortgage?" Right. How about a shady dealer who helped Scheer become leader and is now his "best friend?" I like that version better, and these are still early days...
Hi Simon
You are right about narrowing the message. Ingraham struck a land mine when she tried to make the Parkland massacre about personalities by attacking David Hogg. His response that it was about guns and not him was right on target especially when followed up by advertising boycotts. The youth have not been corrupted and still see issues as issues and not all the hot button biases most of us have accumulated over time. Watched a video of Shapiro trying to soft peddle it back to personalities but I failed to wish the ahole luck. Still have to work on my bias. The youth have the power and the alts can't find a wedge unlike in the 60's where the hippie look became the wedge to help scuttle the peace movement.
What did Andrew Scheer do before he was Speaker of the House? Is a Justin Trudeau supporter really asking that question. I'll tell you what he wasnt. He wasnt a substitute drama teacher who nobody was willing to hire on a full-time basis. I'm no defender of Andrew Scheer, far from it, but that has to be the stupidest question any Liberal supporter could possibly ask.
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